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Expand and Evolve with Carly Pinchin

Education Podcasts

Welcome to the Expand and Evolve podcast! My biggest lessons in life have been around health, money and relationships. Each week I’ll be sharing my real, raw, and authentic experiences in hopes that by sharing what i've learned throughout my journey it will be able to help you on yours. Join me each week as we both evolve and expand into our healthiest, happiest and most abundant versions of ourselves. I cant wait to grow with you.


United States


Welcome to the Expand and Evolve podcast! My biggest lessons in life have been around health, money and relationships. Each week I’ll be sharing my real, raw, and authentic experiences in hopes that by sharing what i've learned throughout my journey it will be able to help you on yours. Join me each week as we both evolve and expand into our healthiest, happiest and most abundant versions of ourselves. I cant wait to grow with you.



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42: Narcissism, The Challenges Men are Facing in Todays Society + How To Support Their Healing w/ Ehsun Anwar

Narcissism and healing of men and deep rooted wounding from history and how we are calling our men to do something they’ve never really had to do before - which is open their hearts and be emotionally available, something that likely would have gotten them killed or negatively impacted their lives in the past. As women we need to give so much grace to men as they try to become this version and navigate this for themselves for the first time. We also need to provide the safe space to our men when they do start to try and become available and open and vulnerable with us. If we come at them with blaming and shaming it is never going to make them want to open up to us. We talk about being single, sexual wounding, erectile dysfunction,How to support your men as they attempt to return to their hearts, anxious and avoidant attachment styles, how to provide a safe space for our men to feel they can be open and vulnerable, communication, how to know if its time to call the relationship quits, or if its worth staying and fighting for, and SO much more. This is such a powerful and juicy episode. Takeaways CONNECT WITH EHSUN HERE: INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/ehsun_anwar?igsh=MWxtaG8xbTJhb2EyeA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr WEBSITE - http://Www.ehsun.co.uk CONNECT W/ ME ON SOCIAL INSTAGRAM @CarlyPinchin TIKTOK @CarlyPinchin YOUTUBE @CarlyPinchin Empowered Feminine Course - to help you reconnect to your feminine essence that is your superpower and will help you call in your deepest desires with flow and ease


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41: Navigating Uncertainty, Indecision + Settling Into The Discomfort of the Unknown

If you're struggling to make a decision in your life right now, or feel uncertain about something - this episode is for you. Be ok with the uncertainty of the in between and settling into the discomfort of the unknown. In today’s episode I wanted to just talk freely about something I was navigating and how I have navigated seasons of ‘ in between’ or uncertainty in the past. I felt I really heavily moved through this when trying to make the decision regarding my separation, and it is beginning to show up again in regards to where I feel like I want to live/move. It isn’t nearly as heavy of a decision, but none the less I find myself having to find comfort amongst the uncertainty and find a way to still show up for my life in the in between of the unknown. No matter what you are moving through, if you are in a season of in between or having difficulty making a decision about something big, listen to this because my ramble may help you relate and understand your overthinking can be really normal and its up to you to help regulate yourself and bring yourself back to a state of grounded-ness. How Waiting energy lowers your vibration and your frequency and demagnetizes you. In order to be magnetic, you cannot be sitting in a waiting energy - which I realize I was sort of doing. When you sit in waiting energy, especially for something outside of you - you start to repel everything you truly desire away from you. I share some ways I like to help myself do that and also a question you can ask yourself when you start to get too much in your mind and begin really overthinking /are in a state of obsession or manic manifesting on a specific outcome. Because ps that is never how you attract your desires.. you must surrender and a state of overthinking and control is everything but a state of surrender. The question to ask when you can feel yourself manically manifesting: Universe/God what do you want to move through me? How can I surrender to your greater plan + show up for you? And sit in stillness and breathe until you feel ready to start writing and trust that you will be met with answers. Write down 5 things. LET'S CONNECT: INSTAGRAM - @carlypinchin TIKTOK - @CarlyPinchin YOUTUBE - HERE Need help understanding masculine + feminine energies + moving into your feminine? Sign up for the Empowered Feminine Course HERE


