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Sustainability: The Green Game

Education Podcasts

"Sustainability: The Green Game" is a podcast focused on sharing relevant climate topics in short formats for the youth! We deal with the most interesting and less known topics on climate change and sustainability. So tune in, follow us and keep loving everything green! Bring Back Green is an initiative that focuses on rewriting the unsustainable past that we have ridden upon till now due to greed and speed. Our core belief is that every young person is a powerhouse of change and if it is well exploited by providing opportunities it can radically revolutionize the entire planet.


United States


"Sustainability: The Green Game" is a podcast focused on sharing relevant climate topics in short formats for the youth! We deal with the most interesting and less known topics on climate change and sustainability. So tune in, follow us and keep loving everything green! Bring Back Green is an initiative that focuses on rewriting the unsustainable past that we have ridden upon till now due to greed and speed. Our core belief is that every young person is a powerhouse of change and if it is well exploited by providing opportunities it can radically revolutionize the entire planet.



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"Youth and Climate Change" Episode 3: Challenges Faced By Young Activists ft. Beth Doherty

In this episode, we are talking to the young climate activist Beth Doherty who will help us walk through different challenges young climate/ social justice activists face around the world.


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"Youth and Climate Change" Episode 2: Youth Climate Activism ft. Fridays For Future India (Tarun)

In this episode, we are talking to the young climate activist Tarun who is actively part of the Fridays For Future India movement on youth and climate activism in India.


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"Youth and Climate Change" Episode 1: Relevance of Young Communities ft. Tessie

We are talking to the young climate and social justice activist Theresa Sebastian on involvement of young communities in the climate movement.


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"Women and Climate Change" Episode 4: Sustainable Menstruation

In this episode, we are trying to break the taboos existing on the use of sustainable menstruation products with the help of my friend Vani Vinod. She is a practitioner of the sustainable menstrual product: The Menstrual Cup for over a year now!


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"Women and Climate Change" Episode 3: Ecofeminism

We are discussing how gender is an important part of our climate and how it is relevant to the climate movement. We will try to understand the issues regarding the gender gap and how it is influencing the way climate movement works.


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"Women and Climate Change" Episode 1: Impact of Girls Education

We are discussing the impact of girls' education on our climate and how it is relevant to the climate movement. The importance of empowerment and the domino effect on saving. our planet. This is the first episode of the series Women and Climate Change.


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Introduction: What is Sustainability?

An introduction to what we will be discussing in the upcoming episodes. Also a small discussion on what sustainability is and its impacts!
