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Daily Mom Grinds -Balanced and Joyful Living for Working Mothers

Education Podcasts

Daily Mom Grinds -Balanced and Joyful Living for Working Mothers Looking for a podcast that addresses the unique challenges of working mothers? Look no further than ”Daily Mom Grinds.” Our show offers insights and advice from other working mothers on how to balance work, family, and parenting. This includes everything from child safety to work-life balance, mindset, faith, and even divorce/separation. Our ultimate goal is to build a supportive community that empowers working mothers to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. We want to encourage all working mothers to keep striving for success, and to never forget how amazing they truly are. Remember, you’ve got this – we’re here to stand with you every step of the way.


United States


Daily Mom Grinds -Balanced and Joyful Living for Working Mothers Looking for a podcast that addresses the unique challenges of working mothers? Look no further than ”Daily Mom Grinds.” Our show offers insights and advice from other working mothers on how to balance work, family, and parenting. This includes everything from child safety to work-life balance, mindset, faith, and even divorce/separation. Our ultimate goal is to build a supportive community that empowers working mothers to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. We want to encourage all working mothers to keep striving for success, and to never forget how amazing they truly are. Remember, you’ve got this – we’re here to stand with you every step of the way.





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7 Benefits of Self Care & Why it’s so important right now

Today's episode is on the importance and benefits of Self Care. As I am editing, researching, and adding my references; I'm seeing heart wrenching stories that leave me feeling out of sorts. It almost feels like daily there is yet another unfortunate occurrence. The following 3 stories stick out to me: Shanquella Robinson's Death in Cabo, Father Believes Attack Was a Set Up Killer who stabbed 4 University of Idaho students still at large Father of ex-UVA football player accused of shooting 3 students speaks out I believe that right now, we should hug and love our family/loved ones. Life is so precious and it's a blessing to awaken and see each day. Some people won't get the opportunity. The question I think many of us should ask ourselves is how do we feel right now? If the answer is anything less than pretty good than maybe the next question should be what can I do to feel better? I believe that remembering to practice self-care like taking a walk, remembering to pray or even something as simple as getting plenty rest when we feel weary or anxious can go a long way in helping us to feel ok. These small self-care suggestions can be a start to feeling better. I believe that when we feel better, we are better able to manage our lives. I hope this show encourages you to check in with yourself regularly. I believe one of the best gifts we can all give ourselves this holiday season and beyond is the gift of self care. May we all take the time we need to be ok. What are your thoughts on self-care? I pray you have a peaceful and loving holiday.... Here is the link the article referenced in today's show: https://www.everydayhealth.com/self-care/#types-of-self-care If you like the show.. please share You can also follow us on Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/ThisMomgrindsdaily


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10 Secrets to Becoming A Happy Working Mom - :)

