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The Perfume Making Podcast

Education Podcasts

Discover the captivating art of perfumery and learn how to turn your passion into a business. Join Karen as she shares step-by-step instructions and occasional interviews, guiding you through the intricacies of fragrance creation. This podcast goes beyond the technical aspects of perfumery. Explore the fascinating connections between scent, mindset, and wellbeing. Learn about scent psychology, meditation practices, and the profound impact of fragrances on our emotions and overall wellness. Whether you're interested in natural perfumery, commercial perfumery, or starting your own venture, Karen provides valuable insights and business advice to help you succeed. Unleash your creativity, tap into your senses, and discover the secrets of this enchanting world. Start creating your signature scents today and unlock the transformative power of fragrance in your life.


United States


Discover the captivating art of perfumery and learn how to turn your passion into a business. Join Karen as she shares step-by-step instructions and occasional interviews, guiding you through the intricacies of fragrance creation. This podcast goes beyond the technical aspects of perfumery. Explore the fascinating connections between scent, mindset, and wellbeing. Learn about scent psychology, meditation practices, and the profound impact of fragrances on our emotions and overall wellness. Whether you're interested in natural perfumery, commercial perfumery, or starting your own venture, Karen provides valuable insights and business advice to help you succeed. Unleash your creativity, tap into your senses, and discover the secrets of this enchanting world. Start creating your signature scents today and unlock the transformative power of fragrance in your life.



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Keep Moving Forward - How To Get Where You Want To Go with Earl Williams

This week on the show Karen is joined by one of her Artisan perfumery mastermind alumni, Earl Williams, founder of ESW Perfume Bar. Through Earl’s unique business he creates bespoke scents for private clients as well as hosting pop up perfume bars at public and private events. But what really sets Earl apart is his determination and drive to keep moving forward no matter how many times the chips are stacked against him. In this interview with Karen, Earl shares his journey which will inspire you to keep moving forward and keep learning so that tomorrow, your dreams can come true. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Before you put something out into the world, make sure you’re ready. You’ll achieve nothing if you rush the process.” “Something that feels difficult today will feel easy tomorrow if you just keep learning and growing.” “If you don’t take the opportunities when they are presented to you, you’ll never move forward.” EPISODE LINKS ESP PerfumeBar Website ESP PerfumeBar Instagram ESP PerfumeBar Tik Tok VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Saved From Extinction - How Quintis took Sandalwood from endangered to sustainable.

As regular listeners will know, one of Karen’s favorite materials is sandalwood, that’s why she’s genuinely excited to welcome Sophie and Vanessa from Quintis on the show this week. Certain varieties of sandalwood become endangered over the years, so, 30 years ago, Quintis decided to create new plantations so that sandalwood could thrive. In this interview with Karen, the ladies talk about all things sandalwood from the therapeutic benefits, the growing and harvesting procedures and why, with the right approach, sandalwood will never be endangered again. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Sandalwood has the same effect on the brain as meditation. It has the ability to calm you and reduce anxiety.” “You have to make sure you are honest with your clients so they can be honest with their customers.” “Sandalwood has an incredible ability to adapt to the other ingredients it blends with to give a wide range of scents.” EPISODE LINKS Quintis Website Quintis Instagram VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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A Leap of Faith: Why Following Your Dreams is the Most Rewarding Thing You Can Do

This week on the show Karen is joined by one of her Artisan Perfumery Mastermind Alumni, Nicole Brannan. Nicole has had a lifelong passion for fragrance and perfume which started when she was gifted a perfume making kit as a child. After a life of working in other creative areas, her passion for perfume never died but, it was during covid, when she found herself at a crossroads, that she decided to attend Karen’s class, and her life changed forever. In this interview with Karen, Nicole gives a detailed account of her journey over the last 3 years and will inspire you to do what she did….follow your dream. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Being creative is not only fun, but it releases positive endorphins which helps to reduce stress and make you feel better.” “If you’re thinking about doing something, just go for it. If you have time to put barriers up, you’ll find a reason not to do it.” “Start small, test your market, test your audience. That's the best way to grow anything.” VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind EPISODE LINKS: Elix Fragrance Website Elix Fragrance Instagram ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Mindfulness and Meditation: How Internal Exploration Enhances Creativity in Perfume Making