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40: Setting Life Intentions + Overcoming Doubts + Fears To Live Out Your Dream Life

Let's Talk Money Mindset, Intention Setting and how you need to pair Vision, Decision + Aligned Action in order to achieve your goals. Key Takeaways: The Energy of Money Book LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: ⁠Money Mindset Freebie⁠ Empowered Feminine Course FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL BELOW: INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/carlypinchin/ YOUTUBE - https://www.youtube.com/c/CarlyPinchin TIKTOK - @carlypinchin


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39: 4 Things You Can Do To Attract Your Dream Partner

In this weeks episode I share 4 things I have done to create the space to call in my dream partner. I truly believe getting crystal clear on what you are looking for, and then creating that frequency within you is essential to create the space for this person long before they show up physically within your life. You must cultivate these feelings within you and get clear on what you want long before they are going to show up in your life. I also fully read a letter I wrote to my future husband live and it is VULNERABLE and super emotional for me also, but I knew an example may be helpful for some of you. If you are single or just wanting to cultivate a sacred union and healthy, conscious partnership - utilize these 4 things and see how much the energetic matches you begin to attract will change. I also share some life updates and how you can even utilize these practices and apply them in business and in truly all areas of your life to help attract what you want. 4 Things I am Doing To Call Him In + Create The Space: Ep 23 Calling in Your Ideal Partner LET'S CONNECT: Empowered Feminine Course - If you need support reconnecting to your feminine energy and essence, and don't know where to start - this is for YOU. Instagram @CarlyPinchin Youtube Tiktok @CarlyPinchin


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38: Transmuting Your Pain To Purpose W/ Phoenix White

This weeks episode with Phoenix White is AMAZING! She is a mama, CEO + business owner, speaker, author and spiritual leader. We discuss all things motherhood, business, single momming, relationships, trauma, healing, finding love again, abuse, sexual trauma, her near death experience and having brain surgery, plant medicine, non negotiable in relationships and what to look for, spirituality and so much more! Phoenix shares her personal journey and how she found her purpose in helping women heal. She also talks about her near-death experience during brain surgery and the profound peace she felt. Phoenix opens up about her experience of rape and the challenges she faced in finding her voice and self-worth. In this part of the conversation, Phoenix White and Carly Pinchin discuss the process of healing and self-discovery after experiencing abuse. Phoenix emphasizes the importance of taking a step back and figuring out one's true identity and purpose. They also discuss the significance of creating non-negotiables in relationships and setting boundaries to protect oneself from manipulation. Phoenix shares her experience of finding a partner who loves kids and the importance of finding someone who supports and encourages personal growth. They also highlight the importance of choosing a partner who chooses you and supports your goals and passions. They emphasize the need for open communication and creating a safe space for each other to be themselves. They also discuss the balancing act of being a mother and pursuing personal goals, highlighting the importance of prioritizing oneself and not feeling guilty about it. Takeaways CONNECT WITH PHOENIX INSTAGRAM - @PhoenixWhite FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL BELOW: INSTAGRAM @CarlyPinchin YOUTUBE TIKTOK @CarlyPinchin LINKS Getting Clear On Your Ideal Partner Episode HERE Empowered Feminine Course


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37: Modern Dating in a Digital World + Staying True To Your Core Values, Knowing Your Worth + Dropping The Shame

