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Global Shift Podcast

Education Podcasts

This podcast offers insight into the teachings, communities, and ways of serving that can aid in creating a more healthy, blissful, peaceful world. "Global Shift Podcast" provides a chance to deepen our studentship and learn about meditation, addiction recovery, hip-hop, spirituality, diet, habits, healing, and more. Tune in to be INSPIRED AKA "INSPIRIT."


United States


This podcast offers insight into the teachings, communities, and ways of serving that can aid in creating a more healthy, blissful, peaceful world. "Global Shift Podcast" provides a chance to deepen our studentship and learn about meditation, addiction recovery, hip-hop, spirituality, diet, habits, healing, and more. Tune in to be INSPIRED AKA "INSPIRIT."



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Episode 88 - Everyday Ayurveda for Women’s Health with Kate O’Donnell

Welcome to Episode 88 of the Global Shift Podcast! In this episode, we delve into the profound wisdom of Ayurveda with the esteemed Kate O’Donnell, author of the enlightening book, "Everyday Ayurveda for Women’s Health." Ayurveda, the ancient science of holistic wellness, guides us to harmonize with the natural rhythms of life, fostering balance and vitality in our daily routines. Kate O’Donnell's latest work illuminates the path to personal health, hormonal equilibrium, and a deepened connection to nature through the lens of Ayurvedic principles, particularly tailored for women. Discover how food and herbs serve as potent medicine for body, mind, and soul as Kate empowers women of all ages to cultivate intimacy with their bodies and embrace radiant health from within. With over 60 nourishing recipes and insights into divine feminine energy, lunar cycles, and the subtle body, Kate's practical guide equips listeners to reclaim their health and thrive in every season of life. Join us as we explore the transformative potential of Ayurveda in navigating the various stages of womanhood with grace and wisdom. Whether you're seeking to optimize your diet, balance hormones, or deepen your connection to your body, Kate O’Donnell’s expertise, rooted in over two decades of study and practice, offers invaluable guidance for holistic well-being. Tune in to Episode 88 of the Global Shift Podcast and embark on a journey towards radiant health and empowerment with Kate O’Donnell’s timeless wisdom and practical insights from "Everyday Ayurveda for Women’s Health." Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 87 - The Earth Diet with Liana Werner-Gray

Welcome to Episode 87 of our podcast, where we delve deep into the transformative power of reconnecting with nature and embracing the Earth Diet with the inspiring Liana Werner-Gray. In this episode, we journey with Liana from her roots in Perth, Western Australia, to the heart of Outback Australia in Alice Springs. Surrounded by the vast beauty of nature, Liana's upbringing was a harmonious dance with the Earth, learning from indigenous communities about survival and sustenance in the wilderness. These formative years instilled in her a profound respect for nature's bounty and the wisdom of living in harmony with the land. However, as Liana's path led her to the bustling city of Brisbane and a fast-paced lifestyle, she found herself caught in the grip of a junk food addiction, battling with binge eating and emotional turmoil. But a wake-up call in the form of a health crisis propelled her on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Through her blog, which later blossomed into bestselling books like "The Earth Diet" and "10-Minute Recipes," Liana shares her remarkable journey of reclaiming her health through nourishing, natural foods. Rejecting conventional treatments, she embraced a holistic approach to healing, embodying the belief that the body possesses an innate ability to heal when provided with the right tools. Join us as Liana shares her insights on living vibrantly, nourishing the body and soul, and breaking free from the shackles of unhealthy habits. Her message is clear: we have the power to transform our lives and reclaim our health, one mindful choice at a time. Tune in as we explore the profound impact of the Earth Diet and unlock the secrets to living a life of vitality and fulfillment. Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and energized to embark on your own journey to optimal health and well-being. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 86 - Astrology & Tarot with Meghan Rose Pt.2

