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Education Podcasts

Law touches most aspects of life. Here to help make sense of it is the Stanford Legal podcast, where we look at the cases, questions, conflicts, and legal stories that affect us all every day. Stanford Legal launched in 2017 as a radio show on Sirius XM. We’re now a standalone podcast and we’re back after taking some time away, so don’t forget to subscribe or follow this feed. That way you’ll have access to new episodes as soon as they’re available. We know that the law can be complicated. In past episodes we discussed a broad range of topics from the legal rights of someone in a conservatorship like Britney Spears to the Supreme Court’s abortion decision to how American law firms had to untangle their Russian businesses after the invasion of Ukraine. Past episodes are still available in our back catalog of episodes. In future shows, we’ll bring on experts to help make sense of things like machine learning and developments in the regulation of artificial intelligence, how the states draw voting maps, and ways that the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling will change college admissions. Our co-hosts know a bit about these topics because it’s their life’s work. Pam Karlan studies and teaches what is known as the “law of democracy,”—the law that regulates voting, elections, and the political process. She served as a commissioner on the California Fair Political Practices Commission, an assistant counsel and cooperating attorney for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and (twice) as a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. She also co-directs Stanford’s Supreme Court Litigation Clinic, which represents real clients before the highest court in the country, working on important cases including representing Edith Windsor in the landmark marriage equality win and David Riley in a case where the Supreme Court held that the police generally can’t search digital information on a cell phone seized from an individual who has been arrested unless they first get a warrant. She has argued before the Court nine times. And Rich Ford’s teaching and writing looks at the relationship between law and equality, cities and urban development, popular culture and everyday life. He teaches local government law, employment discrimination, and the often-misunderstood critical race theory. He studied with and advised governments around the world on questions of equality law, lectured at places like the Sorbonne in Paris on the relationship of law and popular culture, served as a commissioner for the San Francisco Housing Commission, and worked with cities on how to manage neighborhood change and volatile real estate markets. He writes about law and popular culture for lawyers, academics, and popular audiences. His latest book is Dress Codes: How the Laws of Fashion Made History, a legal history of the rules and laws that influence what we wear. The law is personal for all of us—and pivotal. The landmark civil rights laws of the 1960s have made discrimination illegal but the consequences of the Jim Crow laws imposed after the civil war are still with us, reflected in racially segregated schools and neighborhoods and racial imbalances in our prisons and conflict between minority communities and police. Unequal gender roles and stereotypes still keep women from achieving equality in professional status and income. Laws barring gay people from marrying meant that millions lived lives of secrecy and shame. New technologies present new legal questions: should AI decide who gets hired or how long convicted criminals go to prison? What can we do about social media’s influence on our elections? Can Chat GPT get copyright in a novel? Law matters. We hope you’ll listen to new episodes that will drop on Thursdays every two weeks. To learn more, go to


United States


Law touches most aspects of life. Here to help make sense of it is the Stanford Legal podcast, where we look at the cases, questions, conflicts, and legal stories that affect us all every day. Stanford Legal launched in 2017 as a radio show on Sirius XM. We’re now a standalone podcast and we’re back after taking some time away, so don’t forget to subscribe or follow this feed. That way you’ll have access to new episodes as soon as they’re available. We know that the law can be complicated. In past episodes we discussed a broad range of topics from the legal rights of someone in a conservatorship like Britney Spears to the Supreme Court’s abortion decision to how American law firms had to untangle their Russian businesses after the invasion of Ukraine. Past episodes are still available in our back catalog of episodes. In future shows, we’ll bring on experts to help make sense of things like machine learning and developments in the regulation of artificial intelligence, how the states draw voting maps, and ways that the Supreme Court’s affirmative action ruling will change college admissions. Our co-hosts know a bit about these topics because it’s their life’s work. Pam Karlan studies and teaches what is known as the “law of democracy,”—the law that regulates voting, elections, and the political process. She served as a commissioner on the California Fair Political Practices Commission, an assistant counsel and cooperating attorney for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and (twice) as a Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. She also co-directs Stanford’s Supreme Court Litigation Clinic, which represents real clients before the highest court in the country, working on important cases including representing Edith Windsor in the landmark marriage equality win and David Riley in a case where the Supreme Court held that the police generally can’t search digital information on a cell phone seized from an individual who has been arrested unless they first get a warrant. She has argued before the Court nine times. And Rich Ford’s teaching and writing looks at the relationship between law and equality, cities and urban development, popular culture and everyday life. He teaches local government law, employment discrimination, and the often-misunderstood critical race theory. He studied with and advised governments around the world on questions of equality law, lectured at places like the Sorbonne in Paris on the relationship of law and popular culture, served as a commissioner for the San Francisco Housing Commission, and worked with cities on how to manage neighborhood change and volatile real estate markets. He writes about law and popular culture for lawyers, academics, and popular audiences. His latest book is Dress Codes: How the Laws of Fashion Made History, a legal history of the rules and laws that influence what we wear. The law is personal for all of us—and pivotal. The landmark civil rights laws of the 1960s have made discrimination illegal but the consequences of the Jim Crow laws imposed after the civil war are still with us, reflected in racially segregated schools and neighborhoods and racial imbalances in our prisons and conflict between minority communities and police. Unequal gender roles and stereotypes still keep women from achieving equality in professional status and income. Laws barring gay people from marrying meant that millions lived lives of secrecy and shame. New technologies present new legal questions: should AI decide who gets hired or how long convicted criminals go to prison? What can we do about social media’s influence on our elections? Can Chat GPT get copyright in a novel? Law matters. We hope you’ll listen to new episodes that will drop on Thursdays every two weeks. To learn more, go to