In this weeks episode I share all the updates on my dating life and some things that I have learned and noticed about myself during this very new process for me. I share the importance of dating different people to be able to compare and contrast qualities, characteristics and how you feel energetically. Something I now very much see the value in as I have gotten to know different people and truly trust where my intuition is pulling me toward. I also know for me as a newly single person it can be really nice to hear about other ppls dating experiences, especially positive ones! I’ve had such good experiences with the 3 little dates I’ve been on and felt like I wanted to share how I’ve met these ppl and how the experiences have happened to shed some insight on what it’s like dating in this generation and as someone who’s never dated before ! I share all the green flags/ checks I liked, how important I feel the first date is and the execution of it, if they should be planning it and calling you + how I feel about splitting the bill, checking yourself if you begin to shape shift or change in order to gain attention, how i have met these guys through online dating aps, instagram, tiktok etc, plus kissing on first dates, staying sober or drinking alcohol, how important the conversation + banter is + chemistry ! I also share my thoughts on having sex outside of a relationship and feelings of shame or worthiness that can arise after + how important it is to check in with yourself to get to know where the energy is coming from and where the desire is coming from and what you are looking for... as this can shift the experience you have and it's important to remain true to yourself, your heart, your value and your power. + I also share about how this is the first time I am not getting obsessed and falling in love with a story rather than the actual person, and am just letting things unfold exactly as they do with full faith everything is unfolding exactly as it needs to for my greatest and highest good! without any need to control or chase the situation. PPV LIST EPISODE HERE (Episode 23: How To Call in Your Ideal Partner) FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL BELOW: INSTAGRAM HERE TIKTOK HERE YOUTUBE HERE The Empowered Feminine Course - For women wanting help connecting back to themselves and moving out of a constant state of stress, burnout and disconnect and reconnecting to themselves HERE


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36: You Have The Power To Create + Live The Life Of Your Dreams w/ Danny Morel

I am so excited for this weeks episode with Danny Morel. You guys know it has made such a powerful impact in my life attending awaken events + joining the inner circle program and I am forever grateful for his teachings and lessons I have applied to my life. Takeaways PPV list CONNECT WITH DANNY HERE: 1. Follow Danny on Instagram 2. Get a FREE 7-day trial to Danny’s new app, AwakenU 3. Attend one of Danny’s transformational in-person events: CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIAL ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠Tik Tok⁠ YouTube Empowered Feminine Course HERE My personal PPV list episode HERE - Episode 23 How To Call In Your Ideal Partner


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35: Why You May Feel Like Everything Is Dismantling + Falling Apart In Your Life Right Now w/ Intuitive Healer Angelica Ray

Intuitive Healer + Coach - Angelica Ray Have you ever been blocked over and over and over again from something you think you want? Sometimes thats perfectly placed divine intervention to lead you on a different path and to help course correct you into the path you are meant to be on. On this weeks episode we dive into Angelicas journey in recognizing her gifts as an intuitive healer + her journey from working in corporate and being a teacher, to utilizing her gifts to help support others as they navigate their awakening + healing journey and reconnect to the truth of who they are. We talk how much faith it takes to step into the unknown of becoming an entrepreneur and honouring your soul and where you are being called to even when it feels uncomfortable. She also does a mini reading for me on what spirit was sharing with her, and shares a message for the collective as we navigate all of these major changes globally right now, and how if you're feeling unmotivated and the drive for building your business has gone away, it could be because you're currently dropping anything that was built from ego. We talk about how important it is to come back into your body and reconnect with yourself because that is going to be the ultimate way of knowing what is TRUTH. We won’t be able to see or hear as clearly as we will be able to FEEL what resonates as truth within us. We also talk about all of the shifts happening right now around the eclipse, mercury retrograde etc + how this may be showing up in your life to help you dismantle the areas in which you’re still operating from your ego. I also have SO much gratitude for the work she does because when i was first on my 'awakening' journey i required SO much support from somatic healers, body workers, spiritual guides and teachers, inntuitives, reiki, breathwork practitioners and so much more. Takeaways CONNECT WITH ANGELICA HERE INSTAGRAM HERE BOOK A SESSION HERE Cleanse, Clear, Charge + Protect Meditation : HERE CONNECT WITH ME Instagram Tiktok Youtube Empowered Feminine Course


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33: True Beauty and Self Love Comes From Returning to your Heart + Major Breakthroughs, Sex + Intimacy , Healing + Plant Medicine

