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The Safety Fellowship Podcast

Education Podcasts

We all know the danger of not practicing safely. So it is essential to be aware of the basic rules involved in safety and how to prevent risk, injury, harm, or the loss of life and/or property. This meeting focuses on sharing the knowledge and benefits of practicing good safety.


United States


We all know the danger of not practicing safely. So it is essential to be aware of the basic rules involved in safety and how to prevent risk, injury, harm, or the loss of life and/or property. This meeting focuses on sharing the knowledge and benefits of practicing good safety.



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Driving Safety: The Road to Responsibility | with Soji | S3 Ep.1

Road driving is a privilege with a safety responsibility that extends beyond oneself to the entire community of road users. This podcast emphasizes responsible driver behavior on the roadway, from seatbelt usage to avoiding distractions, defensive driving, adhering to speed limits, driving under the influence (DUI), knowing your limit, and weather factoring. |


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Fire Safety: How to Use a Fire Extinguisher in an Emergency | S2 Ep.5

Fire extinguishers are essential to fire safety and prevention. Knowing how to utilize the correct class and type of extinguisher in a fire emergency is imperative, as using the wrong type can worsen the fire situation.


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Health and Wellness: Safety Consciousness Guides and Tips | S2 Ep.4

Safety consciousness is crucial, and having sound safety guides and tips will enable us to adopt a safety-first mindset at home, at work, or in public spaces; we can protect ourselves and those around us from potential risks and hazards.


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Occupational Safety: Construction Site Safety and Health Guidelines | S2 Ep.3

The probability of a job injury is higher on a construction site because workers’ exposure to hazards such as falls, electrocution, and being struck by equipment or falling objects is inevitable. Employers must implement safety and health measures on construction sites to protect workers and minimize the risk of accidents by following the safety and health guidelines provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).


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Cybersecurity: The Dangers of Phishing and Other Cyber Threats | S2 Ep.2

The dangers of phishing attacks and other cyber threats have made cybersecurity more critical than ever due to the increasing amount of internet and technology scams. But by following the safety tips outlined on this podcast, you can help to protect yourself and your data from being vulnerable to scammers.


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Hazmat Safety: Everyday Hazardous Materials and Waste Disposal | S2 Ep.1

The improper disposal of our everyday used hazardous materials and waste products can cause health, safety, and environmental problems. Humans must recognize dangerous substances used daily, and know how to safely handle, use and dispose of them for the well-being of all and the environment.


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Environmental Protection: Saving the Environment | S1 Ep.8

Humans' daily acts can sometimes put everything at risk, not excluding the extinction of humans. Our daily contact with our environment, i.e., surroundings, should be such that; we benefit ourselves with the assets that the environment provides while being environmentally friendly.


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Hazmat Safety: Keeping Safe with Hazardous Material | S1 Ep.7

Proper handling of Hazmat, i.e., hazardous material, is paramount to living a healthy lifestyle. The primary purpose of this podcast is to inform about hazardous materials; How does it affect human health? And safety precautions when dealing with these toxic materials.


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Public Safety: Policing Through Community Engagement | S1 Ep.6

Police agencies worldwide, especially in the United States, were accused of controversial uses of force against specific communities. Many communities have questioned the legitimacy of the police forces. The Black Lives Matter or BLM movement gained momentum during the Covid-19 pandemic. The police force in the United States was nationally and internationally protested against in response to the use of unnecessary force in the black communities, leading to the death of many black people in the country.


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Travel Safety: First-Time Travelers Safety Tips | S1 Ep.5

Traveling can be an exciting, memorable, and expensive way to experience the world. Before you plan a trip, take some time to consider these safety tips. These tips highlight how you can make the most of your journey without getting yourself into trouble and returning home safely.


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Public Safety: Active Shooter and Mass Shooting Safety | S1 Ep.4

Tragedy upon tragedy involving an active shooter or mass shooting seems the norm, the standard across the United States. And the gun control debate remained stagnant as ever. While the branches of government are figuring out ways to reduce gun violence across the country, let us help ourselves stay safe amidst this present killing norm.


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Cybersecurity: Protecting information and data from Hackers | S1 Ep.3

Hackers are knowledgeable individuals in computer programming and how it operates. It is easier for hackers to find vulnerabilities in systems and influence them to gain access to unauthorized information and procedures not meant to be accessed by the general public.


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Hazmat Safety: Industrial and Chemical Hazard Safety | S1 Ep.2

The public safety goal and objective regarding industrial and chemical hazards is to make people aware of the danger involved in industrial hazards and enlighten them on what to do in critical situations.


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Fire Safety: General Fire Safety and Prevention | S1 Ep.1

With good preparation, one can feel safe in the cause of a fire emergency. The main objective of fire safety is to minimize the risk, injury, or loss of life and or property. Join me on this episode to learn basic but major fire safety tips.