Welcome back to the Global Shift Podcast for Episode 86, where we continue our deep dive into the mystical realms of Astrology & Tarot with the enchanting Meghan Rose. In Part 2 of our enlightening conversation, Meghan shifts the focus from her own journey to the profound wisdom she's gleaned through her years of study and practice. With her unparalleled expertise in Astrology and Tarot, Meghan guides us through the cosmic landscape, offering insights and revelations that transcend the ordinary. Drawing from her extensive experience as a Spiritual Advisor, Meghan delves into the intricacies of Astrological charts and Tarot spreads, unveiling the hidden truths and potential pathways that lie within. From deciphering celestial alignments to unlocking the symbolism of Tarot cards, Meghan illuminates the way forward with clarity and insight. Throughout our discussion, Meghan's passion for her craft shines brightly, infusing every word with authenticity and reverence. As she shares her knowledge and wisdom, listeners are invited to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and spiritual alignment. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of Astrology and Tarot, Episode 86 promises to be a captivating exploration of the cosmos and the mysteries of the human spirit. Join us as we continue to unravel the secrets of the universe with Meghan Rose, a true luminary in the realms of Astrology & Tarot. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 85 - Astrology & Tarot with Meghan Rose Pt.1

Welcome to Episode 85 of the Global Shift Podcast! In this transformative installment, we delve into the captivating world of Astrology & Tarot with none other than the luminous Meghan Rose. Growing up in the serene landscapes of rural New Hampshire, Meghan Rose's journey into spiritualism diverged from the conventional norms of her upbringing. Seeking refuge and enlightenment, she immersed herself in the mystical realms of Astrology, crystal lore, and other esoteric studies, discovering a profound sense of solace amidst the unfamiliar. Despite pursuing a more conventional path in academia, culminating in a degree in Marketing Management from Southern New Hampshire University in 2016, Meghan's spirit yearned for adventure and exploration. Thus, she embarked on a courageous journey to Los Angeles, propelled by an inner calling to forge a new path and transcend the confines of familiarity. Navigating through the corporate landscape of finance for several years, Meghan's soulful aspirations eventually beckoned her to heed a higher calling. Embracing uncertainty and relinquishing all inhibitions, she embarked on a spiritual odyssey under the tutelage of her mentor, immersing herself in various trainings and disciplines. Thus, she emerged as a beacon of light in her soul's true calling: a Spiritual Advisor, harmonizing her expertise in Astrology, Intuitive Tarot Card Reading, Reiki Energy Healing, and Meditation Teaching. Meghan's luminous presence extends far beyond individual consultations. From penning enlightening horoscopes and op-ed pieces for esteemed publications like Glamour Magazine and StyleCaster, to leading transformative Astrology workshops in the heart of Hollywood, her influence resonates globally. Through corporate wellness retreats for renowned brands and her captivating content as a leading voice in the spiritual industry, Meghan's impact is profound and far-reaching. Join us on this enlightening journey as we unravel the profound insights and wisdom of Meghan Rose, a true luminary in the realms of Astrology & Tarot. This is Part 1 of a 2-part exploration into the cosmic tapestry of self-discovery and spiritual alignment. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 84 - The Quiet Teachers with Ally Bogard

Have you ever felt like there's a deeper understanding of yourself waiting to be uncovered? Join us as we explore the profound insights of Ally Bogard, a facilitator, teacher, and coach with over 17 years of experience in personal growth, mindfulness, and spiritual leadership. In her captivating book, "The Quiet Teachers," Ally introduces us to the hidden messengers all around us, offering opportunities for self-understanding and guiding us toward our truest selves. Through everyday encounters, bodily sensations, thoughts, beliefs, and the people we meet, Ally reveals how we can tap into these subtle teachings to reconnect with our authentic essence. Drawing from her extensive background in global workshops, coaching, and spiritual practices, Ally provides practical tools and reflective exercises to help us access the wisdom of these Quiet Teachers. With her guidance, we can strip away societal expectations and rediscover the person we are truly meant to be. Join us on this transformative journey as Ally Bogard shares her unique voice and approach to self-inquiry, offering an atlas for becoming the truest version of yourself. Embrace the freedom to find joy, fulfillment, and emotional peace in each moment of your life. Tune in now to discover the profound teachings of "The Quiet Teachers" and embark on a path of self-discovery and empowerment with Ally Bogard. Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 83 - Midlife Wisdom School with Jeff Hamaoui

