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Mom And Doc Talk Podcast

Education Podcasts

Mom And Doc Talk Podcast gives the full perspective on health conscious parenting- what a mom would do, what a dad would do, and what a pediatrician/pediatric emergency physician would say.


United States


Mom And Doc Talk Podcast gives the full perspective on health conscious parenting- what a mom would do, what a dad would do, and what a pediatrician/pediatric emergency physician would say.



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RSV Is Surging In Infants And Children – What You Need To Know As A Parent

RSV is also known as Respiratory Syncytial Virus. The season for RSV is typically late fall (November/December) through early spring but this year it began earlier in combination with several other active viruses (Rhinovirus, Influenza A, Covid-19). As a result, it is not only causing illness infants and children but overwhelming hospitals and emergency departments. What is RSV RSV is a viral (not treated with antibiotics) infection that causes cold like symptoms (runny nose, sneezing, fever, sore throat) as well as impacting the lungs resulting in cough, wheezing, increased work of breathing and sometimes severe respiratory distress. RSV targets the small to medium airways of the lungs and causes sloughing of tissue which can result in breathing problems. RSV will generally only cause cold type symptoms in older children but can be dangerous in infants under 6 months to a year old. Treatment The treatment for RSV is generally supportive; nasal suctioning, fever medication, and fluids. There are no antiviral medications or vaccines to date for RSV and it is not treated with antibiotics. When To Seek Care The care is generally supportive however parents should look out for breathing difficulties and dehydration Signs of breathing difficulties include wheezing, grunting, increased rate of breathing, belly breathing and using extra muscles to breath in the rib cage neck and abdomen. If you see any of these signs, you should have a discussion with your pediatrician and seek care in an emergency department. Love this? Sign up for Kids Health Secrets, an online kids' preventive health and wellness platform to learn more. Kids Health Secrets has on-line classes, live classes, and resources that are perfect for any parent including those that are expecting, new parents, experienced and those that have children with special needs. Consults are available! Online classes start at $129 and live classes start at $49.99 so check them out today! For more information and resources on your baby's or child's health, parent tips and tricks, pediatric emergencies, please visit our website or blog. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. You can also visit our website to download free PDF guides and hear our podcasts. The information in this podcast is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content is for general information purposes and is the opinion of staff at Blue Emerald Wellness. Please do not delay seeking medical advice or treatment because of something you heard or read in this podcast.


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Top Tips To Get Your Baby to Sleep: A Parent Survival Guide

Do you find yourself up at all hours of the night because your baby just can't seem to fall asleep? Are you exhausted and desperate for some sleep of your own? It's no secret that getting your baby to sleep through the night can be a challenge. Figuring out the best way to do it can feel overwhelming. There’s no right or wrong when it comes to getting your baby to sleep– every child and family is different. You are not alone! If you’re looking for some advice, or trying to figure out even where to begin, here are some tips from the experts that might help make things a little easier for you..and get you some sleep, too! Mom And Doc Talk Season 1 : Episode 19 Top Tips To Get Your Baby to Sleep: A Parent Survival Guide Listen and subscribe ➡️ #itunes, #iheartradio, #spotify, #androidpodcasts, #amazonmusic, #googlepodcasts and more The health-conscious parenting podcast that lets you in on: * What mom would do * What dad would do and *What a pediatrician would say Here, you get your most pressing questions on parenting and children’s health answered comprehensively. Why just get one perspective when you can get the perspective of a mom, and a dad who’s also a pediatrician. Mom and doc talk is hosted by Dr. Christopher Haines, a dad a pediatrician with 20 years of experience; and Azure Sullivan, a mom, professional organizer and a chemist. Why Google your way through parenting? Get the full child wellness manual. In one place. Why feel lost when at the pediatrician’s office? Be empowered to ask the right questions and be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your child’s health. Why wonder if you’re doing the right thing for your child’s wellbeing? Be savvy and quickly sift facts from fiction.


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Sell Your Children’s Clothes, Toys And Accessories FAST & HASSLE FREE!

