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The eLearn Podcast is your go-to resource for creating successful learner outcomes. Whether you’re an instructor, an eLearner, a parent supporting an eLearner, a content creator or just an eLearning enthusiast, our episodes provide the latest strategies, practices and technologies for supporting, engaging and retaining students... both on and off line! Learn more at


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The eLearn Podcast is your go-to resource for creating successful learner outcomes. Whether you’re an instructor, an eLearner, a parent supporting an eLearner, a content creator or just an eLearning enthusiast, our episodes provide the latest strategies, practices and technologies for supporting, engaging and retaining students... both on and off line! Learn more at



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Putting Higher Ed To The Service Of Adult Learners With Dr. Ayelet Zur-Nayberg

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for today is Dr. Ayelet Zur-Nayberg. She is the Director of Adult Student Success at the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), where he has been working for two years. She is responsible for developing and implementing policies, programs, and initiatives that support the academic and career goals of adult learners across 13 colleges and 40 campuses. Ayelet is passionate about enhancing the quality and accessibility of higher education for all learners, especially those who face barriers and disadvantages. She has been nominated for several awards that recognize her work and efforts to advance the Latinx community and the use of innovative pedagogy in Colorado. In this ‘inclusive’ conversation Dr. Ayelet and I talk about 00:00 › Start 02:09 › Adulting—We discuss the importance of adult learners and the significant role they play in the community college ecosystem, especially given the shrinking population of traditional college-age students 06:01 › Toughing It Out There—Dr. Ayelet then outlines the primary challenges faced by adult learners, from scheduling to recognition of prior learning. We also cover systemic barriers that hinder adult learner progress and steps being taken to address them 20:10 ›Strategizing—Dr. Ayelet then discusses strategies for recruiting and retaining adult learners, focusing on the need for transparent communication regarding schedules, costs, and potential returns on investment. This also includes the importance of rebranding the community college experience to make it more appealing and accessible to adult learners 33:51 ›Inclusiving—Finally, we discuss the significance of creating a supportive and peer-inclusive environment for non-traditional learners, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches to tutoring and learning resources. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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What Is Learning In The Flow Of Work And How Do I Do It With Ann Herrmann-Nehdi

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for today is Ann Herrmann-Nehdi, who is the Chief Thought Leader and Chair of Herrmann International. She is an Author, researcher and keynoter, whose work is specialized on the practical application of neuroscience and cognitive diversity to human and organization development and improvement. Ann has several widely viewed TEDx talks and is the co-author of The Whole Brain Business Book, now in its second edition. Her current research includes workplace resilience and the brain, the future of work and the development of women leaders in the workplace. In this ‘very flowing’ conversation Ann and I talk about 00:00 › Start 02:27 › LITFOW—The core concept of "Learning In The Flow Of Work" and its significance in today's quickly changing work environments 04:03 › INSTINCT—Ann illustrates the natural human instinct to seek instant solutions and learning opportunities in everyday life challenges 15:43 › ACTION—We shift the discussion to the applicability of learning in the flow of work across different teams and its customization to fit diverse learning needs 29:21 › CONTEMPLATION—We end our conversation contemplating the balance between immediate, on-the-job learning and the necessity of taking time out for deeper, more immersive learning experiences, especially when considering significant pivots in one's career path. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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How Curiosity Creates Community, With James Robilotta

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for today is James Robilotta. James is a leadership author, motivational speaker, MC and trained improv comedian. After years of building, training, and leading teams, James followed an entrepreneurial dream and built two successful businesses. The first is an organization that incorporates freestyle rap into improv comedy—a success story for another day. The second, his speaking and coaching business, the success story we’re talking about today. James’ cornerstone concept is that we as humans cannot learn from people who are perfect. We can only learn from people who are imperfect. In this ‘very empathetic’ conversation 00:00 › Start 01:37 › Understand the Person—James sets the stage for understanding the person behind the professional and how he came to focus on empathy in personal development 04:20 › Are You Credible Or Relatable?—James discusses the difference between credibility and relatability and how these concepts play out in educational and leadership roles 10:08 › Making Your Transition—James explores the transition from credibility to relatability and provides practical advice for those of us looking to make this critical shift in their professional lives 13:12 › Don't Aim To Please—James ponders the appropriateness of relatability in various contexts and its potential pitfalls, adding a layer of complexity to our understanding of interpersonal dynamics 21:46 › Aim For Curious—James turns to curiosity, its significance, impact and transformative power. We also address challenges faced by introverts in being outwardly curious 31:43 › Ask Questions—We discuss practical advice on how to ask questions, and the risks associated with a lack of curiosity, within the broader implications for retention, innovation, and community building. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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A Skills Framework For Upskilling And Reskilling With Charlotte Evans