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Justice for All? Why We Have an Access to Justice Gap in America—And What to Do About It

Is legal representation in the U.S. only for the rich and corporations? That's a question that we'll explore in this episode of Stanford Legal with guests David and Nora Freeman Engstrom, two leading authorities on access to justice and the legal profession. They'll explain the roots of the challenge, how unauthorized practice of law rules contribute to the problem, and how to address them. The Engstroms co-direct Stanford Law School's Deborah L. Rhode Center on the Legal Profession, an academic center working to shape the future of legal services and access to the legal system. This episode delves into some alarming statistics, including the fact that in three-quarters of civil cases in state courts, at least one party is without a lawyer. This alone often leads to unjust outcomes in cases involving debt collection, evictions, family law, and other areas. And that is just part of the problem, as the Engstroms explain. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast Website LinkedIn PageTwitter/X Stanford Law School Page Twitter/X Twitter/XLinks: Stanford Law School PageStanford Law School PageChapter 1: The Access to Justice Crisis in the U.S. (00:00:00) Pam Karlan introduces the episode, discussing the work of David and Nora Freeman Engstrom at Stanford Law School's Deborah Rhode Center on the Legal Profession. This section provides an overview of the access to justice crisis, highlighting the high percentage of cases where individuals lack legal representation and a look at the types of cases predominantly at issue, including debt collection, evictions, mortgage foreclosures, and family law cases. Chapter 2: Understanding the Consequences and Causes of Legal Inaccessibility (00:7:06) David and Nora Freeman Engstrom explore the broader implications of the lack of legal representation, including the cascade of related legal and financial issues that arise from initial problems like wage garnishment and eviction. They also touch on the hidden legal issues that never make it to court due to individuals' inability to seek legal help. Chapter 3: Exploring Solutions and Technological Impacts on Access to Justice (00:10:07) David and Nora Freeman Engstrom delve into potential solutions to the access to justice crisis, including the role of technology in both exacerbating and potentially alleviating the problem. They discuss the efficiency of technological tools used by the debt collection industry and the implications for legal access. Chapter 4: The Technology Asymmetry in Debt Collection (00:14:19 ) Pam Karlan and David Freeman Engstrom discuss how debt collectors use automation to exploit legal processes against unrepresented individuals. They highlight the stark disparity between technological access for debt collectors and individual defendants. Engstrom points out the restrictive rules that limit software-driven legal services, exacerbating the access to justice crisis. Chapter 5: The Historical Context and Current Restrictions on Legal Services (00:15:55) Nora Freeman Engstrom delves into the history of legal service restrictions in the U.S., contrasting it with medical professions. She introduces her research on auto clubs and their provision of legal services in the early 20th century, showing how organized bar associations shut down these alternatives to preserve their monopoly. Chapter 6: Modern Innovations and Future Prospects in Legal Services (00:24:13) The host and guests discuss recent efforts to relax unauthorized practice of law rules in states like Utah and Arizona. They explore innovative legal service models emerging from these reforms, including tiered services and AI-driven solutions, and their potential to democratize access to legal assistance. The discussion highlights how entities like LegalZoom are now able to hire lawyers and provide more comprehensive services. They also touch on the potential of generative AI to bridge the gap between legal jargon and plain language, making legal assistance more...


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The Legacy of Brown v. BOE: Success or Failure?

