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PT & OT Connection: Continuing Education for Therapists

Education Podcasts

Summit Professional Education’s PT & OT Connection Podcast is dedicated to helping PTs and OTs improve patient outcomes while earning continuing education credit. Tune in each month for engaging discussions on important topics to you and your patients. Listen for free at any time and earn CEUs on-the-go as a Summit Subscriber. Visit to explore subscription options and sign up today!


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Summit Professional Education’s PT & OT Connection Podcast is dedicated to helping PTs and OTs improve patient outcomes while earning continuing education credit. Tune in each month for engaging discussions on important topics to you and your patients. Listen for free at any time and earn CEUs on-the-go as a Summit Subscriber. Visit to explore subscription options and sign up today!



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Artificial Intelligence in Rehab

Discover the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on healthcare in this engaging course designed for physical therapists, occupational therapists, and athletic trainers. Examine how AI is reshaping therapy practices, from personalized patient care to treatment planning, including the use of motion analysis and practice analysis metrics. From understanding existing AI tools to envisioning their future implications, attendees will delve into the dynamic landscape of AI in rehab. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Improving Functional Success After Lower Extremity Amputation

In the US, there are over 150,000 lower extremity amputations each year, adding up to 300-500 amputations per day. Over half of amputations are due to vascular causes, and those who experience this type of amputation are at higher risk for various complications, including higher mortality rates. Given these statistics, it is of optimal importance for us as rehabilitation professionals to take on a multifaceted approach from the beginning, and focus on giving our patients the tools to continue on with healthy habits and continued mobility when they leave our care. Physical and Occupational therapy professionals play an integral role in improving the lives and outcomes of those who have experienced lower extremity amputation, and through this podcast you will learn some valuable information for your toolkit to improve functional success when working with this population. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here. The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Deep-Dive into Effective Dementia Care

Patients with dementia can certainly benefit from rehabilitation as much as adults without dementia. Rehabilitation clinicians need to best understand how to implement the treatment strategies and interventions suited to maximize engagement and adherence in those with these challenging conditions. This podcast is an expansion of Dr. Dawson’s podcast; “Evidence-Based Rehabilitation in Dementia Care: Using Strengths to Facilitate Optimal Outcomes” and spends more time elucidating the treatment strategies and techniques designed to improve communication and enhance participation with patients having Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here. The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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OASIS-E: A Targeted Comparison of the M1800 Items vs the GG Section

Accurate OASIS coding is essential for all home health clinicians due to the direct impact quality indicators will have on an agency’s star rating. With the CMS plan to move to a universal outcome measure for all post-acute settings, OASIS will become an important tool beyond home health. Payment through PDGM and PDPM are driven, at least in part, by improvement as measured through OASIS. This course will provide easy-to-use and understandable methods that will improve a clinician’s ability to provide correct coding to all OASIS M1800 items and compare them to the OASIS GG items. This podcast will provide sample questions throughout the course to ensure the participant’s understanding. Clinicians conducting OASIS assessments will immediately see an improved understanding of accurate OASIS coding, as will those participating in collaborative assessments now allowed by CMS. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here. The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Practical Tips for Sensory Integration Sessions

This podcast dives into the essentials of sensory integration therapy in an approachable manner. We will examine practical techniques, share insightful tips, and discuss real-life case studies to help you enhance your skills and confidence in working with children. Whether you're a seasoned therapist or just starting, this podcast provides valuable nuggets of wisdom to support you in creating meaningful therapeutic experiences for your young clients. Tune in and let's embark on this enriching journey together! To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here. The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Artificial Intelligence in Allied Healthcare

Similar to when the internet was budding, artificial intelligence (AI) is here to stay, and developing an early understanding of avenues and limitations will help enhance the administration and management of AI in rehabilitation. Both the APTA (Stevens-Lapsley, 2023) and AOTA (Reynolds, 2023) have commented on the need for the inclusion of AI topics in clinical research as this technology is already deeply embedded in healthcare research and applications. This podcast will uncover current evidence-based uses of AI in the planning and directing of clinical activities while highlighting the administration and management of AI scope in the rehabilitation professions. Developing an understanding of where we are and where we are going is critical for the application of AI to promote best-practice approaches to care and achieve functional outcomes in occupation-based practice. This course will explore the current climate of artificial intelligence application in the administration and management of therapy services. Clinicians will develop an understanding of these applications and the implications for current practices. By exploring the latest research on best-practice approaches to AI in healthcare, clinicians will be able to better plan for the application of AI into practice, be a voice for directing AI in their organizations, and maximize evidence-based AI approaches to facilitate patient outcomes in functional, activity-based plans of care. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here. The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Virtual Reality in Allied Health Education

