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Just The Good Parts

Education Podcasts

Bite-size learnings from battle-tested books to help you level-up your life and career.


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Bite-size learnings from battle-tested books to help you level-up your life and career.



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The 11 Most Interesting Books I Read in 2019

Ready for a massive download of high-quality book recommendations? In this episode, I looked back over my past year of reading to pluck out 11 books that stand apart from the rest. You're practically guaranteed to find at least one book from this digest that deserves a spot toward the top of your reading wish list. Follow, Review & Share Feedback Leave a review if you found this useful and want to make my week. ✌️ Follow me @matopher on Twitter and check out what I'm working on my...


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3 Uncommon Ways to Discover Incredible Book Recommendations

Hint: Goodreads is NOT on this list. 😉 Follow, Review & Share Feedback Leave a review if you found this useful and want to make my week. ✌️ Follow me @matopher on Twitter and check out what I'm working on my blog. Have feedback? Shoot me a note at podcast@mattwoods.io.


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Why Did I Start a Podcast About Books I'm Reading?

Introducing Just The Good Parts: Bite-size lessons from battle-tested books to level-up as a maker, marketer and leader. Want to follow along? Each week, I'll round up what I'm learning in this podcast. Subscribe now to make sure you're getting: If you found this valuable, check more stuff at justthegood.parts I’d love your feedback to make this better next time around too. Give me a shout @matopher on Twitter. Cheering for you! Matt


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Why Shockingly Effective Leaders Embrace Constant Gentle Pressure

I want to share one of the most useful leadership lessons I picked up from Danny Meyer's Setting the Table: Constant Gentle Pressure. This lesson is critically important if you don't have "formal" authority but need to bring people together to accomplish an intimidating goal. I'll unpack the 3 key aspects that I've applied in my own projects and share some practical examples so you can apply them too. Follow, Review & Share Feedback Follow me @matopher on Twitter and check out what I'm...


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The Secret to Building a Massive Audience for Free

Building an audience of raving fans is a secret advantage to get hired at your dream job or launch your next project. But how do you get started? As it turns out, there's a simple, proven formula any creator can use to earn the attention of lifelong fans by building things you're passionate about and sharing what you know. I'll boil down the big ideas you need to succeed in this talk and provide a treasure trove of examples to provide a strong start in your journey to build an audience that...


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The Best Book on Startup Marketing: Traction

One primary factor separates new businesses with explosive growth from gut-wrenching failures: Traction. In this episode, I unpack one of the best books I've read on startup marketing with John Mosesman. ## Topics We'll Cover: - What's the Bullseye Process and why's it different than the alternatives? - What are the 3 traction and phases and where do most people typically get tripped up? - What channels are you the MOST biased toward (positively and negatively) and why? - Why is it so hard...
