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Surviving Hard Times

Education Podcasts

It's one thing to listen to doom and gloom about food and fertilizer shortages, skyrocketing prices, the cost of living, or your job being outsourced overseas or eliminated due to automation. It's another thing to hear practicable, immediately actionable advice from experts who can help you reduce the fear, anxiety, and burden of these problems. Tune in now to the Surviving Hard Times Podcast with Richard Jacobs.


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It's one thing to listen to doom and gloom about food and fertilizer shortages, skyrocketing prices, the cost of living, or your job being outsourced overseas or eliminated due to automation. It's another thing to hear practicable, immediately actionable advice from experts who can help you reduce the fear, anxiety, and burden of these problems. Tune in now to the Surviving Hard Times Podcast with Richard Jacobs.



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Treating and Reusing Water: Sustainable Solutions with Anacleto Rizzo

How can massive amounts of water be saved and reused in a sustainable way? That’s the question at the center of Anacleto Rizzo’s work as a hydraulic civil engineer who focuses on the design and research & development of sustainable water projects. Tune in to learn about the details of his work and discover: Learn more by listening to the full conversation and visiting Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Pumping, Breastfeeding, and Beyond – Allison Tolman Explores Common Issues Faced by Lactating Moms

If you’re a new mother navigating the world of breastfeeding, pumping, or both … Or if you know someone who is, this episode is for you. Unlike most lactation consultants, Allison Tolman is also a breast pump expert who focuses on helping mothers combine these methods for the best outcomes. Press play to learn: Tolman is a nurse, lactation consultant, and breast pump expert. She has a successful YouTube channel that provides data on breast pumps and more, as well as a pumping program specifically for working moms. Tune in for the full conversation and visit Tolman’s YouTube channel at Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Show Up For Your Community: Discussing Sustainable Homesteading With The Texas Boys

How would How would you handle moving from a city in the Northeast to the country of Texas? In this episode, JD and Matt from The Texas Boys describe how their family did just that 8 years ago, and how it has drastically changed their lives for the better… The Texas Boys are not only a family homesteading in the heart of Texas, but an online presence that offers a variety of goods and educational resources to their audience. In this conversation, they tell us what it took to reach their goals, and how they did it with the help of a supportive local community. Join the discussion now to discover: Being self-sufficient means being supportive of your neighbors, and The Texas Boys are perfect examples of how to show support with both a vision and conviction… To learn more about The Texas Boys, visit now! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts: you handle moving from a city in the Northeast to the country of Texas? In this episode, JD and Matt from The Texas Boys describe how their family did just that 8 years ago, and how it has drastically changed their lives for the better… The Texas Boys are not only a family homesteading in the heart of Texas, but an online presence that offers a variety of goods and educational resources to their audience. In this conversation, they tell us what it took to reach their goals, and how they did it with the help of a supportive local community. Join the discussion now to discover: Being self-sufficient means being supportive of your neighbors, and The Texas Boys are perfect examples of how to show support with both a vision and conviction… To learn more about The Texas Boys, visit now! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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An Off-Grid Toolkit for Sustainable Agriculture: Thinking Outside the Box with Meag Sargent

Farm From a Box is a sustainable, regenerative, environmentally friendly, and efficient way to build your own personal garden filled with nutrient-dense, culturally affirming foods. Meag Sargent believes everyone deserves this. She’s a horticulturist, farmer, artist, and a member of the sales team at Farm From a Box. She joins the show to share her insights from over a decade of experience growing food. Tune in to learn: Interested in learning more? Press play for the full conversation and check out Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Green Energy: A Solution that Never Seems to Come – Analyzing Energy Sources with Andrew Morriss

Is green energy really the solution, or just a false promise? Press play to explore: Andrew Morriss is a lawyer and economist who has been teaching for almost three decades. As a Professor of, Bush School of Government and Public Service and School of Law at Texas A&M University, he analyzes regulatory measures – investigating how they work, why we adopt the ones we do, and how they can be improved. Having heard about “green energy” since high school, and always being told it was the ultimate solution almost within reach, he decided to enter the field and dig into the topic himself. His work is data-driven above all else, which demands the attention of anyone who disagrees with it or follows the pervasive narrative of green energy. Tune in for all the details and find his work at Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Taking A Fresh Approach To Sustainable Farming With Emma Torbert

Today we sit down with Emma Torbert to discuss her distinctive approach to sustainable farming practices. Emma is the Market Garden Manager and Educator for the Student Farm at UC Davis. Started in 2020, the Student Farm is a nine-acre mixed vegetable farm and adjacent hedgerow that familiarizes UC Davis students with agriculture and teaches them how to grow organic crops. With a passion for community-supported agriculture, Emma is a foundational part of the UC Davis community. Using her position in this program, Emma facilitates experiential learning for students across all majors… Join the podcast now to learn more about: Farming is a valuable skill that can be challenging to learn without the proper resources. Fortunately, experts like Emma are passing this knowledge on to people from varying walks of life so that they can participate in this essential part of sustainability! You can find out more about Emma and her work with the Student Farm by clicking here! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change: A Different Take on the Topics with William Happer

