The Conscious Action Podcast by Brian Berneman-logo

The Conscious Action Podcast by Brian Berneman

Education Podcasts

We believe that connection is the key to taking conscious action as individuals and to creating a better world. We're podcasting to raise awareness and inspire meaningful action and bring you stories, knowledge, and conversations with thought leaders and change-makers. We explore topics that range from sustainability to wellbeing and everything related to conscious living and we’re looking forward to bringing you these conversations during these challenging times. Find out more about Conscious Action & Stay in touch!


New Zealand


We believe that connection is the key to taking conscious action as individuals and to creating a better world. We're podcasting to raise awareness and inspire meaningful action and bring you stories, knowledge, and conversations with thought leaders and change-makers. We explore topics that range from sustainability to wellbeing and everything related to conscious living and we’re looking forward to bringing you these conversations during these challenging times. Find out more about Conscious Action & Stay in touch!



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Episode 177 with Carly Jean Puch - Mindful & Compassionate Living

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Carly Jean Puch, host of the Consciously Clueless podcast, which assists listeners in discovering the connection between a healthier you and a healthier world through veganism, mindfulness, and a love for the planet. We explore how being mindful and living a vegan lifestyle can help create a healthier planet and society, the importance of not judging others or make them feel guilty for their lifestyle choices, understanding that everyone is on their own journey of awareness and change, the importance of focusisng on living your values rather than perfection and how individual actions matter even if you can't fix everything. Carly's journey Carly shares about her background in sociology, women's studies, trauma counseling, and yoga instruction. How she found mindfulness and veganism and brought everything together in a way that felt authentic for her work and lifestyle. Communication Challenges People can react defensively when presented with new information that contradicts their worldview. It's valid to feel angry about injustice, but channel that into effective communication. Using "I" statements to share your personal experience rather than preaching at others. Ask questions to open up conversations instead of trying to prove a point. Creating Change It is important to maintain a mindset that individual actions matter rather than feeling hopelessness. Look to history and social justice movements to see how change can start small. Find ways to make an impact on issues you care about in your own life and community. The Consciously Clueless Podcast Carly wanted a podcast name to signal a space where perfection is not required to learn and grow. We all have more to learn on these topics, so "clueless" invites people in. Starting the Journey Meet people where they are at and explore why they want to learn about mindfulness or veganism. Carly aims to create content and a community where you can learn about living a mindfully vegan life. A place where you can show up imperfectly, ask questions, and be ready to change the world. Sometimes, the world can feel overwhelming, and it might seem pointless. But for Carly, the alternative—giving up—isn't an option. Carly's passion for making a difference started when she was young and was solidified through her education. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Women's Studies and a Master's Degree in Social Responsibility. Carly is a 200-hour registered yoga instructor a certified Health and Wellness Coach and a certified Meditation and Mindfulness Coach. Carly teaches yoga and mindfulness to adults and children in local schools ages 1st to 8th grade. For more about Carly find her on Instagram, Facebook and Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 176 - You have the power to change

Send us a Text Message. On this episode Brian explores the idea that we all can change at any moment. How can you allow yourself to embrace changes? How can you rewrite your story and choose differently? Follow us @consciousactionnz on Facebook and Instagram and on Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 175 with Jennifer Mulholland & Jeff Shuck - Conscious Leadership & Leading with Light

