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Eyes on the Right Podcast

Education Podcasts

Amy, eyesontheright4.0 on Instagram, is an educator, counselor, and Bible teacher, who has extensive research on the Illuminati, secret societies, pagan religions, Hollywood, symbolism, and truths that are purposely hidden. With her background living near Hollywood, knowing people in the industry, and time spent with survivors and mind control de-programmers, Amy will bring to light some of these hidden secrets, with first hand accounts. With a Biblical lens & seasoned maturity of discernment, you will learn to uncover the secrets in plain sight. Don't glean more information without education.


United States


Amy, eyesontheright4.0 on Instagram, is an educator, counselor, and Bible teacher, who has extensive research on the Illuminati, secret societies, pagan religions, Hollywood, symbolism, and truths that are purposely hidden. With her background living near Hollywood, knowing people in the industry, and time spent with survivors and mind control de-programmers, Amy will bring to light some of these hidden secrets, with first hand accounts. With a Biblical lens & seasoned maturity of discernment, you will learn to uncover the secrets in plain sight. Don't glean more information without education.



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Technology & The Downfall of Humanity

How has technology, social media, cell phones and the internet impacted humanity? In this episode, Amy uncovers the upsurge of technology and the many facets of how it impacts not only us as adults, but our children, teens and youth. She goes over technology's effect on us not only emotionally and physically, but also spiritually. Is this part of the plan of the enemy, to keep us in spiritual bondage as well as divide us individually and relationally? *Amy is a Christian counselor & coach, to schedule a session: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *Instagram @eyesontheright4.0 & @eyesontherightpodcast *If you like this membership-free podcast, consider donating: ⁠https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR


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Breaking Down Mind Control - with Gina Phillips

How is mind control played out in society and through the media? Trigger Warning- In this episode, Amy is joined by Gina Phillips, who has worked over 30 years deprogramming members of SRA, including high level illuminati members all around the world. Gina breaks down what DID and MPD are, how this can be happening in schools and programs around the country and the world. She shares how to detect and decode what different "tiers" of the media use to send "comms" to others in the know, using signs, symbols, colors and numbers. She shares why people and specifically believers, need to be aware of this to be sharp in the days ahead. You will not want to miss all of the information Gina is sharing in this episode! *Amy is a Christian counselor and coach to schedule an appointment: ⁠https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments⁠ * Amy IG: @eyesontheright4.0 & @eyesontherightpodcast *To follow Gina: ⁠https://www.gina-phillips.com⁠


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The Music Industry

How is the music industry used to influence the masses? In this episode, Amy uncovers how music and artists are used to sway the public to open their minds to potential programming and demonic spirits. While music originated in the heavens, Amy explains how the enemy has used music over the decades to mind control and manipulate society through mainstream artists like Beyonce, Justin Timberlake and others. She also touches on the psychology of music and how music is used to control our emotions and evoke a response. (*Edit - JT is from Sync not NKOTB). *Amy is a Christian counselor & coach- to schedule an appointment: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *Rumble Bible studies: https://rumble.com/c/BibleStudywithEyesontheright * Instagram: @eyesontheright4.0 & @eyesontherightpodcast


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The Great Falling Away

How is the church falling away from sound teaching in these latter days? In this episode, Amy discusses the recent allegations made against mega pastor TD Jakes, and his ties to rapper P. Diddy as well as other celebrities. She connects scripture to help us spot and detect false teaching , as well as how to keep ourselves walking on a path that will keep us from falling into deception in the future. *Amy is a Christian counselor and coach, to book an appointment: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *Rumble verse by verse Bible studies: https://rumble.com/c/BibleStudywithEyesontheright *Support the podcast: ⁠https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR


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Satanic Ritual Abuse Exposed - with Kay Tolman

What is Satanic ritual abuse and how is it a prominent part of our society today? In this episode, Amy interviews Kay Tolman, who was subjected to Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) while still in the womb. Her Illuminati father used Kay in a mind control programming project for the U.S. government. Kay is also linked to Nazi scientist Josef Mengele, who visited Kay's home and knew her father. As a child, Kay was subject to severe traumas that she only began remembering in her early adulthood. The trauma caused her mind to disssociate from reality, resulting in fragmented personalities that hid her programming from others. Kay also discusses how to spot mind control programming and how it is utilized in Hollywood, with musical artists, church leaders, and most of society. She also ties in how this applies to secret societies such as the illuminati and freemasonry. Today, Kay specializes in helping survivors deprogram, heal, as well as training ministers and pastors on how to do this in their churches. If you are struggling with childhood trauma, abuse, or need healing please reach out to Amy or Kay. *Amy is a Christian counselor and coach, to book a session : https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com *Amy's Rumble Bible studies: https://rumble.com/c/BibleStudywithEyesontheright *Connect with Kay Tolman: ⁠https://www.rgmconnect.com⁠


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Great American Eclipse- part 2

