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Divorce ReDefined with Cindy Stibbard

Education Podcasts

We are having raw and candid conversations that you need to be having. Conversations that will improve your life:


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We are having raw and candid conversations that you need to be having. Conversations that will improve your life:



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Breaking Free of High Functioning CoDependency with Terri Cole

When you hear the word “codependent,” you might think of the traditional enabler framework involving a hapless victim and their selfless rescuer. Psychotherapist and boundary expert Terri Cole certainly did. However after years in her therapy practice, she realized that many of her clients were presenting codependent behaviours that fell outside of the classic model. Terri calls this new paradigm “high-functioning codependency” (HFC). The ironic truth with high-functioning codependency is that the more capable you are, the more your behaviour doesn’t seem codependent. “As HFCs, our desire to feel at peace often drives us to chronic over-functioning and overinvestment with the loved ones in our lives,” says Terri. “Even with those we don’t love… or sometimes with folks we barely know.” Here, Terri breaks down the characteristics of high-functioning co-dependency?including how to identify one’s “HFC blueprint”?so you can get more clarity around what’s going on under the surface of your behaviour and take steps toward better boundaries, self-care, and integrity. You’ll walk away with a clear understanding of how you relate to others and the world… with a newfound inner peace. With the teachings and tools in Too Much, now you can break the cycle of overdoing and over-giving and start living a more authentic and joyful life. PRE-ORDER THE BOOK HERE: https://hfcbook.com JOIN TERRI'S FREE RELATIONSHIP SUMMIT: https://epicrelationshipssummit.com BOOK A FREE MINI-COACHING CALL WITH ME: https://cindystibbard.as.me/freeminicoachingcall


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Sex Positivity in Relationships with Dr. Nicole McNichols

Dr. Nicole's philosophy is consistent with a nationally general movement called 'Sex Positivity'. We’re so used to hearing about the risks and dangers associated with sex yet there are so many diverse and wonderful things to celebrate! Sex positivity encourages safety but also highlights sexual pleasure. It embraces LGBTQI+ identities and issues. It rejects shame and stigma and it acknowledges that our sexuality feeds into the very essence of our self-identity and happiness. Beyond this, however, I have found that to be truly sex-positive, sex education must be empowering. It has to be collaborative, NOT authoritative to promote trust and a free exchange of ideas. WEBSITE: https://nicolethesexprofessor.com/about-nicole/ INSTAGRAM: @nicole_thesexprofessor Looking to join my online circle, 'Should I Stay or Should I Go? Ongoing enrolment. Join anytime. Cancel anytime. JOIN HERE: https://divorceredefined.cindystibbard.com/should-I-stay-or-should-I-go-registration


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Signs You Are Not in A Healthy Relationship with Dr. Tari Mack

Doctor Tari is a clinical psychologist and relationship expert. Her passion is helping people elevate themselves internally so they can access elevated relationships and partners. She is passionate about this work because of her own rocky journey to love and self-love. For years she did her best in relationships but always ended up exhausted, heartbroken, and confused. It wasn’t until she discovered the secrets to personal alignment and healing that everything changed. She found that before we have self-awareness and the tools to shift our beliefs, self-view and old templates and roles, we continue to be attracted to people who can’t love us and spend our time trying to get or keep love that is unattainable. Dr. Tari knows that complete and total transformation is possible because of her own personal transformation as well as witnessing thousands of these transformations in her clients in her role as a psychologist. She is committed to helping others with their own transformation so they can access and keep healthy, joyful loving relationships. www.drtarimack.com Instagram: @drtarimack


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How to Be An Awakened Man with Max Trombly

Max Trombly is not your typical love guru or traditional therapist who reaffirms comforting stories of victimhood that keep you stuck. He is a radical life changer, an awakener for deep-rooted healing. He believes in the transformative power of being fearlessly authentic and direct about what he sees happening. He knows you crave that liberated life, that deep loving connection that's authentic and free from past baggage. You deserve relationships that nourish your very being and support your personal growth. You deserve a life you are excited to wake up to every single day. His mission is to liberate men and women toward living lives of exceptional love and depth within a relationship, as well as living a life from a place of authentic expression and deep fulfilling purpose. Instagram: @maxtrombly More About Max: https://www.ashiftinbeing.com


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Stop People Pleasing & Find Your Voice with Hailey Magee