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for today is Charlotte Evans. Charlotte is Senior Solutions Consultant at Coursera, and advises North American companies on their upskilling and reskilling learning solutions. She worked in Asia for five years in student services, where she also pursued a fellowship through the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) Learners’ Voice program. In this ‘data driven’ conversation Charlotte and I talk about 00:00 › Start 01:12 › Her journey and her role at Coursera where she assists companies in sifting through the overwhelming array of learning options to find the right solutions for their teams. 03:00 › The core of our discussion revolves around the Skills Compass report, a pivotal piece of research to which Charlotte contributed. We probe into the significance of this report, its findings and its relevance in today's fast-paced learning and development landscape. 15:32 › The conversation then moves into ROI in learning, with Charlotte discussing how companies can balance short-term gains with long-term value through skill development. 20:17 › Charlotte then addresses the challenge of content chaos and how companies approach Coursera for help in organizing their learning strategies and making sense of the overwhelming amount of learning content available. 26:24 › Finally, we end our conversation talking about the impact of company size on approaches to learning and adapting to generative AI, with Charlotte sharing her observations on the diverse strategies employed by different organizations. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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Positive Psychology And How It Affects Classroom Performance And Engagement With David C. Hughes

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for today is Devin Hughes. Devin founded a boutique training and development firm to help established and emerging leaders grow to reach their potential and their teams’. Devin is a speaker, author, and culture expert. He is the author of 21 books and has spoken in over 15 countries. His approach draws from the science of positive psychology, positive organizational research, appreciative inquiry, neuroscience, mindset, and mindfulness. In this ‘very positive’ conversation we talk about 00:00 › Start 00:32 › Gratitude—Devin starts us off by sparking an insightful conversation about the power of dedicating time to reflection and thankfulness and the broader implications of using positive psychology in our lives 02:14 › Optimistic—Devin then shares his background, work, and the impact of positive psychology on organizational culture and personal well-being, offering listeners a deep dive into the principles that drive positive change 04:41 › Constructive—Devin then offers practical applications of positive psychology in educational settings, discussing strategies for educators and learners alike to foster environments that promote well-being and engagement, including how to start and end classes or lectures on a positive note 10:22 › Impact—Devin then discusses the lasting effects of positive psychology interventions, revealing how these moments of "fantasticness" can extend beyond the classroom and into the broader aspects of a learner's life 15:08 › Growth—We turn our attention towards the significance of human connection and the design of public spaces that encourage interaction, reflecting on how societal design impacts our ability to connect with one another 20:50 › Thrive—We wrap up our conversation with practical tips for educators on creating experiences that not only educate but also connect and enrich the lives of learners, emphasizing the role of educators in fostering environments of growth and belonging. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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The Biggest Mistakes People Make When Presenting With Bridgett McGowen

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for today is Bridgett McGowen. Bridgett is an award-winning author, publisher, and international speaker who is known to be both comical and memorable. She will not only energize you, but she will inspire you to not let anyone or anything get in the way of you being the most unforgettable person in the room. In this ‘very presentable’ conversation Bridgett and I talk about 00:00 › Start 03:39 › The Art Of Engaging an audience effectively—Bridgett shares where she would start when it comes to captivating an audience, whether online or in person 04:00 › Your Engagement Style—Bridgett then tackles the positive aspects of engagement by outlining what successful engagement looks like across different teaching formats, offering actionable insights for educators and presenters alike 06:31 › Enhance, ENHANCE—Bridgett discusses common challenges faced by individuals aiming to enhance their presentation skills and provides solutions to overcome these hurdles and elevate your presenting game 08:29 › Role Nuances—Bridgett breaks down the roles of facilitator, teacher, and presenter, explaining how each persona interacts with their audience and the unique challenges they face. This segment is crucial for understanding the nuances of effective communication 14:03 › For Introverts—Bridget considers introverted professionals and their path to engagement success, by sharing personal anecdotes and tips for those who may not naturally seek the spotlight but still wish to make a significant impact 19:18 › Pacing—We shift to content delivery and pacing. Bridgett advises on how to balance your material within the constraints of time without overwhelming your audience 24:49 › Tweak It—Bridgett shares one or two small but powerful adjustments you can make to up your game in online presentations or webinars 26:33 › Cues—Finally we discuss the importance of nonverbal cues, camera positioning, and the choice of attire in enhancing online engagement. Bridgett provides practical advice to create a more personal and impactful online presence. 🎓 Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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How Expert Learning Helps Organizations Close The Skills Gap With James McKenna

