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Course Creation Made Easy with Rashmi

Education Podcasts

Ever wish you knew all the tips and tricks with a clear checklist to follow to create your flagship digital course? That’s exactly what you’ll get when you tune into Course Creation Made Easy Podcast with your host, 9 to 5er turned Solopreneur, Rashmi. Whether you have an idea or not, you feel handicapped about tech, or you doubt your expertise and capabilities, I will share all my mistakes along my way to multiple courses so you need not repeat them. I like to keep it simple! So, expect actionable step-by-step processes specially designed to get you results with a lot less stress. Enjoy :)


United States


Ever wish you knew all the tips and tricks with a clear checklist to follow to create your flagship digital course? That’s exactly what you’ll get when you tune into Course Creation Made Easy Podcast with your host, 9 to 5er turned Solopreneur, Rashmi. Whether you have an idea or not, you feel handicapped about tech, or you doubt your expertise and capabilities, I will share all my mistakes along my way to multiple courses so you need not repeat them. I like to keep it simple! So, expect actionable step-by-step processes specially designed to get you results with a lot less stress. Enjoy :)



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54 - Go pivot or Go home

All businesses start with an idea. It might be a good one or a bad one. In most cases, there are circumstances that bring tweaks in the original idea to sustain the business, grow the business or survive in the market. What do Starbucks, Twitter and Nintendo all have in common? Well, They're all companies that pivoted their initial focus into something new, eventually becoming industry giants. Starbucks started out selling espresso machines, Twitter was a platform for finding podcasts, and...


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53 - Tips to make your content evergreen

Content marketing is all about delivering the right content to the right person at the right time. But zeroing in on the exact moment a specific person needs a particular content piece isn’t easy. Including evergreen content, in any form, be it blogs, podcasts, videos, infographics or any other form of content, as part of your marketing strategy helps. Think of your evergreen pieces as the canned goods in your content arsenal. Someone has said it so rightly, that ... A well-stocked content...


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52 - Why my paid ads failed in my business

Search ads, social media ads, display ads, billboards, flyers — paid ads amplify your reach, help you improve your product, and boost sales. Except when they don’t. Yup. It can be traumatizing when paid ads fail. After all that time, effort, and expense, your ads simply cost you more money than you make from them. When that happens, it’s not time to quit. It’s simply time to step back and ask yourself: what made my paid ad fail? In this episode, I will share the top reasons why my paid...


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51 - An inevitable dilemma : Being an artist & a business person at the same time

Artists and businessmen. Some say that doing business is an art. There are a lot of similarities between businessmen and artists.. Some say that being an artist and running a business are completely two different things. Some also say that these are two opposite things. I run a digital course creation business and I'm also an artist. I have always found myself in a trap where decision making becomes specifically very difficult. Both sides of my mind are running in two different directions....


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50 - The best way to learn something is to teach it

If you are a writer, coach, teacher, team leader at your workspace or a parent, I think you already intuitively know what I'm going to tell you. Teaching others is the best way to learn. Now, what you probably don't know is why. There are lots and lots of studies that have been done over the last few decades in this learning sciences which tell us two things. One is the power of teaching on learning is real. Its called the protege effect. And the second thing is we now have a much better...


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49 - Finding Productivity in Laziness and Procrastination

Bill Gates once said, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” So laziness is not that bad huh.. Whether you’re a student or a professional in the workplace, there’s always a way to procrastinate and waste time, and that to-do list you were so sure you’d finish by the end of the day, just goes out the window. With barely anything checked off of it, you go home at the end of the day with a feeling of self doubt and annoyance knowing...


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48 - You Might Want To Consider This Before You Quit Your Job

There is no shortage of people talking on their YouTube channels. On their podcast shows. Promoting and evangelizing this concept of quitting jobs and following their dreams and pursuing passion, and making easy money, whether it is through real estate, youtubing drop shipping or selling digital products. well.. I'm also one of them. These can all be amazing ways to create freedom in your life. Even though there are some “winner-take-all” effects in these businesses, the odds are actually...


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47 - Why Entrepreneurship Is Better Than Reading Any Self Help Or Personal Growth Book

One of the sharks in Shark Tank series is Lori Greiner, and she once said “Entrepreneurs are the only people who will work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week,” While this may be tongue-in-cheek, it is true that entrepreneurs have built a reputation for breaking out of the mold and working hard to live a certain kind of life and be a better person. I truly believe that joining the ranks of entrepreneurs is the only true path to actually getting what you most desire in life and...


