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Reimagining the World

Education Podcasts

One thing covid-19 has taught us is that the world can change in radical ways, that only a short time ago were unimaginable. Everything is on the table right now. This podcast is about imagining a more beautiful world. I talk to people who inspire me about not only their ideas but their experience of how things can be better than we currently might think is possible.


United States


One thing covid-19 has taught us is that the world can change in radical ways, that only a short time ago were unimaginable. Everything is on the table right now. This podcast is about imagining a more beautiful world. I talk to people who inspire me about not only their ideas but their experience of how things can be better than we currently might think is possible.



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6. Reimagining Depression

If you're depressed, does it help to take antidepressants? Dr Mark Horowitz thought it would when he started taking them at med school, whilst training to be a psychiatrist. He became one of the world's leading experts in antidepressants and how they work. At least he thought he was, until he realised he actually knew nothing useful about them. He didn't understand the side-effects he was experiencing and he couldn't wean himself off them. This is the story of a doctor who gradually realised...


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5. Reimagining Education

After a year and a half of disruption, it's back to school for thousands of young people. But is the education system serving them well? In this episode of the Reimagining the World podcast, Michael Strong, co-founder of the virtual secondary school, argues that school is cruel, boring and not fit for purpose. He is an experienced school creator whose projects include Moreno Valley High School, a charter school in New Mexico ranked the 36th best public school in the...


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4. Reimagining male friendship

In this episode I talk to Kenny Mammarella D'Cruz, founder of Menspeak Men's Groups. For 20 years, his organisation has been offering men an opportunity to connect at a deeper level, to be vulnerable and to feel supported by their fellow man. Personally I think this is a hugely important topic because I have seen in my own life that we men often struggle with this much more than women. At school, emotional vulnerability was pounced upon and ruthlessly exploited. The result being I and a...


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3. Reimagining Intuition with Amisha Ghadiali

Amisha Ghadiali is the author of Intuition: Access Your Inner Wisdom. Trust Your Instincts. Find Your Path, which she wrote during lockdown, in a treehouse. As you do. Before this conversation I wasn't really clear what intuition is or how important it could be, but according to Amisha, not making use of it is like trying to walk using only one leg. This conversation completely changed how I think about intuition, as we explored how it can help us to: Amisha shares practical ways to...


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2. Reimagining activism, shame and God

In this episode I'm joined by Rob Grundel. He’s a storytelling consultant, a leadership coach, Christian, hip-hop artist and a proud dad. I wanted to invite him as my guest because whenever I talk to him I feel so alive! One of the most provocative things he says is in the interview is that hell is an unbiblical heresy! Here has a very different concept of Christianity to the one I grew up with. One that is based in love and grace rather than judgement and punishment. We also talk...


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1. Reimagining Democracy

In this episode I talk to Andy Paice about reimagining Democracy. Andy was a Tibetan monk for 10 years. Since then he has become a participatory democracy consultant. He is passionate about transforming democracy so that it is able to solve society’s problems a lot better than it does now, by getting normal citizens more involved in making policy decisions. One of the most fascinating things about this conversation for me was understanding how he is translating what he learnt through his...