The relationship intensive and my recent trip to Austin was UNREAL! I wanted to share my major breakthroughs and lessons learned from the intensive and my psilocybin journey. It was the most beautiful experience I have had so far and it showed me so much about being present within my body and how to truly just BE, FEEL and experience TRUE presence and exploration of the senses. I also talked with my. Future husband… so that was extra cool and even had spirit guides and past lives show up - it was wildly powerful. Takeaways LINKS The Empowered Feminine Course - HERE Connect with Tina - Healer I mentioned HERE LET'S CONNECT ON SOCIAL: INSTAGRAM TIKTOK Watch on YOUTUBE


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32: Divorce, Spirituality, Self Sabotage, Plant Medicine, Self Love + Healing w/ Christy Dreiling

You guys if you love all things relationships, spirituality, soul connections, collective conciousness, growth, healing, overcoming trauma, plant medicine love after divorce and the list goes on -you are going to LOVE this conversation. Christy is a best selling author, speaker, top 1% network marketer, + Podcaster. We both openly and honestly discuss our personal journeys of growth and healing in relationships. Our strong spiritual connection that is the foundation for all things. Christy opens up about the lessons learned from her 20+ year marriage and the importance of passion within relationship. We also discuss the power of trusting intuition and choosing yourself. The conversation highlights the role of divine timing and synchronicity in finding love. We also explore the idea of embracing different seasons of relationships and the lessons learned from betrayal, choosing love and unconditional acceptance, as well as the challenges of practicing unconditional love. We also dive into her new romance love story and the power of plant medicine in both of our journeys, and how at the root of it all is truly finding self love to help overcome self sabotage. Takeaways Chapters 03:35 - Importance of Spiritual Foundation 05:11 - Decision to Change Your Life + Choosing a Different Path 09:46 - Marriage, Long Term Relationships and Lack of Passion 17:21 - Trusting Intuition and Choosing Yourself 20:59 - Finding Love and Being Chosen 22:01 -Divine Timing and Synchronicity 27:19 - Plant Medicine Journey and Meeting Current Partner 32:19 - Manifesting Love and Trusting Yourself 40:30 - The Journey of Growth and Healing 41:21 - The Significance of Passion and Fire 42:28 - Embracing Different Seasons of Relationships + Lessons Learned from Betrayal 44:21 - Choosing Love and Unconditional Acceptance 46:18 - Dealing with PTSD, Trauma + Healing Past Wounds 48:47 - The Transformative Power of Plant Medicine, The Evolution of Consciousness, Energetic Vibrations + The Effects of Raising Vibrations + Alcohol Consumption 01:06:56 - Manifesting Love and Overcoming Self-Sabotage CONNECT WITH CHRISTY Instagram Website LET’S CONNECT: New Empowered Feminine Course Instagram Tiktok Youtube


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31: How You Spend Your Money Shows What You Value

Ok in this one I am going to take you through my decision making process with purchasing a house + all the self reflection I have been doing in regards to how and where I decide to spend my money because I truly believe it shows what I value… and that is something I like to be mindful of. We talk about the importance of evaluating decisions from the perspective of ego versus heart-centered service. And questions you can ask yourself when you are making your decisions around how you spend your money and who it is serving with those choices.. is it for you? The greater good? Your ego? or to show off for others We talk conscious spending and the role of materialism in society and how important it is for us to make choices that align with our personal values and the impact of the choices we make on our financial well-being. Ultimately its a balance between spirituality and abundance and the importance of making decisions that serve the greater good… and how when we make decisions that are aligned with our highest self and the greater good of the world around us., I believe we are blessed with even more abundance in return. Takeaways Chapters 03:00 - Evaluating Decisions from Ego or Heart 10:00 - Conscious Spending and Materialism 18:00 - Making Conscious Choices with Money 25:00 - The Decision-Making Process + Questions to Ask Yourself 32:00 - Aligning Values with Financial Choices 35:00 - Balancing Spirituality and Abundance Connect With Me On Social: The Empowered Feminine Waitlist - HERE Instagram Tiktok Youtube


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30: I Went On My First Date... Here's What It Taught Me