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46 - How Passive Is Passive Income

What could be better than making money without having to do any work? When you read headlines that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos currently earns over $230,000 per second, it's only natural to start wondering how you too can earn money when you're not working. Even if you don't generate as much passive income as Bezos, an additional source of revenue could allow you to leave the daily grind of the 9-to-5 workday so you could pursue entrepreneurial dreams or travel the world. But, generating...
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45 - 7 Must-Listen Podcasts For Course Creators

Podcasts have been at our fingertips for the last decade. People listen to them while cooking, working out, driving, or cleaning the house and try not to miss out on the episodes of their favorite ones. Just in the US , 144 million people have at some point listened to a podcast which is almost half of the country’s population. Now can you imagine how many people are listening to podcasts all over the world?I took a long time to realize the importance of podcasts. I only wish I had started...
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44 - Best Courses For Retirees

Retirement life can be challenging. Especially for someone who is always on the go and is used to jam-packed schedules and busy days. The biggest problem retirees face is the dreaded disease of boredom. It can eat your spirit away and can even get you depressed. But as a retiree, you have the one resource that youngsters don’t have, in plenty. and that is Time. It is how you choose to utilize all that free time that defines who you are. And what better way than to learn new skills like...


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43 - I Wish I Knew This In My 20s

Let’s be real: being in your 20s is hard, fun and exciting at the same time. Its time to get a real job, earn money, you’re juggling friendships with people just as confused as you are, you dont know if the career you have chosen is the right choice, and on top of all of that, you’re trying to figure out who you are on your own and what you really want. I made plenty of mistakes in my 20s — it’s a tough, but insanely rewarding decade — and looking back, there are so many things I wish I had...
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42 - Difference between content and course

There IS a difference between creating a great course, and just putting content online. Sure, you can put some videos and pdfs online, you can even drip feed them over a period, but that doesn’t make it a great course. So what makes your course stand out from not being just some bunch of content pieces put together? Content is associated with information, and course enables the information to create learning to meet a specific outcome. Content could be some tips, tricks, secrets or some...
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41. How Your Online Business Can Be Your Retirement Plan

How do you picture your retirement? Do you picture yourself digging your feet into the warm sand while holding a glass of wine sitting next to your life partner listening to your favorite music? or envisioning more free time to pursue that dream project you’ve always put off? Thinking of retirement makes many cringe. Afterall, dedicate the entire life to a profession and suddenly on a day, its over.. Whatever retirement experience you have in mind, there’s no right or wrong way to do it....
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40 - My Top 5 Mistakes As A Course Creator

After creating many digital training programs and serving tens of thousands of students across the world, I can say that i have made all different kinds of mistakes, tried and tested countless ideas, fell on my face multiple time and also found it extremely difficult and depressing to get up and gather the courage to make more mistakes.. After all, fail fast fail often is the mantra we all have heard from the successful people. So long as you are failing, you know you are trying and doing...
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39 - Why Your Business Needs A Website

I understand the reasons why you might resist building a website for your business: “I’m not tech savvy”, “they’re too expensive”, “I don’t have the time”, or the infamous “I have enough business and I don’t need one”. The reality is, you don’t need to be tech savvy, getting a professional website for your business can be cheap and easy, and to make it even simpler for you – not having a website is costing you time and money. You know what... across the world, more than 75% people read...
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38 - The Best Course Hosting Platform For Your Digital Course Business

If you are creating a course, then you are in business As the CEO of your business, you have 2 key roles... allocation of money and allocation of resources. when you are creating an online business, getting best tools onboard at best price to increase productivity and efficiency in the processes becomes a top priority. as a digital course creator, you can create a course with any budget .. absolutely from ZERO to limitless. If you try to create a course using free tools, then you will...
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37 - Why I Chose Zenler As My Course Hosting Platform

If you are holding back from creating course because you are worried about all the tech involved in it, and the no of apps and tools you will have to learn and work with, then consider your problem as solved. Whether it is selling courses, building your audience, setting up marketing funnels for your freebie, creating landing pages, getting paid for your courses or growing your email list, there is one tool that can do it all. Imagine that the tech overhead is gone from your course...
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36 - My Lessons From The Corporate World

I quit my job in 2019 and I walked away from my corporate life and all of its perks : the consistent paychecks, a clear path and the feeling of power. Today all my formal wear are sitting in closet gathering dust like an old artifact. But what I took along with me are the lessons that I learnt over the 8 years at job. I try to apply these in my business and the way I deal with challenges. I can't say I am cracking it but I am learning and taking thoughtful measures. There are things that I...
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35 - 20 Ideas For Your Side Hustle

There are millions of ways to make money - especially extra money side hustling. If you have the drive and the passion to earn money, you CAN do it. But sometimes we struggle to figure out what to do that will actually earn us anything. We simply hit a mental wall and our money-making ideas remain out of reach. So, instead of staying roadblocked, I am going to share 20 ideas of starting a side hustle, earning your way out of debt, or using extra money to invest, have fun or just put it back...