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Jennifer Mulholland & Jeff Shuck, leadership development strategists and executive coaches, and founders of Plenty Consulting Jennifer and Jeff share their backgrounds in leadership, spirituality, and entrepreneurship. They founded Plenty to help people access their inner light and feel they have plenty within and around them. Creating safe spaces through presence Jennifer explains how dropping into presence allows deeper awareness of internal cues. This self-safety lets one offer safety to others through listening without judgment. Jeff likens presence to choosing one's perspective like opening curtains to see opportunities. Conscious leadership through awareness, alignment, and intention Jennifer defines conscious leadership as practicing awareness of cues, discerning alignment from them, then intentionally acting. Awareness comes from presence while alignment notes what expands or contracts one's light. Intention means deciding how to show up. Trusting the flow of life through agency and surrender Jeff likens life to floating down a river, using agency like a paddle but also surrendering to the current. We battle needlessly by resisting the flow. Insights come in relaxed openness, not through forcing solutions. Allowing insights to emerge through unlearning Distracting the thinking mind with new experiences allows unlearning old limiting beliefs. Like clearing windshield dirt, this opens to new understandings within. Jenn & Jeff's work helps recognize our inherent wisdom. Shining your light from the inside out Jennifer shares her insight that we need only let our inner light shine outward through presence. We emerge naturally from within, not through external work or achievement. Jeff affirms each person's inherent worth and the need for all lights in creating the future. For more about Jennifer & Jeff find them on Instagram, LinkedIn & Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 174 with Dan Millman - The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Dan Millman, a former world champion athlete, Stanford University gymnastics coach, martial arts instructor and Oberlin College professor. His 18 books are published in 29 languages. His first book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, was adapted to film in 2006. Over a span of 40 years, in 32 countries, Dan has taught the "peaceful warrior's way," a practical approach to living an aware, purposeful, and healthful life. Dan talks about his journey, from gymnast to author, how his diverse mentors shaped his integrated approach emphasizing practical spirituality and conscious action. Focusing on present actions over emotions and thoughts, noting our tendency to dwell on past and future yet the reality that only the now exists for our conscious experience. Dan asserted we control only our actions, not feelings or thoughts, advising behaving constructively regardless of internal states since actions shape our lives and futures. Resolving paradoxes by accepting multiple viewpoints, as both conventional and transcendent truths can coexist depending on perspective, like time being real yet eternal now. Embracing each moment through non-resistance while maintaining goals for fulfilling journeys, exemplifying courses in life's school through presence, purpose and small consistent efforts. 12 life courses including self-worth, will, health, money, mind, intuition, emotions, fears, shadow-work, heart, and service, to understand life's lessons and turn knowledge to action. For more about Dan find him on Instagram, Facebook and Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 173 - Compassion is a superpower

Send us a Text Message. On this episode Brian explores the importance of developing compassion in our lives, practicing it and how compassion can change the world. How can you develop compassion towards yourself? How can you develop compassion towards others? Follow us @consciousactionnz on Facebook and Instagram and on Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 172 with Tom Paladino - Holistic Healing with Scalar Energy

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Tom Paladino, Founder of Scalar Light, a scalar energy researcher & pioneer in the field of energy healing. With over 25 years of experience developing healing techniques designed to help people all over the world to recover from pathogenic infection and experience true health and wellness, he stands at the forefront of scalar energy healing, inspired by the groundbreaking work of Nikola Tesla. We explore the primal energy, the energy of the universe, the benefit for humanity of free energy, the benefit for our wellbeing, why this energy is not everywhere, healing with energy, balancing our chakras, Scalar being the same as Quantum energy, working outside of time and space, the importance of faith and trust in healing. Tom talks about his journey, how Nikola Tesla inspired him to explore and research the Scalar energy, how the instruments heals ones aura through using the specific energy field from a photograph, working with light, the actions are instantaneous for transformation. For more about Tom find him on Instagram, Facebook and Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 171 with Kiki Grace - Embodied Healing Processes & Integration

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Kiki Grace, a Relationship Coach and Psychedelic Facilitator who coaches her clients to embody exactly who they want to be in order to cultivate the intimate, connected, & meaningful relationships they desire. Kiki is skilled at cultivating a safe space for inner exploration supported by compassionate honesty where, through working together, clients hold themselves with a confident, embodied, and empowered disposition which they carry into all relational aspects of their life. We explore sharing what supported us on our journeys, blending different perspectives and how they fit together, the importance of coming back to our bodies, integration of all our parts, attuning to the body and not overriding its needs, regaining a sense of safety to explore healing and trauma, learning what is a yes and a no, going through processes of healing however long they take, reorganising the nervous system, moving from assumptions to understandings, prepare to prevent, understanding what is our responsibility. Kiki talks about her journey, strangling to express her authenticity, dealing with depression, going to a healing path, tapping into understanding of her experience through feeling during a psilocybin session, exploring psychedelics, exploring consent and honoring, preparation and integration in the healing processes, working with couples, making agreements. Kiki also co-facilitates Couple’s Relationship Coaching and unique retreat experiences with her partner, Jason Goode (a Relationship Coach and Somatic Sex Educator). Their collaboration includes a monthly workshop entitled “Boundaries, Limits and Cultivating Intimacy through Consent.” Over two hours, participants gain tools to feel their authentic Yes’s and No’s through their bodies, learn language to communicate their boundaries, and how to ask for what they truly want. For more about Kiki find her at Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 170 with Scott Shute - Changing work from the inside out