Hailey Magee is a certified coach who helps people around the world break the people-pleasing pattern and master the art of self-advocacy. Her debut book, Stop People Pleasing and Find Your Power, will be released by Simon & Schuster in May 2024. Hailey’s refreshingly nuanced perspectives on boundary-setting and self-advocacy have captured the attention of millions on social media. Certified by Erickson International, she has worked one-on-one with hundreds of clients, and her public talks and workshops have welcomed tens of thousands of participants worldwide. She has written for Newsweek and The Gottman Institute, and has facilitated corporate workshops in partnership with WeWork, Women In Music, and a variety of other companies and organizations. Hailey is dedicated to offering clear, research-supported strategies for change, helping recovering people-pleasers rediscover not only their power and agency, but their pleasure, joy, and sense of wonder. GET HER NEW BOOK HERE: https://www.haileymagee.com/book


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The Untamed Hero with Katre

Katre is a mentor and coach empowering women through mindset and fitness. She is a survivor of narcissistic abuse and is rebuilding herself and her life as a solo parent. She started @untamedhero page on Instagram a couple of years ago which has organically grown into a large and safe community. Paying it forward has been a mission of hers since she knows how isolating and lonely this journey can feel. She is the host of a new podcast @untamedheroespodcast where she has raw and real conversations with other survivors and experts to offer support to the community, especially knowing how to move on and how to be able to live a life of peace and joy. VISIT: www.cindystibbard.com New Clients receive $100 Off a Single Strength Session using code: NEWCLIENT


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Helping Women Lose Weight & Restore Hormones with Emily Sadri

Are you a woman over 35 and struggling to lose weight, balance your hormones and feel like a human? Emily Sadri is a Nurse Practitioner & Hormone Expert who helps women feel better in their bodies so they can thrive through peri-menopause and beyond! Visit: www.emilysadri.com


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Helping Women Lose Weight & Restore Hormones with Emily Sadri

Are you a woman over 35 and struggling to lose weight, balance your hormones and feel like a human? Emily Sadri is a Nurse Practitioner & Hormone Expert who helps women feel better in their bodies so they can thrive through peri-menopause and beyond! Visit: www.emilysadri.com


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Let's talk about SEX with PhD Sexologist Claudia Six

Just in time for Valentine's Day let's get onto one of my favourite topics - SEX! I am joined by Clinical Sexologist and Relationship Coach, author of Erotic Integrity and TEDx Speaker Claudia Six. We discuss the importance of sex in a relationship, the difference between sex and the true meaning of intimacy, and how we can initiate more sex and sex as a 'being and not as a doing. You can reach Claudia or find out more about her book at: www.drsix.net Is your relationship on the edge or needing some refreshing? Book a free discovery call with me and let's talk about how you know if you should stay or you should go. Book a Free Call with Cindy here: https://divorceredefined.as.me/discovery-call


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Let's talk about SEX with PhD Sexologist Claudia Six

Just in time for Valentine's Day let's get onto one of my favourite topics - SEX! I am joined by Clinical Sexologist and Relationship Coach, author of Erotic Integrity and TEDx Speaker Claudia Six. We discuss the importance of sex in a relationship, the difference between sex and the true meaning of intimacy, and how we can initiate more sex and sex as a 'being and not as a doing. You can reach Claudia or find out more about her book at: www.drsix.net Is your relationship on the edge or needing some refreshing? Book a free discovery call with me and let's talk about how you know if you should stay or you should go. Book a Free Call with Cindy here: https://divorceredefined.as.me/discovery-call


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Empowering Healing with EMDR Therapy with Kara Kalin

In this episode we are going to look at the power of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) as an empowering and effective way to help clients recover from trauma and PTSD. We can't out-think trauma and EMDR has been proven in treating anxiety, depression, OCD, chronic pain, addictions and other distressing life experiences. Want to learn more about how to work with me? Book a Free Strength Call Here: https://divorceredefined.as.me/discovery-call


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Empowering Healing with EMDR Therapy with Kara Kalin

In this episode we are going to look at the power of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) as an empowering and effective way to help clients recover from trauma and PTSD. We can't out-think trauma and EMDR has been proven in treating anxiety, depression, OCD, chronic pain, addictions and other distressing life experiences. Want to learn more about how to work with me? Book a Free Strength Call Here: https://divorceredefined.as.me/discovery-call


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The Spouse of a Covert Narcissist with Lauren LaRusso

The affair that results from being married to a covert narcissist is most often the affair of self-liberation and an act of self-restoration since the spouse has to be a shadow of their truer or fuller self in their marriage. Marriage to any kind of narcissist has an abusive effect, How can you spot a covert narcissist even if it's almost impossible to identify on the outside? Is your partner someone you can grow with? https://divorceredefined.cindystibbard.com/opt-in-6a63c29e-c38f-4b9b-a944-20c9f5a02a0d Book a Free Discovery Call with Cindy? https://divorceredefined.as.me/schedule/934a37cf/appointment/36048123/calendar/7123164?appointmentTypeIds%5B%5D=36048123


