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The Hive Jive - Beekeeping Podcast

Education Podcasts

The Hive Jive is a podcast that helps you navigate the stings of beekeeping to reach those sweet rewards. Join us on our beekeeping adventure today and find out what kinds of trouble we get into along the way!


United States


The Hive Jive is a podcast that helps you navigate the stings of beekeeping to reach those sweet rewards. Join us on our beekeeping adventure today and find out what kinds of trouble we get into along the way!





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180 - Randy McCaffrey the Dirt Rooster

This week John and Nathalie sit down with Randy McCaffrey of 628 Dirt Rooster YouTube Fame to discuss how he got started in bees, and what all it took to build his YouTube channel up to nearly 40 Million Views! Tune in now to learn more…


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179 - Mandy Shaw

This week John finally got to fulfill a podcast-long goal of sitting down with the creator of Bella Beek and host of Beekeeper Confidential… the one and only… Mandy Shaw! Join us as John and Nathalie catch up with Mandy and learn what her journey has been like thus far, as well as what she has planned for the future. Tune in now to learn more…


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178 - The Dog Days

Nathalie and John recap a few topics from the recent interviews with Tracy, Tucka, Gemma, and Peggy. Are mites really the line in the sand that beekeepers make it out to be today? Plus, it’s time for another Ken’s Cooking Corner where he continues his Sourdough addiction with some Sourdough Oatmeal Cookies made with Honey.


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177 - Peggy DeSanto

This week John and Nathalie sat down with Peggy DeSanto, co-founder of Bee the Change and The Hive Hugger. The group discusses how Peggy got started in Beekeeping, what inspired her to create the Hive Hugger, and how important it is to make sure your hives are properly insulated. Plus, how does Peggy feel about the current state of beekeeping? Tune in now to learn more…


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176 - Gemma Astley

This week John and Nathalie sit down with Gemma Astley from Homestead Hens and Honey to catch up on all things Homesteading, Chicken Keeping, and Bees! The group covers a wide range of topics including if Gemma has changed her opinions on Hive Styles, a discussion on queen mysteries, and how Gemma feels about the current state of beekeeping. Tune in now to learn more…


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175 - Tucka Saville

This week John and Nathalie sit down with the one and only Tucka Saville to learn what it was like keeping bees between New York and Florida, as well as catching up on the latest changes in the world of Tucka Bee as she dips her toes into the commercial world of contracted beekeeping in Florida.


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174 - Tracy Pielemeir & The Hive Butler

This week John sits down with Tracy Pielemeir to discuss how she got into beekeeping, started the North Central Beekeepers Club, came up with the concept for The Hive Butler, and to find out what she thinks about the current state of beekeeping. Tune in now to learn more…


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173 - A Few Additional Thoughts

John and Nathalie discuss a few takeaways from their recent interview with Angela Tollerson, plus the pair go a bit more in-depth with a few of the concepts that were mentioned. Tune in now to learn more…


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172 - Interview with Angela Tollerson

John and Nathalie sit down with Angela Tollerson, a fellow Master Beekeeper, to have an engaging conversation about how she sees the world of beekeeping today. Hear her perspective on some common issues, what challenges she faces in her own beekeeping, and what is she doing to help overcome them. Tune in now to learn more…


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171 - Hive Jive Revived

For the first interview episode of the season, we sit down with none other than Ken Milam to discuss his views on the current state of beekeeping. Tune in now to learn more...


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170 - Past Obligations and Future Expectations

It's time to address that big fuzzy striped elephant in the room that is Season 4. John sits down with us for a personal one-on-one and explains what has kept the show on hiatus for so long, and what it means for the future of The Hive Jive. Tune in now to learn more...


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BC - Queen Genetics vs Health

This week Nathalie and John discuss topics from a recent Bee Informed Partnership panel discussion on queen genetics and queen health/viability. Tune in now to hear their thoughts on a few key topics regarding Queens and how it relates to recent topics... BIP Queen Panel Video Link:


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BC - Trial and Error

In today's Beekeeper Chat, we get an update from Nathalie about her recent swarm captures, some things they both would like to try now that swarm session is under way, and John give a few updates about his new bees and also lets us in on his recent hive building misadventures. Tune now to learn more...


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BC - City Biome

Today John and Nathalie discuss how recent studies have revealed that a beehive can help identify the nuances of a cities unique biome by collecting and storing the microscopic bacteria, yeast, spores, and other fungal matter that reside in that specific city. Tune in now to learn more... Article Link:


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BC - Unexpected Arrivals

Breaking News! John's bees arrive TOMORROW morning and he hasn't even started building his hives yet!! How exactly does one forget something so important and exciting as the arrival of new bees? Well, John and Nathalie discuss this out of sight, out of mind scenario in today's beekeeper chat. Tune in now to hear all about it...


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BC - RF & EMR Revisited

Today Nathalie and John revisit a topic that was originally discussed back in 2021 on the possible effects of EMF on bees. With new research being presented, and new definitions of RF-EMR (Radio Frequency Electro Magnetic Radiation), the pair have decided that it is time to take another look at the possible effects that our electronics are having on our bees. Tune in now to learn more...


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BC - Bees Teaching Bees

Today Nathalie and John discuss new research that suggests younger bees learn the finer details of a precision Waggle Dance from older more experienced bees. What implications could this have on how we view our colonies, and the decisions we make on their behalf? Tune in now to learn more...


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BC - To Be Excluded

In today's beekeeper chat, Nathalie and John discuss the topic of Queen Excluders. What were they designed for? How do you use them? When should they be used? And, are they even really required? Tune in now to find out what the pair think about this often touchy subject...


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BC - Safe Passage Comb Guides

Today John and Nathalie discuss a comb guide that was recently brought to John's attention from a listener. This comb guide is meant to be placed on the bottom of Topbar hive bars in order to help encourage the bees to draw out their comb in a straight line. However, this specific comb guide claims several other advantages that make it stand out from all others... including nature itself. Is this latest hive invention all it is cracked up to be? Tune in now to hear John and Nathalie's initial impressions for the prospects of the Safe Passage Comb Guide...


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BC - Batting Zero

Today John breaks the news to Nathalie that he is now back down to zero colonies. Despite everything looking great for the "Oh Bee One Colony" going into winter, things took a drastic turn somewhere along the way. This has left John with more questions than answers. Tune in now to learn more... (Original Air Date: Feb 28th, 2023)