In this episode, Rich and Pam discuss the successes and failures of Brown v. Board of Education with their colleague, Rick Banks. Marking the 70th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision, they look at its impact on Jim Crow segregation and the ongoing challenges in achieving educational equality in the U.S. Banks offers a critical analysis of the effectiveness of Brown in integrating American primary and secondary education and explores alternative approaches to further racial and socioeconomic integration in schools. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast Website LinkedIn PageTwitter/X Stanford Law School Page Twitter/X Twitter/XLinks: Stanford Law School PageStanford Lawyer Brown v. Board: Success or Failure?(00:00:00) Chapter 1: Introduction and Significance of Brown vs. Board of Education Introduction to the podcast and the topic of Brown vs. Board of Education. Discussion on the transformative impact of Brown on American society and its less effective impact on primary and secondary education. (00:02:36) Chapter 2: Initial Impact and Challenges of Brown Exploration of the immediate aftermath of the Brown decision, including the decade of minimal desegregation and the eventual legislative push in the 1960s. Mention of personal anecdotes highlighting the slow progress. (00:06:35) Chapter 3: Massive Resistance and Supreme Court’s Role Discussion on the era of massive resistance to desegregation, the role of the Southern Manifesto, and the Supreme Court's strategic avoidance of direct intervention. Examination of the lingering effects of this period on the present educational landscape. (00:10:16) Chapter 4: Socioeconomic Disparities and School Segregation Analysis of the ongoing economic inequality and its impact on school segregation. Comparison between Northern and Southern school desegregation efforts, with specific examples from Detroit and Charlotte. (00:14:45) Chapter 5: Legal and Structural Barriers to Integration Examination of legal decisions such as Milliken and San Antonio vs. Rodriguez that reinforced segregation and funding disparities. Discussion on the narrow scope of Brown and its consequences. (00:18:58) Chapter 6: Integration vs. Educational Quality Debate on the merits of integration versus focusing on educational quality through alternative methods such as charter schools and vouchers. Consideration of the mixed outcomes of these approaches. (00:22:19) Chapter 7: Parental Responsibility and Systemic Solutions Reflection on the burden placed on parents to seek better education through choice programs. Comparison to historical figures who fought for desegregation. Discussion on the need for systemic solutions rather than relying solely on choice. (00:25:02) Chapter 8: Future Directions and Pragmatic Solutions Call for a mix of approaches to improve education, combining integration efforts with initiatives focused on educational quality. Emphasis on the importance of experimentation, evidence collection, and open-minded evaluation of educational policies.


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Stanford's David Sklansky on Trump's Many Trials

Criminal law expert and former federal prosecutor David Sklansky joins Pam and Rich to discuss the New York trial and other cases against former president Trump. From state prosecutions to federal cases, they analyze the defense and prosecution strategies and implications of each trial, shedding light on the legal challenges facing Trump, the first current or former president in U.S. history to face criminal charges. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast Website LinkedIn PageTwitter/X Stanford Law School Page Twitter/X Twitter/XLinks: Stanford Law School Page[00:00:00] Chapter 1: Progress and Impact of the New York Trial [00:04:48] Chapter 2: Trump's Response and Gag Order [00:08:58] Chapter 3: Case Strength/Strategy and Jury Perception [00:19:45] Chapter 4: Supreme Court's Role and Case Complexity [00:22:56] Chapter 5: Challenges in the Mar-a-Lago Case [00:25:49] Chapter 6: Potential Trial Outcomes and Implications


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AI in Government and Governing AI: A Discussion with Stanford’s RegLab

Joining Pam and Rich for this discussion are Professor Daniel Ho and RegLab Fellow Christie Lawrence, JD ’24 (MPP, Harvard Kennedy School of Government). Dan is the founding director of Stanford’s RegLab (Regulation, Evaluation, and Governance Lab), which builds high-impact partnerships for data science and responsible AI in the public sector. The RegLab has an extensive track record partnering with government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, Internal Revenue Service, the U.S. Department of Labor, and Santa Clara County on prototyping and evaluating AI tools to make government more fair, efficient, and transparent. Building on this work, the RegLab also helps agencies strengthen AI governance and operationalize trustworthy AI principles. Christie, a third-year JD student, worked with RegLab and Stanford’s Innovation Clinic on projects to advise DOL on responsible AI and development practices and to support the work with Prof. Ho on the National AI Advisory Committee, which advises the White House on AI policy. In this interview, we’ll learn about several RegLab projects—and the importance of helping government develop smart AI policy and solutions. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast Website LinkedIn PageTwitter/X Stanford Law School Page Twitter/X Twitter/XLinks: Stanford Law School web page[00:00:00] Chapter 1: Setting the Stage [00:03:04] Chapter 2: The Role of Reg Lab and Collaboration with the IRS [00:09:12] Chapter 3: Student Perspective [00:11:38] Chapter 4: AI and Social Justice [00:23:55] Chapter 5: Future Directions [00:25:55] Chapter 6: Audience Questions