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Scott Shute, founder of Changing Work, author and former LinkedIn executive. Scott is at the intersection of the workplace and ancient wisdom traditions. He blends his experience as a Silicon Valley executive with his lifelong practice and passion as a wisdom seeker and teacher. In his most recent role at LinkedIn, Scott was the Head of Mindfulness and Compassion programs. He has been a pioneer in creating workplace mindfulness programs and advancing the discussion around compassion in the work context. His latest venture, Changing Work, seeks to curate the best practices of conscious business and make them more widely available. He is the author of the award-winning book "The Full Body Yes". We explore living in survival mode, moving from attaining to attuning, wellbeing at work, changing from the inside out, taking responsibility, changing perspectives, focusing on stakeholders rather than just shareholders, the mental health movement is progressing, being present & connecting, the importance of compassion, listening to our bodies, moving towards more conscious workplaces. Scott talks about his journey, working at LinkedIn, his contemplation practice, sharing meditation practices at work, moving from 'me to we', writing his book, what's the intention for a business to exist, developing self-compassion, our inner-guidance, and creating the Changing Work Collective. Scott guides us through a guided meditation practice. For more about Scott find him on LinkedIn, & Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 169 with Sherry Shaban - Empowering your deepest transformation

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Sherry Shaban, an extraordinary fitness and life coach who’s battled back from the brink of paralysis to transform not only her body but her entire outlook on life. Sherry will challenge your conventional wisdom on dieting and fitness as we look at why diets fail, and what you can do differently. We are unpacking the nuances of ‘transformation’ versus ‘results,’ and how you can move from a life of limitations to one of endless possibilities. From the role of intuitive eating to overcoming chronic pain to the habits that define successful “athletes” in all walks of life, this is a holistic conversation about optimizing your performance from the inside out. We explore overcoming challenges, taking responsibility and ownership of our lives, making changes and not blaming others, the importance of listening to our bodies, reconnecting with the body, how life happens for us, intuitive eating and how we learnt to bypass natural cues, removing diets from our lives, emotional eating, going through the process to transform, having compassion as we transition, how we create habit patterns and behavior, making peace with our lives, feeling safe as an important aspect of our transformation. Sherry talks about her journey, being a child athlete and always competing, getting hit by a car and the consequences from it, going through back surgery, going to the gym against doctors orders, opening a gym and having a second back surgery, not listening to the voice of impossibility, understanding the nervous system, making peace with the food we eat. Sherry Shaban is an osteopath and an anti-diet health and life coach from Montreal, Qc. She is the founder of the Fall in Love with Fitness Podcast, the HIIT Decks™ App, and Make Peace with Food™, the leaders in an anti-Diet approach that rewires the brain’s relationship with food to naturally release bodyweight struggles forever. With over 23 years of experience in the fitness industry, Sherry is a renowned expert in the most challenging weight loss cases and has helped thousands of people worldwide transform their health and fitness using her revolutionary method to rewire the brain, release self-sabotaging limiting beliefs, and patterns, and fall in love with fitness so that weight loss becomes easy, predictable, and enjoyable. For more about Sherry find her on Instagram, Facebook, & Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 168 - Developing a relationship with yourself

Send us a Text Message. On this episode Brian explores the importance of spending time by ourselves - fully with yourself, without escaping your inner experience. How can you develop a better relationship with yourself? How can reconnect with the parts you have been neglecting? Are you escaping your experience or are you able to be fully with what is? Follow us @consciousactionnz on Facebook and Instagram and on Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 167 with Christine Zeschniok - Awaken your audience & Activate your conscious business

