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THE HABITS & HOME SHOW | Decluttering & Systems for Christian Moms

Education Podcasts

If you’re an ADHD mom trying to show the love of Jesus to your family but the clutter in your home keeps you overwhelmed and frustrated, you have come to the right place! On this podcast, you will hear easy step-by-step tips to declutter and create systems so you can keep your home organized and finally walk in the peace God has promised you. Need some accountability? I’ve got you covered there too. Join The Accountability Club a community of like-minded mamas decluttering and systemizing our homes together! Are you ready friend? Let’s get started! FREE DOWNLOAD: Daily Reset Checklist Private Coaching JOIN THE ACCOUNTABILITY CLUB:


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If you’re an ADHD mom trying to show the love of Jesus to your family but the clutter in your home keeps you overwhelmed and frustrated, you have come to the right place! On this podcast, you will hear easy step-by-step tips to declutter and create systems so you can keep your home organized and finally walk in the peace God has promised you. Need some accountability? I’ve got you covered there too. Join The Accountability Club a community of like-minded mamas decluttering and systemizing our homes together! Are you ready friend? Let’s get started! FREE DOWNLOAD: Daily Reset Checklist Private Coaching JOIN THE ACCOUNTABILITY CLUB:



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172 \\ Summer Decluttering with Real Moms: Letting Go of Sentimentals

Have you ever felt guilty for throwing away gifts from a loved one? What about letters and cards people have sent you or artwork your kids have drawn? If you've ever hesitated to part with these items, you're not alone. Many of us struggle to declutter sentimental objects, fearing that letting go means disrespecting the giver or erasing precious memories. Elizabeth Andreyevsky, a work-from-home mom with four kids, understands this dilemma all too well. In our chat, she generously shares her personal journey of decluttering her sentimental items with the support of The Accountability Club. She candidly discusses her initial guilt about discarding sentimental items and how the coaching she received helped her reframe these feelings. She learned that honoring relationships doesn't require keeping every physical token. With The Accountability Club, she got the support and permission she needed to make tough decisions, ultimately leading to a greater sense of freedom. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Workbooks, Workshop, & MORE! GUEST Elizabeth Andreyevskiy


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171 \\ PART 5 Time Management for ADHD Moms - Create a Zone Cleaning Schedule

Are you an ADHD mom who is easily distracted when trying to clean your home? Do you find yourself bouncing from room to room never really accomplishing anything? In this episode, I'm sharing with your part 5 of my time management strategy - zone cleaning! Instead of trying to tackle your whole house at once, zone cleaning allows you to break it down into manageable sections. You'll learn how to designate logical cleaning zones based on your home's layout and traffic patterns. Then decide whether you want to deep clean each zone weekly or monthly, and schedule it into your calendar. You'll get practical strategies like having a backup plan for when life inevitably disrupts your schedule. And if certain areas need more frequent attention, you'll learn how to double up zones without burning out. By rotating through specific rooms or living areas, you can create consistent cleaning routines that become healthy habits. No more aimless wondering of what to do next! Zone cleaning provides structure while reducing the overwhelm. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Workbooks, Workshop, & MORE! EPISODES MENTIONED #133 Cleaning vs. Resetting #123 Keep Your Shower Clean


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170 \\ PART 4 Time Management for ADHD Moms - Create Daily Reset Routines Based on Your Natural Flow

Are you tired of waking up to a constantly messy house? Are you so tired by the end of the day that you can't bring yourself to do anything else once you put the kids to bed? I used to be just like you! And then I downsized the stuff in my home, put some systems in place, and started practicing daily resets. I started thinking about my tomorrow's self and what she needed to be a better mom and human. I finally broke down huge daunting habits into doable steps, which allowed me to stick with my daily routines so much better. It all started with simply clearing my kitchen sink and now I'm effortlessly resetting my whole house. And you will too! In this episode, I share with you what my daily evening reset looks like and encourage you to create your own. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Workbooks, Workshop, & MORE!


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169 \\ PART 3 Time Management for ADHD Moms - 5 Steps to Create a SIMPLE Daily To Do List and Itinerary

Coaching for Cluttered ADHD Christian Moms BOOK A CONSULTATION Do you find yourself writing down random to-dos in multiple notebooks, scratch pieces of paper, or even your phone? I used to do the SAME THING until I stopped that bad habit and created a designated place to write my to-do list. In this episode, I share with you the exact steps I took to get better at keeping a to-do list. One that I actually use every day. My to-do list has become my daily itinerary and I've found that I'm accomplishing more now than ever before. Without becoming burned out or overwhelmed with a busy schedule. These steps are broken down in a way that any overwhelmed ADHD mom is able to follow and create a working to-do list. I've walked many clients and students through this same method, and I believe it can work for you as well. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Workbooks, Workshop, & MORE!


