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Life & Leadership Connected Podcast

Education Podcasts

This is a podcast about Life, Leadership and finding the Balance between these two, and finding and staying with your Purpose in your life. Each time, a leader - new or more experienced - is interviewed, for us listeners to learn from and grow from.The host of this podcast is life coach David Dahlén D’Cruz. For more information go to




This is a podcast about Life, Leadership and finding the Balance between these two, and finding and staying with your Purpose in your life. Each time, a leader - new or more experienced - is interviewed, for us listeners to learn from and grow from.The host of this podcast is life coach David Dahlén D’Cruz. For more information go to



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Episode10 - Life & Leadership Connected Podcast- Thom Dennis

In this Episode 10 of my podcast Life & Leadership Connected Podcast, I interview Thom Dennis. He is a CEO for an organization called ”Serenity in Leadership”. He lives in West Bergholt in Northern Irland. He is an Executive Coach with over 30 years of experience of Coaching Executives of many organizations. He is a Certified Facilitator, an international Speaker, an expert in creating transformational change in individuals, groups and organizations with regard to leadership development & cultural change. He is an Amazon # 1 published author. He has been featured on both BBC TV News and radio. He is a thought leader in over 100 articles in industry leading publications. He has worked in organizations like Royal Bank of Scotland, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Conco Philips, Shell, BP, and ABB. He has an MSc in Change Agent Skills and Strategies, NLP Practitioner, Former officer in the Royal Marines for 17 years, and has lived and worked in many countries. To learn more about Thom Dennis, go to To learn more about this podcast go to


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Episode 9 - Life & Leadership Connected Podcast- Daniel Hauge

In this Episode 9 of my podcast Life & Leadership Connected Podcast, I interview Daniel Hauge. He is an entrepreneur from Denmark. He is also a best-selling author of a book called "The Cure for Mediocrity" that was published 2017. He is in his own word, "obsessed with personal development, high performance, and lifestyle design." He loves and is realy passioned about helping other people to improve their lives. He has started a company called "Passion 4 Achievement" which now sells books, courses, e-books and some personal trainings. He helps online entrepreneurs to design a life free from stress, burn-out and overwhelm. But, he made an enormous turnaround from a rough upbrining with drug abuse, crime and mental illness, where he thought he wouldn't live longer than up to 21 years old! He came to a point in life where he made a dramatic choice to give up, and die, OR turn everything around on all levels of life, and he became obsessed with to be the best he could be, which led him into the path of entrepreneurship. To learn more about Daniel Hauge, go to To learn more about this podcast go to


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Episode 8 - Life & Leadership Connected Podcast- Jaclyn Strominger

In this Episode 8 of my podcast Life & Leadership Connected Podcast, I interview Jaclyn Strominger. Jaclyn is a Coach, Success Trainer, and Business & Life Mentor and lives in Reno, Nevada in USA. She has 20 years of experience in Magazine publishing, and 30 years of Business Experience. She has been involved in Network marketing, she has coached teams, and she has coached Leaders and Corporations. She has a passion for training women and men to pursue their own passions and create a life they desire. Her personal mission statement is: "To help others take charge of their life and make changes to become better versions of themselves; to be a coach, mentor, and accountability partner to help women and men take leaps toward success, Level Up!" She has introduces something called LEAP method: leveraging communication, energy, action and performance. To learn more about Jaclyn Strominger, go to To learn more about this podcast go to


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Episode 7 - Life & Leadership Connected Podcast - Terry Tucker

In this Episode 7 of my podcast Life & Leadership Connected Podcast, I interview Terry Tucker. Terry is an Author, a sought after Motivational Speaker, a former college basketball player, a former SWAT Team Hostage Negotiator, and a former High School basketball Coach from Denver, Colorado, United States. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the Citadel, and a Masters degree from Boston University. He is a Marketing Executive and Business owner and Founder of the Motivational Check LLC, and he is not the least a Cancer warrior, fighting this sickness since 11 years back. The sickness took his foot in 2018 and then his leg above the knee in 2020. He speakes about Mindset and Self-Improvement and focus on the Healthy aspects of being sick. He has written the book "Sustainable Excellence, Ten Principles To Leading Your Uncommon and Extraordinary Life", and he has been featured in magazines like Authority, Thrive Global, and Human Capital Leadership. To learn more about Terry Tucker, go to To learn more about this podcast go to