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for today is James McKenna, the author of Upskill, Reskill, Thrive! Optimizing Learning & Development in the Workplace (2023). He serves as Assistant Director of Professional Learning and Leadership Development at the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence. He also runs a consulting firm, McKenna Learning, where he helps organizations take a human-centered approach to learning and improvement. In this ‘very expert’ conversation James and I talk about 00:00 › Start 01:33 › Workforce Insight—James shares insights from his book, which sets the stage for a deeper discussion on expert learning and its significance in today’s workforce 05:43 › Experiment, To Learn—James delves into the critical topic of experimentation and learning from failures, where he advises introducing these essential skills to colleagues and creating an environment that nurtures innovation and resilience 08:42 › Culture Roles—James then explores the pivotal roles within the workplace that enable and support a learning culture, highlighting the importance of leadership, management, and peer support in facilitating continuous growth and development 13:42 › OMG Moment—We pivot to address the "OMG moments" of learning discoveries that have the potential to transform organizational processes and outcomes, discussing how to effectively bring these insights back to the team without resistance 17:21 › Of All Sizes—James underscores the principle that "one size doesn't fit all" in learning, elaborating on how expert learners navigate and personalize their learning journeys to meet their unique needs and objectives 22:21 › When Learner Goals Deviate—James discusses the challenge of managing learners who might deviate from organizational goals in their quest for knowledge, seeking strategies to balance individual learning aspirations with business objectives 24:54 › Learning Culture Forward—We examine the common obstacles that organizations face in creating and sustaining a learning culture, emphasizing the mindset shifts and systemic changes necessary to overcome these barriers 29:30 › Practicalities—Our dialogue shifts towards practical steps for integrating a learning culture into the daily workflow, discussing how organizations can make learning an intrinsic part of their operations without overwhelming their employees 33:35 › Owning Every Learning—We touch on the importance of recognizing and formalizing learning achievements, exploring ways in which individuals can showcase their skills and competencies in a manner that aligns with career advancement goals 36:06 › James offers actionable advice for organizations eager to start implementing expert learning practices today, providing a roadmap for gradual, impactful change Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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What Is The Modern Learning Ecosystem? With JD Dillon

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for today is JD Dillon, an L&D expert who helps frontline employees do their best work every day. JD is currently the VP of Strategic Alignment at Axonify, founder of LearnGeek, and he’s recently published his second book: The Modern Learning Ecosystem In this ‘very influential’ conversation JD and I talk about 00:00 › Start 01:45 › JD’s Current Endeavors, why he’s located close to Disney World, and how it influences his work 03:04 › Insights Into JD’s Background, where he sheds light on his passion for supporting frontline employees and his journey through the world of learning and development 05:57 › Why Influence — JD provides a compelling narrative on Why influence is considered the essential skill for L&D professionals today? And how he has seen its impact over the years 10:55 › Reevaluate The Way You Learn — JD then ponders whether the term "learning" needs reevaluation within the professional lexicon to better align with adult education and workplace training 17:55 › Integrals — We then shift gears to the challenges of integrating learning into the structured, scalable frameworks of large organizations, seeking a balance between systematic approaches and individual learning needs 25:17 › JD Offers Real-World Examples that highlight the discrepancies between problem-solving as a consumer, versus navigating the complexities within corporate settings 27:20 › Questioning? — We explore the art of questioning within the learning process, discussing the transition from identifying the right questions to applying AI in enhancing workplace performance 31:37 › Buy More Proactive — JD then discusses proactive strategies in L&D, emphasizing the significance of data-driven decision-making in shifting from reactive problem-solving to anticipatory learning initiatives 42:18 › Tactics — JD shares his favorite creative problem-solving tactics, including the improv classic "yes, and" approach, and reveals how understanding the day-to-day reality of job roles can significantly enhance learning outcomes. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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Design A Learning Experience As You'd Build A Bridge With Dave Kerschbaum and Alejandro Ruelas

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guests for today are Dave Kerschbaum and Alejandro Ruelas, Learning Experience Designers at SAP with more than 20 years of combined experience. In this ‘bridged’ conversation we talk about 00:00 › Start 02:22 › A Learning Sap—The roles Alejandro and David have at SAP Concur and how they partner with others in the organization to create learning experiences 10:00 › Bridging—Alejandro and David discuss the start of building the “bridge” in their learning experience design, what their framework looks like, and where ideas or decisions about what needs to be created come from 17:07 › Saying No—David and Alejandro relate how often they find themselves saying 'no' to a project that comes to them 20:55 › Mind Shift—We then discuss the mindset shift needed for someone entering the instructional design field, especially regarding the consultative process 27:23 › Management, Commitment—Alejandro and David talk about what managing people, budgets, and time, after committing to a project beyond creating learning materials and what the delivery process entails 43:31 › Looking out 2024—We end by looking towards 2024, and what David and Alejandro expect to shift in their career as learning experience designers that they're excited about. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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Moving Learning From The Classroom To The Real World With Josh Kamrath