Ok lets talk about what my first date taught me.. because it taught me A LOT and had me self reflecting on my old patterns massively… making me realize A LOT about myself. In every past relationship I realized I was the pursuer - (masculine role to play I may add). I reflect on my past relationships and patterns of pursuit. I discuss the importance of self-reflection, staying true to your values, and not seeking external validation. It is so freaking important to choose yourself and maintain core beliefs and worthiness in relationships. I also talk about the importance of not settling for validation and the dangers of compromising your values in relationships in order to try to be chosen or feel ‘wanted’ or like you’ve ‘won’. I have also realized how freaking important personal growth and development is in attracting a high-quality partner. For my single gals out there - I also want to encourage you to hold faith and trust in the process of finding the right partner. Takeaways Chapters 03:23 Reflecting on Past Relationships 09:05 Patterns of Being The Pursuer 13:43 Lessons from Dating 21:26 Self-Reflection and Shapeshifting 28:14 Seeking External Validation 33:00 Staying True to Values and Worth 40:08 Choosing Yourself and Maintaining Values 43:23 The Danger of Settling for Validation 44:17 The Importance of Growth and Development 45:14 The Value of Challenging Each Other 46:14 Hold the Faith and Trust in the Process 49:02 Being Open to Finding the Right Partner PPV List I Mentioned To Get Clear on the partner you want to attract: Episode Linked Here Rules In Dating : Podcast Linked Here CONNECT WITH ME: Empowered Feminine Course Waitlist HERE Instagram Tiktok Youtube


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29: The Power of Writing A Letter + Cord Cutting to Release What No Longer Serves You

I wanted to share an exercise I did recently that was super helpful for me, and I want to share why it was so powerful in hopes it inspires you to do the same.. as it can be SO healing and cathartic in so many more ways than you can imagine when I say “I wrote a letter” Especially if you have been hurt by someone in the past or if a relationship has unresolved conflict - let it be a husband, boyfriend, parent, friend - this applies to literally ANY relationship that may feel like theres some residual hurt leftover from it. Cord cutting meditations are another way you can help clear energy and detach from energies that you no longer want being attached to you. When I first did mine I was NOT expecting an ex from high school to come through- an it wasn’t that I had feelings for him, its that I was storing pain in my body from him. I had made the pain that happened to me part of who I WAS and I didn’t even realize I was doing that. Which I was able to let go during the meditation, almost one year ago. I also talk about sex and how important it is not to just open up your body to just anyone, as if you are a female, you are taking on that energy and it will be stored within your body and your womb space - so let this be the cue to do cord cuttings to release any energetic leaks that could still be attached to you. Meaning even if youre with a partner now you can do this with all past partners to help clean up any energies that could still be attached to you or weighing you down. Connect With Me On Social ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠Tik Tok⁠ YouTube Newsletter list


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28: Let's Talk Gut Health + The Underlying Root of Skin Conditions in Kids w/ Holistic Nutrition + Health Coach Joti Deol

Lets talk gut health, skin conditions and parasitic cleanses. On this weeks episode I have Joti Deol - Holistic Nutrition and Health Coach joining me to talk all things Holistic Health. Specifically about her journey with the traditional medical system and being on a ton of different pills and medications, never really getting to the root cause of the symptoms she was dealing with. She was able to move away from those medications and begin healing her body naturally and it was what drove her to getting certified herself. We also talk about veganism and why she decided to start eating meat again after being fully vegan and even having her kids be vegan, and how she made the switch to a more animal based diet. Her son had severe health issues and was even anaphylactic to nuts - which really woke her up to needing to do something different to help him heal. She has helped other moms and families with this journey of helping heal their kids gut health so that they can enjoy all foods without big reactions. It was such an insightful convo and I hope it encourages you to know you have so much power within you and with the help of guides or teachers like her, you can begin to learn the essentials to start healing your own gut and overall health! As always, take this information and see what resonates with you and what doesn’t but I know for me, prioritizing gut health and using holistic healing modalities is so so powerful. **Not medical advice and you can always consult with a doctor to see what’s best for you. ** Where to Find Her: Instagram Website Links Let’s Connect On Social: Instagram Tik Tok Youtube Stay up to date with important updates and freebies HERE


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27: Let's Talk About Alcohol + How I Used it As A Coping Mechanism