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Christine Zeschniok, a Business Coach for conscious leaders and founder of The Activated Woman. Her focus lies in helping coaches, healers, mentors & guides to create activating content online that helps their audience commit to their own transformation and move towards their dreams. We explore coming back to ourselves, listening to our guidance and trusting, walking the talk, listening to others and choosing even if it's different, what is success, how to explain what we do so people get it, finding the ways that energizes you, understanding what's not for you through feeling drained, cooperation instead of competition, speaking to your potential clients rational mind, connecting to the power of your work. Christine talks about her journey, studying educational science, moving to New Zealand, self-leadership, how can we take action, finding one's uniqueness, clarifying messages, noticing what activates you, finding what makes people move, when you are in love with your business it will be when you do the most potent work. For more about Christine find her on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. Her upcoming Masterclass 'Awaken your Audience' teaches how to activate your audience in your content with just a few tweaks, so they are ready to move and reach out about your offers. You will learn how to satisfy their rational mind and sell through your content by giving your people all the information they need to commit, on a logical and emotional level, without lengthy sales calls or endless follow ups. As a special gift to everyone listenting to the podcast, you can get the Masterclass for free (simply use the code AWAKEN24 at checkout). Info & access here: Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 166 - The power of surrendering

Send us a Text Message. On this episode Brian explores what surrendering means, how we experience it, letting go of what no longer serves and how can we allow things to come. What does surrendering means to you? How do you let go of things? Follow us @consciousactionnz on Facebook and Instagram and on Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 165 with Zac Parish - Mindfulness in the Workplace, Awareness & Buddhist Philosophy

Send us a Text Message. Join host Brian Berneman as he delves into the journey of self-discovery and inner peace with guest Zac Parish. In this episode: 🧘‍♂️ Zac's personal journey from a deep fascination with Buddhist principles to establishing the Awareness Academy is truly inspiring. Through mindfulness, wellbeing, and leadership training, Zac empowers individuals in business to thrive in both their personal and professional lives. 💡 Explore the importance of self-awareness and compassion in fostering a positive workplace culture, and discover practical strategies for managing attention and reducing stress amidst the chaos of modern life. 💫From the 5 Pillars of Wellness, the 3 A's of Awareness, Acceptance & Attention, to implementing space to connect and moving from suffering to happiness. 📚 Drawing from ancient wisdom and practical techniques, Zac and Brian offer actionable advice on incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine. From meditation practices to cultivating a compassionate mindset, you'll learn how to tap into your inner wisdom and lead a more fulfilling life. Zac Parish is the Founder of the Awareness Academy, a training institution specializing in workplace leadership and well-being programs. Zac served as a Buddhist Monk for six years, and for over two decades, he has been an influential teacher in Meditation, Mindfulness, and Wellness. For more about Zac find him on LinkedIn & Don't miss this enlightening episode filled with inspiration and profound insights 🎧✨ 💬 Join the Conversation: What resonated with you in this podcast? How can we unlock the transformative power of Mindfulness? Share your thoughts using #TheConsciousActionPodcast! 👇 Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 164 - Your unique journey to wellbeing

Send us a Text Message. On this episode Brian explores how we are all unique and so we have to go through our own individual journey of wellbeing. How are you allowing your path to be unique? Are you comparing yourself to other's journeys? Follow us @consciousactionnz on Facebook and Instagram and on Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 163 with Eric Balance - Journey of the Conscious Entrepreneur

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Eric Balance, conscious creator, host of 'The Resilient Minds Podcast, founder and visionary. We explore conscious entrepreneurship, understanding why we are doing things, embodying change, how we are showing up, going from unconscious to conscious, building a relationship with oneself, becoming a leader, reconnecting with oneself, the need to heal money traumas, the importance of integrating our different aspects and find balance. Eric talks about his journey, learning to implement new and conscious concepts in every area of life, 5 steps from unseen to unstoppable, being confused and wanting to be 'normal', wanting to find wealth, becoming a drug addict, finding a mentor in Tony Robbins, creating business nirvana. For more about Eric find him on Instagram, Facebook, & Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 162 - Embracing changes in your life

Send us a Text Message. On this episode Brian explores how we can better navigate an embrace the changes that take place in our lives. Change is inevitable and is always taking place. How are you being in relationship to changes? What do you do when a change happens? Follow us @consciousactionnz on Facebook and Instagram and on Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 161 with Lindsey Coffey - Elevating Earth with Conscious Consumerism