10 Secrets to Becoming a "Happy Working Mom" Hello Daily Mom Grinds Friends & Fam: I hope everyone has made it through yet another blindly fast week. This show is probably one of my better lists of tips for the working mother. In this show, I share more personal stories of my own experiences on becoming a Happy Working Mom. 10 Secrets to Becoming a Happy Working Mom! Wouldn't it be lovely if we all could ditch work to spend time doing as we wish? Truthfully, we know and understand that most mothers work because it's a mandatory element in helping to support our families. If we take a look at the rising cost of raising children, most families require two parents to work and stay afloat in today's world. I feel it's easier to be honest on the reasons why moms work. Becoming a working mom may not be a fun thought, but if we make peace with having to work at least for now, the peace alone could be the start of a brighter career and work life. As we look at the many challenges of life, working mothers realize that as we move throughout our own journeys in motherhood, we realize that our lives are constantly changing. We also understand that what is today may not be our story tomorrow. We also recognize that we have the power to change our stories as working mothers. So, if we have the power to change our lives our next stories may be what dreams are made of. Maybe where some of us are with the work idea right now is only to prepare us for an even bigger/brighter future. (smile) Becoming a working mother does not have to be the story of pain or drudgery. It can be the start of a brighter future for us and our families. 10 Secrets to Becoming a Happy Working Mom! 1. Remember to celebrate your daily successes. Give yourself a kudo for achieving your daily goals. It takes a lot for the working mom to get up every day and manage everything we do and care for our children. I believe it's super important to allow yourself some joy (self pats on the back) for doing the job daily. 2. Do you enjoy your career or your 9 to 5? If you love what you do then Wonderful! If not, then it's time to look at your career and find out what it will take for your work to become more comfortable for you. Sometimes a change in hours may be just what's needed to bring a smile to your face. Spend time reviewing your work and your true feelings about it. Often, we spend a nice chunk of our day at work, so finding peace in this area will get you going in feeling better about your journey and goals as a working mom. 3. Do you have a dream, passion or hobby that you'd like to pursue? Is there anything specific that you feel could boost your joy? Maybe shifting your focus from your 9 to 5 to a favorite hobby would bring you happiness and create a new direction for you to consider with your career? For some moms something like returning to school, completing a short story that has been sitting incomplete on a desk or knitting baby booties could boost one's inner joy and confidence. 4. I try not to start my day without prayer/meditation. Letting go of anger, frustrations, and the quest to be a supermom can all be done during prayer time. Sometimes all that we do can truly become a heavy burden to carry. Can I simply raise my hand to say "Amen". When we spend time in prayer, we can let every worry and care of the day go. We can give our concerns to God and release the burden. Have you tried prayer/meditation? 5. Don't forget to ask for assistance when you need it? Rest should be mandatory for every working mother. Often in our busy hectic lives it's what we get the least. Remember not to feel bad when it's time to ask for help. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when we try to manage everything on our own. We can work more efficiently when we have properly rested; it’s so important to remember to rest when you feel weary. 6. There is beauty in learning the power of acceptance. So maybe you are not crazy about working and raising a family, there is no rule that says you...


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7 Simple & Effective Time Management Tips -For Working Moms

Hello Daily Mom Grinds Family, I hope you are all well. This show is for those busy working Moms who feel like their days and nights run together. This show is for the working mom juggling career, kiddos, side hustle and everything in between. Having experienced this myself over the last couple of months, I share my tips that help to keep me organized. I can tell you that even when I follow all my steps, I just have days when I may miss something. Generally, it's an indication of my need to rest. I hope the 7 Simple Time Management Tips -For Working Moms is helpful for you. Let us know if you'd like to get a copy personally by visiting dailymomgrinds.net and visiting the Contact Us page. Please like, share and follow us for more tips to assist the busy working mom. 7 Simple & Effective Time Management Tips -For Working Moms Alicia Rachell~


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A Wedding... New Home... & New Baby - God’s Timing (Single Moms)

Hello everyone, I hope you are well. This show is a special one, because I get to share the beautiful story of a dear sister friends recent blessing. She just shared her testimony of marriage, closed on her home and is expecting next month. We no longer live near one another (1 hour or so away). We would do the playdates but after her move we stayed in touch by talk/text. I had started reaching out to her and was unable to reach her at first. I found that she was unpacking in her new home as she apologized for being out of touch. I wanted to share her story to shed a beautiful light on Single Mothers finding love in life. My dear friend reminds us of how important it is for us to work in God's time frame. God can connect us with a soulmate, dream job etc....? Do you believe? It's truly an amazing testimony. So often we hear of sad dark stories, of Single Motherhood. So, I feel so honored to share the story of my dear friends true blessing from God. It's so fitting to share, as she was one of my first listeners, when I created my first podcast in 2017 called: Joy on the Incline - From Adversity to Greatness. If you enjoy this show, please like and share. Blessing Your Host ~ Alicia Rachell


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Daily Mom Grinds Going LIVE @ 2:15pm CST

Join Us Live DAILY MOM GRINDS CELEBRATES 1000+ DOWNLOADS... Monday September 5th From 2:15pm to 3pm Central Standard Time For Fun Q&A Giveaway Download and follow us on the Podbean App


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7 Powerful Tips to Beat Working Mom Burnout - Start Now!