IDK why but I was feeling called to talk about alcohol. I want to share with you some observations I have made about myself and my use of alcohol throughout my life.. just incase this helps you connect some dots about the way you use this substance within your own life. I share about my journey with substances and how I used them in my life + what I have noticed for myself. My hope by sharing openly and honestly is always to provide any insight that could be helpful for you to reflect on your own use, and potentially learn other coping methods if this is no longer serving you or has gotten out of hand. Just know, no judgement - and if you have individuals in your life struggling with this, have empathy for their emotional state thats likely leading them to use substances in the first place. So often the people who have substance abuse problems are people who are really hurting and don’t know any other way to cope. I ask some reflective questions for you to reflect on yourself to see what could be bringing you to need a substance to cope… What is hard in your life right now? What is causing you stress? What do you not want to feel right now? what are you running away from? For me my biggest seasons of drinking and using alcohol were during transitions from my major relationships... and typically when I was self abandoning the most and 'needed' something to help me cope. I am not necessarily team 100% sobriety for every person, but I am on the side of bringing awareness to how you use alcohol, how often, what you’re running from and learning healthier methods to cope if this is currently one of your major coping mechanisms. + I do believe it can be used in moderation, but if you’e unable to get there, than fully cutting it from your life sometimes is the best choice for you. I have lots of friends who have chosen to go 100% sober and I completely understand why, as there of course isn’t any health benefits, other than letting loose and laughing and having fun which sometimes I feel can be a valuable thing! LET'S CONNECT ON SOCIAL ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠Tik Tok⁠ YouTube Newsletter list


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26: Expanding Your Capacity To Have + Receive More Money In Your Life

Ok this podcast is super tangible, so if you have a pen and paper handy that may be really helpful, if not and you’re listening while driving just take note to do these exercises and reflect on them after! We are going to help you understand energetic minimums and maximums around money and how to begin expanding your capacity to HAVE, so you can create space to receive MORE in your life, specifically financially, but of course this is all areas of your life because money is just an energetic currency of abundance. MONEY MINDSET FREEBIE MONEY MINDSET PODCASTS MENTIONED HERE HERE BOOKS I MENTIONED LINKED HERELINKED HERELINKED HERE FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL YOUTUBE TIKTOKINSTAGRAM


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25: Reflect on Your Relationship with Food + Things That Helped Me Overcome Binge Eating + Body Dysmorphia

Even if you haven’t struggled with binge eating or body dysmorphia specifically, I still think its helpful to listen to this episode and reflect on if you have emotional eating habits or body obsessions that are making you feel less than. I talk through my last binge eating episodes and what that looked like, ways I overcame body dysmorphia and binge eating disorder. How food disorders can impact your life just as much as other substance abuse can or other addictions. I explain how disordered eating an emotional eating can go alll the way back to when you were born and you were first fed by your mother. And I am seeing how this can happen through witnessing my own two kids eating patterns and the difference they had in their first year of life with how I showed up as a mother. How to disrupt the patterns to start allowing yourself to really feel what you are feeling rather than trying to shove down food to shove down the emotions or pain that feels too uncomfortable to deal with. Dropping all restriction, meal plans and foods being off limits to start learning the fundamentals of intuitive eating and how to start listening to my bodies internal cues on what it needed so I could nourish it based on its needs not based on food addictive cravings. + I discuss how my body dysmorphia showed up because I was comparing myself to these Instagram fitness girls. I also go into how i self-abandoned and used substances like alcohol, tobacco, smoking etc to try and cope during the most intense and out of control seasons of my life... where I was unwilling to feel what was really going on which also lead me to binge eating disorder. + so much more <3 LISTEN TO MY FULL HEALTH JOURNEY ⁠HERE⁠ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL: Instagram Tiktok Youtube SUBSCRIBE TO MY NEWSLETTER HERE MONEY MINDSET FREEBIE HERE


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22:Be Unapologetic About Your Deepest Wants + Desires - Get Clear on Your Intentions for 2024 + Release What No Longer Serves You