Join us for Episode 83 of the Global Shift Podcast, where we explore the transformative journey of midlife with Jeff Hamaoui, a visionary social entrepreneur who dared to step off the wheel of burnout and redefine aging as a period of growth and purpose. Jeff and his wife found themselves on the brink of burnout despite successful careers in sustainability consulting. At forty-seven, Jeff realized they were at the nadir of the happiness curve and sought a change. Their journey led them to the inaugural program of the Modern Elder Academy (MEA) in Mexico, where Jeff envisioned a regenerative farm community, a dream that has now become a reality. Today, Jeff leads a pioneering project in regenerative living, farming, and learning, with MEA at its core. Through soil regeneration, soulful education at MEA, community integration, and fostering local culture, Jeff and his team are reshaping the landscape of aging and sustainability. What began as a personal quest has blossomed into a global movement, attracting renowned sustainability leaders like Dr. Mark Hyman. Together, they're forging a new model of intergenerational, cross-mentoring community rooted in local culture and customs. Join us as Jeff shares his insights on regenerative living and aging, offering a compelling vision of growth and fulfillment in the second half of life. Tune in to discover how aging can be a time to cultivate purpose and community, turning the soil of life into a fertile ground for transformation and renewal. Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Ep 82 - Brix Fitness with Robert 'Brix' Glover

In a world where taking responsibility for our actions can feel daunting yet empowering, today's episode of the Global Shift Podcast brings you an inspiring journey of transformation with Robert Glover, known as Brix. Brix, a prominent figure in the health and fitness realm, opens up about his path to self-improvement, serving as a beacon of hope for countless individuals seeking change. Despite facing setbacks and struggles with weight loss, it wasn't until the tragic loss of a close friend that Brix found the catalyst to prioritize his health. With unwavering determination, he embarked on a journey of holistic lifestyle changes, emphasizing balanced nutrition and consistent exercise. Brix's commitment to his transformation journey is nothing short of remarkable. Through his story, Brix exemplifies the power of resilience, self-discovery, and the unwavering belief in one's ability to overcome obstacles. Join us in this episode as we delve into Brix's extraordinary journey of self-reinvention, where every challenge becomes an opportunity for growth and every setback a stepping stone towards a brighter future. Tune in today and be inspired to embark on your own path of transformation. Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Ep 81 - Ayurveda with Dr. Sheila Patel

Determined to combine conventional medicine with the wisdom of Ayurveda, today’s guest is the Chief Medical Officer for Chopra Global. Sheila Patel, M.D. is a board-certified family physician who is passionate about bringing holistic healing practices into the Western medical system. For over a decade, she practiced full-spectrum family medicine, from prenatal care to ER coverage. As an integrative medical provider, Sheila currently offers medical consultations that combine the best in conventional medicine with the wisdom of Ayurveda. Sheila is certified as an instructor of Ayurveda, yoga, and meditation. This is a fascinating and important conversation about Ayurveda. I hope you learn as much as I did. Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Ep 80 - An Invitation To Yoga with Jon Old-Rowe

Today, yoga expert Jonathan Old-Rowe tells the story of his first yoga class in a yoga teacher training. You will be amazed to hear Jonathan's story that led him to this training, during which the teacher told him that he would help to run the yoga studio while he was away on a traveling experience for six months. Learn why Jonathan has been told his whole time teaching that his yoga classes are "different." Joining us for his podcast appearance, Jonathan Old-Rowe has been teaching yoga since 2001. Drawing from over 20 years of experience working with thousands of students, he discusses meeting Ram Dass for the first time, the value of community, and why receiving an invitation or inviting someone somewhere can make a profound impact.


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Episode 79: Soma With Gary Gorrow

Few understand the value of having good teachers better than Gary Gorrow—a man devoted to empowering people with techniques that enable them to re-engineer their lives inside and out. One of the most prolific Australian meditation teachers, Gary is a Vedic Meditation Teacher, a qualified Ayurvedic health coach, a mindfulness expert, and the Creator/Director of SOMA, a world-class retreat in Byron Bay. Today we dive deep into Gary's spiritual journey starting at seven years of age, unpacking the experiences that have shaped Gary into the highly sought-after consultant, high-performance coach, and inspirational speaker he is today. Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 78: How The "Inner Work" Can Make A Difference In The World

How can the inner work help you in today’s world with all the drama, pain and trauma that there is? This episode explores how prioritizing your inner work can help you become the change you wish to see in the world. You will discover how the inner work can help you cultivate more internal fulfillment and how that can change the experience of the world that begins to unfold for you. In this episode, I dive into how the inner voice of fulfillment helps you to see that everyone is doing their best from their own level of consciousness. Learn how cultivating more internal fulfillment can shift your perspective on the people in your life you may be struggling with right now. By the end of this episode, you will discover how prioritizing your inner practices can create a global shift.


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Episode 77: The American Yoga Academy With Claire Diab

Today’s guest is a prime example of following your curiosity to find your purpose. Claire Diab is the founder of The American Yoga Academy, a professor of Asian Studies at Seton Hall University, the co-creator of the Chopra Wellness Center’s yoga program and a member of The Chopra Center Teachers’ Advisory Board. Claire has had a very successful career as a yoga teacher and trainer. Her past and present corporate clients include SBLI USA, Dun & Bradstreet, Honeywell, JP Morgan, Cooper Genomics, American Home Products, Exxon, MSNBC, CNBC, AT&T, and many more. Claire has worked with numerous celebrities and a large private clientele. She was awarded Executive and Professional Woman of the Year in 2012 by The National Association of Professional Women. Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 76: Trial By Fire With Ally Bogard

In this episode of Global Shift Podcast, we are re-airing the our first interview with renowned meditation teacher Ally Bogard. Ally Bogard is facilitator, teacher, and content creator focused on personal growth, mindfulness, career advancement and spiritual leadership with over 17 years of experience. Ally has led global group workshops, skill training, 1-1 coaching and council for some of our world's greatest minds. She is the co-creator of Gaiatri Yoga Teacher Training, SoundMind Meditation & Upwards Gold. She currently mentors, coaches and offers counsel on an individual basis. Through great teachers and a devoted studentship, she has cultivated a unique voice and approach to the application and embodiment of self-inquiry and spiritual practices. Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 75: Becoming Your Youest You With Julie Reisler

My guest today reminds you that you are destined for magnificence. Julie Reisler wants you to be your Youest You and express your greatness. Today’s guest, Julie Reisler, explains the question she was asked by her coach that changed her life forever fifteen years ago. It took Julie polishing off two pounds of M&Ms in a 15-minute sitting and getting sick for three days afterward to realize that something significant needed to be addressed in her life. Julie was using food to cope with her and would eat to feel better and distract herself from what was going on inside of her. Today, Julie is a board-certified master life and wellness coach, and was voted ‘Top 10 Most Influential Life Coaches in 2023’. She mentors thousands of coaches, change-makers, and soulful entrepreneurs. Julie hosts The You-est You® podcast, a global show in over 175 countries, and is the author of Get a PhD in YOU, an Amazon top-pick. Julie has been featured in Forbes, MindBodyGreen, The Chopra Center, Bustle, and Thrive Global for her work as a coach, teacher, and conscious business leader. Julie is a multi-time TEDx speaker and has spoken on stages throughout North America. She is also a popular course creator on Insight Timer, the number-one ranked mindfulness app. If you consider yourself a spiritual seeker, entrepreneur, or a seeker of your most authentic self, then today’s conversation is non-negotiable. Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 74: The Power Of Breathwork With Jillian L Hannah

In this Re-Air episode, George sits down with Jillian L Hannah, one of the founders of Nourish Mindful Events, an international wellness collective focused on improving lives and relationships with Meditation, Breathwork, Nourishment, Nutrition, and more. This episode sheds light on the power Breathwork has to help us release the negative emotional charge of the wounds left over from the things that happened in our lives. Plus, George and Jillian talk about yoga, trauma, and Jillian's journey with Breathwork. RESOURCES: Upcoming Group Breathwork Sessions: Breathwork Facilitator Training: Instagram: Websites: Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 73: Energy Medicine Yoga With Lauren Walker

Is your yoga practice leaving you more energized? According to Lauren, yoga is an energy practice that should leave you feeling more energized. In this episode, we embark on the incredible journey of Lauren Walker and her journey that led to “Energy Medicine Yoga.” Lauren Walker is the author of the powerful healing book, Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice. Join us as we uncover Lauren’s profound path to energy healing. We discuss Lauren’s journey back to yoga after stepping away for a while, which eventually led to her combining Energy Medicine with her yoga practice. Together, we discussed her mentor, Donna Eden, trauma, chakras, and more. Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 72: Re Air: Doing Anything You Can To Serve With Roger Gabriel

What is it like to assist Deepak Chopra with numerous training programs, seminars, and workshops? And what is it like to teach thousands of people on all continents to meditate? Today's guest knows the answers to these questions quite well. My guest, Roger Gabriel, joins us today for a special re-air episode. Roger helped train hundreds of people to become meditation, Ayurveda, and yoga teachers. Born in Liverpool, England, Roger Gabriel spent his formative years in the United Kingdom and first learned meditation there in the early 1970s. It instantly became his passion, and he soon trained as a meditation teacher under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. In 1985, while helping to establish centers for Ayurveda and meditation, he met and became friends with Deepak Chopra. Since then, Roger has assisted Deepak with numerous training programs, seminars, and workshops. Roger joins the show to discuss service, meditation, Ayurveda, and more. Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.


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Episode 71: Finding Gratitude With George S Peterson

On this episode of the Global Shift Podcast, George S Peterson is back to share how gratitude can change your life. In this episode, George shares how we can find opportunity and appreciation even during dark times. There is tons of valuable, transformative information packed into this short episode about gratitude. We explore Dr. Michael Beckwith’s quote: “If you don’t stop being grateful, I’m going to give you something to be grateful for.” If you’d like to start shifting the narrative from the weeds to the roses and transform your life by becoming more present, start cultivating more gratitude.


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Episode 70: George Peterson Solo Episode: Why You Need To Make Your Inner Work Not An Option

Consistency is key when it comes to our inner work and practices like meditation. In other words, we need to start to make our inner work no longer an option. When we start making our inner work "not an option, " we get better results. Meaning, to benefit from a practice like meditation, we have to start doing it every day. Welcome to another solo episode from George that explores the power of consistency. Learn To Meditate Italy 2024:


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Episode 69: Re Air: The Father Of Ethical Gourmet Raw Food Cuisine With Dr. Aris LaTham

In this episode of Global Shift Podcast, we are re-airing the captivating interview with the father of ethical gourmet raw food cuisine Dr. Aris LaTham. Known for being the originator of Sunfired Cuisine and Paradise Pies. Dr. Aris, ‘The Sunfired Gourmet’, has been a vegetarian for 50 years and has eaten Sunfired Cuisine exclusively for the past 44 years. Host George S Peterson takes you through Dr. Aris LaTham's inspiring journey, from his upbringing in Gatun, Panama Canal Zone to his career helping to teach an array of chefs and Sunfired Gourmet enthusiasts, applying his expertise to innovative food product development, filming for SunfiredTV, and hosting in-person retreats at Rio Piedra Organic Farm in Panama City. Dr. Aris LaTham, ‘The Sunfired Gourmet’, has been a vegetarian for 49 years and has eaten Sunfired Foods exclusively for the past 43 years. Dr. LaThan was voted one of the top vegetarian chefs in the USA by Vegetarian Times Magazine. He has been featured in Essence, Jamaican Eats, Vegetarian Gourmet, Health Quest, Upscale, UK’s Balance, and Japan’s Tarzan Fitness Magazines. Newspapers, including the Washington Post, Philadelphia Enquirer, Harlem’s Amsterdam News, Jamaica’s Gleaner and Observer, have reviewed the Sunfired Cuisine… Dr. LaTham was the featured chef at the Raw Food Masters Culinary Showcase at Swept Away Resort in Negril. He has served as an Executive Food Service Consultant to Island Outpost’s Strawberry Hill Resort in Irish Town and the Kingston Hilton Hotel in Jamaica. He is currently engaged in the training of vegetarian and raw food chefs for other major international resorts and hotels. Luxury Italian Hilltop Retreat Saturday May 11th - Saturday May 18th Join us for a nourishing 8 day - 7 night retreat on a 9 acre estate located on a secluded hilltop in the Le Marche region of Italy. Voted the world's 2nd best region to travel. This experience is curated for you to restore, relax, and realign.