7 Powerful Tips to Beat Burnout - Start Now! Yes You Can End The Working Mom Burnout What is a Paradigm Shift? Paradigm shift Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webstermerriam-webster.com› dictionary › paradigm shift The meaning of PARADIGM SHIFT is an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced by a new and different way. How to use paradigm shift in a sentence. As defined by Webster. It allows me to feel ok with what is. I can consistently remain in the present. Hello Fam & Friends. I hope you are all well! Busy weeks for the DMG Crew but it makes things more exciting for us. Here are the 7 Ways to Overcome Working Mom Burnout! Faith.. Acceptance Gratitude Being Present.... Remembering Ability Empowerment joy of your children Faith Acceptance Gratitude... Staying Present.... Your Ability Empowerment joy of your children


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PSA-Traffickers & Zip-ties -Please Share

Today's Message is extremely important and in my opinion should be shared with everyone. Please share this message it could save a life. Human trafficking is on the rise. The wicked individuals that kidnap women, men and children by trading bodies illegally is one of the most heinous crimes. Trafficking is an evil activity that is often tough to report due to the nature of the crime, but we must stay aware of the dangers that surround us. Knowing what is going on in the world can help us protect our family and community. Today I received information that I realized would need to get out to everyone immediately. A Daily Mom Grinds Mom received information on human traffickers using zip ties as one of the ways to identify potential victims. Please listen to this episode and share with friends, family and loved ones. Here is a list of the links referenced. YouTube video: https://youtu.be/D4XEzttE2v4 (Channel ClaySoil) Human Trafficking Statistics by State 2022 https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/human-trafficking-statistics-by-state Massive Child Sex Trafficking Raid Leads To Arrests Across SoCal Paige Austin - 08/20/2022 3:40 PM Need to reach us, visit www.dailymomgrinds.net and go to the contact us page. Take Care, Stay Vigilant and keep your family safe! Your Host Alicia Rachell- Daily Mom Grinds Podcast


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Start A Side Hustle Today - Turn Your Passion into Profit (New Series)

Hello Everyone! I hope you all are well. It's been a busy few weeks for our family. School has started back and there has been much to do for us to prepare. I pray your family is ready to jump back into the action of returning to school. Today's show is an exciting new Series Titled " Work from Home Your Way-Turning Your Ideas into Profit By Creating a​ Side Hustle." This new series will touch on various ways we can work on our own terms and bring in profit. Are you looking for ways to bring in extra money? Have you contemplated a side hustle, but not sure which ideas will work, not sure how to put your ideas into motion? In today's show we will look at how to make money utilizing the Posh Mark App and we discuss ways to get started right away selling items online. We have also referenced the article: 25 Best Side Hustles: Our Top Picks to Help You Make More Money by Kathleen Garvin​​ from the site The Penny Hoarder. We pray you enjoy today's show. ​Work From Home Your Way~ Solutions that turn ​your ideas and passions ​into profit! ​Your Work from Home Consultant ​A. Rachell~​ dailymomgrinds.net ​


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A Shot In the Dark -Wake Up To Now!

This is It! Hello All.... Please share these messages things are moving fast and we want to make sure everyone is aware of the threats to our food supply. "We Are Not Slaves": Farmers In Italy, Spain, & Poland Join Dutch Protests | ZeroHedge Nicole Kidman Eats 4-Course Meal of Insects for Vanity Fair Segment Calling Them "Micro-Livestock Canadian government invests $8.5 million in insect production


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Groceries & Gas using Klarna?

Hello All, I hope everyone is well. Today's show is on a news article that talks about people utilizing Microloans like (Klarna) to help with the high prices of food and fuel. What are your thoughts? Would you consider a microloan? If so, why or why not? Daily Mom Grinds would love to get your thoughts on using Klarna for food and gas? Please use the link below to tell us what you think., contact us link Reference articles: Klarna – Login, Track Purchases, Make Payments People Are Now Resorting To Micro-Loans To Afford Groceries & Gas | ZeroHedge Thank you for listening to Daily Mom Grinds. If you enjoy the show, please share to help us grow. Take care, Always Alicia~


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Waking Up - Uncomfortable but Necessary (Encouragement)

