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Pretty Sure Nothing's Wrong With You

Education Podcasts

The more we cultivate the belief that nothing is wrong with us, the closer we get to true and ultimate freedom. This podcast will help you start dismantling all of your limiting beliefs so you can start showing up how YOU want in the world.


United States


The more we cultivate the belief that nothing is wrong with us, the closer we get to true and ultimate freedom. This podcast will help you start dismantling all of your limiting beliefs so you can start showing up how YOU want in the world.



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Are You Ready to Take a Brave Leap Sideways?! -- With Cathlyn Melvin

This week we are joined by Copywriter and TEDx coach, Cathlyn Melvin. You are going to LOVE her story and how she powerfully took a brave leap out of what wasn't serving her! Her story and message perfectly align with everything Pretty Sure We Can Do Better stands for. It takes courage to step away from anything not serving you, your career, a relationship, friendship, etc! We discuss our journies and show you that YOU can do it too! You don't have to stay stuck because I'm #prettysurewecandobetter Connect with Cathlyn: Website TEDx Talk Other resources Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Feel Better and More Free by UpLeveling Your Nutrition -- With Aubree Seaman

This week we are joined by Functional Nutrition and Health Coach, Aubree Seaman. On this episode we discuss how getting your mindset and nutrition in order can give you so much more energy, so much less worry, and an overall greater sense of freedom in your life! Connect with Aubree: Website Instagram Free Resources (newsletter, etc) Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Freedom in Sharing Your Own Story: Coming Out as a Gay Black Man -- Storytelling with Paul Best (Part 2)

Being able to be truly authentic every day is one of the most liberating things in the world! What a gift to be joined by Paul D Best again in this episode! Paul shares his story of stepping into his authenticity by coming out as a gay black man. First to his family, and then to the world. Showing your full self to the world can be one of the scariest things you do, but also one of the most rewarding. Let Paul be the example of how beautiful your life will become once you step into your truth. Connect with Paul: Instagram Keepers of the Culture, Inc--Philidelphia's Afrocentric Storytelling Group Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Know and Share Your History So You Can Free Yourself and Future Generations! -- Storytelling with Paul D. Best (Part 1)

You have inherited trauma! We ALL have inherited trauma. Most have us have never thought about that fact. We don't realize that trauma passed down through the generations can transform us even at a DNA level. That's why knowing where you come from, what your family has been through, is crucial to truly understand yourself and heal. This week we are joined by Storyteller, Paul D. Best. He shares his own journey to healing through the Art of Storytelling, and tips on how we can all start down a road to self-discovery by getting to know our elders. Trust me, you do NOT want to miss this episode, which is part 1 of 2 episodes featuring Paul. Stayed tuned for the 2nd half of Paul's story next week. Connect with Paul: Instagram Keepers of the Culture, Inc--Philidelphia's Afrocentric Storytelling Group Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Pretty Sure Productivity Can Be Pleasurable and Fun!

Let's flip productivity on its head and instead of thinking about it being linear, structured, and all about go go go...let's think of it as pleasure and fun. If you haven't been feeling productive lately, this will give you ideas for feeling better about it and also an "unconventional" approach to be way MORE productive by being happier and more fulfilled. Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Lean into What Lights You up and Enjoy Each Step of the Way -- With Aj Morrison

Ready to hear a story of a brave human leaning into what feels right and what lights him up? You will love AJ's story because it's so relatable to what we all go through as we navigate our own journey to a life full of happiness and purpose. Does he stay in a stable paying job with benefits or does he step out on his own and be a freelance actor? Some awesomeness we discuss in this episode: Connect with AJ: Website: Facebook: Instagram: Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Little by Little You Will Build Your Ideal Schedule -- With Marissa Watson

Today we are joined by one of my lifelong friends, Marissa (Missy) Watson. What I love about Missy's story is that she and her husband Kyle have really supported each other well as they balance work and family life. They have each taken turns staying home with the kids and or working part-time as needed. Little by little they are moving closer to their ideal careers and schedules. In this episode we talk about: I can't wait for you to take a listen because I'm pretty sure we can do better! Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Two Strangers, One Life-Changing Interaction -- With Kate Wadle and Mark Latta

Today we are joined by two strangers, Kate and Mark, who had a text exchange that changed Kate's life. Kate was working for a company and didn't enjoy her job. For that job, she texted Mark asking if he was wanting to sell his house. Tune in to learn how Mark's response then changed her life. You don't want to miss this episode because I'm Pretty Sure We Can Do Better! Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Decide What You Want and Send Your Brain on a Hunt to Figure It Out -- With Meg Gluckman

Meg Gluckman is a life and business coach. In this episode, she shares her journey from having the thought "I want a job where I can be home with my kids after school" to investing in herself and making it happen. We discussed in this episode: --Meg's decision to become a certified life coach when covid hit. --How Meg used her retirement money to be home with the kids and invest in her certification --How to have massive belief in yourself (and or your business) to know you can generate income to replace any investment you make in yourself. --The power of coaching. --Making a co-parenting schedule work for your business and life. --Carving out time for yourself and viewing that time as sacred. --Focusing on the aspects of your life you CAN control. --How covid has shown us how adaptable and creative we are and so much more! Can't wait for you to listen. Connect with Meg: Website Facebook Instagram Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Pretty Sure You CAN Make It as a Full-Time Artist -- With Jennifer Meeker

This week we are joined by ceramicist Jennifer Meeker! Jennifer is an amazing woman who is proof that you make a wonderful living as a full-time artist and you will absolutely love her work and her story. In this episode we discuss: just to name a few!! Go check out this episode because I'm #prettysurewecandobetter Connect with and Support Jennifer: Website Etsy Shop Instagram Tik-Tok Facebook Email: Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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You Can Choose Your Thoughts and Don’t Have to Stay Feeling Stuck -- With Yolanda O’Bannon