Happy 2024!!! I did this exercise last week for myself and with some of the leaders on my team and it was SO powerful. I want to encourage you to get wildly honest with yourself in regards to if you are currently living out your dream life or not.. and if all of your desires are currently being met... or not. If they aren't - thats ok. That is why you want to take the time to get brutally honest with yourself and acknowledge if you've been avoiding some deep inner truths. This means getting honest with yourself about your relationship, career, sex life, house, how you spend your time etc - and not being afraid to acknowledge your deep desires and truths, so you can begin shifting what may no longer be working for you and your life. Remember YOU are the creator of your reality and you get to call the shots on how you want not only 2024 to look, but your entire LIFE! I also really get into sex in this one and feel very passionately about wanting to make sure you orgasm in 2024 so if you normally listen around your kids just be mindful I do bring up sex and orgasms at one point LOL. CURRENT OFFERINGS: - All Inclusive Women's Retreat : A Remembering Feb 2-4 - Abundance Women's Circle Jan 19 : Register Here Follow me on Social: Tiktok Instagram Youtube


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24: There is Power in a Single Season w/ Yin Agbontaen

Yin is a bestie in business and someone I am so grateful to know. She owns a Social Media Company specializing in Social Media Management and Content Creation! You can find her on tiktok and ⁠instagram⁠. AndBeyondMedia⁠ for Social Media Business Inquiries. But this episode is mostly just about relationships and our key lessons learned in our single seasons/relationships. Sharing vulnerably and openly in hopes to share any wisdom we have in order to help you on your journey! 2 Different Perspectives from someone who's been single for awhile + not married, and me who's been married and was almost never single. Im currently in my first true + longest single season since I had my first boyfriend.. so I am VERY new to this but finding SO much value in it and so much growth. We chat through our biggest lessons and takeaways and how much we've both been able to learn and grow. + We share a ton of valuable takeaways I feel even those in a relationship can benefit from implementing and considering to even strengthen their current partnerships. We talk sneaky links, boundaries in dating and relationships, expectations when it comes to dating + expectations around being treated well. Discussing sleeping around + becoming the person you want to be to attract the partner who is an energetic match for you + so much more. Yin shares a FIRE list of things to consider and keep in mind in a single season/while dating and I will be emailing it out to everyone on my newsletter 3 days after the launch of the episode! SUBSCRIBE FOR YINS LIST + MY WEEKLY NEWSLETTER Subscribe for the newsletter + list HERE LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: ⁠Money Mindset Freebie⁠ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL BELOW: ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠Tik Tok⁠ Youtube


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23: How to Call in Your Ideal Partner/Get Clear on What You Need in Partnership

I learned how to do this from Danny Morel - He asked me to make this list months ago and I was SO resistant.. then we did our 1on1 and he was like if you haven’t gotten clear then your’e never going to have the person you’re looking for be able to come into your life - it all starts with getting crystal clear.. and I finally GOT IT. I always felt it was so shallow.. but in EVERY other area of my life I do this.. so why on earth would I not get clear about the person I want to spend the rest of my life with?! After doing this list(which I recorded this awhile ago and I feel like its shifted again) I feel so much more clear on what will work and what won’t.. and it helps create so much space to call in the right person. For those in a relationship: this can also apply.. you can always get clear on what you want and need and then work with your partner to start shifting the things you know aren’t working - for example if health is a non negotiable for you and they aren’t valuing their health.. you can tell them you need them to start prioritizing that and its really important to you - of course you cant force anyone to do anything… but at least then you have the open and honest conversation about whats important for each of you and then can choose to work on those things and grow together.. or not. I also fully share my list and that felt SO vulnerable. Literally want to crawl in a hole about putting that out here publicly but its fine. I hope doing your PPV list can also help you! Personality Presence Values + Then acknowledging for you to call that into your life you need to be first BEING that person you want to attract as well. CURRENT OFFERINGS: Releasing Money Blocks + Abundance Womens Circle Jan 19 A Remembering - Women's Retreat FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL BELOW: ⁠Instagram⁠ ⁠Tik Tok⁠ YouTube