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The Spouse of a Covert Narcissist with Lauren LaRusso

The affair that results from being married to a covert narcissist is most often the affair of self-liberation and an act of self-restoration since the spouse has to be a shadow of their truer or fuller self in their marriage. Marriage to any kind of narcissist has an abusive effect, How can you spot a covert narcissist even if it's almost impossible to identify on the outside? Is your partner someone you can grow with? https://divorceredefined.cindystibbard.com/opt-in-6a63c29e-c38f-4b9b-a944-20c9f5a02a0d Book a Free Discovery Call with Cindy? https://divorceredefined.as.me/schedule/934a37cf/appointment/36048123/calendar/7123164?appointmentTypeIds%5B%5D=36048123


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Co-Parenting That Works with Jay Skibbens

Co-parenting isn't impossible. Jay and I sit down and talk about how parents can let go of fear, set healthy boundaries, communicate more effectively and create thriving lives, no matter what their EX do! For Co-Parenting Courses, follow Jay on Instagram @jayskibbens FREEBIE: Is This Still My Forever Person? https://divorceredefined.cindystibbard.com/opt-in-6a63c29e-c38f-4b9b-a944-20c9f5a02a0d


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Co-Parenting That Works with Jay Skibbens

Co-parenting isn't impossible. Jay and I sit down and talk about how parents can let go of fear, set healthy boundaries, communicate more effectively and create thriving lives, no matter what their EX do! For Co-Parenting Courses, follow Jay on Instagram @jayskibbens FREEBIE: Is This Still My Forever Person? https://divorceredefined.cindystibbard.com/opt-in-6a63c29e-c38f-4b9b-a944-20c9f5a02a0d


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Finding Healthy Love with Jillian Turecki

In this episode, I have the privilege of sitting with world-renowned love and relationship expert Jillian Turecki. Jillian is on a mission to teach people how to transform their love life completely, and where you start is by addressing the relationship you have with yourself. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your relationship, heal your heartbreak and choose better partners, develop a stronger sense of self, or move away from dysfunctional patterns into highly functioning ones, this episode is for you. FREEBIE: Is This Still My Forever Person? https://divorceredefined.cindystibbard.com/opt-in-6a63c29e-c38f-4b9b-a944-20c9f5a02a0d


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Finding Healthy Love with Jillian Turecki

In this episode, I have the privilege of sitting with world-renowned love and relationship expert Jillian Turecki. Jillian is on a mission to teach people how to transform their love life completely, and where you start is by addressing the relationship you have with yourself. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your relationship, heal your heartbreak and choose better partners, develop a stronger sense of self, or move away from dysfunctional patterns into highly functioning ones, this episode is for you. FREEBIE: Is This Still My Forever Person? https://divorceredefined.cindystibbard.com/opt-in-6a63c29e-c38f-4b9b-a944-20c9f5a02a0d


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Surviving the Loss of a Child to Suicide with Ronnie Stevenson

I am deeply honoured to have the privilege to get vulnerable and humanly emotional with @ronniestevenson, former star of Real Housewives of Vancouver @realhousewivesofvancouver this week as she shares openly and candidly about her very personal, devastating and heart wrenching story of the sudden loss of her son, @thehoustonstevensonlegacy to suicide 15 months ago. In this episode, Ronnie and I get emotional with each other as we open up, share and connect over our profound losses and how both of our worlds have been irrevocably shattered and rocked to the core. Ronnie’s beautiful courage to find the strength to keep going in the face of this inconceivable tragedy for herself, her surviving children, her husband, her siblings and Houston’s legacy is nothing short of a story of strength, grit, resilience and the realness of raw grief. Have your Kleenex handy for this one.


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Surviving the Loss of a Child to Suicide with Ronnie Stevenson

I am deeply honoured to have the privilege to get vulnerable and humanly emotional with @ronniestevenson, former star of Real Housewives of Vancouver @realhousewivesofvancouver this week as she shares openly and candidly about her very personal, devastating and heart wrenching story of the sudden loss of her son, @thehoustonstevensonlegacy to suicide 15 months ago. In this episode, Ronnie and I get emotional with each other as we open up, share and connect over our profound losses and how both of our worlds have been irrevocably shattered and rocked to the core. Ronnie’s beautiful courage to find the strength to keep going in the face of this inconceivable tragedy for herself, her surviving children, her husband, her siblings and Houston’s legacy is nothing short of a story of strength, grit, resilience and the realness of raw grief. Have your Kleenex handy for this one.