News of a worsening climate crisis is everywhere. It’s accepted as fact by many, including top scientists and experts. But is there any evidence to suggest that the climate isn’t in the state we believe it is? William Happer shares an eye-opening perspective that’s scientifically backed but nearly unheard of. Tune in to discover: Happer is a Cyrus Fogg Bracket Professor of Physics Emeritus in the Department of Physics at Princeton University. An impressive amount of research in physics eventually led him to climate and environmental research. It didn’t take long for him to realize that there was something unique about these fields: reluctance and defensiveness instead of open-mindedness and authentic scientific inquiry, even by research leaders. Happer offers his opinion of why this is the case and explores the science of energy and climate change from an angle you probably haven’t heard. Press play to hear all the details and learn more about the truth of carbon dioxide at Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Using Vertical Farming Technology To Revolutionize The Food Industry With Eddy Badrina

Joining us today is Eddy Badrina, the CEO of Eden Green Technology and co-founder of BuzzShift. With Buzzshift being a digital growth agency and Eden Green Technology being a vertical farming company, Eddy utilizes his knowledge of sales and advertising strategies to innovate every industry he works in. Eden Green Technology is Eddy’s primary business focus – an AgTech solution transforming how we farm our produce and feed our communities. Intending to establish food safety and independence, Eden Green Technology is using sustainable farming methods to equip retailers, researchers, cities, and governments around the world… In this episode, we cover: To find out more about Eddy and his work with Eden Green Technology, visit now! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Bringing Science To Gardening With Plant And Soil Expert Ashley Esakin

Are you ready to step up your gardening knowledge? In this episode, we chat with soil scientist Ashley Esakin about her informative Youtube channel, Gardening in Canada. Here, Ashley brings science to gardening in a way that is both informative and helpful to those learning how to garden. Ashley has a background in soil science and is currently pursuing a career in agriculture. Gardening and keeping houseplants all her life, Ashley became the “go-to” contact for people seeking information on plant cultivation during the pandemic. Out of this, her Youtube channel was born – providing a gardening resource for people around the world… Press play to explore: You can connect with Ashley’s content for yourself by visiting! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Talking Sustainability And Healthy Gut Health In Animals With Todd Riley Callaway

Today we connect with Todd Riley Callaway to discuss microbiome and dairy science-related issues. Todd is an Associate Professor in the Department of Animal and Dairy Science at the University of Georgia, where he unravels “the microbial ecology of the gut in food animals, and how this can affect foodborne pathogenic bacterial populations as well as antimicrobial resistance transfer.” Todd grew up on a small horse, dairy, and beef farm, and pursued a career path as a ruminant microbiologist as an undergraduate at the University of Georgia. Since receiving his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Animal and Dairy Science in 1993 and 1996, Todd has gone on to research topics related to the microbial population of the gastrointestinal tract of animals – seeking to improve animal health, animal welfare, and food safety. Click play to hear Todd discuss: Want to find out more about Todd and his work with animal and dairy science? Click here now! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Diving Into Bioprocessing And Nutrition Sciences With Professor John Sheppard

John Sheppard joins this episode to discuss the biological processes attached to beer fermentation. As a Professor in the Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences at NC State, John teaches in the Bioprocessing Science major with particular interests in upstream processes and validation. Click play and you will discover: Wondering how scientists contribute to the innovation behind beer fermentation? If so, this episode is sure to pique your interest! Click here to learn more about John and his work! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Diving Into The Intriguing World Of Plant-Fungal Interactions With Professor Katie J. Field

Joining the podcast today is Katie J. Field, Professor of Plant-Soil Processes at The University of Sheffield. With a deep fascination for plant and fungal interactions, Katie spends her time exploring the huge impact this relationship has on the world we live in today. Presently, Katie’s research focuses on plant-fungal symbioses and their applications in sustainable agriculture, and the evolution, diversity, and ecology of plant-fungal symbioses. These investigations have led her to an array of interesting discoveries – all having to do with the innate complexities within our planet’s ecosystem… Tune in now to discover: So much of the plant life that we are familiar with has connections with fungal partners. Wondering how this plays into the overall functionality of our planet’s ecosystem as we know it? Jump into the conversation now to find out! You can learn more about Katie and her research by clicking here! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Uncharted Economic Territory on the Horizon? Consider What’s to Come with Real Estate Investor John Williams