Did you know this solar eclipse pattern and similar comet also happened in the 1800's over America? Are you living in fear because of the happenings right now in the world? In this episode, Amy breaks down the history of the previous time, eclipses made an "x" over the USA, along with comet that appeared then and the devil comet which will occur on April 8th. She also ties in the recent happenings in the USA like the Baltimore bridge, and how fear isn't necessarily a bad thing if it is a catalyst to bring you closer to God. *Amy is a Christian counselor & coach, to schedule a session: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *To support the podcast: ⁠https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR *Rumble verse by verse Bible studies with Amy: https://rumble.com/v4mxej6-exodus-part-11.html Amy's Instagram pages: @eyesontherightpodcast & @eyesontheright4.0


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Easter, Passover, & the Resurrection

What does the resurrection of Jesus really mean? In this episode, Amy uncovers the history of Easter and Passover and how over time the consumership of this "holiday" has overtaken the real meaning. Amy also encourages the listener to apply what the resurrection means individually and how we can do this in our lives every day. *Amy is a Christian counselor & coach to book an appointment: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *Rumble verse by verse studies: https://rumble.com/c/BibleStudywithEyesontheright *Donate to the podcast⁠ :https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR


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I Saw Heaven & Hell - with Dalton Gray

Have you ever wondered what heaven & hell looks like? In this episode, Amy interviews Dalton Gray, who shares how at an early age his life was being prepared to enter into a supernatural experience that would testify to God. He sought his own aspirations as a successful country music star, producing songs, and receiving the fame. But one day everything changed as he experienced God's glory in heaven. Immediately, Dalton gave up everything to honor God with his talents. Listen to Dalton's detailed experience of not only heaven, but also hell - and why he is willing to risk rejection to share his testimony and glorify Jesus. *Amy is a Christian counselor & coach, to book an appointment: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *IG: @eyesontherightpodcast & @eyesontheright4.0 *Amy's Bible studies: https://rumble.com/search/video?q=eyesontheright%20bible%20study&sort=date *To connect with Dalton/stones of Zion: https://youtu.be/U5-rQsI2BBY?si=yUCe9w4MaNzkd24K


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Texas Fires and the 2024 Eclipse

Does it seem as if Texas is a focal point of America right now? In this episode, Amy talks about the latest wildfires in the state of Texas and how the upcoming eclipse, movies like the Civil War, and even Beyonce's new song Texas hold 'em could all be connected. She discusses how the eclipse seems to hold some Biblical correlations to not only the prophet Jonah but also Israel and Egypt. *Amy is a Christian counselor & coach, to book an appointment: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *Donate to the Podcast: ⁠https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR *IG: @eyesontherightpodcast & @eyesontheright4.0


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Freemasonry 101

What is Freemasonry and is it a Christian organization? In this episode, Amy gives you the "cliff note" version of the history of freemasonry, its ties to Christianity and if there are any, as well as the potential dangers spiritually and physically of being involved with organizations like freemasonry. She also unpacks how freemasonry is tied to the ancient mystery religions, Jewish mysticism and directly link to the secret societies, Hollywood, politics and world leaders. She finishes with what to do if you or someone you know is a mason or has family members involved in these organizations. *Amy is a Christian counselor and coach: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *Donate to the Podcast: ⁠https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR


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Uncovering Witchcraft, Demonic Strongholds, and the Need for Deliverance - with Michelle Young

Is witchcraft more common than we think and are we exposing ourselves unknowingly? In this episode, Amy interviews Michelle Young of Life in Life Ministries, who has over 34 years of experience leading people to Christ - specifically those who have been involved in witchcraft, freemasonry, and the occult. Michelle tells personal stories about those she has discipled and counseled out of demonic strongholds. She clearly defines witchcraft and deliverance, as well as how to spot witchcraft online and in your church. She also shares how all of us need to be delivered from past hurts, traumas, and bondage that can only take place by journeying with Jesus Christ. *Michelle & Dr. Chris Young: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCheWB_dfVp8vT9J3eLmvYpw https://www.instagram.com/lifeinlifeministries/ *Amy is a Christian Counselor & Coach to schedule a session: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments


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Superbowl 58 decode

What was the programming and symbolism of the Super Bowl? In this episode, Amy breaks down the color symbolism of purple and how it relates to the NWO, Taylor Swift, the number 13, occult imagery, and of course what she believes, the half time show with Usher and Alicia Keys, was symbolizing on the world stage. *Amy is a Christian Counselor & Coach, to book a session: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *Donate to the Podcast: ⁠https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR *IG: @eyesontheright4.0 & @eyesontherightpodcast


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Psychedelics, Alcohol, & the Drug Age

What is the ultimate plan of the elites in the resurgence of psychedelics? In this episode, Amy discusses the rebirth of psychedelics into the culture and how this, along with alcohol and other drugs could potentially play into the plan of the so-called elites. She discusses the religious practices that use these drugs to invoke demonic spirits for an encounter with the supernatural and the repercussions of dissociating through ahuaysca, dmt, and other psychotropics. Amy infuses her personal testimony of overcoming drugs and alcohol and the freedom that comes along with a clear mind. *Amy is a Christian counselor & Coach, for appointments: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *DONATE: ⁠https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR *IG: @eyesontheright4.0


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Uncovering the Mormon Church & Freemasonry -with Lyndi Kennedy

What do you do when you begin to discover the truth about the church and religion you were raised in? In this episode, Amy is joined by Lyndi Kennedy, who was born into a devout Mormon family in Southern California. Everything changed in 2020, as she began to dive deep into the foundations and ties that Mormonism has to freemasonry, specifically 33rd degree mason and founder, Joseph Smith. She talks about her previous ties to Tim Ballard, and her discoveries that involved child trafficking and secret societies. She shares her personal journey that uncovered many secrets that once kept her living in a culture of fear within the Mormon church until she finally discovered the true freedom found in Jesus Christ. *Amy is a Christian counselor and coach: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *Amy Instagram: eyesontheright4.0 *⁠ Support the podcast: https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR *Lyndi Instagram: Lyndikennedy


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Miami 10 Ft. Giants, Psyops, and the Alien Agenda

Is there any truth to the recent claims of 10 foot giants at a Miami mall or is it all a "psyop?" Recent claims have 2024 dialed in as the "year of the aliens", and with Nephilim trending, as well as claims of giants appearing in places like Miami and Brazil - we can assume that more is on the way. In this episode, Amy uncovers the recent sightings, portals, and the increase online, in what people are calling "conspirituality." Is there any truth to it all or is it simply a distraction and/or a psyop keeping people delusional and primed for a bigger event. Marine/Water kingdom 75 minute teaching: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/shop/p/workshop-replay-marine-kingdom Amy is a Christian counselor and coach- for appointment: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments


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Surviving a Multi-Generational Incestuous Satanic & Mormon Family-J.R. Sweet

*Trigger Warning What do you do when you are an adult and start to discover your life was built on lies, abuse, and deception? In this episode, Amy is joined by J.R. Sweet, who was born into a generationally incestuous Satanic family bloodline reaching back to King Henry the Eighth. He discusses his ritual abuse that was hidden behind his Mormon family, specifically his father and grandfather who admitted him and was instrumental in the C-A Monarch Program, utilizing facilities like the one located beneath Disneyland in Anaheim, California, which often held rituals under the park and rides. He also exposes how Hollywood, government, and the media are deeply entrenched. He shines a light on this evil to wake people up so they will continue to share these brave survivor's stories. *Amy is a Christian Counselor and Coach, for an appointment: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *J.R. Sweet: https://mormonmonarch.com/who-am-i/ *Support the podcast: ⁠https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR


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The 2024 Portal into the New Year

What does the Janus Portal have to do with the upcoming New Year of 2024? In this episode, Amy breaks down what the pagan god Janus represents and how this applies to the New Year, as well as comparison with Scripture. The Roman god Janus - named for January - has shown up in shows like Utopia and even in biomedicine for C19. Amy also discusses what she believes will happen in the upcoming year with the solar eclipse, the election, and potential predictive programming in movies like Civil War. *Amy is a Christian Counselor and Coach - schedule a session: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *Support the Podcast ⁠https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR


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As in the Days of Noah

Is the rapid increase in knowledge a sign of the end of days? In this episode, Amy uncovers the connections to the days of Noah and the final season before Christ's return. She discusses how the increase in AI, Chat GPT, and influx of knowledge on social media play into the end time deceptions. She also includes how the quest for more magical hidden knowledge is one big cycle from the Genesis 6 incursion and the book of Enoch account. Amy is a Christian Counselor and Coach- schedule an appointment: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments Donate to support the podcast: https://venmo.com/u/AmyWR


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Paganism, Man-Made Holidays, & Christmas

Are Christmas and other holidays rooted in paganism - and if so what can we do about it? In this episode, Amy is joined by Jenny Mire of the Rooted Truth Podcast, to discuss paganism, holidays, and give a balanced approach Scripturally, about Christmas. Pagan holidays are a touchy subject these days, specifically with the influence of social media- which can cause division and confusion, specifically amongst the body of Christ. Amy & Jenny lay out a neutral approach by defining terms, giving evidence from the Bible, history, as well as touching on how we can live in peace with others while potentially having different opinions . *Join The Rooted Truth Collective: https://www.therootedtruth.com/join *Amy is a Christian Counselor & Coach, schedule a session: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments


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The Red-Haired Giant of Lovelock Cave with Floyd Wills

Have you heard of the ancient race of red-haired giants that dwelt in the caves of Nevada? In this episode, Amy is joined with author Floyd Wills, who wrote the book "Red-Haired Giants and Other Ancient Mysteries." He shares his vast research into the archaeological evidence found in 1911 by miners in the area of the former lakebed of Lake Lohontan. The Paiute natives spoke of a race of red-haired cannibals who attacked and ate members of the surrounding tribes. Eventually, the Paiutes destroyed them in Lovelock Cave. Floyd gives compelling evidence that the red-haired giants' Paiute tales were true and thus also validates the Biblical narrative of Genesis 6, which talks about giants before and after the flood. *Amy is a Christian counselor and coach, to make an appointment: https://www.biblicalguidancecounseling.com/appointments *Floyd's book: https://store.bookbaby.com/book/the-red-haired-giants-of-lovelock-cave-and-other-ancient-mysteries