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168 \\ PART 2 Time Management for ADHD Moms - Set Up Your Digital Calendar and Use It Consistently

Coaching for Cluttered ADHD Christian Moms BOOK A CONSULTATION Last week in our Time Management for ADHD Moms series, I encouraged you to discover your 8 fundamental needs. This week we are moving on to step two in mastering your time management. I want you to set up your digital calendar, share it with your family, and practice using it consistently. If you've never been good at keeping a calendar, that is all about to change because a digital calendar is so helpful for a busy modern family. It keeps everyone in the loop and makes sure everyone's on the same page. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO BLOG Leave a comment JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks


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167 \\ PART 1 Time Management for ADHD Moms - Discover Your 8 Fundamental Needs

Coaching for Cluttered ADHD Christian Moms BOOK A CONSULTATION Do you ever look at the clock and wonder where the day went? Or even what you did that day? If you're like many ADHD moms, time management might seem like a never-ending battle. You're juggling kids, meals, work, and maybe squeezing in a moment for yourself—only to end up feeling like you've barely made a dent in your to-do list. When it comes to how we spend our time, our choice is usually dictated by whatever is needed by our kids and family. It's like spinning plates, right? We rush around trying to keep all the plates spinning at the same time. But the one plate we neglect that sadly ends up toppling over most times is our own basic fundamental needs. So many times we push our own needs to the back burner, thinking we'll get to it "later." By the time we're done taking care of everyone else, it's just more work to focus on taking care of ourselves. But what if prioritizing your fundamental needs could actually help you handle everything else better? Tune in as we kick off this Time Management for ADHD Moms series with discovering your 8 fundamental needs. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks


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166 \\ 10 More Kitchen Counter Culprits and How to Keep Your Kitchen Clutter Free

Coaching for Cluttered ADHD Christian Moms BOOK A CONSULTATION Let's be honest: the kitchen is like the heart of your home, but sometimes it can feel more like a chaotic mess than a welcoming space. As a mom with ADHD, you're juggling so many things at once—kids, meals, laundry, work, and a million other tasks. It's easy for your kitchen counters to become the dumping ground for everything from school papers to random gadgets. But here's the thing: a cluttered kitchen can really mess with your head, making it harder to find what you need and creating stress you just don't need. These simple tips will help you keep your counters clear and your kitchen running smoothly, even on the busiest days. Because you deserve a kitchen that's not just functional, but a place where you can feel relaxed and at ease. Does object permanence hold you back from decluttering? In this epsiode, I also share three tips for how you can remember where you put things. Tune in! If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks


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165 \\ 10 Kitchen Counter Culprits and How to Minimize Clutter

Coaching for Cluttered ADHD Christian Moms BOOK A CONSULTATION Cluttered kitchen counters can be a source of stress and frustration, especially for busy busy ADHD moms. It doesn't take much for those surfaces to become overrun with dishes, mail, keys, wallets, and a myriad of other everyday items. If you find yourself struggling to keep your kitchen counters clear, you're not alone. It’s easy for clutter to build up, particularly when life gets hectic and routines are disrupted. This episode aims to offer practical solutions and tips to help you minimize the clutter on your kitchen counters. You'll learn about common culprits that contribute to clutter and how to manage them effectively. You'll have a clear plan for keeping your kitchen counters tidy and functional, making your kitchen a more enjoyable space to be in. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks


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164 \\ Slow Down, Use What You Have, and Save Money with a Spending Freeze

Ever feel like your spending is on autopilot? You're not alone. Between the kids' activities, quick coffee runs, and spontaneous shopping trips, it’s super easy to wonder where all your money is disappearing to. If this sounds like your everyday, maybe it's time to hit the pause button with a spending freeze. A spending freeze isn't just about stopping all spending. It’s about making a conscious choice to slow down and really look at what you're buying. Maybe it’s using what’s already in your pantry instead of hitting the grocery store again, or pausing new purchases on things like clothes or running through the drive thru. By doing a spending freeze, you’ll tap into your creative side to make the most of what you have, feel a real sense of achievement in saving, and become super aware of your spending habits. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to teach your kids the value of money and appreciating what they already have. Use this as an opportunity to reset your spending habits! If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks


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163 \\ 5 Step Simple Life R.E.S.E.T. for Moms - Calm Your Anxiety and Get Your Home Back in Order

Is your house a complete mess leaving you feeling overwhelmed and unmotivated? Maybe you've been extremely busy lately or you've been traveling for Spring Break and your house and schedule feel out of whack. In this episode, I'm sharing with you the five simple steps I took recently to reset my life. This is a quick life reset to help you get back in control of your home and life and is not the time to declutter and organize. R - Rest E - Evaluate your appointments S - Stock your kitchen E - Empty laundry T - Tidy surfaces and floors If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks


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162 \\ How to Celebrate Your Kid's Birthday Without More Clutter - The Accountability Club Coaching Call

Celebrating our kids' birthdays can be a lot of fun but sometimes the influx of new toys and gadgets is overwhelming and inevitably contributes to household clutter. As a parent, especially one who values organization and minimalism, finding the balance between making these celebrations memorable and not adding to the chaos can be a challenge. So how can you celebrate your kid’s birthday without all the stuff? Join a discussion we had inside The Accountability Club on how to make birthdays special without the overwhelm of toy clutter, how to talk with our friends and family about giving toys at birthday parties, and how to satisfy our kids' desires without spoiling them with toys. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks


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161 \\ Executive Function #8: Flexibility - 5 Simple ADHD Tips - How to Stick with Habits and Routines When Your Plans are Interrupted

You know the drill: you start your day with a perfectly planned routine, armed with habits that promise to keep your life as an ADHD mom smoothly sailing. But then, life happens. A forgotten school project that needs last-minute attention, an unexpected work call that can't wait, or simply a day when your energy levels are nowhere to be found. These interruptions feel like roadblocks, making it seem impossible to stick to your well-intentioned plans. It's a common story among ADHD moms. The frustration of constantly feeling derailed is real. These five strategies will help you remain flexible, adapt your routines on the fly, and most importantly, forgive yourself when things don't go as planned. Let's dive into how you can maintain your habits and routines, even when life seems determined to throw you off course. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks BLOG Leave a Comment


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160 \\ Executive Function #7:Planning & Time Management - How to Make a Decluttering Plan - Basic Steps for ADHD Moms

You've seen those perfectly organized spaces on Pinterest and thought, "That looks great, but where do I even start?" The truth is, ADHD can make it tough to focus on organizing and following through with a decluttering plan. The thought of starting can be overwhelming, leading to analysis paralysis where we end up doing... well, nothing. But here's the thing: you're not alone, and you're definitely not without hope or options. This blog post is all about turning that overwhelming feeling into actionable steps. We're going to tackle this together, focusing on strategies that make sense for your unique brain. I'll guide you through making a decluttering plan that's not only doable but tailored to work with your ADHD, not against it. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks BLOG Leave a Comment


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159 \\ Executive Function #6: Self-Monitoring - 6 Simple Strategies to Help ADHD Moms Get Things Done

Feeling overwhelmed with daily tasks and clutter everywhere? You're not alone. Many ADHD moms struggle with executive functions, particularly self-monitoring, which is our ability to observe and adjust our actions. It's tough, especially when you're trying to juggle everything from kids' schedules to household chores. But there's hope! Here are six simple strategies to help you get back on track. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks BLOG Leave a Comment


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158 \\ Executive Function #5: Organization - Declutter and Systemize Your Home to be a More Organized ADHD Mom

As an ADHD mom, managing the clutter in our homes often feels like we’re trying to hold water in our hands—no matter how hard we try, it just keeps slipping through. We see the endless piles of laundry, the kitchen counters buried under who-knows-what, and the kids’ rooms that look like mini tornado zones. This constant state of disarray affects our mental space, our energy, and our ability to enjoy time with our families. Here’s the reality: our brains are wired a bit differently, and traditional organization methods that work for others might not cut it for us. But that doesn’t mean we’re doomed to live in chaos. It means we need a tailored approach, one that understands the unique challenges ADHD brings to the table. This is where decluttering and systemizing come into play. Through simplifying our belongings and implementing systems designed to support our ADHD brains, we can create a home that feels more manageable and less overwhelming. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks BLOG Leave a Comment


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157 \\ Executive Function #4: Working Memory - The Best Way to Improve Your ADHD Memory