Hello All, I hope everyone listening far and wide is well. There is so much going on in the world today. Our world is rapidly changing and it can be tough to keep an eye on it all. Some of us have been given the request to awaken others. Those of us who have been tasked to awaken others can see things that others may not see. We try not to bring doom and gloom, but we try to share so that others are not taken by surprised as the changes come upon us. Those of us who receive prophetic messages, sometimes receive dreams and visions that are extremely powerful and heart wrenching. Please pray for discernment on anything that you don't understand so that you can find peace in your spirit when receiving information. I pray that whatever information you find on our podcast will help to inform and uplift you to stay prepared/aware. Tags: SADS, Farmers Warn, Truckers Warn of Fuel prices, Violence in schools, war in Ukraine, Billions sent to Ukraine, Roe vs Wade, Bible Prophecy, End Times, gun laws, Your Host, Alicia Rachell Daily Mom Grinds Podcast www.dailymomgrinds.net


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What Happens to your child when? (Protecting children when they are away)

Today's show deals with a serious issue that can happen with our children/youth while away visiting friends or family... Please share your comments by visiting Dailymongrinds.net using the contact us page. Link in this article.. Thank you "I Have Slept With Many Of My Cousins!" Kabi Wa Jesus Finally Comes Clean (Video) Hello All, I hope you are doing well. Today's show is really on what happens when our children visit with family and friends outside of the home. In light of the article, I ran into, I thought about how many families have had to deal with these types of issues. These are tough subjects and I believe this is why we must keep a closer watcher on our children. If you have not gotten a chance, please listen to an older show I created called, The Pied Pipers- Agents Amongst Our Youth. To me a Pied Piper is anyone who can expose our children to harm. How do we, as busy parents today, keep our children and youth safe? Is the answer helicopter parenting with balance, communication and love? Whatever we as parents choose to do, I believe it's important to develop a strategy of equipping our children in dealing with issues like what the YouTuber - Kabi Wa Jesus dealt with. "I Have Slept With Many Of My Cousins!" Kabi Wa Jesus Finally Comes Clean (Video) (msn.com) Show Note Link: If you enjoy the show, please drop us a comment at dailymomgrinds.net using the contact us page or visit our podcast website at dailymomgrinds.com. Remember you can listen to our show on most podcast platforms including: Apple Podcast, Google Play, Stitcher and Spotify Love & Hug on your children today! Regards Alicia Rachell


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Signs of Food Shortages - Another Food Plant.....

I hope everyone is well. This show is a part of the Food Shortages/Prep Now Series. We are hoping that everyone is seeing the significance of the many food processing plants closing or burning down. The issues with shipping cargo unable to get food into docks, loss of livestock as just some of the many issues plaguing the Food Supply here in the US. Many of us see that the future of our food supply is not so bright. What can we do? We can let everyone know to try to grab a few extras to stash away for food emergencies, to not wait to the last minute. Please share the episodes with friends, family and anyone you think can use this information. Upcoming show topics: Prepping with no way to get what you need? ..What to do when the power goes out? Here are the articles for today's show: Another Food Processing Plant Shutters Operations, Adding To Long List Of Closures Readywise 110 Serving Emergency Protein Bucket | Costco


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’Farmers Warn’ - Food Shortages & Higher Prices

Hello, I hope you all are well. Today's show gives you some news on what some farmers are noticing with food supply and prices. If you have not done so please be sure to check out the previous shows! We have two links to share. Fourth-generation farmer: 'Food shortage is coming' (newsnationnow.com) Her Homestead YouTube Channel (Warning From A Farmer) https://youtu.be/PwCI_zbtBgk If you are enjoying the shows please let us know at dailymomgrinds.com our podcast website or at dailymomgrinds.net our official website (contact us page)


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Do It Now - Prepare for Food Shortages on A Tight Budget

Up In Flames Food Processing Plants Destroyed 10,000 Cattle Die in Kansas - Due to A Heat Wave? Alicia Rachell It feels like almost every day I see another sign of the apocalyptic times we are running straight into. Is everyone sleep? Sometimes it feels like nobody believes...or really see's all that is going on around us... This is not the time for us to be laxed... we are quickly running out of time. Did you know there are 96 food processing plants that have been destroyed in the United States from 1/2021- through 6/2022? This is not ok! NOW is the time to get your houses in order with whatever you have. In this show we touch on preparing for food shortages even if you have a fixed income or tight budget. I recommend we all pray, plan and prepare for the coming times of uncertainty. Each day there are several urgent "warnings". Our water supplies, our food shortages, our baby formula, and the list goes on. Please like and share this content with friends/family. Help spread the word that we must prepare now. I have gotten some very helpful information from the following YouTubers: Dan-I Allegedly Economic Ninja Alaska Prepper Thank you all ,for keeping us informed of the crucial worldly events coming . Remember to Pray... Plan.. & Prepare.... Please like and share the content. Resources: Over 10,000 head of cattle have reportedly died in the recent Kansas heat wave. Another US Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames Daily Mom Grinds can be heard on most podcasting platforms Including: Apple Podcast, Google Play & Spotify Alicia Rachell Host Daily Mom Grinds Podcast dailymomgrinds.com