Karen is away on a yoga retreat this week and it has got her thinking about how important it is to incorporate mindfulness practices into perfume making. In this episode, Karen explains how adopting mindfulness practices can open up new avenues for creativity and expression in your work, as well as improve your mental and physical health. Sharing techniques tailored for perfume makers, Karen is here to guide you into the world of mindfulness practices so that you can achieve your full potential. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Mindfulness practices help calm the mind, clear mental clutter and improve our focus.” “By integrating mindfulness practices to your routine, you’re going to significantly enhance your ability to work with and understand a variety of different scented materials.” “It’s too easy to get to the end of the day and think that you haven’t achieved anything, but if you spend even a few minutes reflecting, you’ll be amazed and what you realise.” VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind EPISODE LINKS The Scent Shift ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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From Artists to Artisans - How a Former Actor and Former Musician Launched an Online Fragrance Store for Artisan Brands.

This week Karen is joined by Josh and Samuel from Fiole, an online fragrance store for artisan brands. Having had previous careers in the entertainment world, the boys both drifted into the world of perfume and instantly fell in love with it. Four years ago they joined forces and launched Fiole, an online store with a difference. In this interview with Karen, they discuss their unique approach to online shopping, how they are mastering Tik-Tok to leverage their brand and the power of being independent. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “When you’re in a store the fragrance is doing the talking, but when you’re online, it’s packaging, images, ingredients.” “Tik-Tok is a great platform for education which ultimately drives customers to your website.” “Fragrances aren’t niche in terms of personal taste, they’re only niche in terms of availability.” EPISODE LINKS Fiole Website Fiole Instagram Fiole TikTok VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Piloting Success: Navigating the Launch of Your Product with Karen's 7 Essential Tips

This week on the show Karen is looking at the importance of running a pilot launch of your product. Launching your product with a full scale production into the market without knowing what to expect can be disastrous. But, Karen is here to help you avoid this major pitfall by sharing her 7 top tips on how to orchestrate a successful pilot and get your launch right the first time. From market research to understanding your goal to finding your ideal customer, it’s all covered in this episode so that you can hit the ground running. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “The perfume market is vast. To stand out, it’s not just about having a great product, it’s about understanding your audience and understanding there's a demand for your unique scent.” “Do you know who you're really trying to sell to? It’s so important to identify your dream customer.” “A small scale launch can act as a test to gather customer feedback without the full financial risk of a large inventory.” EPISODE LINK Karen’s Business Launch Plan VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Crafting Essence: The Art of Natural Perfumery with Daniela Carrasco of Linen Tutu

This week Karen is joined by Daniela Carrasco, an alumni of Karen’s Perfumery Mastermind course and founder of her own perfume brand, Linen Tutu, a 100% natural fragrance brand. In this interview, Daniela shares her fascinating take on both the production of her fragrances and her branding and marketing. By using only natural materials, having total transparency with her customers and using visual and audio art in her own unique way, Daniela has created a company that feels new, fresh and exciting and is producing exquisite products. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Most people wear a fragrance for themselves, not for other people.” “Everyone has a right to know what materials are in the perfumes they are wearing.” “There is more than one way to communicate the message of your fragrance. Music, film and photography can all contribute to creating the story you want to tell.” EPISODE LINKS Linentutu Website Linentutu Instagram Linentutu TikTok VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Scents of Success: Crafting Your Fragrance Product Range with Karen

This week on the show Karen is covering the topic of creating a fragrance product range. When you make a range of products with the same branding there are so many important factors to consider, such as what materials to use, how different products interact to different scents and how to create and maintain consistency across the range. Karen gives you all the information you need to get started in planning and creating your very own fragrance product range. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Scent is key. It’s not just about how it smells, but the message it conveys to the customer.” “When you’re building a product range, consistency is key.” “Each type of product interacts with scent in a new way.” EPISODE LINKS Creating Fragrance for Skincare Products Course VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Crafting Exclusivity: The Art and Business of Bespoke Perfumes

On this week's show, Karen is delving into the topic of bespoke perfumes, which are individual fragrances that cater to the specific preferences of an individual or company. But, there is so much more to them than that. Karen takes a deep dive into the subject, covering the different types of bespoke perfumes, the challenges you will face when creating them, how to make them and who buys them and the vital skills you can acquire by learning how to make bespoke perfumes. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “We live in a world where there is so much choice and accessibility that it is only natural for people to look for something that really stands out.” “The fragrances we wear are a form of self expression, they’re a way to tell the world who we are. Bespoke perfumes offer exclusivity and personalisation in a world that is flooded with options.” “Clear communication is key to creating bespoke fragrances. What smells one way to one person may smell different to another, so create a common language.” EPISODE LINKS Bespoke Perfumery Masterclass VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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From Industrial Engineering to Artisan Perfumery with Marbella Perfumes