Ever feel like your brain is juggling too many balls at once? That's your executive function at play, a set of mental skills that help you learn, work, and manage daily life. At the heart of this juggling act is your working memory—your ability to hold and manipulate information in your mind while you're in the middle of tasks. It's like keeping your grocery list in mind while you navigate the store and plan your dinner. But when life gets too cluttered, it's like adding more balls to our already crazy juggling act. The secret to keeping them all in the air? Simplifying life down to what you can handle—your capacity! By reducing the clutter, you'll lighten the load on your working memory, making it easier to focus, remember, and get through your day with fewer dropped balls. In this episode, I’m sharing 12 practical ways to simplify your home and life to what you can handle. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks BLOG Leave a Comment


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156 \\ Executive Function #3: Emotional-Control - 5 Tips for When Decluttering is Emotional for ADHD Moms

Decluttering can be emotionally hard at times! Decluttering is especially hard for ADHD moms who lack the executive function of emotional control which is your ability to manage your feelings to achieve your goals. It's like each object has its own story, a piece of our history, making the decision to keep or let it go feel impossible. The guilt of letting go can be particularly paralyzing. Maybe it's the guilt over money spent on things barely used, or the guilt from parting with gifts from loved ones. Or perhaps it's the sadness of acknowledging that certain phases of life are over, like the baby years, as we fold away tiny onesies our children will never wear again. These emotions can make us feel stuck, weighed down by the physical and emotional clutter in our lives. However, learning to let go of the old makes room not just in our homes but in our hearts and minds, for new experiences, relationships, and dreams. In this episode, I’m sharing some practical tips for how to deal with your emotions while you’re decluttering your home. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks BLOG Leave a Comment


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155 \\ PART 2: Executive Function #2: Task Initiation - 8 ADHD Strategies to Finish Decluttering Once You Get Started

I bet this has happened to you - you kick off with a burst of energy, determined to declutter your home and create a more peaceful life for your family. But shortly after you start decluttering, your initial momentum fizzles out, leaving you surrounded by half-sorted messes, and feeling more overwhelmed than when you started. Sound familiar? You're not alone. It's an all too familiar story for most ADHD moms. The burst of motivation is real, but so is the struggle to see tasks through to completion. The distractions, the sudden loss of interest, or the overwhelming sensation when the piles of clutter seem too daunting can all bring your decluttering efforts to a halt. I get it. I've been there before - so I'm sharing some of my own real-life decluttering tips with you. These 8 ADHD-friendly decluttering tips are designed to help you ride the wave of your initial motivation and help you cross the finish line. So, if you've ever found yourself staring at a half-emptied closet or a drawer that got too daunting halfway through, this is for you. JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks BLOG Leave a Comment


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154 \\ PART 1: Executive Function #2: Task Initiation - Struggling to Take Action? 3 Easy Steps to Declutter Now with ADHD

It’s going to be difficult when you first get started with decluttering your home with ADHD instead of continuing to procrastinate. Your “take action right now” muscles are not very strong. However, we can rest easy knowing that like any other skill we practice, we will get better at it and it will become easier. In this episode, I'm sharing with you how to start decluttering in the first place. You know how to declutter. You've watch a ton of decluttering videos. But you're just not taking action. You feel stuck. "Why can't you just make yourself declutter and clean your house?" you ask yourself. You are not the only one who struggles with taking action. These three SIMPLE decluttering tips can help. Now of course they won't help if you don't do them so if you're struggling to even do these tips, get into The Accountability Club or schedule a free coaching consultation with me and I'll help you get started. You may just need a little coaching and encouragement. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks


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153 \\ Executive Function #1: Self-Control - 6 Simple Ways ADHD Moms Can Gain Self-Control and Achieve a Clutter-Free Home

I’m diving into the world of executive functions, starting with self-control. I know, I know – self-control and a clutter-free home might sound like a distant dream. But stick with me! With a mix of faith, mindset, and practical strategies, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish. We're all in this together, and in The Accountability Club, we're making big strides one small step at a time. Self-control is like a muscle. It might feel weak at first, especially when you’re staring down a room full of stuff that just seems to multiply overnight. But just like any skill, with a bit of practice and these six simple tips, you’ll be on your way to a more organized, clutter-free life. If this episode blessed you, leave a review! Thank you so much! - XO BLOG POST Comment Here JOIN The Accountability Club COACHING Schedule a 15-Minute Consultation FREE Daily Reset Checklist SHOP Courses & Workbooks
