Education Podcasts

MONEY MINDS BY MONÉ is a refreshing outlook on finances. A podcast where we unlock our thoughts and feelings about money and how it directly affects what we do with it. When you change your thoughts about money, you change how your money works for you. I am here to walk you through your mental journey to better finances! No need to feel bad here, no one is throwing stones. I am happy to educate you on what I have learned over the years and what has worked for me and countless others! Join me every Tuesday for new episodes!


United States


MONEY MINDS BY MONÉ is a refreshing outlook on finances. A podcast where we unlock our thoughts and feelings about money and how it directly affects what we do with it. When you change your thoughts about money, you change how your money works for you. I am here to walk you through your mental journey to better finances! No need to feel bad here, no one is throwing stones. I am happy to educate you on what I have learned over the years and what has worked for me and countless others! Join me every Tuesday for new episodes!



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Ep20: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 6

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we conclude our Evolve series by unlocking how to be mentally and physically healthy so that we can reach our success goals. Listen in as I give you tips on things you can do, starting today, that will positively impact you mentally and physically. Join us on this journey of evolving into a better version of ourselves!


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Ep19: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 5

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, as we continue to evolve, we must not trip over our responsibilities. And I mean a literal trip. Being responsible should not be a hindrance to our success but a help to it. Listen to this episode as I unlock not just the meaning of responsibility, but how to embody it and live as a responsible person.


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Ep18: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 4

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we continue the discussion on evolving into the best version of ourselves. And that includes becoming a wise person. Attaining wisdom. But not just any ol' wisdom! Listen in and I'll explain what I mean. And as we go on this journey to learn about wisdom, I unlock the characteristics of a wise person. Jewels, jewels! I'm dropping them this week!


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Ep17: It's Time to Evolve! - Part 3

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we continue our evolution of ourselves by discussing how we can become spiritually grounded. Now, I'm not talking about anything spooky. I'm talking about finding the foundation that you are building your life on. Let's talk about it! Because if your foundation is not firm, it will not be able to stand up to the pressures of this world! Come, listen. Let's unlock this thing!


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Ep16: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 2

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we continue our evolution of ourselves by discussing how we can become organized. Now, I don't mean that we will be keeping things organized, I mean, that we will BE organized as a person, in everything we do. Don't worry. I unlock what I mean and break things down into actionable items. Come listen and see what I mean!


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Ep15: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 1

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we start our evolution into the best version of ourselves! And what better way to kick off this series than with Discipline? Yes, discipline. Discipline is the glue that will hold us on our journey when times get tough. In this episode, we unlock the blueprint of discipline and we begin an exercise that will help us to chart our evolve journey. Join me as we chart how we will attain Ourselves 2.0 starting with discipline!


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Ep14: What's Driving You

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we unlock the driving force or motivation behind your want for success. Why do you want what you want? Have you ever thought about that? Because if your driving force is negative, then all of your achievements will eventually crumble underneath you. So in this episode, I encourage you to dig a little deeper to discover more about you! Join us today!


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Ep13: 7 Habits for Life Success

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we unlock the mindset of a successful person. We discuss what success is and how to rewire our brains to be able to get it! But the road to success is not stumbled upon, it's intentional. So tune in to this episode to learn what habits we need to have for a life full of success!


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Ep12: Having A Legacy Mindset

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we unlock the driving force behind having a legacy mindset. We realize that in order for us to attain wealth, we must first think outside of ourselves. So we can't be selfish. We also realize that seeking the one who provides all good things is the best way never to lack what we need. Join us to uncover whether your mind is ready to trek the trek of legacy!


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Ep11: Starting A New Journey

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we recapped our last ten episodes. Because I revealed that the last ten episodes were the completion of Level 1: The Foundational Principles for Finances! We reminisced about the importance of ditching our old mindset and adopting wisdom and strategy toward money. We wrapped up by declaring that we can rewire our minds to grow our money, starting, today! Join me on our journey to financial freedom!


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Ep10: Trickle Down or Debt Consolidation Loan

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we dig deeper into debt payoff and whether we should consider taking out a Debt Consolidation Loan or paying down debt the "regular" way- which I call the Trickle-Down way. But before I unlock those gems, we learn how to shift our thinking to a wealthy mindset, so that we can make the best choice!


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Ep9: What Is The Best Way To Pay My Bills

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we unlock the various ways to pay our bills. Some are really innovative and convenient, and some might give us a slight pause. But don't worry. I will walk you through the differences between each bill pay option and the ones I recommend. Join us in this discussion and learn a hack or two on how we can put bill pay, literally, in the back of our minds!


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Ep8: Debit Cards vs Credit Cards

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we discover which one of these cards, Debit or Credit, should win in our wallets! If you have wondered whether or not you are using the "correct" card to make purchases, this episode will put that to rest! Listen in, while I lay down the facts and give you the FULL picture of what you should do!


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Ep7: What's Up With My Credit Score - Part 2

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we continue the conversation about your credit score. We unlock the common affectors of your credit score and what you can do to create and maintain a steady, healthy credit score. Join me this week as we wrap up the conversation about credit scores (at least for now)!


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Ep6: What's Up With My Credit Score - Part 1

In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we unlock the foundation of a credit score, why we have one, and what we do with one. We find out that in order to begin using credit as leverage we must first understand what it is. Join me this week and next week as we continue the conversation about credit scores!


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Ep5: Money Management - Getting Rid of Debt

In this episode of Money Minds By Moné, I walk you through how to realign your mind when it comes to debt, and 4 ways to rid yourself of debt! I, myself had debts totaling over $125,000 but I learned how to get a hold of my money as a resource and put some reins around the debt! Now, debt has no hold on me, and I teach you some of my favorite ways that you too can get out of debt and manage your money in a healthy way!


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Ep4: Who Is Money Minds by Mone

In this episode of Money Minds By Moné, I introduce myself to you! Hi, I'm Moné. Come learn more about me and why I have this podcast. I want to you come to know me as a person so that you can connect with my vision and embark on this financial journey with me, knowing that I have your best interest in mind! I look forward to learning more about you too! Comment on social media and leave a review so I know you are enjoying the content!


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Ep3: Money Management - Save What

In this episode of Money Minds By Moné, I explain to you how you can save money in your sleep! By letting your brain do what it was designed to do, you can free your time to make money moves instead of struggling to save! So join us for part 2 of our "Money Management" series - Savings! And be sure to tune in to the upcoming episodes to learn more about connecting to your mind so you can become successful with your money!


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Ep2: Money Management - Where Do I Start

In this episode of Money Minds By Moné, begin your journey by formulating a new mindset and learning where to start in managing your money - Budgeting. "Money Management" is a multi-part series, so be sure to tune in to the coming episodes.


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Ep1: Your Feelings About Money

In this episode of Money Minds By Moné, unlock your buried feelings about money, connect with your current money mindset, and answer the BIG questions for your future money moves!