What might the next few months look like in terms of the economy, and how could it impact you personally? What about the next few years? This is just one of many important questions answered by today’s guest, real estate investor, and mentor, John Williams. Before the age of 30, Williams sold $100 million in real estate and has represented many high-profile individuals in the real estate and investment sectors. He also creates educational YouTube videos packed with economic insights to help you anticipate and plan for what's to come. Press play to learn: Tune in and visit to stay informed on the latest. Also, check out Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Digging Into Sustainable Horticultural Production With Juan Carlos Díaz-Pérez

Engaging with sustainable horticulture is both a responsible and practical way to cultivate plants. In today’s day and age, developing skills in gardening is more important than ever – and you’d be shocked by how accessible and interesting this area of expertise really is… In this episode, we sit down with horticulturist Juan Carlos Díaz-Pérez. Juan is a Professor in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Georgia where he does extensive research on vegetable production and physiology. Sustainability is an important facet of Juan’s work, and he is uncovering ways to effectively farm vegetables while also taking into account the welfare of our environment. Join us now as Juan discusses: You can learn more about Juan Carlos Díaz-Pérez and his research by clicking here! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Discussing Plant Cultivation Methods With Master Gardener Scott Wilson

Scott Wilson joins the podcast today to discuss all things gardening-related. Scott is a Master Gardener in the state of Colorado, where he educates people both in person and with his instructional Youtube videos. Since 2004, Scott has been refining his approach to gardening and sharing his knowledge with people near and far. From starting seeds to harvesting crops, Scott is deeply familiar with every step of the gardening process. In this episode, he shares his techniques with us and reveals just what it takes to cultivate a healthy garden. Join the conversation now and you will uncover: Want to hear about helpful tips that will help you with your own gardening endeavors? Tune in now! Visit to find out more about Scott’s gardening methods for yourself! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Pecans: Production, Uses, Health Benefits, and More with Lenny Wells

Pecan pie season is just around the corner! Are you ready? In this episode, Lenny Wells, professor of horticulture and extension pecan specialist at the University of Georgia, tells you everything you could know about pecans – where they come from, how they’re grown, and what it takes for them to land on your dessert plate. Press play to explore: Tune in to hear the entire conversation and visit to learn more. Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Sustainable Agriculture: Exploring Effective Farming Methods With Andy Smith

Joining us today to discuss sustainable agriculture and food systems is Andy Smith. Andy is the Farm Manager at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU), where he works in collaboration with the Department of Sustainable Agriculture’s teaching faculty. Andy and his colleagues are putting forth an effort to expand and enhance KPU’s 20-acre urban teaching and research farm – which includes acquiring organic certification for the farm. By allowing students to interact with hands-on agricultural methods, Andy is cultivating the next generation of sustainable farmers… Join the conversation now to learn about: What does it take to grow plants efficiently and sustainably? Andy answers this question and others like it in this informative discussion on agriculture! Want to find out more about Andy and his work with KPU? Click here now! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Through the Grapevine with Fruit Crop Specialists Jim Kamas and Jacy Lewis

Enjoy wine with dinner? Many of us do! But few consider the challenges and delicate process behind producing wine grapes and other fruit crops. Press play to learn from the experts and explore: Jim Kamas is an assistant professor and extension fruit specialist in the AgriLife Extension Viticulture & Fruit Lab at Texas A&M; Jacy Lewis is the program manager at the same lab. Learn more about their work by visiting Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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Developing Healthy And Sustainable Vegetable Farming Methods In The Southeastern U.S.

Dr. Andre Luiz Biscaia Ribeiro da Silva joins the podcast today to discuss topics surrounding vegetable crops and organic agricultural systems. Dr. da Silva is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Horticulture at Auburn University, where he runs an extension program and conducts extensive horticultural research. With an interest in addressing the needs of commercial agriculture in the southeastern U.S., Dr. da Silva “conducts on-farm trials, field days, county meetings, educational videos, web-based resource tools, and publishes extension bulletins” to fulfill his scientific vision. In this episode, we explore: really Dr. da Silva has a clear goal for his extension program: to provide science-based information to members of the vegetable farming industry in order to encourage the sustainable intensification of vegetable production. Want to know how he accomplishes this? Join the conversation now to find out! Click here to learn more about Dr. da Silva and his work, and email him with any questions at! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:


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The Joy Of Gardening: Cultivating A Regenerative And Sustainable Lifestyle With Foolproof Permaculture Strategies

In this episode, we connect with Kareen Erbe, the Founder of Broken Ground Permaculture. Kareen is a gardening expert that has helped thousands of individuals turn their spaces into delicious and sustainable edible landscapes. As a permaculture educator, homesteader, food farmer, garden designer, and soil-builder, Kareen is committed to helping people cultivate their own food so that they can live sustainable and fulfilling lives… Tune in now uncover: With the uncertainty that the future holds, having the resources you need to keep you and your loved ones safe is crucial – and gardening is a great place to start. Get the lifestyle advice you’ve been looking for by engaging in this educative conversation! To get gardening tips from Kareen for yourself, make sure you visit now! Episode also available on Apple Podcasts:
