

Education Podcasts

KK4Z is about about gathering around the coffee pot on a cold winter's day for a few minutes to chat before returning back to the chores of the day. This podcast is about amateur radio or as some would say ham radio. Topics include the different modes used, hints and kinks, field operations, and operating from home. This is an aural presentation much like the medium of radio. Welcome, and enjoy.


United States


KK4Z is about about gathering around the coffee pot on a cold winter's day for a few minutes to chat before returning back to the chores of the day. This podcast is about amateur radio or as some would say ham radio. Topics include the different modes used, hints and kinks, field operations, and operating from home. This is an aural presentation much like the medium of radio. Welcome, and enjoy.







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Covid Part 2

In between waves. Think what went wrong last time and fix it. Weather and other preps.


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Word or Art and more. Be careful what you say and do.


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Preparedness Emergency Comms

What happens when the audio and visual lights go suddenly out? See what we did.


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Are you Ready

Are you ready for the upcoming chaos?


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Episode 17 Homsteading Guns and Modifiactions

I brief discussion about guns and modifications to them for the homestead. They are an important tool and need to be used safely. Know how to use a firearm is an important homesteading skill.


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Homesteading -- Updates and Flee Bags

In this episode I am updating the things going on around the homestead as well as some new things. I also take a look at homesteading vs. prepping; my take on the difference. Finally, a quick look at a Flee (not flea) bag.


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Episode 15 -- Homesteading Realities and Priorities

Today I am discussing how realities and priorities can change once you move on to your slice of heaven. Things change when you go from dreaming to living the dream. That's not to say that it's bad; you have to learn how to adjust. We have made many changes to our plan as we went along, but the important thing is to have fun. Check out my YouTube channel Canteen Cup.


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Episode 14 -- Homesteading -- I'm Back and Stuff

I haven't posted a podcast lately mainly because over the past month I have moved to a new location. This included a couple of weeks without internet. In this podcast I talk about my new setup as well as how training trumps gear. We need to quit buying so much stuff and learn to use what we have. Myself included.


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Episode 13 Homesteading -- Communication

When moving out to a homestead, having a means to communicate with neighbors or loved ones can be important. As a part of homestead planning, being able to communicate when things go sideways could be a matter of live and death. In this episode we take a look at preparing a homestead communications plan using the acronym PACE developed by the Army. Communications plans need not be complex, just enough to get the job done.


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Episode 12 -- My PTSD - Depression

Last in the PTSD series talking about depression. I discuss how PTSD effects me and things I do to help me make it through the day.


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Episode 11 - My PTSD Part 3 -- Anxiety

Another episode on my journey through life living with PTSD. In this episode I discuss Anxiety. While living with PTSD may slow you down, it does not have to take you out. Recognize you have it, get some, and learn to cope.


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My PTSD Part 2 -- Sleeplessness

Another podcast about how I deal with PTSD. Today's episode talks about sleeplessness. One of my ongoing problems and how I have learned to deal with it.


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My PTSD and how I live with it

First in a series of PTSD, having it and living with it. To quote the Grateful Dead: "What a long, strange trip its been." It's not going away, so I have to learn to deal with it. How I deal with it determines the quality and quantity of my life. I am better, and I continue to get better.


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Episode 8 Guerilla Currency -- Bitcoin

A discussion about my venture into the world of Bitcoin and why I decided to try it. Bitcoin may not be ready for mainstream finance, but it does offer several advantages as an alternate currency. For those that are prepper minded, this may become the currency of choice when the world comes to an end.


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Episode 7 Homeopathic Medicine - The Sweet Gum tree

In this episode we will take a look at some of the homeopathic cures provided by the Sweet Gum tree. Many who are familiar with the tree consider a nuisance or a weed. Hopefully, this podcast will shed some light on the goodness contained within this nuisance.


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Episode 5 --I'm a prepper, he's a prepper

The prepper community is a diverse group of people. In this podcast we will look at a few different types of preppers. The community has changed over the years. If you are new to prepping, you may have to look around a little bit to see where you fit in.


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Episode 6 - Guerilla Podcasting

Podcasting is a very portable way to exchange information. As we see voices silenced in many different areas, we need to have a plan to continue on. Guerilla podcasting is a look into podcasting as a means to continue to get the message out. Everyone who is creating content should have a plan and a backup plan to continue.


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Episode 4 -- Preppers and Community

In today's world the need for community has never been stronger. Here is a brief look at communities from a prepper perspective.


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Episode 3 Homesteading -- Land

One of the first things people think about when homesteading is land. This is a look into acquiring and considerations about land. these are some of the things I have discovered in my pursuit to get back to the land.


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Canteen Cup Episode 2

Brief introduction to Canteen Cup, why it is here, and a preview of some of the future content.
