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The Experimental Homesteader

Education Podcasts

Sheri Ann Richerson's exotic gardening, elegant cooking, crafty creations, food preservation and animal husbandry all on two and a half acres! Sheri Ann Richerson is a leading pioneer in the self-sufficiency movement. For the past 19 years she has been living, teaching, and promoting organic gardening, natural health and self-sufficiency through all forms of media. Her career includes years as a nationally acclaimed best-selling author, radio host and guest on a variety of shows showcasing her expertise on homesteading and gardening. Additionally, Ms. Richerson is a speaker, columnist and a blogger for hundreds of websites, magazines and newspapers.


United States


Sheri Ann Richerson's exotic gardening, elegant cooking, crafty creations, food preservation and animal husbandry all on two and a half acres! Sheri Ann Richerson is a leading pioneer in the self-sufficiency movement. For the past 19 years she has been living, teaching, and promoting organic gardening, natural health and self-sufficiency through all forms of media. Her career includes years as a nationally acclaimed best-selling author, radio host and guest on a variety of shows showcasing her expertise on homesteading and gardening. Additionally, Ms. Richerson is a speaker, columnist and a blogger for hundreds of websites, magazines and newspapers.





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Gifts From The Garden

Ever wonder what else you can do with your favorite garden plants? Come hear Sheri Ann Richerson talk about using those plants to make gifts that everyone on your list will love.


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Preserving And Using Holiday Leftovers

Sick of turkey? Hate to throw it out? Wonder if those bones and bits of leftover meat are useful for anything? What about the other leftovers - cakes, pies, vegetables? Come hear Sheri Ann Richerson give you tips on how to make the most of all those leftovers.


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Winter Gardening Basics

Ever wanted to grow a winter garden? Hear Sheri Ann Richerson talk about tips and tricks for growing an outdoor winter garden that will thrive.


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A Homestead Thanksgiving

Ever wonder what it's like to live on a homestead or small farm during the holidays? Come hear Sheri Ann Richerson talk about her experiences living on her small homestead in Indiana.


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Working In The Winter Garden

Greenhouses and cold frames make working in the winter garden easy, but did you know, there are things you can plant and grow even if you don’t have either one of these items? Learn all about what you can do in the winter garden on this episode.


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Indoor Plant Care

Proper care of indoor plants is really important, especially during the long, gray days of winter. Learn how to keep your plants, even those you bought for the holidays, thriving throughout the winter season and beyond.


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Working With Natural Fiber

Learn about all the cool things you can do with natural fibers raised on your own homestead. You can weave, spin, felt and more with both animal and plant fibers. Learn why working with natural fibers is a joyous experience and how it can save you money in the long run. For those longing to raise fiber animals such as angora or cashmere goats, sheep, llamas or alpacas, you can find out how easy to care for these animals really are, plus other advantages of raising them. For those who wish to...


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Advantages Of Raising Goats

Learn why raising goats for milk, meat and fiber is a good idea, especially for small scale homesteaders. We will also talk about raising your goats organically.


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The October Garden

Yes, you can still plant seeds in October, even if you live in a cold climate. Learn what to plant, when to plant it and how to plant it to get the most out of your garden or greenhouse space.


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Using Your Herbal Harvest

Learn about all the things you can do with herbs, from making your own spice blends, to creating natural crafts or using them around your home for cleaning and pest control.


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Getting Started With Chickens

One of the easiest animals to start raising on the homestead is chickens. In this episode we will explore the advantages of raising chickens, problems that can arise from raising chickens and how to keep your chickens healthy.