There is a current shortage of healthcare faculty in the United States. This problem was exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to be a major issue in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and nursing to name a few. With shortages of healthcare workers skyrocketing, there is added pressure to try to bring forward more qualified graduates to meet this need. Colleges must figure out how to adapt to reach this need and one such option is the integration of virtual reality (VR) technologies within curriculums. VR has the potential to reach greater numbers of learners while also taking patient simulations to the next level. This podcast will discuss what VR is and what it can do for PT and OT education. The technology is already here, are you ready? To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here. The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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All About Crawling: The Developmental Implications of Crawling in Pediatric Therapy

When it was released in 2023, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early” developmental milestone checklists omitted crawling as a developmental milestone and has since been debated among pediatric PTs in the United States. Creeping on all fours has long been a goal used by physical and occupational therapists to increase a child’s locomotion and progress their gross motor skills in route to standing and walking. This course will address the shift in screening recommendations and provide a rationale for clinical decision-making. In addition, information will be provided on the impacts of not crawling, components needed for crawling, and hands-on ideas for teaching this skill. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here. The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Dizziness in Concussion: Secrets of Rehabilitation Management

Research on the short- and long-term effects of concussions has evolved significantly in the past decade. Rehabilitation professionals are often part of the medical professionals who help individuals recover from these injuries. The recognition of concussions in populations from athletes to geriatrics and specifically how to treat the signs and symptoms of concussions is a key skill set. This course will talk about concussions and specifically discuss one of the most common symptoms of dizziness in the concussed patient. We will talk about the potential causes of dizziness and how to evaluate and treat these causes by using research and clinical examples. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here. The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Latest Treatment Considerations in Osteoporosis

Research shows that exercise is the best treatment for osteoporosis, but not all exercise is the same. Scientists agree that weight-bearing activities are the best types of exercise for osteoporosis. However, there are more specific activities that can enhance bone mineral density growth in a greater pattern. This podcast will cover the latest in research treatment and exercise techniques for developing well-balanced osteoporosis programs with your patients. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here. The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Dry Needling: What’s the Point?

Often, patients and referring providers are asking clinics if they offer dry needling. Providers and patients are looking for non-pharmacological ways to reduce pain and enhance function. In many cases, therapists want to offer it but need more education before spending hours and money on additional training. This course will give you an overview of dry needling, weigh the potential benefits/mechanisms of effectiveness, and help you decide if it is right for your practice. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here. The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Evidence-Based Assessment and Treatment for School-Rehab Practice

Therapists working in school-based environments are faced with complex caseloads, multiple areas they are expected to address for each child, and challenges of providing services to children with specialized needs. Therapy services in schools continue to be influenced by several factors, including legislative mandates, state and local policies and procedures, personnel availability, court rulings, and research on the effectiveness of different approaches for assisting students with disabilities to access and benefit from educational programs. These changes require school-based professionals to utilize and incorporate evidence-based practice in their choices for assessment and intervention strategies. This podcast will summarize the recent evidence in school-based rehab specific to best practices of school-based occupational and physical therapy. You will return to your school practice with updated information for evidence-based practice in school-based therapy. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here. The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Getting the Most out of Your Balance Training: Effective Strategies to Improve Your Patients’ Stability, Mobility, and Safety

Every second of every day, an older adult suffers a fall in the U.S. Three million people are hospitalized each year because of falls and fall-related injuries. 40% of hospital admissions are a result of falls. Falls are the most common cause of traumatic brain injury and account for 95% of hip fractures. Falls are also the leading cause of death from injury in older adults in the U.S. Based on the statistics above, it is very clear why therapists, and the healthcare community, are very concerned about balance, falls, and fall prevention. This podcast will focus on treatment techniques that improve engagement of balance strategies to reduce fall risk and improve the safety and independence of your patients. Therapists and other healthcare professionals who provide interventions to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls are at the forefront of the fall prevention landscape; and are in a premier position to improve the quality of life, and in many cases extend the lives of people across the U.S. As practitioners, we should take this role very seriously and utilize the most effective strategies to promote change in these areas. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please Click here The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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The Effects of Screen-Time: Recommendations and Alternatives

The American Academy of Pediatrics has recently imposed stringent guidelines for screen time. New clinical case studies have found that many young children who spend too much time watching screens display symptoms of autism. When parents take away the screens for a few months, the child’s symptoms disappear. Considering this information, what are the changes we see in the developing brain when exposed to electronic screens? How much is too much? In this course, clinicians will learn the risk factors and effects of screen time on the growing brain, understand the term “virtual autism,” and learn effective treatment strategies to remediate or prevent these issues. This course will help participants educate their clients about this information, change treatment methodologies, prevent negative consequences of screen time, and treat symptoms quicker, and more effectively. This workshop will use effective teaching methods to give learners hands-on strategies to incorporate into their practice setting. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please Click here The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Geriatric Shoulder Rehabilitation

Shoulder injuries are a common issue in the geriatric patient presenting to rehabilitation. Specific shoulder dysfunctions are more often encountered in the older patient requiring specific knowledge for successful rehab management. This podcast will present the current evidence on proximal humerus fractures, rotator cuff tears and glenohumeral osteoarthritis. It will specifically cover pathophysiology, etiology of injuries, and the effects on ADL’s/IADL’s in the geriatric patient. The content covered will also include reviews of current evidence in the rehab management of these patients and ideas for the clinical application. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Pediatric Behavioral Challenges: Causes, Triggers, Prevention, and Differentiating Between Sensory and Behavioral Outbursts

Do you find yourself spending most of your treatment time dealing with maladaptive behaviors in children? Have you considered why there is such a prevalence of behavioral challenges? What has changed over the last 30 years to cause this rise in maladaptive behavioral patterns? In this course clinicians will dig to the root cause of maladaptive behavioral patterns and learn effective treatment strategies to remediate or prevent these issues. Learn why differentiating between sensory and behavioral reactions makes a difference. Clinicians who can identify the root cause of difficulty are able to treat these problems quicker and more effectively. This workshop will use effective teaching methods to give learners strategies to incorporate into their practice setting. Learners will be able to explain how sensory processing difficulties can cause or exacerbate maladaptive behavioral patterns, determine if a behavior is intentional, and the reasoning for an overwhelming increase in behavioral issues. This course will provide strategies to create meaningful treatment plans for clients. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please click here The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Total Knee Arthroplasty: Rehabilitation of Lateral vs Midline Approaches

This podcast will present an overview of the current literature on the different surgical approaches in total knee arthroplasty. It will also spend time discussing the lateral approach total knee arthroplasty, which is becoming a more widely utilized approach in TKA. Discussion will integrate the information from the first part of the course and how the different approaches may affect the rehab process. It will also spend time covering the most recent research on the best rehabilitation approaches and how the practitioner can apply it to their clinical setting. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please Click here The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Evidence-Based Rehabilitation in Dementia Care

As our aging population continues to grow in the United States, management of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias is becoming a public health crisis with burden to the patient, family, and healthcare system rising each decade. Deficits associated with these challenging pathologies can make it difficult to engage these patients in necessary rehabilitation activities for improved function. Patients with dementia can certainly benefit from rehabilitation as much as adults without dementia. With the proper knowledge and training, rehabilitation clinicians can provide dementia-specific, person-centered care, which can maximize rehabilitation outcomes by maintaining or even improving physical performance and function and thereby reduce healthcare costs. This podcast will provide you practical techniques that are applicable across all care settings to improve communication and enhance participation with patients having Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please Click here The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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Helping Patients Stay on Their Feet: Comprehensive Falls Management in Geriatric Rehabilitation

Falls among older adults are becoming a public health crisis and significant burden on the healthcare system. More than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling. Falls cost the healthcare system about $31 billion dollars annually. In fact, falls are not a normal part of aging and can be prevented with the proper assessment and management. Rehabilitation professionals are primed to lead this initiative as part of an interdisciplinary team. This podcast will deepen your understanding of the interplay between risk factors associated with falls. Additionally, listeners will learn the most evidence-based examination and evaluative tools available to be able to develop the best individualized plan of care along with skilled justification for treatment. Finally, the podcast will outline the current best practices and interventions available to healthcare professionals in managing falls and aid in the prevention of future falls. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please Click here The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.


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The Fabulous Five of ADL Training in Older Adults: Practical Strategies to Demonstrate Value and Improve Outcomes

According to the National Institute of Health, more than one-third (35.2%) of adults in the U.S., aged 65 and over report some level of dysfunction with ADL. Some of the resulting outcomes include poor sleep, malnutrition, social isolation, depression, pain, UTIs and falls. Since nearly one-third of all seniors live alone, that means that roughly 14 million seniors have no direct access to caregiver support. But living alone does not have to mean living lonely. Rehabilitation therapists have the unique charge of addressing ADL deficits with impactful, measurable interventions to decrease the need for institutionalized care. This timely podcast will help therapy professionals to learn evidence-based evaluation and treatment interventions to address this public health crisis. Attendees will learn five standardized ADL assessments and four methods for ADL retraining that demonstrate skill. The multi-disciplinary approach will provide valuable content for all therapists, without duplicating services, regardless of discipline. Most importantly, attendees will leave with a new-found confidence that they can empower older adults to age with dignity and autonomy. To view accreditation information and access completion requirements to receive a certificate for completing this course, please Click here The content of this Summit podcast is provided only for educational and training purposes for licensed physical therapists and occupational therapists. This content should not be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others.