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Lindsey Coffey, a fashion model, environmental activist, and in 2020, became the first and only U.S. representative to win the international title of Miss Earth competing against 82 nations. With a background in Political Science and Communications, she focuses her efforts on campaigning, public speaking, and lobbying on Capitol Hill to raise our environmental consciousness and transform people and planet. As a World Wildlife Fund Ambassador, Remake Fellow, Climate Reality Leader, and collaborator with Greenpeace. Earth Day Network, and the United Nations, she passionately champions for climate justice, wildlife conservation, ethical fashion, environmental preservation, and spearheads worldwide initiatives aimed at fostering a sustainable future. She encourages global action towards sustainability and empowers others to overcome challenges related to environmental, societal, and personal growth. We explore the impact of the fashion industry, conscious consumerism, bringing realism into the perspectives to create change, person responsibility, how can personal growth be environmental work, knowing that we have a choice to choose, how do we use our privilege, voting with our dollar, being empowered to make decisions, the amount of people needed as a tipping point for change, joining with others to take conscious action, mindful gift giving. Lindsey talks about her journey, her love of nature growing up, how winning Miss Earth spark a fire to pursue her activism, using her voice within and outside of the fashion industry to create change, mindful consumers, creating market trends, emotional purchases, and the power of individual choices. For more about Lindsey find her on Instagram, Facebook, and Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 160 with Terry Kim - Awakening of the spiritual entrepreneur

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Terry Kim, a visionary leader, tech entrepreneur, and spiritual seeker, combining his entrepreneurial drive with his deep-rooted spirituality to make a profound impact on humanity. With a remarkable background as a YCombinator and AngelPad alumni Founder, TK has successfully raised over $18 million in venture capital from Silicon Valley for NGT Academy. As a seasoned veteran with more than 22 years of experience in the IT industry, TK’s passion lies in inspiring, creating, and empowering the next generation of cyber warriors. We explore the movement towards purpose-driven companies and entrepreneurship, contributing to others and the planet, spending time to connect, life being an ever-evolving process, vibrational matches, the Ikigai method, making sustainable changes, unlearning old patterns, consciously using our breath, creating our lives. Terry talks about hir journey, being an entrepreneur in the tech start-up space, going through an awakening, expanding his consciousness, what ignites your soul, living on purpose, the way of Kaizen, breaking old patterns to open to the new, being a student of life, the idea of the OM sleep mask, being introduced to Breathwork, opening the heart. For more about Terry find him on Instagram ( &,, and Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 159 with Jeannette Cieszykowski - Feng Shui your space to your advantage

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Jeannette Cieszykowski, a Landscape Architect and personal development junkie turned Feng Shui consultant. Trained in classical Feng Shui, she utilize the principles of harnessing prosperous Qi and incorporating that into the homes and business spaces of her clients. She helps people create an energy-rich home life that supports their health, wealth, and happiness. We explore the difference between classical and modern Feng Shui, how your environment affects you, using the dynamic energies to our favor, the importance of knowing one's intentions, balancing the elements to find harmony, general knowledge and power positions. Jeannette talks about her journey, giving a space attention with intention, serendipitous experiences and people showing up, understanding the energies of the house to our advantage before moving in, looking into what we can control, she showcases the different charts, numbers, energies and elements, using ancient wisdom to our benefit. For more about Jeannette find her on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Support the Show. Support the show.


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Episode 158 with Dr. Noah St. John - Giving yourself permission to succeed

Send us a Text Message. On this episode we talk with Dr. Noah St. John, keynote speaker and best-selling author who's famous for inventing Afformations and helping busy people achieve financial freedom. We explore 'success', giving ourselves permission to succeed, the 'head trash' and unconscious beliefs, affirmations vs afformations, the power of questions, gratitude as the gateway to receiving. Noah talks about his journey, growing up dirt poor in a rich neighborhood, reading as many books he could find in the library, not wanting to be here anymore, writing his books, finding the gap of why many are not succeeding, having an 'aha' moment in the shower, overcoming procrastination and going to the other side of fear. For more about Noah find him on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Support the Show. Support the show.