Today we are joined by self-care coach Yolanda O'Bannon. I invited Yolanda to the podcast because I love her energy, I love her story, and I knew she would be an inspiration to anyone who listens to this episode. Yolanda shares her story about going from wanting more freedom and feeling stuck, to shift her thoughts to seeing AND believing what was possible for her. Like me, Yolanda believes creating freedom and change in your life starts with your thoughts. Now she is supporting herself with her two businesses and is in complete control of her time. In this episode we discuss: Can't wait for you to hear this episode because I'm Pretty Sure We Can Do Better Connect with Yolanda Coaching Website Tibet Travel Business Book Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Start Making Shifts You Want to See in Your Life NOW before Life Throws You a Curve Ball -- With Katy Weade

This week we are joined again by Parent Coach, Katy Weade. I hired Katy to be my 1:1 coach and I wanted to have her on to share a bit about my personal transformation as her client as well as have Katy share how she is tackling her recent diagnosis with stage 3 breast cancer. Some things we discuss in this episode: Get in touch with Katy: Website FREE Parenting Class Facebook Business Instagram Personal Instagram Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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You Don't Have to Know Everything! Don't Let Fear Hold You Back -- With Kelli Winer

This week we are joined by Kelli Winer. Kelli started her own business years ago and has made many pivots throughout her journey as a designer. In this episode we talk about: You definitely don't want to miss this episode! Connect with Kelli: Facebook Instagram Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Your Mental Health Matters! From Surviving to Thriving with CoraLyn Turentine and Sarah Foster

Focusing on your own mental wellness brings so much freedom in your life. I'm super excited to have CoraLyn Turentine and Sarah Foster from Mental Health Matters @indianamhm on the podcast this week! These ladies are so generous to share so much with us. If you want a perfect example of making shifts to prioritize your own mental health... this is the episode for you! A few topics we talk about on this episode: -Their career journeys in the nonprofit sector that lead to them starting their own business -Medical Leave of Absence (they got so burnt out they had to take one) -How we are pretty sure the nonprofit sector could do a lot better. :) -Trauma Informed Care -Making your own mental health a priority -Diversifying your income -Side Incomes And so much more! Connect with Sarah and CoraLyn: Mental Health Matters Website Mental Health Matters Instagram Mental Health Matters Facebook CoraLyn's Instagram Sarah's Instagram Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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So Much Can Change In a Year: A Check-in with Chelsea Gilligan

This week we are checking in with Chelsea Gilligan. We first checked in with Chelsea a year ago. We have been following her journey of having an income-generating project idea to where she is now, on maternity leave! So much can change in a year! In this episode Chelsea and I discuss: -Life as a new mom -Her family's plan for when she returns to work -Taking things day by day -Updates on her business idea -Continuously evaluating what lights you up and going after it Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Find a New Job That's a Better Fit For You -- With Career Coach Polina Wilson

This week we are joined by the brilliant Polina Wilson. She's an HR guru and Career Coach. Polina gives us so many tips and insights into landing a job you love. In this episode we discuss: freebiesSuch a great episode! Get in touch with Polina: Website Instagram Email: Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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You Are Your Own Authority and Can Create Your Own Sense of Freedom: Human Design with Jacqueline Martinez

Today we are talking with Jacqueline Martinez. She shares her journey from sitting at her desk realizing something wasn't right to where she is now having her dream job that gives her a lot of flexibility AND her own company. We talk about so many important things but some of my favorite things we touch on are: -Set the intention for what you want. -Once YOU believe in what you are doing, everyone else will believe in what you are doing. -You create your own sense of freedom. It starts with you. -Keep pivoting until you get to the right job that meets your needs. -There will always be hurdles (and often you are your own hurdle) but continuing to jump over the hurdles is well worth it. Connect with Jacqueline: Website Instagram Podcast Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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Just Get Started, Where You End Up Might Surprise You -- a Check In with Rick Rosales

This week we are checking in with Rick Rosales. We have been following along on Rick's journey to start his own income-generating project. He is an example of what is possible when you just get started and put yourself out there. Rick's original idea has lead him to opportunities that he never expected. And he utilizes his life experience and background in how he approaches and succeeds with new projects. It's so cool to watch. You can do this, too!! If you have an idea, just get started. If you have a goal...take the next best step. We are all rooting for you because I'm #prettysurewecandobetter Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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How to Gain Financial Freedom through Reselling -- With Margaret Gaines

This week we are joined by entrepreneur and reseller, Margaret Gaines. She resells luxury women's vintage and modern clothing. She shares how she got into this business and tips for how you can get into reselling as well! She's a wealth of knowledge and so generous with sharing her tips with us today. Go check it out! Connect with Margaret: Instagram Website Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show


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How to Be Your Partner's Biggest Fan and Greatest Support While You Create the Ideal Lifestyle for Your Family -- with Matt and Erin Warmbier

Matt and Erin Warmbier exemplify the theme of this podcast as they constantly make decisions based on more freedom and flexibility for their family. They have chosen to have Erin be a stay-at-home mom and homeschool their 5 children, and now Matt has left his stable job in management at Starbucks to follow his passion and purpose and start a nonprofit. Their story is so beautiful, and I love how they share how they made decisions and how they balance each other out all while considering the other's wants and needs. Even if you don't have children, even if you tell yourself you would never homeschool, even if starting your own project or business doesn't appeal to you...take a listen to this episode! Get involved with and follow Matt and Love They Nerd: Website Twitch Instagram Facebook Twitter Youtube Podcasts Please reach out to me to connect and let me know your thoughts on this episode! You can reach me and free resources at the links below: Website Instagram Facebook Book a free consult call for 1:1 coaching with me Support the show
