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Backyard Philosophy Podcast

Education Podcasts

Mike and Nick, two childhood friends, talk and discuss; Issues, Life, and the Universe. Where they bring to light problems, subjects and solutions that may not be generally known to the public. Go deep into topics from all over the board, from Invasive Species to what is the Meaning of Life. Join these two friends as they explore and discuss in the podcast Backyard Philosophy.w podcast weblog


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Mike and Nick, two childhood friends, talk and discuss; Issues, Life, and the Universe. Where they bring to light problems, subjects and solutions that may not be generally known to the public. Go deep into topics from all over the board, from Invasive Species to what is the Meaning of Life. Join these two friends as they explore and discuss in the podcast Backyard Philosophy.w podcast weblog



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Why We Put Cookies Out For Santa?

Milk and cookies are a staple in Christmas culture, the tradition of leaving out treats for Santa as he brings you gifts well… its hard to think of more classic Christmas trope. But all traditions have a beginning and all traditions are done for a reason. So why is it on Christmas eve do you leave cookies and milk out for Santa? Well down the chimney we go to investigate and tell you why so many people leave treats out for old saint nick.


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What Is A Yule? And How Does It Deal With Christmas?

Christmas is filled with traditions, some we make ourselves, some have been passed down through generations and some we practice but have no idea why. One of these events, traditions, is the celebration of yuletide and all the things that comes with it. But questions arise; what is yuletide, where does it come from and what on earth is a yule? Join as we dive down into the history of Christmas and were the holiday comes from.


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How Christmas Cards Came To Be

The Holiday season is filled will joy and cheer, connecting with one’s loved ones and filled with traditions. But it is also filled with dread. Dread of making sure you get everyone gifts, you don’t forget anyone, decorations, obligations. Let’s be honest, the holiday season is a lot of work. And one of the most taxing busy work during the holidays is replying to everyone. Making sure you don’t forget anyone and show people you care even when you are tired and just want to crawl under the covers and be left alone. Well you are not the only one. And in fact the feeling of I don’t want to do this is a bit of where the Christmas card came from. And this episode we dive down the chimney and see where the tradition of Christmas cards came from and how they almost disappeared.


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The Curse Of The Hope Diamond

Imagine you come across a jewel, not just any jewel, a diamond. A diamond that is worth millions. A diamond deep blue in color and almost as big as a golf ball. The only problem is… it is said to be cursed. And over the centuries it has been stolen, remade and all the owners of it… all have mysteriously died. Would you still take it? Would you risk owning a cursed jewel for millions of dollars? … If you said yes, you would not be alone. Many people would risk their lives in the pursuit of getting the allusive diamond better known as the Hope diamond.


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Radu The Handsome ... Dracula’s Little Brother & A Sultan’s Lover

We all know of Dracula, both the myth and the real man… Whether it be movies about a vampire or books about the historic Vlad The Impaler. But few know about his younger brother Radu. Who had an interesting life of his own. A man who fought with and slept with Sultans, waged war against multiple kingdoms and sat on the same throne multiple times. In this episode we dive into the life of Radu whose life could be a Shakespearean play or new game of thrones novel.


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Mary Ann Cotton ... The Arsenic Serial Killer

We have all heard about spouses killing one another for insurance money, of black widows killing their husbands out of resentment, of deranged parents ending their own children’s lives. But perhaps there is no woman as prolific at doing all this than Mary Ann Cotton. One of… if not England’s first serial killer. A woman who killed around 21 people, all for greed and enjoyment. This is the Arsenic Killer Mary Ann Cotton.


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The Werewolf Panic That Swept Europe

Monsters have always plagued humanities mind, some of them real some of them nothing more than our figure of imagination. Either way, monsters induce fear, and perhaps there is nothing as infections to others as fear. So, what do you do when you have an era of war, plague and famine well you look for an escape goat or in this case an escape wolf. Across most of Europe during the 16th, 17th, 18th centuries a werewolf hunt ensued, prosecuting hundreds if not thousands of people on the crime of being in league with the devil. Join us this episode as we investigate the werewolf panic and stories about werewolves in Europe.


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The Black Shuck ... A Hell Hound

In the dark there is always something, something lurking, stalking, hunting. And with a flash of lightning in this tale a certain creature would appear and come for souls. There are many creatures of the night but if rumors are true this creature comes from the bowels of hell itself. Satan’s own pet, a beast that plagued English countryside’s for centuries. A hellhound. And not just any hell hound, oh no this one has its own name… The Black Shuck. A devil dog, a beast, a hell hound that has no limitations in its capacity and fears nothing. In this story we weather the storm of creature who plagued the English countryside and took lives along the way.


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Phantom Phone Vibrations Are Real !?!?

No that wasn’t your phone, but there is a high chance you thought it was or even felt a vibration in your pocket. And you are not alone. Millions if not billions of people all around the world hear and feel their phone go off, even though it never actually did. A phantom vibration. Is it the phone companies toying with you? Is it that you are going mad? Is it the clothes we wear, giving us a false sensation? Well in this week episode we dive into the strange yet common sensation… Phantom Phone Vibrations.


