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Deluxe Garages - Epoxy Flooring - Austin, TX

Education Podcasts

As heard on the Check A Pro Radio Show, this is the Deluxe Garages Podcast! Deluxe Garages is a concrete flooring contractor in Austin, TX. We match homeowners with top flooring solutions they can trust to complete any epoxy flooring project successfully. We make sure to provide professional, quality, and affordable epoxy concrete solutions for their properties. Give us a call if you live in Austin, TX, or the surrounding areas and search for a new floor plan. Our professional team is available to answer any questions or address any doubts you might have about your floors.


United States


As heard on the Check A Pro Radio Show, this is the Deluxe Garages Podcast! Deluxe Garages is a concrete flooring contractor in Austin, TX. We match homeowners with top flooring solutions they can trust to complete any epoxy flooring project successfully. We make sure to provide professional, quality, and affordable epoxy concrete solutions for their properties. Give us a call if you live in Austin, TX, or the surrounding areas and search for a new floor plan. Our professional team is available to answer any questions or address any doubts you might have about your floors.







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How Soon Can I Use My Garage After The Floor Has Been Coated?

"We want you to get back,into the usage of your garage as soon as possible. So, it is a little bit temperature dependent, but in the summertime, you can go back and walk on your floor within 3 to 4 hours of finishing it." - Spencer Little, Floor Coatings Expert Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck), talks to Spencer Little from Deluxe Garages about your garage floor and asks this question - "How Soon Can I Use My Garage After The Floor Has Been Coated?" Check out this episode and learn more about how Deluxe Garages use superior products and years of experience to bring your garage to life... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292


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How Much Is It Going To Cost For My Concrete Coating?

"We provide an array of payment options to where we can fit into anyone's budget. So we have all the the major credit card options." - Spencer Little, Floor Coatings Expert Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck), talks to Spencer Little from Deluxe Garages about your garage floor and asks this question - "How Much Is It Going To Cost For My Concrete Coating?" Check out this episode and learn more about how Deluxe Garages use superior products and years of experience to bring your garage to life... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292


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How Does Deluxe Garages Complete The Flooring Job So Fast?

"Our teams are equipped with the top of the line, equipment that a lot of contractors just can't afford. Every single one of our teams has an 800 pound Lavina grinder. Whether it's propane or electric that allows us to eat through that concrete and open up the pores of that concrete and the prep much faster." - Spencer Little, Floor Coatings Expert Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck), talks to Spencer Little from Deluxe Garages about your garage floor and asks this question - "How Does Deluxe Garages Complete The Flooring Job So Fast?" Check out this episode and learn more about how Deluxe Garages use superior products and years of experience to bring your garage to life... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292


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What Are The Different Types Of Colors For My Garage Floors?

"So it's a much more durable floor and all of our quartz floors are double broadcast and we have six quartz options again covering from tan bases to, gray bases to, make sure that, we're able to fit into any color scheme throughout any of our series." - Spencer Little, Floor Coatings Expert Check A Pro Joe (Jim Klauck), talks to Spencer Little from Deluxe Garages about your garage floor and asks this question - "What Are The Different Types Of Colors For My Garage Floors?" Check out this episode and learn more about how Deluxe Garages use superior products and years of experience to bring your garage to life... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292


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What Are The Differences In Coating Types - Epoxy, Polyurea, and Polyaspartic?

"They're all part of a polymer family. These are all types of resin flooring. And oftentimes the finishing um can look very similar." - Spencer Little, Floor Coatings Expert Check out this great episode and learn more about how Deluxe Garages use superior products and years of experience to bring your garage to life... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292


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Can Other Floor Surfaces Be Coated Besides My Garage Floors?

What other flooring surfaces can be coated besides garage floors? Our flooring expert, Spencer Little, owner of Deluxe Garages answers this question today on the program. Check out this great episode and learn more about how Deluxe Garages use superior products and years of experience to bring your garage to life... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292


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What Are The Benefits Of Concrete Coatings?