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US Baby Formula Shortages 2022 - Serious Times Ahead We Must Prepare NOW

Hello Everyone, I hope everyone is well. This is serious show about Baby Formula Shortages! I'm going to just include a few article links as I want to prepare for the next important show. If you find our content helpful, please like, comment and share at www.dailymomgrinds.com We are entering into more serious times and it's imperative for everyone to pray, plan and prepare for future uncertainties. You can follow Daily Mom Grinds on most podcast platforms which include Google Play, Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Baby Formula Plant Closing Again Prompts FDA Commissioner Reassurance What You Need to Know About the US Baby Formula Shortage PHOTOS: Mexico’s Shelves are Stocked with Baby Formula amid U.S. Shortage


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Managing Rising Food Costs -Shopping Apps Save Money? Flipp App Rev

Hello All, I hope you are well. This is part 2 of the food shortages series. I share some additional info on the continual food shortages/crisis. I also give my thoughts on the shopping app Flip. Have you utilized the app? Daily Mom Grinds would like to get your feedback on the app. Please share your thoughts and comments of the app at dailymomgrinds.com You can listen to Daily Mom Grinds on most Podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Play. I hope this show inspires you to prepare for the current and coming food shortages. Please share with others.


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Your Next Level Is Now - Is Working From Home Your Next Move?

Hello All, I hope you are well. So many of us are looking for ways to supplement our incomes. With the rising costs of food and fuel, wouldn't it be nice to find a way to get a second income or find a way to get an additional by working from home. Daily Mom Grinds is starting our Work from Home series, we will explore resources and ways to get started on the path to working from home... We will review various avenues including working with companies who offer remote opportunities, taking a passion and turning it into a profit both through products/services. Are you looking to work from home? Would you like to find out how to get started? Daily Mom Grinds is here to help you. A calling, a passion or a comeback.... Let's get you started on your work from home path of freedom today. Visit Grab Your Book Here Grab your free E-Book and stay tuned for more info on working from home. See you on the other side. Your Work From Home Coach Alicia Rachell~


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7 Ways To Save on Groceries - Get More Food With Less Money

7 Ways To Get More Food With Less Money Take advantage of all mailed coupons, store ads and grocery discounts (digital/paper) Look into local Farmer Markets for fresh produce the Buy in bulk and take advantage of grocery clubs like Sam's and Costco. Check out the discounted section in your local grocery stores (some items are discounted if packaging is damaged) Visit your local Dollar Store/Family Dollar & Dollar General Stick to a budget and watch out for impulse shopping. Plan and prepare your food budget in advance and practice sticking to it. Please Like and Share Follow us on the following Social Media Platforms - Instagram @itsthedailymomgrinds Daily Mom Grinds - YouTube website www.dailymomgrinds.net Make a Comeback free ebook on site!


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Even When It Seems Impossible - There’s Hope - Plan A Comeback

Hello Everyone!! I hope everyone is well. I apologize I've been away. I had an issue with my computer, I'm glad I'm able to be back. What is the definition of comeback? Have you ever had to make one in your life? Well I've had to make more than one. They are not always easy but when you restart and rebuild your wisdom makes you that much more valuable for someone who's having hard time and losing hope. If you or someone you know, has lost hope in life, this short little recording may help. I pray this message encourages someone to hold on a little longer. It's always darkest before dawn. There is scripture that states though weeping may endureth for a night joy cometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5. You're not alone Help is available If you are experiencing difficult thoughts call 1-800-273-8255 Emergency Number 911 Click the link to grab your copy of the Free E-book, "15 Helpful Tips To Make A Successful Comeback In Life". If you enjoy the shows, please share.. You Can Now Follow Daily Mom Grinds On YouTube! ----more----YouTube Channel