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The Longest Boxing Match In History

Boxing has been an evolving sport ever since its creation. In the early days … it was crude, raw and the rules were not really formed yet. Gloves were considered dishonorable, canvases were wood and dirt and the fight wouldn’t be over, till there was only one man left standing. But what happens when you have two men refusing to go down, refusing to give up, giving every inch of their body to stay in the fight. Well you get the longest boxing match that has ever happened and more than likely will ever will be. You get the brawl between Andy Bowen and Jack Burke.


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Hot Air Balloons In War

The history of balloons in warfare is long and complicated. And until researching this didn’t know how crazy it actually was. Filled with a lot of drama, drama on who invented balloons first, drama of balloons being used to devastate cities and drama of an arms race with balloons being a hidden key player on multiple continents. But in this episode we are focusing on hot air balloons in war. Mainly when people got in balloons. Not just balloons in general. Which may be a future episode, because oh my god has humanity been using balloons in war in many different ways for a very long time. But this is the history of hot air balloons in warfare.


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Noise Pollution ... More Devastating Than You Think

Noise pollution... a phenomenon that has slowly crept up on humanity and the world and is now having a devastating effect. From bird migrations, marine life to maybe even causing death. Noise pollution is here and it is growing. Join Nick and Mike as they discuss science, research and possible solutions for solving an issue that impacts all of our lives ... noise pollution.


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The Year Of 4 Emperors In Rome

When we think of ancient Rome, we tend to think of Caeser, Gladiators, a vast empire that stretches over enormous amounts of land. But Rome has a had a long history and has done things at times that roman people themselves and people in modern times think “what the hell are yall doing?” One of these times would be an end of an era, caused by deprecatory leading to a year of war that would stretch across continents. A time when all of Rome was up for grabs for any who had the power to lay claim… this is the Year of the 4 Emperors.


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How Think Tanks Change Our Everyday Lives

Sometimes you make a decision to peak behind the curtain only to find that you wish you didn’t. And that is what happened to me when I investigated think tanks. I was naive and thought they were just researchers and academics studying specific topics, boy was I wrong. As I explain what think tanks are and how they change the very world around us you will see too behind the curtain and see the power that they hold. This is what think tanks are.


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Frank Hayes The Impossible Horse Racer

Mankind has always had the hunger the need to push, to race, to challenge not only others but ourselves. For many of us we crave this feeling and sadly for many of us the opportunity never comes. But occasionally the fates listen and grant a chance to a weary soul. A chance to do something one has always dreamed of. But as the saying goes everything has a cost and be careful what you wish for. This is the tale of Frank Hayes a man dreamed to race horses.


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Serving Sizes & Nutrition Labels ... Weirder Than You Think

Quite often I find myself late at night thinking about random and odd things… and of course me being me I decide to investigate my thoughts and find myself deep down the rabbit hole to a point in which I wish I never started. Rather than my brain hurt alone I decided to bring you all with me, bring you on the adventure on where serving sizes and nutrition labels come from. Trust me it’s weird. How they were created, how they are part of a vicious cycle that feeds into itself and how food labels are not always as they seem.


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Biggest Book Smuggling Ring In The World

We currently live in an era of information abundance… where in majority of the world… information is free and out there for those who seek it. But like some places in the world that knowledge that information is gate kept and in it wasn’t always like the luxury we have today. Time and time again in history… kingdoms, governments, people in power have decided to control and limit knowledge. By burning books, erasing history and forcing people to bend the knee. And time and time again people resist against tyranny and want knowledge to flow free. In this episode this is one such time, a time when the Lithuanian people rose up against Russian rule and created one of the biggest book smuggling rings of all time.


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Where Lucky Rabbit’s Feet Come From?

Good luck … something I rarely ever have. And for many they lack too. Might be because of karma might be divine destiny might just be statistics not being in one’s favor. No matter what the cause many turn to everything and anything to change their fortune around. Rather it be religion, superstitions, or talismans. One such route people have chosen for good luck and to symbolize good luck since well basically since humanity formed is the small but mighty rabbit. And for modern times specifically the rabbit’s foot. So leave your holy hand grenades at home. As we venture down the rabbit hole we go… couldn’t help myself with that pun and Monty python reference… to tell how humans went from worshiping rabbits to carrying their foot in their pockets.


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Chicago Pile-1 ... A Nuke Under Chicago !?!?

There is a saying, sometimes it is better to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. That saying sometimes goes into the mind of scientists. Which can go one of two ways either really good or really bad. One such time when scientists rolled the dice would be in the beginning of World War 2, when a group of scientists decided it would be a good idea to put a nuke, a nuclear reactor under a stadium in the city of Chicago. No this isn’t about the batman movie this actually happened this is the tale of Chicago Pile 1.


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A Revolutionary Patriot ... The Swamp Fox

The American revolutionary war, a war that would define not just the beginning of a country but the beginning of a new way of life. A war filled with patriots and legends who sacrificed, to ensure freedoms many have today. But some of these legends would be the inspiration behind movies, have cities named after them and would help America redefine its military forces. This is a story about one of those men. This is the story of Francis Marion … The Swamp Fox.
