Piano Parent Podcast: helping teachers, parents, and students get the most of their piano lessons.-logo

Piano Parent Podcast: helping teachers, parents, and students get the most of their piano lessons.

Education Podcasts

The Piano Parent Podcast is your one-stop shop for all things related to parenting a piano student. From practice tips to piano geography and musical terms, common studio policies to teacher and parent interviews, this is THE best resource to help you and your child make the most of piano lessons. Whether you are a knowledgeable musician or a complete novice, there is definitely something for you here.


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The Piano Parent Podcast is your one-stop shop for all things related to parenting a piano student. From practice tips to piano geography and musical terms, common studio policies to teacher and parent interviews, this is THE best resource to help you and your child make the most of piano lessons. Whether you are a knowledgeable musician or a complete novice, there is definitely something for you here.



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Encore Presentation of PPP14: Mister Rogers' Code for I Love You

Mr. Fred Rogers was born on March 20, 1928. This encore presentation is in honor of his 96th birthday, with gratitude for his life, well lived. What an example and inspiration for us all! Learn more at www.PianoParentpodcast.com/143.


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PPP 357: Teacher chat with Becki Laurent and Clinton Pratt - Artful Dodgers

What's your best deflection technique? Sometimes I'll answer a question with another question to avoid giving an uncomfortable answer. What's your piano kid's best deflection technique? Do they try to memorize all their music to avoid sight reading? Do they blame the metronome when they aren't able to play along with it? Learn some common "artful dodges" in today's teacher chat with Becki Laurent and Clinton Pratt. Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/357


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PPP 356: The Groundhog Day of Piano Lessons

Do you ever feel like you're living the same piano lesson week after week? Listen to today's show to learn some reasons why music is re-assigned at the lesson and how you can help your piano kid keep moving forward. Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/356


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PPP 355: Take Inventory of your 168 Hour Week

24 hours each day, 7 days every week. We all have 168 hours each week. If we're not careful, those hours will get filled with other people's agendas. Now is the time to take inventory of your schedule and make time for the things that are important to you. Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/355


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Holiday Replay of PPP 266: "Down in History"

In the style of Mike Rowe’s podcast “The Way I Heard It” and Paul Harvey’s radio show “The Rest of the Story”, this episode of the Piano Parent Podcast brings you the backstory of a musician or song or a moment in music history. I use these musical mysteries to tell you something you might not know about someone or something that is somewhat familiar. In this case, I will tell you the story of a young author who never wrote the great American novel but still managed to go “Down in History”. Find the original episode at www.PianoParentPodcast.com.266


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PPP 354: No Book Beginners with author, Tim Topham

In today's episode, author and international teacher of piano teachers, Tim Topham shares his approach to music learning in his new book, "No Book Beginners". Rather than stifling your piano kid's enthusiasm for piano by slowing down music-making with foreign terminology and symbols and expecting them to learn to read music before they expore the interesting sounds the piano can create, Tim's book offers a different approach. Get your piano kid creating music and exploring sounds right from the first lesson! Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/354.


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PPP 353: What to do when you don't practice

Listen to today's episode to hear my suggestions for what you and your piano kid can do about your piano lesson when you've gone the whole week without spending time at your own piano. Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/353


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PPP 352: What to Expect in the First Year of Piano Lessons

Welcome new Piano Parents! If you and your piano kid are new to the wonderful world of piano lessons, you may be wondering what kinds of things they will be learning during this first year. Today's episode gives you a few things to expect. Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/352.


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PPP 351: The Value of Reading to Your Piano Kids with Author, Vicky Weber

Vicky Weber is a musician and an elementary educator with a love for children’s literature. All her current titles are based on her background in music education or her heritage. While she has taught a variety of grade levels, primary-level education is where her passion lies. It has long been a dream of hers to teach children through the magic of books and she hopes you love reading her works as much as she loved writing them. Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/351


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PPP 350: 10 Ways to Scare Your Piano Teacher

'Tis the season for all things orange, yellow, brown, and a little scary. Today's list offers ten things that are likely to scare your piano teacher. Some are silly and some are serious, but all are things you might encounter with your piano kid. Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/350.


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PPP 349: How to make your piano kid fail proof

We do everything we can, as parents, to set our kids up for success at the piano. We pay for lessons, drive them to their lesson, provide them with an instrument to practice. What steps should we take to help our piano kids overcome failure? How can we make their piano journey "so simple, plain, or reliable as to leave no opportunity for error, misuse, or failure"? Find out in today's episode and learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/349.