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Representing Clients at the Supreme Court

Professor Easha Anand, co-director of the Stanford Law School Supreme Court Litigation Clinic, joins Professors Pam Karlan and Richard Thompson Ford, along with Gareth Fowler, JD '24, for a discussion about three cases that she argued before the Court this term, the people behind the case titles, and what it takes to represent them at the highest court in the land. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast Website LinkedIn PageTwitter/X Stanford Law School Page Twitter/X Twitter/XLinks: Stanford Law School Page(00:00:00) Chapter 1: Introduction and Setting the Stage (00:01:52) Chapter 2: Joining the Clinic and the Clinic's Unique Approach (00:05:38) Chapter 3: Working on Cases and the Sarbanes-Oxley Case (00:15:52) Chapter 4: Insights from Oral Arguments (00:18:16) Chapter 5: Clinic's Trip to D.C. (00:20:27) Chapter 6: Preparing for Future Cases and Impactful Moments [00:24:23] Chapter 7: Audience Question and Answer


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"Beware Euphoria: Unraveling America's Drug War"

Dive into the complex history of America's drug war with George Fisher, former Massachusetts Attorney General and acclaimed scholar of criminal law. In his latest book, "Beware Euphoria," Fisher explores the moral and racial dimensions of drug prohibition, challenging conventional narratives. Join the conversation on Stanford Legal as Fisher discusses the impact of racial justice movements on drug policy, including the legalization of cannabis, offering profound insights into a contentious issue shaping legal and social discourse. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast Website LinkedIn PageTwitter/X Stanford Law School Page Twitter/X Twitter/XLinks: Stanford Law School PageBeware Euphoria: The Moral Roots and Racial Myths of America's War on Drugs(00:00:00) Chapter 1: The Origins of Drug Prohibition (00:11:42) Chapter 2: Racial Narratives and Mass Incarceration (00:20:20) Chapter 3: Moral Valence of Mind-Altering Drugs (00:26:15) Chapter 4: Legalization of Marijuana and Racial Justice (00:30:19) Conclusion: Closing Remarks


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Bill Gould on Dartmouth Basketball and the Changing Game of Unions and College Athletics

Pam Karlan and labor law expert and former NLRB chair William Gould IV explore the quickly changing arena of college athletics including the push for student-athlete unionization, the debate over compensation, and other issues at the intersection of sports and academia. From the Dartmouth College men's basketball team's union election to the broader challenges facing university athletics, they discuss the complex issues shaping the law and the future of collegiate sports. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast WebsiteLinkedIn PageTwitter/XStanford Law School PageTwitter/XTwitter/XLinks: Stanford Law School Page Stanford's Bill Gould on the Dartmouth College Basketball Union Vote (00:00:00) Chapter 1: Introduction to the Intersection of Sports and Labor Law (00:02:03) Chapter 2: The Evolving Definition of Student-Athlete (00:06:49) Chapter 3: Labor Law Considerations in Collegiate Athletics (00:10:00) Chapter 4: Implications for Intercollegiate Sports (00:14:23) Chapter 5: Legal and Policy Perspectives (00:21:08) Chapter 6: Looking Ahead


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Are Frozen Embryos Children? A Discussion of the Alabama Decision on Embryo Rights and the Future of IVF Pregnancies in the US

When does life begin? In this episode of Stanford Legal, co-hosts Rich Ford and Pam Karlan dig into the recent decision by the Alabama Supreme Court that has sent shockwaves through the fertility treatment community. The ruling, which considers frozen embryos as children under state law, has wide-ranging implications for in vitro fertilization (IVF) practices. Bioethics and law expert Hank Greely joins the discussion, providing insights into the background of the case, its legal implications, and the potential ramifications for IVF clinics and patients in Alabama—and throughout the country. The conversation highlights the intersection of law, medicine, and ethics, revealing the complex challenges surrounding embryo rights and reproductive freedoms. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast WebsiteLinkedIn PageTwitter/XStanford Law School PageTwitter/XTwitter/XLinks: Stanford Law School PageTwitter/X(00:00:00) Chapter 1: Introduction & The Alabama Supreme Court Ruling (00:03:43) Chapter 2: Wrongful Death Act & Implications of the Decision (00:08:21) Chapter 3: Understanding Frozen Embryos (00:14:05) Chapter 4: Legal and Ethical Concerns (00:26:49) Chapter 5: Gender and Control Over Reproduction (00:33:29) Chapter 6: Political Ramifications and Predictions


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Tackling Mass Incarceration in the US