Are you looking to get rid of some of your children's old clothing, toys and accessories? If your home is overflowing with things your children have outgrown or no longer play with, it might be time to consider selling them...but where do you start? Well, look no further! In this episode, we tell you the best place to sell those items fast and for the most money possible. So, whether you're downsizing your child's wardrobe or just want to make a little extra cash, tune in for some tips on how to sell those belongings quickly and effectively. Declutter your home AND make some money! Mom And Doc Talk Season 1 : Episode 18 Sell Your Children's Clothes, Toys And Accessories FAST & HASSLE FREE! Listen and subscribe ➡️ #itunes, #iheartradio, #spotify, #androidpodcasts, #amazonmusic, #googlepodcasts and more The health-conscious parenting podcast that lets you in on: * What mom would do * What dad would do and *What a pediatrician would say Here, you get your most pressing questions on parenting and children’s health answered comprehensively. Why just get one perspective when you can get the perspective of a mom, and a dad who’s also a pediatrician. Mom and doc talk is hosted by Dr. Christopher Haines, a dad a pediatrician with 20 years of experience; and Azure Sullivan, a mom, professional organizer and a chemist. Why Google your way through parenting? Get the full child wellness manual. In one place. Why feel lost when at the pediatrician’s office? Be empowered to ask the right questions and be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your child’s health. Why wonder if you’re doing the right thing for your child’s wellbeing? Be savvy and quickly sift facts from fiction.


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Top 5 Expert Tips For Parents To Organize A Child’s Bedroom

Are you struggling to keep your child's bedroom organized? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many parents find it difficult to create and maintain an organized child's bedroom. However, with a few simple tips, you can have everything neatly sorted in no time. Here are the top 5 expert tips for parents to get started to organize a child's bedroom. Mom And Doc Talk Season 1 : Episode 17 Top 5 Expert Tips For Parents To Organize A Child's Bedroom Listen and subscribe ➡️ #itunes, #iheartradio, #spotify, #androidpodcasts, #amazonmusic, #googlepodcasts and more The health-conscious parenting podcast that lets you in on: * What mom would do * What dad would do and *What a pediatrician would say Here, you get your most pressing questions on parenting and children’s health answered comprehensively. Why just get one perspective when you can get the perspective of a mom, and a dad who’s also a pediatrician. Mom and doc talk is hosted by Dr. Christopher Haines, a dad a pediatrician with 20 years of experience; and Azure Sullivan, a mom, professional organizer and a chemist. Why Google your way through parenting? Get the full child wellness manual. In one place. Why feel lost when at the pediatrician’s office? Be empowered to ask the right questions and be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your child’s health. Why wonder if you’re doing the right thing for your child’s wellbeing? Be savvy and quickly sift facts from fiction.


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Back To School Fall Illnesses & Injuries: How To Be Prepared As A Parent and Protect Your Children

As a parent, you know that the back to school season comes with its own set of risks and concerns. In addition to making sure your child is properly prepared for the new academic year, it's important to be aware of potential health hazards and take steps to protect your family. This includes being prepared for fall illnesses and injuries, which can often occur when kids are returning to their routines after a long summer break. By knowing what to watch out for and taking some basic precautions, you can help keep your family safe and healthy this fall. Mom And Doc Talk Season 1 : Episode 16 Back To School Fall Illnesses & Injuries: How To Be Prepared As A Parent and Protect Your Children Listen and subscribe ➡️ #itunes, #iheartradio, #spotify, #androidpodcasts, #amazonmusic, #googlepodcasts and more The health-conscious parenting podcast that lets you in on: * What mom would do * What dad would do and *What a pediatrician would say Here, you get your most pressing questions on parenting and children’s health answered comprehensively. Why just get one perspective when you can get the perspective of a mom, and a dad who’s also a pediatrician. Mom and doc talk is hosted by Dr. Christopher Haines, a dad a pediatrician with 20 years of experience; and Azure Sullivan, a mom, professional organizer and a chemist. Why Google your way through parenting? Get the full child wellness manual. In one place. Why feel lost when at the pediatrician’s office? Be empowered to ask the right questions and be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your child’s health. Why wonder if you’re doing the right thing for your child’s wellbeing? Be savvy and quickly sift facts from fiction.