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PPP 348: Find the '1' - Helping students feel the steady beat and find the downbeat in music

Today's episode offers help for those piano kids who have a difficult time feeling the steady beat of music. Some children can feel the beat but they aren't yet able to discern the downbeat, the start of a new measure. If a child has trouble feeling the steady pulse of music they listen to, they will have even more trouble trying to reproduce a steady beat in the music they play. Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/348


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PPP 347: Brock Chart with My-Melodies Publishing (sometimes our trajectory changes with the flip of a coin)

Enjoy this delightful conversation with Kansas piano teacher, award-winning composer, and founder of My-Melodies Publishing, Brock Chart. Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/347


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PPP 346: ICYMI Replay of Musical Mystery Opus 1, No. 1 "Wishful Thinking"

200 episodes ago, I published my first musical mystery. I'm sharing it again today to prepare for the upcoming 200th anniversary of one of this composer's greatest hits! Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/346


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PPP 345: Time to Clean Off Your Piano

As we gear up for a new school year and a new semester of piano lessons, this is a great time to declutter your piano or keyboard. Let's do it together! You can clean off your piano while you listen to this episode! Check the show notes for links to all the resources mentioned in this episode at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/345. Watch the companion video on YouTube at https://youtu.be/lmLpRthqxE8.


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PPP 344: "Make Space for Your Child's Experiences" A Parenting Do Over with Ashlee Young

Back in March, I interviewed Ashlee Young (You can catch that interview at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/324). When the official interview was over, I asked Ashlee if I could ask her one more question. "Is there a moment in your parenting that you can share where you would really like a 'Do Over'?" So often on social media and in my interviews with guests, we try to put our best foot forward. That is as it should be. We want to offer professional, succinct information that will be helpful to listeners. The reality is that most of my guests are parents just like you. They are in the trenches with busy schedules, trying to keep up with practice routines, dealing with tired and cranky kids, moody teenagers, and doing the best they can. I hope you enjoy this quick look behind the curtain to hear real stories from Ashlee and me. You can find links and other resources for this episode at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/344.


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PPP 343: "Navigating Different Perspectives" A Parenting Do Over with Thomas Grayston

Back in February, I interviewed Thomas Grayston (You can catch that interview at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/321). When the official interview was over, I asked Thomas if I could ask him one more question. “Is there a moment in your parenting that you can share where you would really like a ‘Do Over’?” So often on social media and in my interviews with guests, we try to put our best foot forward. That is as it should be. We want to offer professional, succinct information that will be helpful to listeners. The reality is that most of my guests are parents just like you. They are in the trenches with busy schedules, trying to keep up with practice routines, dealing with tired and cranky kids, moody teenagers, and doing the best they can. I hope you enjoy this quick look behind the curtain to hear real stories from Thomas and me. You can find links and other resources for this episode at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/343.


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PPP 342: "Extend Compassion....to your children and to yourself" A Parenting Do Over with Dr. Fernanda Nieto

Back in October, I interviewed Fernanda Nieto (You can catch that interview at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/314). When the official interview was over, I asked Fernanda if I could ask her one more question. “Is there a moment in your parenting that you can share where you would really like a ‘Do Over’?” So often on social media and in my interviews with guests, we try to put our best foot forward. That is as it should be. We want to offer professional, succinct information that will be helpful to listeners. The reality is that most of my guests are parents just like you. They are in the trenches with busy schedules, trying to keep up with practice routines, dealing with tired and cranky kids, moody teenagers, and doing the best they can. I hope you enjoy this quick look behind the curtain to hear real stories from Fernanda and me. You can find links and other resources for this episode at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/342.


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PPP 341: "Avoid Misinterpretations" A Parenting Do Over with Stephen Hughes

Back in August, I interviewed Stephen Hughes (You can catch that interview at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/304). When the official interview was over, I asked Stephen if I could ask him one more question. “Is there a moment in your parenting that you can share where you would really like a ‘Do Over’?” So often on social media and in my interviews with guests, we try to put our best foot forward. That is as it should be. We want to offer professional, succinct information that will be helpful to listeners. The reality is that most of my guests are parents just like you. They are in the trenches with busy schedules, trying to keep up with practice routines, dealing with tired and cranky kids, moody teenagers, and doing the best they can. I hope you enjoy this quick look behind the curtain to hear real stories from Stephen and me. You can find links and other resources for this episode at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/341.


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PPP 340: Ten Takeaways for Piano Parents from My Recent TMTA Conference

Every June, our Texas Music Teachers Association hosts a conference. It is one of the highlights of my year because I gain so much from attending. Our state conference brings in top-notch presenters to share new teaching strategies, new music, and other professional development opportunities. There are also many activities for students and their parents. On today's show, I am bringing the conference experience to you with ten takeaways for piano parents. You can learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/340