This week Karen is talking to Helida Dodd from Marbella Perfumes. Helida is an alumni of Karen’s artisan Perfumery Mastermind course and an industrial engineer turned artisan perfumer. In this talk with Karen, Helida shares why she took the leap into the world of perfumery, how she learned an entirely new profession and the challenges she faced along the way. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Before every perfume formula there is a story, and that is the fascinating unknown aspect of perfumery.” “People say that age gives you wisdom, but launching into entrepreneurship is what really gives you wisdom.” “A perfumer smells a perfume the same way a musician hears a symphony, not by hearing the whole piece, but by hearing the individual notes.” EPISODE LINKS Marbella Perfumes Marbella Perfumes Instagram VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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The Scent of Success: How to Confidently Price Your Perfume Creations

This week on the show Karen is delving into the subject of pricing your perfume. Pricing is something that may seem straightforward, but is in fact an area that most people fall down on. So how do you put a price on your work? Are you falling into the trap of simply adding the cost of your materials to your time and creating your price point from there? And, are you even aware of some of the factors that you should be considering to make up your price? KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Pricing isn’t just about numbers, it’s about value, perception and your position in the market.” “Through thoughtful pricing you can communicate the worth of your creations, aligning your products with the audience that will cherish them the most.” “Strategic promotions or limited time offers can create a sense of urgency and attract new customers without diluting your brand's luxury status.” EPISODE LINKS Perfume Business Plan Launch Bespoke Perfumery Masterclass VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Scented Stories: From Broken Bottles to Bespoke Bases with Jamie Frater

This week on the show Karen is joined by Jamie Frater of Frater Works, a company that creates and sells perfume materials and bases. When Jamie bought a bottle of vintage perfume on ebay, that arrived broken, he became fascinated with the scent and how it was created. This led him into a journey of discovery and the realisation that some perfume bases are no longer manufactured. He decided to put this right and set about recreating them. He then launched ‘Frater Works’, a company that creates classic bases with a modern twist as well as curating the best perfume materials for the indie perfumer. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Running your own business is a lot of hard work and a lot of learning, but it’s worth it for the love you get.” “The incredible thing about perfume is that every smell transports you to a time or place in your past that evokes wonderful emotions.” “It’s important to bring something of yourself to the fragrances you make.” EPISODE LINKS Frater Works Materials Frater Works Perfumes VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Beyond the Drop: Mastering Precision in Perfume Measurements

This week Karen is taking a look at the importance of precision when measuring out perfume materials. Most people that are new to perfume making measure in drops or milliliters, but this can lead to all kinds of problems with consistency and accuracy. The tried and tested method is using scales. In this episode, Karen explains in depth why scales are the way forward and how, by embracing them and using them correctly, you will become a superior perfume maker. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “If you've created a fragrance you love and you want to make more of it, you need to understand, with precision, how to measure materials.” “Perfume making is as much as science as it is an art and getting consistent results means being able to replicate your process exactly.” “In the delicate balance of perfume making inconsistencies can be the difference between a fragrance that works and one that totally misses the mark.” EPISODE LINKS Inexpensive Beginners Scales Diluting Perfume Materials Natural Perfume Masterclass VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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The Scent of Controversy: The Unethical Practices of Dupes and Copycats

This week Karen is taking a look at the phenomenon of dupes, copycats and designer inspired scents. But what really is a dupe, why and how are they created and, most importantly, why are they bad not just for the perfume industry but for the essence of perfumery. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Perfumery is an art form, an expression of emotion. To replicate somebody else's fragrance is to overlook the essence of what makes perfumery so special.” “When we buy an original scent we’re supporting the art and artist behind it, we’re acknowledging the journey from inspiration to creation.” “By understanding classic perfume, aspiring perfumers can decode the magic behind particular scent combinations that have stood the test of time.” VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Exploring Natural Perfumery with Gandha Temple