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Child Illness Or Injury: Everything Parents Need To Know To Be Prepared For An Emergency Department Visit

Hopefully it never happens to you but pediatric emergency visits are unfortunately not uncommon. It is very likely at some point as a parent you will be taking a trip to the emergency department. Whether it is a common illness or injury or something life threatening, it is very important as a parent to be prepared if it happens. We discuss how to be prepared for an emergency department visit, what to include in a go-bag, what to expect after arrival as well as how to advocate for your child. Mom And Doc Talk Season 1 : Episode 15 Child Illness Or Injury: Everything Parents Need To Know To Be Prepared For An Emergency Department Visit Listen and subscribe ➡️ #itunes, #iheartradio, #spotify, #androidpodcasts, #amazonmusic, #googlepodcasts and more The health-conscious parenting podcast that lets you in on: * What mom would do * What dad would do and *What a pediatrician would say Here, you get your most pressing questions on parenting and children’s health answered comprehensively. Why just get one perspective when you can get the perspective of a mom, and a dad who’s also a pediatrician. Mom and doc talk is hosted by Dr. Christopher Haines, a dad a pediatrician with 20 years of experience; and Azure Sullivan, a mom and a chemist. Why Google your way through parenting? Get the full child wellness manual. In one place. Why feel lost when at the pediatrician’s office? Be empowered to ask the right questions and be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your child’s health. Why wonder if you’re doing the right thing for your child’s wellbeing? Be savvy and quickly sift facts from fiction.


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Crying Baby: How to Recognize The Causes and Know What To Do

Although every baby is different, the one thing your can count on as a parent is crying. It may vary from baby to baby but on average you will likely experience one to three hours of the day. But why does this happen? There are a laundry list of reasons but the main reason is that babies don't have words and have few ways to communicate their needs, likes, and dislikes. In addition to basic communication, there are many additional reasons. We not only explore the common culprits that result in crying but discuss tips and tricks to soothe your little one. Mom And Doc Talk Season 1 : Episode 14 Crying Baby: How to Recognize The Causes and Know What To Do Listen and subscribe ➡️ #itunes, #iheartradio, #spotify, #androidpodcasts, #amazonmusic, #googlepodcasts and more The health-conscious parenting podcast that lets you in on: * What mom would do * What dad would do and *What a pediatrician would say. Here, you get your most pressing questions on parenting and children’s health answered comprehensively. Why just get one perspective when you can get the perspective of a mom, and a dad who’s also a pediatrician. Mom and doc talk is hosted by Dr. Christopher Haines, a dad a pediatrician with 20 years of experience; and Azure Sullivan, a mom and a chemist. Why Google your way through parenting? Get the full child wellness manual. In one place. Why feel lost when at the pediatrician’s office? Be empowered to ask the right questions and be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your child’s health. Why wonder if you’re doing the right thing for your child’s wellbeing? Be savvy and quickly sift facts from fiction.


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Organizing And Preparing to Bring A New Baby Home: Parent Essentials

One of the scariest things you can do as a new parent is to leave the hospital and cautiously drive home for the first time You've waited for 9 months anticipating the day, you have your new baby and now what? Where is the owner manual? Where are the instructions? Newborns can seem very vulnerable, fragile and each baby is different. In this podcast we discuss how to organize and prepare to bring that new bundle of joy home and give you the essentials to make your transition to parenthood easier. Mom And Doc Talk Season1 : Episode 13 Organizing And Preparing to Bring A New Baby Home: Parent Essentials - Kids Health Secrets Listen and subscribe ➡️ #itunes, #iheartradio, #spotify, #androidpodcasts, #amazonmusic, #googlepodcasts and more The health-conscious parenting podcast that lets you in on: * What mom would do * What dad would do and *What a pediatrician would say. Here, you get your most pressing questions on parenting and children’s health answered comprehensively. Why just get one perspective when you can get the perspective of a mom, and a dad who’s also a pediatrician. Mom and doc talk is hosted by Dr. Christopher Haines, a dad a pediatrician with 20 years of experience; and Azure Sullivan, a mom and a chemist. Why Google your way through parenting? Get the full child wellness manual. In one place. Why feel lost when at the pediatrician’s office? Be empowered to ask the right questions and be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your child’s health. Why wonder if you’re doing the right thing for your child’s wellbeing? Be savvy and quickly sift facts from fiction.


