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Education Podcasts
School Dazed features experts tackling a variety of challenges affecting children’s education from bullying, to gaming, to anxiety and depression and much more.
The One About Choosing A College
Choosing the right post secondary institution is one of the first big decisions many young adults will make, and with over 5,000 colleges and universities in the US alone, there is a lot for them to consider! In this episode we sat down with Vielka Hoy, founder and CEO of Bridge to College, who shared guidance for parents and students.
Check out other School Dazed shows about college!
The One About College Admissions
The One About Scholarships
The One About Your Freshman Year In College
For more information about our show head to schooldazedshow.com
The One About School Choice Part 2
The closure of schools and the deficiencies of crisis virtual learning caused some parents to weigh their options to see if alternative academic solutions would better fit their families and address their children’s needs. In this episode we sit down with the president of @schoolchoiceweek , Andrew Campanella. Andrew talked to us about a survey they conducted that revealed the reasons why parents are considering different options for their children.
Also check out our interview with Andrew in "The One About School Choice Part 1" where he talked to us in detail about different school choices.
For more information about our show head to https://schooldazedshow.com/
The One About Extracurricular and Academic Investment
One study indicates that at least, eight in ten parents believe that signing kids up for extracurricular activities could bring them extra income someday. Many parents invest significant time and money for soccer, ballet, and piano lessons, but how do you find the balance between extracurricular and academic needs? In this episode we were joined by two parents whose children were very involved in activities and who have had some 20/20 hindsight moments they wanted to share.
Related topics:
The One About Coaching Students with ADHD
The One About College Admissions
The One About UIL Academic Competition
The One About Student Athletes
For more information about our show head to https://schooldazedshow.com/
The One About The Purpose-Driven Student
More than half of American workers are dissatisfied with their jobs. Loyal employees that stay with companies 10, 20, and 30 years are rare. Many young people graduate lacking a basic understanding of their strengths, values, and purpose in order to make wise decisions about career paths. Greg and Beth Langston, co-founders of The College Flight Plan, lead students in transformational self-discovery allowing them to discover their life's purpose and ultimately, fulfilling careers. For more information about our show head to https://schooldazedshow.com/.
The One About Fake News and Media Literacy
Fake News [ feyk-nooz, nyooz ] Noun False news stories, often of a sensational nature, created to be widely shared or distributed for the purpose of generating revenue, or promoting or discrediting a public figure, political movement, company, etc. How can we (and how can we lead our kids to) identify credible news sources and information in order to think critically, make decisions, and form opinions in a world where Fake News is so readily available? In this episode, we were joined by Principal Lecturer for the Mayborn School of Journalism at the University of North Texas, Corneilus "Neil" Foot. Neil has also worked at The Miami Herald, The Washington Post, The Dallas Morning News, the Belo Corporation, the Tom Joyner Morning Show, and The American Society of Newspaper Editors. For more information about our show head to schooldazedshow.com
The One About Critical Race Theory and K-12 Education
Critical Race Theory or CRT has become a hot-button issue and a concern for many parents of K-12 students in the United States. Six states (Idaho, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Iowa, and New Hampshire) have passed laws and nearly 20 additional states have introduced or plan to introduce similar legislation to regulate how race is discussed in the classroom. In this episode, our guests defined CRT, talked about it’s origins, and discussed what our nation’s students are being taught in schools about race and our country’s history with racism.
For more information about our show head to schooldazedshow.com.
The One About ADHD Coaching
An estimated 6.1 million children have been diagnosed with ADHD at some point in their lives. Symptoms of ADHD can affect a student’s behavior and academic performance at school. It can be misunderstood by both those who struggle with the disorder and by those around them, but with support and strategies, students can learn to thrive. In this episode, we sat down with Dr. Norrine Russell, Academic & ADHD Coaching Expert, from Russell Coaching. Dr. Russell gave us insight into the ADHD brain as well as effective strategies for managing the symptoms for academic success.
For more information about our show head to https://schooldazedshow.com/. Like and subscribe!
The One About College Admissions
Navigating the college admissions process can be tricky and even sometimes intimidating. Experts suggest that students and their parents begin this process in Junior High, but where do you start and how do you know your child is on the right track? In this episode, we sat down with college admissions expert, Dr. Shirag Shemmassian of Shemmassian Academic Consulting. For nearly 20 years, he and his team have helped thousands of students get into top colleges.
For more information about our show head to https://schooldazedshow.com/. Don't miss a show! Be sure to like and subscribe to School Dazed on any podcast platform.
The One For When You're New To SPED
In this episode, we welcomed three moms who have children in the Special Education program at their schools. When our son first entered into the SPED program, friends who had gone before us provided a wealth of knowledge and much-needed comfort when we knew nothing. We wanted to invite some parents to share their experiences and wisdom with our audience to do the same for those of you that are new to SPED.
For more information about our show head to schooldazedshow.com
The One About Career Exploration
In this episode, we talked to career coach and author of "Dream It & Do It: 100 Possibilities, Stories and Real-Life Role Models", Holly Sharp.
