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Mary MacKillop Catholic College, Highfields

Education Podcasts

This podcast channel will provide information on the teaching and learning, and wellbeing of your child at Mary MacKillop Catholic College, in Highfields Queensland, Australia.


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This podcast channel will provide information on the teaching and learning, and wellbeing of your child at Mary MacKillop Catholic College, in Highfields Queensland, Australia.



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Episode 22 | Honesty

In this episode, our Guidance Cousellors talk about the quality and character strength of being honest. Taking responsibility for your feelings and actions, having integrity, being consistent, and acknowledging areas for learning. How do we model honesty for our children?


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This isn't just one day on the calendar, it's important we check in on our own mental health and that of others every day! Take a listen to Guidance Counsellor Khara Saunders on how to check in on our mental health before we start to spiral!
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Episode 20 | Confidence

Confidence is the theme this term! This quality encompasses self belief, self awareness and self esteem. We want to empower young people to be confident that they can learn new skills, cope with challenges and achieve their goals!
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Episode 19 | RESPECT

The glue that holds our relationships together. Take a listed to College Guidance Counsellor Dr Jasmin Slack-Smith talk about understanding respect for yourself and those in your community.
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EPISODE 18 | Squash it...Don’t Spread it!

Be Kind. Be Brave. Be Courageous. Be Better.
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EPISODE 17 | Kindness in Action!

As part of the Mary MacKillop Catholic College Pastoral Plan, during Term 1 we will be taking a focus on the quality of kindness. One of the five qualities identified by you, the parent community, along side staff, as being a valued quality to enhance and develop in ourselves and our broader community.
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EPISODE 16 | Community Voices on Mental Health

In this episode, we hear from students, parents and staff on taking care of our own emotions. Whether you have big feelings or little persistent ones, it's important to recognise them and have strategies to keep them within manageable limits! To access resources, or find out about our upcoming LIVINWell Event, visit our College Website.
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EPISODE 15 | LIVINWell at Mary MacKillop - A mental health check-in with Sean Albion

Mr Sean Albion, Assistant Principal of wellbeing in our Senior School chats candidly about his own journey on the mental health continuum and how we can support, not only our students but also adults in the College and wider community. Everybody's "bucket" can be empty sometimes and #itaintweaktospeak! We need to recognise this within ourselves and find strategies to help refill that bucket. For more info, join us for the LIVINWell evening on Monday, 19 July 2021. More on our socials and website.
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EPISODE 14 | Body Esteem

In this podcast College Guidance Counsellor, Dr Jasmin Slack-Smith discusses body esteem. Body Esteem - The perception of our physical self and the thoughts and feelings we have about ourself.
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EPISODE 13 | Introduction to Thrive at MMCC

Welcome to THRIVE - our Social Emotional Program at Mary MacKillop Catholic College. We know that skill development to support the experience of positive emotion, engagement, healthy relationships, a sense of meaning and accomplishment further supports learning and achievement. Mary MacKillop is committed to educating the whole child, acknowledging the value of a holistic education to support excellence (within each individual students’ capacity to achieve).
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EPISODE 12 | Wellbeing Week - Time for a digital detox!

This week we celebrate Wellbeing Week with a digital detox! There are some great and not so great things about technology. Our Guidance Counsellors interview students on the positive and negative aspects of using digital technology, and how we can self moderate and live a balanced life on and off these devices!
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EPISODE 11 | A senior perspective on returning to the College

In this podcast, College Counsellors Dr Jasmin Slack-Smith and Khara Saunders talk to some of our Year 11 & 12 students about the concerns, anxieties and doubts of returning to school after this period of online learning. A wonderful perspective from our student leaders!


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EPISODE 10 | Supporting the Return to School

As we prepare to return to school on Monday, College Guidance Counsellor Khara Saunders provides some really valuable tips for you and your child. It's ok to be scared, anxious and brave. It's ok to acknowledge all the emotions. Your child, and every child will be supported and welcomed back to a safe and nurturing environment where they can continue to learn and grow.


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EPISODE 9 | Returning to Normal

In this episode, Mr Chris Gabbett, College Principal talks through the anxieties and realities of returning to school after this period of Online Learning.


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Episode 8 | Developing Routine with Dr Jasmin Slack-Smith

Tune into this episode for some valuable tips and advice on developing a routine during these tricky times. College Guidance Counsellor, Dr Jasmin Slack-Smith provides some insight into mindfulness, positive behaviours and routines to help both parents and children.


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Episode 7 | We are all in this together!

From fax machines to virtual classrooms, from mail rooms to inboxes! In this episode, Ms Charmaine Cridland, Deputy Principal takes us behind the scenes of College operations, and on a brief but fascinating trip down memory lane. As we prepare to embark on the journey of online learning, take comfort in the knowledge that we are all in this together, and we will get through this together and come out better for it on the other side!


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Episode 6 | Mr Gabbett discusses Fees & Enrolments

In this Episode Mr Chris Gabbett, College Principal, discusses fees, fee relief and 2021 enrolments during this period of uncertainty. Please rate or review us on your preferred app! Now on Spotify and iTunes Podcasts.


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Episode 5 | Senior Assessments in Term 2

This episode is hosted by Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning, Senior - Mr Kris Naiker. Take a listen to this short, but informative podcast on realistic assessment expectations for Term 2 as we approach the world of online learning!


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Episode 4 | Top Tips for Junior Online Learning

In this episode, Assistant Principal of Teaching and Learning, Junior, Mrs Natalie Adler gives us 10 tips to create a productive learning environment at home. This podcast is now available on Apple Podcast and Spotify - subscribe today!


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Episode 3 | FACE COVID Coping Techniques from our Guidance Counsellors

In this episode our College Guidance Counsellors, Dr Jasmin Slack-Smith and Khara Saunders take us through some really useful, everyday mindfulness techniques to cope with all the changes we are experiencing during this global pandemic.