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Most Common Kid’s Summer Skin Rashes: Bites, Stings & Things

Summertime is a time for fun in the sun, but it can also be a time for pesky insect bites and summer rashes. In this podcast, we discuss the most common summer rashes, bite and stings in children. Topics include the common rashes: plant dermatitis (poison ivy/oak/sumac), prickly heat/heat rashes, bacterial rashes, fungal rashes, folliculitis and more. Additionally, we discuss common insect (and other) bites that are common in the summer. For both rashes and bites/stings, we give parents the keys to identification, a guide to at home treatment as well as reasons to seek emergency care. In this Mom And Doc Talk Podcast, co-hosts Azure Sullivan and Dr. Christopher Haines, discuss the key topics that every parent needs to know while providing tips and tricks to avoid mistakes and misadventures by using tried and true expertise to guide you to the right outcome for your child. The Mom and Doc Talk health-conscious parenting podcast that lets you in on: What mom would do? What dad would do? What a pediatrician/pediatric emergency physician would say? You get your most pressing questions on parenting and children’s health answered comprehensively. Why just get one perspective when you can get the perspective of a mom, and a dad who’s also a pediatrician and pediatric emergency physician. Why Google your way through parenting? Get the full child wellness manual. In one place. Why feel lost when at the pediatrician’s office? Be empowered to ask the right questions and be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your child’s health. Why wonder if you’re doing the right thing for your child’s wellbeing? Be savvy and quickly sift facts from fiction. Message us with questions at Check out Kids Health Secrets - on line classes for parents as well as message us for more information about parent coaching Satisfaction guaranteed


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Best Expert Tips To Choose A Daycare For Your Baby Or Child

Finding the right daycare can be exhausting and is not only a difficult but a logistic and emotional challenge. When looking for a daycare, you want a program or facility that is convenient, budget friendly and most importantly is a good fit for your child/family while ensuring safety in a positive healthy learning environment. As a parent or caregiver you may be seeking daycare for a variety of reasons including personal/professional obligations, social skill development and others. Regardless of the reason, parents are searching for a clean, quality, and enriching daycare with experienced and passionate staff that will allow their children to flourish. In this Mom And Doc Talk Podcast, co-hosts Azure Sullivan and Dr. Christopher Haines, discuss the key topics that every parent must explore and ask prior to making a decision about the right daycare. Learn how to make the right choice and avoid the wrong situation for your child and family. Avoid mistakes and misadventures by using tried and true expertise to guide you to the right outcome for your child. The Mom and Doc Talk health-conscious parenting podcast that lets you in on: What mom would do? What dad would do? What a pediatrician/pediatric emergency physician would say? You get your most pressing questions on parenting and children’s health answered comprehensively. Why just get one perspective when you can get the perspective of a mom, and a dad who’s also a pediatrician and pediatric emergency physician. Why Google your way through parenting? Get the full child wellness manual. In one place. Why feel lost when at the pediatrician’s office? Be empowered to ask the right questions and be in the driver’s seat when it comes to your child’s health. Why wonder if you’re doing the right thing for your child’s wellbeing? Be savvy and quickly sift facts from fiction. Message us with questions at Check out Kids Health Secrets - on line classes for parents as well as message us for more information about parent coaching Satisfaction guaranteed


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A Parent’s Guide To Kids & Summer Safety

Summer is here! As the school year comes to a close, parents around the country are starting to think about how they will keep their children safe and entertained over the summer. While there are many fun things kids can do during the summer months, it's important to take into account some of the risks associated with outdoor activities. Follow these tips to make sure your children have a safe and enjoyable summer. We discus safety topics around swimming, biking, cars, backyard activities, dehydration, and sun protection. Stay alert and be prepared. Have a great summer!


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Top Parenting, Baby and Children’s Health Questions Answered by Experts

As a parent, you have no doubt encountered many questions about parenting, baby and children's health. From when to start solid foods to how much sleep is necessary, there are always new things to learn. You may not know where to find the answers, but you can begin with Mom and Doc Talk podcast. In this episode, we will answer some of the most common questions asked by our listeners about their child's health and provide advice on baby preparation to behavior issues, so that you can make the best choices for your family. Tune in for trustworthy guidance on raising healthy children!


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Common Myths That Could Be Putting Your Baby Or Child At Risk

There are a lot of myths and old wives' tales out there about what's safe for babies and what's not. It can be tough to separate fact from fiction, especially when it comes to something as important as your child's safety. In this podcast, we'll take a look at some of the most common myths about baby as well as child care and debunk them once and for all. So tune in, parents, and rest easy knowing that your child is in good hands!