Why does the U.S. have the highest incarceration rate in the industrialized world, with individuals, communities, and taxpayers paying a steep price for lengthy prison terms for even nonviolent offenders? Michael Romano, a criminal justice lawyer who founded and directs the Three Strikes Project at Stanford Law School, the first law school program of its type in the country focused on securing reduced sentences for incarcerated people deemed to be serving disproportionate sentences, has spent his career on this uniquely American challenge. As the project’s director for the past 16 years, Mike has worked with Stanford Law students to win the release of more than 200 Californians imprisoned under the state’s Three Strikes law. Along with helping hundreds of people sentenced to life in prison for minor/nonviolent crimes, the Three Strikes team also worked to change California’s Three Strikes Law. In 2012 they celebrated passage of the Three Strikes Reform Act, a landmark legislative effort led from start to finish by Stanford Law students and project staff members in partnership with the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast WebsiteLinkedIn PageTwitter/XStanford Law School PageTwitter/XTwitter/XTwitter/X


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The Constitution, Trump, and the Struggles of US Courts to Interpret History with Jack Rakove

Important questions regarding Trump: can he be prosecuted for criminal wrongdoing when he was serving as president, whether the two impeachment trials matter, and if Colorado’s decision to disqualify him from the state’s primary ballots is constitutional. Pulitzer Prize winning historian Jack Rakove joins Pam and Rich for a discussion on the U.S. Constitution, originalism, charges against former president Donald Trump, and the role of historians in constitutional litigation. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast WebsiteLinkedIn PageTwitter/XStanford Law School PageTwitter/XTwitter/XLinks: Jack Rakove Stanford University Page


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Droughts, Failing Infrastructure, and Water

Drinkable water is a precious commodity. But as population growth, aging infrastructure, drought, and climate change pose challenges to freshwater quality and quantity in America, the safety and amount of water in parts of the U.S. is in question. With more than 140,000 separate public water systems in the country, how can federal, state, and local governments, along with the various water authorities, take on this challenge alone? In this episode we hear from global water and natural resources expert Barton “Buzz” Thompson, about this new book Liquid Asset: How Business and Government Can Partner to Solve the Freshwater Crisis —and his recommendations for how to solve the freshwater crisis in the U.S. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast WebsiteLinkedIn PageTwitter/XStanford Law School PageTwitter/XTwitter/XLinks: Stanford Law School PageLiquid Assets: How Business and Government Can Partner to Solve the Freshwater Crisis.Paul Milgrom & Auction TheoryChapter Timestamps: (00:00:00) Introduction & Water's Scarcity Hosts Rich Ford and Pam Karlan introduce guest, Buzz Thompson, an expert in water law and author of Liquid Assets (00:01:18) Water Challenges Today The scarcity of fresh water globally, and the multiple crises facing water resources: uneven distribution, climate change and the depletion of groundwater resources. (00:04:30) Water Infrastructure What is water infrastructure in the United States, the current state of it, and the repairs and upgrades required and being undertaken. (00:07:14) Updating Infrastructure & 21st-Century Technology Examples of modern wastewater treatment methods, advocating for resource recovery centers and outlining their potential benefits by adopting 21st century technology. (00:09:08) Fragmented Water Systems The complexity of water systems, & the challenges created by small water systems (00:12:00) Water Rights & Legal Structures The current legal structure of water rights in the USA,and defining the goals of both protecting water as a public resource, and a private commodity. (00:16:25) Private Sector's Role & Future Solutions Buzz discusses water markets internationally, and the private sector's role in innovation, technology, and financing to bridge the gap in water management. (00:18:59) Challenges with Outdated Water Rights Rich & Buzz discuss the challenges created by the current water rights model, and the necessity, possibilities, and challenges for legal reform. (00:21:18) Proposal for Tradeable Water Rights The concept of converting existing water rights into more easily transferable ones similar to real property, in order to eliminate the current challenges. (00:25:49) Changing a System of Water Rights Australia's successful reform in the Murray-Darling Basin, where water rights were revamped for better tradeability and how they safeguarded the environment. (00:27:31) Conclusion


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Does Inequity in U.S. Patent Inventorship Matter? A Discussion on Inequality in the Patent System and how it Impacts Innovation