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Podcast Episode 6 - Life & Leadership Connected Podcast - Ricky Sluder

In this Episode 6of my podcast Life & Leadership Connected Podcast, I interview Ricky Sluder. Ricky is a published Author and Public Speaker, from Forthworth, Texas USA. He has written the book "Accepting Truth Finding Hope". He is a Survivor from extreme childhood trauma. He is also a Survivor of severe Mental Health problems for 40 years from negative experiences in his life that led to improper belief systems about himself, and life in general. He sought help through the traditional mental health model, with medication and therapy, but without experiencing any help or release from his problems. So he walked away from that model, and found something way better... He has worked as a police detective for 10 years. Today he coach people sidelined by life, just like he once was, back into the game! To learn more about Ricky Sluder, go to To learn more about this podcast go to


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Podcast Episode 5 - Life & Leadership Connected Podcast - with Daniel Lee

In this Episode 5 of my podcast Life & Leadership Connected Podcast, I interview Daniel Lee. He is an Author and Writer who lives in Singapore. He has together with his co-author Avi Liran from Israel written the book "First Time Leadership", published 2021, where he interviewed 220 leaders from 37 countries, 50% men, 50% women, about How you become a successful leader. His passion is to help leaders be more effective leaders of their team with more effectiveness and entusiasm. From the research that led to that the book was written, he has come up with 30 Principles of How you can become a successful leader. To learn more about Daniel Lee and these 30 Principles, go to To learn more about this podcast go to


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Podcast Episode 4 - Life & Leadership Connected Podcast - with Dennis Dowdell

In this Episode 4 of my podcast Life & Leadership Connected Podcast, I interview Dennis Dowdell. He started his professional carrer as a School bus driver, but at age 30 he decided he wanted something more out of life, and found a job ad in the paper. This was the start of what was to become a very successful business carrer; During these 40 years that followed, he has travled to 51 countries, trained over 300 people in his own personal team, which has lead to a wider team of more than 250 000 people Worldwide. Dennis doesn't like to sell. But he has great people skill that has served him well. He has through his five mentors in life found Principles that when learned and applied consistently can lead anybody to great success in life, personally and professionally. In this podcast Dennis shares some of the keys and some of these principles that made this lifechanging journey possible for him. He has written a book called "Maximize You". To learn more about Dennis, go to To learn more about this podcast go to


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Episode 3 - Life & Leadership Connected Podcast - Jevon Wooden

In this Episode 3 of my podcast Life & Leadership Connected, I interview Jevon Wooden, who is a dynamic Business Coach/Business Growth Strategy Consult, a Podcaster, Key-note Speaker and author. He is also a founder and CEO of a Coaching and Consulting firm called Bright Mind Consulting Group, and a former USA Army veteran. He firmly believes in the importance of Mindset facing challenging circumstances. He helps people build a brand, scale the business, and navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. He has introduced an innovative 5Y Framework as a way of thinking and acting to reach success in life and in business. To learn more about Jevon, go to or To learn more about this podcast go to


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Episode 2 - Life & Leadership Connected Podcast - David Lutes

In this episode 4 of my podcast Life & Leadership Connected, I interview David Lutes, who is a global talent management, organizational development and leadership coach, consultant and trainer. A former church pastor, he is radically and passionately committed to helping people discover their meaning, purpose and direction for their life and career. He has been described as a 'gift and latent skill detector and developer', as he helps people and the organizations they work in discover the wealth and richness within their people. To learn more about Robb, go to To learn more about this podcast go to


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Episode 3: Life & Leadership Connected Podcast

In this episode 3 of my podcast Life & Leadership Connected, I interview my first guest in this podcast: Robb Holman, who is an internationally recognized leadership expert, executive coach, podcast host, keynote speaker, and best-selling author who has a heart for authentic relationships and a true talent for equipping people with the skills and the knowledge necessary for their success. To learn more about Robb, go to To learn more about this podcast go to


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Episode 2: Introduction to Podcast Part 2

This is Part 2 of the intro to my new podcast: Life & Leadership Connected... In this episode second episode you find out some more details about this particular podcast, my purpose for it and how I have chosen to form it. For more information, go to


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Episode 1: Introduction to the Podcast Part 1

This is Part 1 of the intro to my new podcast: Life & Leadership Connected... In this episode first episode you get an introduction to my story and why I created this podcast. For more information, go to