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Kid’s Mental Health At A Breaking Point: Crisis In The United States

Mental health in children and adolescent is a topic that is often swept under the rug. It can be difficult to talk about, and many people choose to ignore it altogether. However, ignoring mental health issues will not make them go away. In fact, it could lead to even bigger problems down the road. That's why it's so important for parents to be aware of the signs of mental health crises in their children, and seek help if necessary. This week's episode will feature our next special guest, a mental health clinician, Kate McGinley where we discuss some of the most common mental health crises faced by children in the United States today and how to be proactive in identifying the symptoms, support and treatment.


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You Need These Parent Travel Tips Now! Stay Organized, Safe And Stress Free

When traveling with young children, there are a few key things parents need to keep in mind in order to make the journey as stress-free as possible. By staying organized and being prepared for potential setbacks, you can enjoy your time away from home while keeping your little ones safe. Whether you're traveling with your kids or just by yourself, these tips will come in handy. So don't wait any longer, listen to get the tips to help get you started!


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Understanding Speech And Language Delays, Is your Child At Risk?

One in six children in the United States have a speech or language delay. That equates to about 17% of all children. For some parents, this comes as a surprise because they don't know what to look for when it comes to speech and language delays. If you're worried that your child may be at risk for a speech or language delay, tune in! This episode stars Kerry Bauerle- a speech, language, and reading specialist, where she outlines some of the most common signs and symptoms of speech and language delays. Together, Azure, Dr. Chris and Kerry provide helpful tips for how to get your child the help they need.


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Top Questions Moms Ask Their Pediatricians

Tune in to the Mom And Doc Talk Podcast to see what questions moms ask their pediatricians answered by the co-host Dr. Christopher Haines, a board certified pediatrician and pediatric emergency physician. Are you a new mom, experienced? We will help you be prepared when that little one arrives. As a parent, a newborn can be stressful and challenging. In a recent parent survey: 68% of parents said they were "winging it" 400+ parent phone calls to friends and relatives for answers 300+ frantic google searches 1400+ hours worrying about their child's health In this episode we explore common and tough questions asked by Azure Sullivan that will have every mom prepared to take the best care of their child.


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Unfiltered Down and Dirty-What Pregnancy Is Really Like

Unfiltered Down and Dirty-What Pregnancy Is Really Like Blue Emerald Wellness | Kids Health Secrets Hear unfiltered stories that discusses the realities of pregnancy from a mom and a dad's perspective. In this episode, we discuss everything from seeing those two red lines to late night cravings, and everything in between.


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Why Is My Child Always Sick? Understanding Viruses and Prevention

Why Is My Child Always Sick? Understanding Viruses and Prevention Blue Emerald Wellness | Kids Health Secrets Tune in to Mom And Doc Talk Podcast for parenting tips on how to protect your child from viruses. Learn about what illnesses are current, the best conditions for a newborn, and the effects daycare has on your child. We offer expert advice about prevention and treatment that will help keep your family healthy all year long!


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Could Your Baby Be At Risk For Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Could Your Baby Be At Risk For Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? Blue Emerald Wellness | Kids Health Secrets Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUIDS) occurs over 3,000 times per year in the United States. These deaths occur in infants less than 1 year of age without a cause of death. In this podcast Dr. Christopher Haines (pediatric emergency physician) and Azure Sullivan (mom, chemist, professional organizer) discuss Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUIDS), the causes, as well as what you can do prevent it from happening. What is Mom And Doc Talk Mom and Doc Talk: The Full Perspective on Health Conscious Parenting The health-conscious parenting podcast that lets you in on: What mom would do, What dad would do, and What a pediatrician/pediatric emergency physician would say. You get your most pressing questions on parenting and children’s health answered comprehensively. Why just get one perspective when you can get the perspective of a mom, and a dad who’s also a pediatrician. Mom and doc talk is hosted by Dr. Christopher Haines, a dad, a pediatrician/pediatric emergency physician with 20 years of experience, and Azure Sullivan, a mom, a chemist, and a professional organizer. They have also launched Kids Health Secrets @wearekidshealthsecrets through Blue Emerald Wellness which is an on-line education platform for kids health and parenting. On this site you can find kids health and parenting classes, mom/dad coaching, learning resources/blog/newsletter, and more. Kids Health Secrets allows you to build that parent toolbox and make you that savvy mom or dad. Follow us for the latest news, tips, and advice Please send us questions so we can include them on upcoming podcasts.