Women and minorities continue to be underrepresented in patent issuing and less often are granted credit for their innovations. We examine why this is, the impacts it has, and what can be done about it. Patents, and the protection of inventor rights, was deemed important enough that when the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1788 it included what is now known as the intellectual property clause: Article I, Section 8, Clause 8, which reads “[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” Our guest in this episode is Lisa Larrimore Ouellette, whose latest research looks at inequality in the patent system and how that impacts innovation. Her paper “Improving Equity in Patent Inventorship” was recently published in Science. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast WebsiteLinkedIn PageTwitter/XTwitter/XTwitter/XTwitter/XChapters: (00:00:00) Introduction and Patent System Overview The significance of patents and their historical context. Intro of guest Lisa Ouellette’s research on inequity in the patent system (00:01:47) Understanding Patents and their Benefits The purpose of patents, their duration, and their impact on inventors' rights. Discussion on how patents apply across various industries like pharmaceuticals, software, and AI. (00:04:10) Inequities in the Patent System Disparities within the patent system, and discussion on the lower representation of women and minorities in obtaining patents. (00:07:15) The Innovator-Inventor Gap Exploring the gap between authorship on scientific papers and recognition as patent inventors & potential mechanisms causing it. (00:11:15) Impact of Patent Recognition The significance of being listed as a patent inventor: impact on career, earnings, and professional reputation. (00:13:33) Innovation Type with Diverse Inventorship Insights into the potential shift in innovation focus due to diversity within inventor teams. (00:14:54) Addressing Inequity: Policy Reforms Challenges faced by underrepresented groups in persisting through the patent application process, suggestions for change and the impact of real-world programs to address these challenges (00:18:37) AI's Influence and Challenges Speculations on AI's impact on patent accessibility and equity. Challenges and potential exacerbation of disparities due to AI-generated patent claims. (00:21:11) Conclusion


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Texas Abortion Restrictions, Medicated Abortions, and Reproduction Rights in a Post-Roe US

In June, 2022 the U.S. Supreme Court delivered an historic and far reaching decision overturning Roe v. Wade and turning abortion law to the states. Less than two years on, we are seeing just how that decision is playing out as women navigate a divided country with a patchwork of reproductive rights. The recent example of Kate Cox, a Dallas-area mother of two who sought to have a medical exemption from Texas’ strict abortion laws and was forced to leave the state to receive the care she needed when her request was denied, brought the consequences of the Court’s decision to the headlines. In this episode we hear from the show’s co-host Pam Karlan, an expert in reproductive law, about the Texas case and reproductive rights in the US after Roe was overturned. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast WebsiteLinkedIn PageTwitter/XTwitter/XTwitter/XChapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Rich Ford introduces the episode and highlights the significant changes in abortion laws over recent years. (00:01:08) Current Legal Context Pam Karlan provides an overview of the legal landscape since the Dobbs case decision and summarizes the changes and confusion it has led to. (00:05:00) Texas Abortion Controversy: Kate Cox Case Focus on the case of Kate Cox, a woman in Texas seeking abortion due to fetal health complications. Analysis of the legal, political, and ethical implications of the verdict. (00:10:02) Impact of Returning Abortion Laws to States The misconception that returning abortion decisions to states would reduce controversy. Analysis of attempts to to restrict travel for abortion services. (00:12:20) Legal Ramifications and Political Scenarios Discussion on potential legal consequences for aiding abortion travel and comparisons with state laws regarding child-related travel. Contemplation of federal abortion bans utilizing the Commerce Clause and the potential scenarios for imposing such bans. (00:14:48) Medical Abortions and Legal Challenges Insights into the rise of medical abortions and the controversy surrounding the approval and distribution of drugs, and subsequent legal battles. (00:20:20) State Politics, Abortion Laws & State Referendum Dynamics Exploration of the shifting dynamics in state politics, including red states' stances on protecting abortion rights, and measures in California & Ohio. (00:22:56) Shifting Political Narratives Discussion on the evolving focus of the abortion debate, and examination of how abortion politics are playing out in national and state elections, influencing political strategies. (00:24:59) Federal Legislation Prospects and Responsive Activism The potential for federal legislation protecting or banning abortion rights & insights into citizen activism both aiding and impeding abortion access. (00:28:18) Abortion in Unlikely Arenas Examples showcasing how abortion politics infiltrate seemingly unrelated areas, affecting military promotions and governmental functionality.


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Mass Shootings and Guns: Examining the Court’s Interpretation of the Right to Bear Arms and the Consequences of Gun Laws in the US