Her book helps students explore different careers and helps parents have meaningful conversations with their kids about what they want to be when they grow up. For more information about our show head to schooldazedshow.com.
The One About Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to learn new information and respond to complex problems and challenges. In today's rapidly changing world, critical thinking is one of the most vital skills kids can learn for present and future success. In this episode, we sat down with Peter Ellerton, Curriculum Director of the University of Queensland's Critical Thinking Project in Brisbane Australia. For more information about our show head to schooldazedshow.com
The One About Study Skills
Studying, we've all had to do it, but it's usually not something that is taught in schools. Studying is much more than just preparing for a test, and unfortunately, most students have to figure it out on their own. Whether you have a college student, you are a student YOURSELF, or you have a school-aged kid, you'll want to listen to this one! In this episode, our own David Bailey shared about how to study for academic success.
Find out more about our show at schooldazedshow.com.
#academicsuccess #students #studying #studyskills #academics #elementaryeducation #achievementgap #testtaking #virtuallearning
The One About Youth Vaping
The Surgeon General has declared e-cigarette use by youth an epidemic. More than 3.6 million U.S. youth, including 1 in 5 high school students and 1 in 20 middle school students, currently use them. Serious lung injury and even death have been associated with vaping products. Because of the threat to students, school officials are mobilizing nationwide to bring awareness and keep vaping out of schools. In this episode, we sat down with Jennifer Folkenroth, National Senior Director of Tobacco Programs for the American Lung Association, and Dr. Matthew Gibbins, Chief Executive Director of Student Services for the Richardson Independent School District in North Texas. For more information about our show head to schooldazedshow.com. Catch us live on our Facebook page, Noggin Educational Foundation on Tuesdays. Check our website for dates and show topics.
The One About Test-Taking Strategies
Tests. We’ve all taken them. Most of us DREAD them, but did you know that with some tests knowing the content isn’t the only thing that can help you? On certain tests, strategy can be just as important as being able to remember what the teacher taught you. Today, we will hear from our own, David Bailey, who is a veteran teacher and private tutor of over 20 years! Also check out School Dazed episode, "The One About Test Anxiety". For more information about our show head to schooldazedshow.com
The One About Coding For Kids
Coding can improve problem-solving skills, foster a growth mindset, and develop creativity and confidence. Coding, many say, is basic literacy in the digital age and essential for students to learn in order to be competitive in the future. In this episode, we discussed coding with STEM teacher, Dr. Mary Payton; Darryl Hughes, CEO of game development company, Hughes Who Technologies; and Dr. Tonjia Gimble, Senior Association Director of Teen Programs for YMCA Metropolitan Dallas.
Another episode to consider: The One About STEM Education
For more information about our show head to schooldazedshow.com
The One About Music Education and Academic Performance
Research shows that students who study music show improved math and reading scores, greater concentration, and confidence. In this episode we were joined by music educators Rondi Allen and Michael Scott who shared with us the academic benefits of music education.
Watch our show live on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 CST. For more information head to schooldazedshow.com
The One About Tech Safety for Kids and Teens
Kids and Teens spend between 6-9 hours on digital technology a day potentially exposing themselves and your family to malicious content and individuals. In this episode of #schooldazedshow we sat down with cybersecurity and risk strategist, Dr. Laura Jones who shared tips to help keep kids and teens safe from the digital dangers that lurk behind our screens. #cybersecurity #techsafety #onlinesafety #digitalfootprint #onlinerisk #onlinekidsafety
Find out more about our show at schooldazedshow.com/
The One About Effective Memory Strategies for Students
Memory Athletes use techniques and tricks that enable them to remember long lists of information. Research shows that students who use memory strategies perform better academically, because these strategies help expand working memory and access long term memory. In this episode we sat down with 4x USA Memory Champion, author, and mountaineer, Nelson Delllis. Nelson wrote the book, "Memory Superpowers", that helps readers learn the secrets to remembering everything from the world capitals to the elements of the periodic table to speeches and soliloquies.
Watch our show live on our Facebook page, Noggin Educational Foundation, Tuesdays at 5:30 pm CST. For more information about School Dazed head to schooldazedshow.com.
The One about the Insurrection at the Capitol
Only a few days into 2021 we find ourselves having to have hard conversations with our kids about current events...again. The insurrection on Capitol Hill is an event that many of us are still processing as adults. In this episode we welcomed guests to discuss the the events of January 6th. Victoria Farrar-Meyers is a political scientist with expertise in the American presidency. James Dickey is former Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. Katie Flores-Burgess is an 8th Grade Social Studies Department Chair. For more information about our show head to schooldazedshow.com
The One About Making Math Easier
Welcome to Season 3 of School Dazed! Many of us grew up believing that we didn't have math minds. Our guest would argue that educators have "taken the language of math and abstracted it beyond recognition, and that's why kids are confused." Dr. Randy Palisoc is 6th grade math teacher and in his TED Talk, "Math Isn't Hard, It's A Language" he explains how math can be made accessible for all students.
Watch our show live on our Facebook page on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 pm CST. For more information about our show head to https://schooldazedshow.com/
Other episodes to consider: The One About Understanding The "New Math"