This week on the show Karen is joined by one of her Artisan Perfumery Mastermind Alumni, Delphine Fant. A French native, Delphine moved to Australia when she was 18 and now runs her own perfume brand, Gandha Temple, as well as running workshops for residents of her hometown. In this chat with Karen, Delphine talks about her inspirations, her journey and her secrets to success. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Once you have an understanding of who you are selling to, you can build your branding around that idea, and making it beautiful is key.” “Never stop learning. There is always room for growth, no matter how far you’ve come.” “The best way to learn a skill is to teach it to other people.” EPISODE LINKS Gandha Temple Website Gandha Temple Instagram VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Scented Science: Exploring Synthetic Materials in Perfumery

This week, Karen is continuing on from the previous episode by looking at the main materials that have made an impact in modern perfumery. Focusing on the synthetics ambroxan, hedione, iso E super and calone, Karen goes into depth about their evolution, role in modern perfumery and how you can use them to create beautiful smelling scents. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “When you’re working in the perfume industry, sometimes you have to step outside of your own preferences and look at what the customer wants.” “The strength of using synthetics is not just using them, but weaving them into your scent profile.” VALUABLE RESOURCES Natural Isolates Masterclass Material Mastery VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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The Perfumer's Palette: Crafting with Bergamot, Rose, Jasmine, and Sandalwood

Over the next two weeks, Karen is taking a deep dive into the materials that are used in perfumery and how to get started. This week Karen will be focusing on classic ingredients, Bergamot, Rose, Jasmine and Sandalwood. Looking at their history, usage and famous fragrances that use these ingredients, Karen gives you everything you need to start your journey into mastering these classic ingredients. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Each ingredient is a character in the story of your fragrance.” “understanding the application of materials is going to give you an insight into how you can use them in your formulations.” “Whilst the essence of these ingredients is timeless, their potential in scent creation is limitless.” Material Mastery VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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The Commonplace Book: When, Why and How To Use It

This week Karen is talking about the concept of a ‘Commonplace Book’, which is a personal journal used to collect knowledge, discoveries and ideas. Karen breaks down how applying this concept to perfume making can really help you grow and learn as a perfume maker. Sharing her top tips, recommendations for equipment and everything you need to include in your book, Karen leaves no stone unturned so that you can get ahead and begin your very own book today. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Perfume making isn’t just about creating a pleasant scent, it’s about mastering the science behind it.” “There’s no right or wrong way to fill in your commonplace book, it’s your personal space for exploration and creativity.” “Make it a habit to regularly update your book. Consistency is the key to success.” EPISODE LINKS Remarkable Tablet VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Scented Symphony: Balancing Art and Science in Perfume Making

Perfume making is a perfect balance between science and art. With that in mind, this week's show is all about balancing theoretical knowledge with practical skills when creating fragrances. Karen lays out which rules are set in stone, which are open to interpretation and how you can harness this knowledge to create stunning scents and further your career. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “Mastering the art of perfumery is not just about learning the rules it’s also about when and where to adjust them.” “In the art of perfumery the lines are often blurred and the answer is not a simple black or white.” “Perfume making is where creativity meets science.” EPISODE LINKS Karen’s Studio Classes VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email


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Artisan Branding and Perfume Alchemy with MISKEO

This week on the show Karen is joined by MISKEO founder Marie-Pierre Blanchette. MISKEO is a small batch artisan perfume company founded by Marie after she re-evaluated her life during covid. In this interview, she shares the secrets of her creative approach, her tips to success and the joy she gets from TikTok. KEY TAKEAWAYS BEST MOMENTS “I like to make scents that represent what my version of a badass woman is.” “Don’t get swayed by trends, create your own.” “You can be creative running a perfume business, but you have to remember that you’re still running a business.” EPISODE LINKS MISKEO Website MISKEO Instagram MISKEO TikTok The War of Art VALUABLE RESOURCES Getting Started Guide Artisan Perfumery Mastermind ABOUT THE HOST Fragrance expert, author, teacher and speaker; Karen Gilbert runs courses in the UK and online which demystify the secretive world of perfumery in a fun and interactive way. Karen has inspired thousands of students to explore their olfactory sense and create their own personalised fragrances. With extensive product development experience in both the commercial perfumery and the organic skincare industry, Karen is able to offer a unique insight into creating natural and mixed media fragrances for fine fragrance, room scents and skincare/bodycare products using commercial perfumery techniques. Karen is also a certified meditation teacher and has a passion for helping people to create daily rituals that integrate scent with other modalities to shift state and increase your sense of wellbeing. CONTACT DETAILS Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Email