In this episode, Pam Karlan and Rich Ford explore recent 2nd Amendment Supreme Court cases, the evolution of gun laws, and the implications of increased gun accessibility in the U.S. Joined by John Donohue, an empirical researcher who is an expert on firearms and the law, they discuss the proliferation of guns and automatic weapons, which make the US an outlier among Western countries for its mass killings, and the ways in which gun laws have made the U.S. more deadly—including for law enforcement. Connect: Stanford Legal Podcast WebsiteLinkedIn PageTwitter/XTwitter/XTwitter/XTwitter/XChapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Pam Karlan introduces the episode, highlighting the recent surge in mass shootings in the US, and introduces this week’s guest, John Donahue, one of the nation’s leading experts on firearms and the law. (00:01:16) Proliferation & Access to Assault Weapons in America The impact of the termination of the federal assault weapon ban in 2004 on mass shootings and a comparison to other nations restrictions on these weapons. (00:05:07) Supreme Court and the Rahimi Case Analyzing the Rahimi case and its implications regarding the possession of weapons under restraining orders and the Supreme Court's evolving stance on gun rights. (00:06:37) The Gun Lobby & the Republican Party Exploring the relationship between the gun lobby, manufacturers, and republicans and the effects this evolving relationship has had since the mid nineties. (00:13:10) Constitutional Shifts The transformation in Second Amendment interpretations from the 1930s to the recent Bruen case, exploring the Supreme Court's methodology and its implications for gun regulations and the Rahimi decision before them now. (00:15:40) Frozen Interpretations The historical context of the Second Amendment, the oddity of freezing it, and how the current context challenges the applicability of historical Second Amendment interpretations. (00:19:05) Broader Implications The broader spectrum of issues stemming from the proliferation of access to firearms and the growing lethality of weaponry, including rising firearm-related suicides and homicides. (00:24:05) Bruen & Gun Laws The effect of the Bruen case on laws like restraining immediate access to weapons, and safe storage laws (00:26:08) Law Enforcement & Gun Proliferation John explains how the proliferation and of firearms has affected the polices ability to clear violent crimes, and increases police involved shootings (00:28:31) Conclusion


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From Sumptuary Laws to Senate Suits: Dress Codes in History and Today

From the recent Senate dress code controversy to landmark legal cases, explore the nuanced intersection of the law and fashion, gender identity, and cultural expression. Join Pam Karlan and Rich Ford to delve into the intricate world of dress codes and the law, examining their historical roots and contemporary implications.The discussion begins with the recent Senate dress code controversy, unravelling the political and cultural factors at play. The hosts delve into the historical context, touching on sumptuary laws in medieval Europe and the Great Male Renunciation, offering valuable insights into the evolution of societal norms. Pivotal legal cases such as Jespersen v. Harrah’s and the challenges surrounding gender-specific dress codes and religious exemptions are dissected. Throughout the episode, engaging anecdotes and thought-provoking analysis provide listeners with a profound understanding of the legal complexities shaping our attire, identities, and societies. Connect: Episode Transcripts Stanford Legal Podcast WebsiteStanford Legal PodcastLinkedIn PageRich FordTwitter/XStanford Law School >>> Twitter/XStanford Law Magazine >>>Twitter/XRich Ford's Book >>> Dress Codes: How the Laws of Fashion Made HistoryChapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Pam Karlan and Rich Ford introduce the episode, Rich’s book 'Dress Codes, How the Laws of Fashion Made History’ (00:01:08) Senate Dress Code Drama The recent elimination and subsequent reinstatement of the dress code in the U.S. Senate; specific mention of John Fetterman & Kyrsten Sinema. (00:03:55) Solicitor General's Office Analysis of the gendered nature of dress code challenges faced by the first female Solicitor General, Elena Kagan, in navigating the formal attire expectations. (00:06:53) Dress Code Messages Examination of the message behind politicians & tech industry dress choices to send a message (00:09:47) The Personal Side of Dress Codes Rich Ford's personal experiences and anecdotes, including his participation in Esquire's Best Dressed Real Man contest. (00:10:39) Sumptuary Laws and Fashion in the Middle Ages Discussion on medieval sumptuary laws and their detailed regulations on attire, reflecting societal hierarchies and power dynamics. (00:12:27) Earrings as Signifiers: From Medieval Italy to Modern Campuses Exploration of earrings as symbols, from distinguishing religious groups in medieval Italy to contemporary cultural identifiers on college campuses. (00:15:04) The Great Masculine Renunciation and Gendered Attire Examination of the historical shift in men's fashion during the 1700s, marking the beginning of subdued, practical attire and its implications on gender roles. (00:17:30) Modern Title VII Challenges In-depth analysis of modern legal cases involving gender and dress codes specifically discussing Jespersen v. Harrah, and the Amy Steven’s case involving transgender rights & how gender expression is changing. (00:22:18) Sex, Race, & Dress Codes Reflection on cases where hairstyles were the center of dress-code legal cases, particularly affecting members of a particular race. (00:26:28) Religious Exemptions and Dress Codes: A Global Perspective Exploration of religious exemptions from dress codes, and the clash between cultural expression and state regulations. (00:27:02) Conclusion


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Stanford Legal Podcast Trailer: Law Matters, we're here to help make sense of it