What are the benefits of concrete coatings? Spencer Little, owner of Deluxe Garages answers this question today on the podcast. Check out this great episode and learn more about how Deluxe Garages use superior products and years of experience to bring your garage to life... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292 Podcast Episode Transcription: A lot of us have a lot of concrete on our property. It may be on our front walk, it could be our driveway, it could be in our garage. I brought an expert here on to check a pro radio Spencer Little from Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas to talk about the benefits of concrete coatings. Spencer. How are you? I'm great. How about yourself? I'm fantastic. Thank you so much for coming on the program today. So what are the benefits of a concrete coating? Yeah, I, I think my favorite benefit is the durability and usability of, of a concrete Coating. Um You know, before I had a, a poly of floor in my garage, you know, you go in there and you would walk around and you would come back into the house and, and you know, this is maybe T M I but you know, all that dirt is, is on the bottom of your feet, right? And it's just impossible to kind of get concrete clean. Um You know, you can power wash it and you know, you can sweep it and all that kind of stuff. But because concrete is porous, all that dirt, all that grime, all that dust is just gonna continue to get into the poor of that concrete. And so the favorite thing that I think in, in the best benefit, especially in Texas for a concrete CODIS is that it's non porous. And so what does that mean? Well, that means that dirt, that grime, all that kind of stuff stays on the surface. And because we use such a high quality material and such a high solid material, that stuff is super easy to clean. You can blow it off with a blower, you can power wash it off, you can mop it, you can sweep it and you actually get it cleaned because that's stuff's not deep down into the Porsche, right? Um And so when you're walking around in your garage, barefoot, it feels like an extension of your home, right? You don't come back into your home and your feet are all dirty again, right? It's just another type of flooring. And so I think that's the my favorite benefit of concrete coating. Obviously, there's many others. Um, but just the ability to maintain it and have that extra square footage in that garage and, you know, ultimately keep my feet clean. Uh, you know, I, I think are are huge benefits of, of those coatings. It's not that expensive, everybody and it looks so much better and it feels better too just when you drive in your garage. Uh, and you see your beautiful garage floor Spencer. Thank you so much for joining me today. Thank you.


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Why Install An Epoxy Flooring In Your Garage?

Why install an epoxy floor in your garage? An epoxy coated floor for your garage or other area of your home can improve your lifestyle. Check out this great episode and learn more about how Deluxe Garages use superior products and years of experience to bring your garage to life... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292 Podcast Episode Transcription: Jim Klauck A K A Check A Pro Joe here for Deluxe Garages. You've heard me talk about Deluxe Garages before my friend Spencer Little owns the company and it's all about your garage. Let's start with your garage floor. Are you tired of that? Boring and stained, cracked concrete floor in your garage? Well, you know, it might be time for an upgrade and Deluxe garages has just the thing for you. It's called epoxy flooring. Now, epoxy flooring is a durable and attractive solution that will transform your entire garage space. Now, it's not just uh perfect for garages but warehouses and even inside your home as well. The benefits of epoxy flooring are endless to start off with epoxy flooring is incredibly tough. It can withstand heavy machinery, high foot traffic and even chemical spills, plus it's resistant to damage from impact, scratches and abrasions. And when it comes to maintenance, your epoxy flooring is a breeze. It's very easy to clean, requiring only a quick sweep and a mop to keep it looking great. Now, they've got all kinds of choices with epoxy flooring. You can choose from a number of colors and designs to customize your garage floor, which will give it a unique and professional look. Now, here's something exciting. Epoxy flooring is very affordable and it lasts a long time. It can last for years without the need for repair or replacement, making it an investment that pays off in the long run. So if you're ready to take your garage to the next level, give epoxy flooring a try contact Spencer Little and his team at Deluxe garages, all of his contact information is in the description of this podcast.


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What Are The 5 Top Benefits Of A New Coated Garage Floor?

