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Confident Money

Education Podcasts

Your money doesn't have to stress you out! You can live life confidently and successfully when it comes to your money. Join Financial Coach, Connor Tripp as each episode touches on a topic regarding personal finances and includes various questions from listeners. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to send your questions to: Be sure to check out our website and subscribe to our email list to get updates, news and information regarding the podcast at:


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Your money doesn't have to stress you out! You can live life confidently and successfully when it comes to your money. Join Financial Coach, Connor Tripp as each episode touches on a topic regarding personal finances and includes various questions from listeners. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to send your questions to: Be sure to check out our website and subscribe to our email list to get updates, news and information regarding the podcast at:



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Ep. 42 - A Reminder That You Need A Budget

Episode 42 is a reminder that you need a budget. Don't let this episode scare you... budgets are a GREAT thing and can be a huge source of your success. Join Connor as he discusses the benefits of a budget, and why you should put one in place, today! Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to:


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Ep. 41 - The #1 Rule When Getting Out Of Debt

Episode 41 is all about the #1 rule when getting out of debt. It may seem simple, but it is incredibly important. Often times we try to over complicate things and really we just need to simplify it. Join Connor as he discussed this #1 rule. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to:


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Ep. 40 - 5 Savings Tips In 5 Minutes

Episode 40 is 5 savings tips in five minutes! Listen to this 5-minute episode to get the tips you need to make it through your savings journey. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to:


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Ep. 39 - 5 Debt Repayment Tips In 5 Minutes

Episode 39 is 5 debt repayment tips in five minutes! Listen to this 5-minute episode to get the tips you need to make it through your debt-free journey. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to:


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Ep. 38 - Reasons To Pause Your Debt Payoff

Episode 38 is all about reason to pause your debt payoff! The two main goals of this episode are to inform you of good reasons to pause your debt payoff and to let you know that it is OKAY if you have to pause your progress for a bit. You can also check out the show notes for this episode at Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to:


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Ep. 37 - Interview With The Wedding Hacker

Episode 37 is an interview with The Wedding Hacker, Heather Fier! Heather is an expert in wedding planning, especially on a budget. She knows the ins and outs of the industry because of years of experience. Heather has a ton of insight for you in the episode as she and Connor discuss multiple topics on planning a wedding. Even if you're married, this episode can give you good insight to help your friends that are not yet married! You can also check out the show notes for this episode at...


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Ep. 36 - 5 Budgeting Tips In 5 Minutes

Episode 36 is 5 budgeting tips in 5 minutes! You may have heard some of these tips before, but a refresher is always a good thing. Listen and you'll be motivated to get budgeting, or simply keep budgeting! You can also check out the show notes for this episode at Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to:


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Ep. 35 Life Update And Pausing The Debt Snowball

Episode 35 is a life update on Connor and his latest big move. It was a big enough move that it required pausing the debt snowball he and his wife have been working on. He discusses the idea that for certain circumstances, it is more than okay to pause your debt snowball. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to: Be sure to check out our website at:


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Ep. 34 - Christmas In June!

Episode 34 is all about Christmas in June! What?! Isn't it a little early to be talking about Christmas? Connor makes the point that it may not be too early at all, but a good reminder that it is 7 months away. Start planning and preparing to make this holiday season the best one yet by listening to this episode. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to: Be sure to check out our website...


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Ep. 33 - Back To The Basics Of Budgeting

Episode 33 is all about going back to the basics of budgeting. Whether you have been budgeting a while, or never budgeted before, the basics are always important. If you are needing a refresher, or simply want to learn about the budgeting basics, this is the episode for you. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to: Be sure to check out our website at:


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Ep. 32 - Debt Consolidation, Good Or Bad?

Episode 32 is all about debt consolidation. Is it good or bad? Should you look into it? Connor discusses what it is, and how there may be a better way to go about your situation. It may even save you money... but fair warning, it will take action and focus on your part! Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to: Be sure to check out our website at:


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Ep. 31 - Should You Rent Or Buy A House?

Episode 31 is all about the question of whether you should buy or rent. Connor discusses how maybe we are asking the wrong question, and instead, we should ask, are we READY to buy a house? Join this conversation of discussing what ready means, and how renting may not necessarily be a bad idea. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to: Be sure to check out our website at:...


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Ep. 30 - Business And Money With God & Gigs

Episode 30 is another great conversation with Allen and CriStyle from the God and Gigs Show. A lot of topics were covered, but some of the main things were keeping your business and personal finances separate, starting up and setting limits, as well as knowing your worth as an entrepreneur. You can connect with God and Gigs on their show through Apple Podcasts, Android, Google Podcasts as well as Spotify and Stitcher. You can also connect with them through their website, or on...


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Ep. 29 - What To Do With Your Money When You Don't Know What To Do

Episode 29 is all about what to do with your money when you aren't sure what to do. This can happen to anyone because of the emotional attachment we have to our situations and often, money. However, there are some simple, practical tips for moving forward, even when you aren't sure how to do so. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to: Be sure to check out our website and subscribe to...


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Ep. 28 - Investing 101

Episode 28 is all about Investing 101. Connor often gets asked questions about what a stock is, what mutual funds are, and how to go about investing for the future. This episode addresses each of those items to help you better understand what each of them are. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to: Be sure to check out our website and subscribe to our email list to get updates, news...


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Ep. 27 What Is A Financial Coach, Anyway?

Episode 27 is all about what a Financial Coach is. Connor is a Financial Coach and helps others with their personal finances to gain the confidence and knowledge they need to succeed with their money. A lot of times, people get coaching and advising mixed up, this episode is to discuss this and bring clarity. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to: Be sure to check out our website and...


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Ep. 26 Listener Questions(Credit Cards)

Episode 25 is all about some questions submitted by a listener of the Confident Money Podcast. They all have to do with credit cards and how to go about managing them. Listen in to get some insight on which credit card to pay off first, how to afford a minimum payment, and if you should close some cards or not. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to: Be sure to check out our website and...


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Ep. 25 - Should I Invest While I'm In Debt?

Episode 25 is all about investing while in debt. Many wonder about this specific question, and Connor shares his perspective on it in this episode. Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to: Be sure to check out our website and subscribe to our email list to get updates, news and information regarding the podcast at:


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Ep. 24 - Why You Need To Make A List Of Your Debts

Episode 24 is all about why you need to make a list of your debts. Doing this will help you move forward with confidence in your finances to continue on your debt free journey. If you have never made a list of your debts, this episode is for you. If you are serious about paying off your debts, but aren't sure where to start, this is the episode for you as well! Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to:...


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Ep. 23 - The Importance of an Emergency Fund & How to Build One Quick

Episode 23 is all about the importance of an emergency fund and how to build one quick. Did you know that most Americans cannot cover an emergency of more than $400? If that is true, then let's discuss how important it is to have an emergency fund, and even better, let's talk about how we can build one up, fast! Thank you in advance for subscribing, reviewing and sharing! Remember to connect with Connor and/or send questions to: Be sure to check out our website...