After a hiatus, Stanford Legal returns to your podcast feed. Start with our first episode back, where hosts Pam Karlan and Rich Ford sit down with criminal law expert David Sklansky to unpack the numerous indictments against Donald Trump. But that's not all: our upcoming episodes will explore a range of pressing legal topics from AI to the Supreme Court’s latest decisions. Make sure you're following Stanford Legal, so you don't miss an episode! And "hit the bell" in Spotify. Episode Transcripts >>> Stanford Legal Podcast Website Connect: LinkedIn PageTwitter/XTwitter/XTwitter/X


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Expert Insights on Trump Indictments from David Sklansky

The many indictments against Donald Trump, former president and current Republican frontrunner for the 2024 presidential contest, have left many scratching their heads. Is the Florida documents case more important than the Georgia election interference one? Is it all just political theatre, or is this serious? Here to help make sense of it is former prosecutor and criminal law expert David Alan Sklansky, who joins Pam and Rich for this episode about the criminal cases against Trump and how they might play out in this critical campaign year. From the intricacies of witness testimonies to the strategic implications for co-defendants, this episode touches on the unprecedented challenges faced by judges, lawyers, and the American legal system. This is the first episode of the newly-relaunched Stanford Legal podcast; make sure you're following so you don't miss an episode! Connect: Episode Transcripts Stanford Legal Podcast WebsiteStanford Legal PodcastLinkedIn PageRich FordTwitter/XTwitter/XTwitter/XTwitter/XChapters: (00:00:00) Introduction Rich Ford and Pam Karlan reintroduce the Stanford Legal podcast after a hiatus, as well as guest David Alan Sklansky. Overview of the four major criminal indictments against Trump. (00:05:02) Severity and Strength of Charges Analysis of the seriousness of charges & assessment of the legal strengths of different cases, highlighting the Florida case as particularly challenging for Trump. (00:07:25) Trump's Trial Strategies Prediction of strategies to delay the trials, including attempts to change judges, create discovery disputes & Trump's courtroom absence during the trials. (00:12:05) The Judges Navigate Trump’s Cases Sklansky discusses the particular challenges the judges are facing presiding over these trials. (00:15:04) Ensuring an Unbiased Jury Discussion on the difficulty of finding jurors unafraid to participate due to potential threats or intimidation. Insight into the legal system's approach to selecting jurors and the importance of reasoned deliberation. (00:18:12) Trump’s Codefendants Analysis of co-defendants in the cases, highlighting the New York and Georgia indictments. (00:22:24) Strategic Implications of Conviction Discussion on how trial outcomes may influence co-defendants' decisions & their repeated testimonies and its impact on legal proceedings. (00:24:18) Legal Representation Challenges Examination of co-defendants' legal representation, including lawyers paid by the Trump campaign, as well as the intersection of cases, and unprecedented consequences. (00:26:30) March to Trial and Democracy's Future Discussion on the anticipation of the D.C. election fraud trial in March and its historical significance.


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This Thursday: Stanford Legal Returns with Expert Insights on Trump Indictments from David Sklansky

Join us this Thursday for the return of Stanford Legal, with a new episode featuring criminal law expert David Sklansky, who will break down some of the most serious charges against former president--and 2024 presidential hopeful-- Donald Trump. Sklansky, a former prosecutor and co-director of the Stanford Criminal Justice Center, lends his expertise to help us understand the complexities of these unprecedented legal proceedings. Be sure to subscribe for a front-row seat to this enlightening legal discourse. Make sure you're following Stanford Legal, so you don't miss an episode! Episode Transcripts >>> Stanford Legal Podcast Website Connect: LinkedIn PageTwitter/XTwitter/XTwitter/X


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Stanford Legal is Back: Law Matters, we're here to help make sense of it

After a hiatus, Stanford Legal returns to your podcast feed. In our first episode relaunching November 9th, join hosts Pam Karlan and Rich Ford as they sit down with criminal law expert David Sklansky to unpack the numerous indictments against Donald Trump. But that's not all: our upcoming episodes will explore a range of pressing legal topics from AI to the Supreme Court’s latest decisions. Make sure you're following Stanford Legal, so you don't miss an episode! Episode Transcripts >>> Stanford Legal Podcast Website Connect: LinkedIn PageTwitter/XTwitter/XTwitter/X


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Mishandling of Top-Secret Government Documents and the Mounting Legal Challenges Facing Donald J. Trump with David Sklansky

Criminal law expert David A. Sklansky discusses the August 8 search by the FBI of Donald J. Trump’s Florida residence and the legal implications of news reports that the former president took more than 700 pages of classified documents, including some related to the nation’s most covert intelligence operations, to his private club.