Check A Pro Joe here! An epoxy coated floor for your garage or other area of your home can really make a big difference. Here are 5 TOP benefits to a coated garage floor in your home. Check out this great episode and learn more about how Deluxe Garages use superior products and years of experience to bring your garage to life... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292 Podcast Episode Transcription: Jim Klauck, AKA Check A Pro Joe here from the check a pro radio show here to talk about my friend Spencer Little's deluxe garages business Deluxe Garages can get your garage floor to look fantastic so a question that came into the radio show recently is what are the benefits of a new garage floor well where do they end so a new garage floor coating can offer a variety of benefits and these include number one durability a garage floor that's coated is durable it's a great solution that can withstand heavy traffic chemical spills oil abrasions it can also prevent the formation of cracks and chips making it a long lasting solution for your garage floor and #2 it makes the maintenance easier on your garage floor that's right easy maintenance a new garage floor that's coated is easy to maintain and clean the garage floor surface is resistant to stains dirt and dust so all you need to do is simply sweep or with a wet cloth mop it to keep it looking like new the third benefit is improved aesthetics it's going to look much better a garage floor that's coated can transform the appearance of your garage with a variety of colors patterns and textures to choose from you can create a custom look that complements your home style and trust me your neighbors will be envious a fourth benefit is increased safety yeah believe it or not there's a safety feature here a garage floor that's coated can improve safety by creating a slip resistant surface this is especially important if you use your garage as a workshop or other activities that require secure footing and the 5th benefit it's going to increase the value of your home that's right higher property value a new garage floor coating can increase the value of your home it's a small investment that can make a big difference in the overall appeal of your property OK everybody so overall a new garage floor coating can offer a cost effective durable and aesthetically pleasing solution that can improve the functionality and value of your home now to get a hold of Spencer little on his team at deluxe garages simply go into the description of this podcast and all of his contact information is there you can also simply go to Deluxe


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Why Choose An Epoxy Floor Covering For My Garage?

Are you tired of the same old garage floor? Do you want something that will 'POP' and bring new life to your garage? Check out this great episode and learn more about how Deluxe Garages use superior products and years of experience to bring your garage to life... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292 Podcast Episode Transcription: Check a pro Joe here for Deluxe garages so do you want to take your garage flooring to the next level are you tired of your garage floors looking dull stained uninviting well it's time to upgrade to epoxy flooring and it's not just epoxy flooring Deluxe Garages offers different types of products to make your garage floor the floor that you are looking for if you have a high traffic area you may want to get an epoxy floor whether it's your garage workshop or even your family room epoxy flooring offers a wide range of benefits that traditional flooring just can't match so one of the biggest advantages of epoxy flooring is that strength and durability it can withstand heavy loads scratching spills and it won't get damaged or stained this means you can park your car your motorcycle your bicycles your tools and even have your children play on the floor without having to worry about any damage but wait there's more because epoxy flooring is also very easy to clean and maintain unlike most traditional flooring that requires frequent sweeping and mopping and possible waxing the epoxy floor can be easily cleaned with a simple mop or damp cloth my friends at deluxe garages offer a wide range of colors and patterns and textures to choose from epoxy flooring can be customized to match any designer style from a sleek and modern look to a rustic and natural feel the possibilities are truly endless So what are you waiting for you should upgrade to an epoxy floor today and enjoy the benefits of a strong durable in stylish flooring solution call Spencer little and his team over at deluxe garages all of their contact information is located in the description of this podcast.


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Can I Just Get This Stuff At The Home Store And Coat My Garage Floor Myself?

Well, the answer is yes and no. Yes, you can purchase the needed materials at the home stores but it's not what we use. We use a polyaspartic topcoat product with more flakes for a better overall product. Check out this great episode and learn more about how Deluxe Garages use superior products and years of experience to bring your garage to life... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292 Transcription: This is the Check A Pro Radio show! Check A Pro Joe has assembled a team of prequalified home service contractors to bring you the latest in services products and techniques now here's your host the man with a hard hat and tool belt Check A Pro Joe! Spencer little is joining me from deluxe garages Spencer how are you I'm great it's great to have you here you know a lot of people think that they can do what you do themselves can someone just go to Home Depot and buy some products and do it themselves you know the answer to that is yes and no and I I think it depends on you know what your budget is and how much time you got on your hands you know what you can't do at Home Depot is you cannot go and get the level of material that deluxe garages offers our clients and you cannot do an install in the one day that we offer but you can do is you can go and get a much lower quality stuff that's actually 50% water is called polyacrylamide and it's gonna take you three days to do it just to do the actual install so ultimately can you go to Home Depot and get some kind of code on your garage floor yes but I think you're end up spending a lot more money than you anticipated a lot of people say I can go to Home Depot and do this for $500 well I went and there's a video that I posted I could send out everything I needed to the car and it was $1200 to two car garage floor whereas in Austin or two-part garage floor for delete garages you'll probably be somewhere around $2000 so it's an $800 difference you're gonna get much more updated material 100% solid material it's actually going to last you're not gonna have to worry about it back peeling up in a year or two of visual difference right the Home Depot kids only come with about 1010 pounds of plastic total so you're not gonna be able to place the entire floor whereas deluxe garages puts down 50 pounds of flake per 400 square feet of flooring and then that top coat we used 90% solid polyaspartic top coat that's going to give it the shine that's going to keep it from having hot tire pick up and make this more super easy and durable to clean and Home Depot just does not have that stuff so answer set is really it depends and how much time do you have and you know what level of coding do you really want to get to if you just want to get something on there and you know come back in two years for the good stuff that's totally an option you know especially too if you're busy I know a lot of people just in general right I mean I got three kids and they they're more busy than I could ever imagine and so to take three days to do a garage project is just not something that that I had the luxury of doing and so the material that we use the equipment that we have allows us to go into a garage that within six hours completely transform that and that is something that that you wouldn't be able to get you know help you quote Spencer I agree simply it's much better to have the expert doing be doing right the first time you'll save a whole bunch of time as well and you'll probably end up saving a lot of money because it won't have to be done by an expert later Spencer thank you so much for joining me check a Pro is your local source for pre-qualified contractors stay tuned for more of the checker pro radio show.


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Concrete Polishing? What is Concrete Polishing and Why Should I Get It Done?

Concrete polishing? What is that? Deluxe Garages owner, Spencer Little answers these questions - Check out this great episode and learn more about Deluxe Garages... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292


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Concrete Overlays And Why It Can Save You A Lot Of Money!

Let's talk concrete overlays! Deluxe Garages owner, Spencer Little answers these questions - Check out this great episode and learn more about Deluxe Garages... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292


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Concrete Stamp Overlays Aren’t Just For Patios! Stamp Overlays Are Great For Driveways Too!

Are decorative concrete coatings the way to go? Check a Pro Joe talks with Spencer Little, Owner of Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas about the benefits of using concrete instead of other materials such as stone. Check out this great episode and learn more about Deluxe Garages... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292


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Thinking Of Converting Your Garage? How Deluxe Garages Can Makeover Your Garage!

Is it time for a garage makeover? Check a Pro Joe talks with Spencer Little, Owner of Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas about what can be done in your garage. Spencer talks about their warranty (Lifetime), high quality materials, and relationships with his customers. Check out this great episode and learn more about Deluxe Garages... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292


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Spencer Little the Owner of Deluxe Garages Explains His Passion For Ultimate Customer Service!

Check A Pro Joe talks with Spencer Little, Owner of Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas. Spencer talks about his "Why". Why does he do what he does. He wakes up everyday to serve his family, customers and team members. Check out this great episode and learn more about the man behind the business... For more information about Deluxe Garages in Austin, Texas log on to or check them out at Visit Us At - You Can Call Anytime: (512) 337-2292