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for today is Josh Kamrath, the CEO of Bongo, a start-up whose mission and vision is to change the way people are evaluated in the workplace, the classroom, and beyond. In this ‘very personalized’ conversation we talk about 00:00 › Start 01:24 › Enter Josh—The unusual way Josh entered the eLearning space 06:07 › Mind, Bridge The Gap—How Josh defines the gap between Higher Education and corporate learning in terms of real-world applications 10:18 › AI-driven—Josh discusses the common challenges he faces when introducing Bongo and AI-driven learning, or when discussing the gap between education and corporate learning 16:44 › AI-overtaken?—Josh considers the increased use of AI-driven learning and whether or not it is due to its availability and on-demand nature, or because it's perceived as a better method 20:23 › On Real-time Coaching, Feedback—Josh elaborates on how Bongo focuses on assessment and offers tools for coaching and feedback in learning in real time 27:19 › Success Tales—Josh shares specific success stories and future plans and developments for Bongo in the next 18 to 24 months. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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What Is True Workflow Learning? With Conrad Gottfredson

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for this episode is Dr. Conrad Gottfredson. Conrad is a founding partner and the Chief Learning Strategist at APPLY Synergies, an organization that specializes in helping learning professionals design, develop, maintain, and measure effective learning and performance support through the “5 Moments of Need” design methodology. His consulting firm specializes in helping learning organizations design, develop and measure effective learning and performance support strategies to meet those five moments learning is most needed. In this 'flowing' conversation Conrad and I discuss 00:00 › Start 6:09 › Modern Learning—How Conrad defines workflow learning, and how to identify moments where staff are learning in the flow of work 17:31 › Performing—Conrad provides recommendations about first steps to shift training towards actual performance improvements and behavior change 22:20 › Virtual Mentorship Delivery—Conrad gives his insights about both virtual reality for simulations and mentorship as a methodology to deliver information 32:38 › Z Learning—Conrad discusses whether or not he sees workforce changing at all, especially around expectations by Gen Z 38:24 › Get '5tarted'—We end with Conrad’s advice about how to get started with workflow learning immediately. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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When Should You Stop Ignoring Small EdTech Startups? With Jared Stein

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for this episode is Jared Stein. In the first half of his career, Jared led the development of new, fully online programs at colleges and universities and helped faculty adopt new ways of teaching with technology to increase student access and success. After more than a decade of heading up product strategy and research at Instructure (makers of Canvas), Jared started Rarebird, an EdTech consultancy that helps startups and institutions maximize their impact. Jared is also the author of “Essentials for Blended Learning: A Standards-Based Guide.” In this ‘start-up’ conversation Jared and I discuss 00:00 › Start 3:08 › Stop Ignoring The Problem—Jared kicks us off by diving right into discussing when you should stop ignoring edtech startups and why this is a problem - from both corporate and traditional education experiences 8:35 › Starting Up Processes—Jared discusses processes he uses at Rarebird to advise startups for bringing their tech into the larger ecosystem, and how different personalities within Edtech startups create different outcomes 16:50 › Aid And Counsel—Jared offers his counsel for mitigating and managing risk as an EdTech startup and any organization willing to work with with (admittedly) sometimes not-fully-baked services 26:00 › The Graceful Stop—Jared talks about how to gracefully stop or walk away from an experiment with a start up when it doesn't work out 33:17 › Startup Boon—Finally, Jared discusses, where institutions might look for promising, legitimate and trustworthy startups solutions, especially in the generative AI space. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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Why Isn't L&D Usually Seen As A Strategic Investment & Partner? With Crystal Kadakia

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for this episode is Crystal Kadakia. Crystal is the co-creator of the Learning Cluster Design model. She also leads her own independent organizational development consulting practice at Kadakia Consulting. Crystal is also the author of The Millennial Myth: Transforming Misunderstanding into Workplace Breakthroughs, and the co-author of Your Career: How to Make It Happen with Lisa Owens. In this ‘strategic’ conversation Crystal and I discuss 00:00 › Start 7:38 › Roadblocks—Crystal explains what roadblocks exist for a learning and development department or an individual that is practicing in this space that prevent the narrative within an organization that L&D is really a strategic investment 13:46 › Frameworks—Crystal then offers specific ideas and frameworks that she gives to her clients that help to change the mindsets of leadership 21:11 › Discomfort—Crystal then discusses why it is important for everyone to become uncomfortable to get confident and truly become a strategic player 34:17 › AI-proof L&D—Crystal talks about the things that are “AI-proof” in talent development in the L&D space. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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Embracing Dharma Never Mattered This Much, With Greg Rider

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for this episode is Greg Rider. Greg is the Director of Corporate Compliance for the EmblemHealth family of companies. He has more than 20 years experience in employee training and development, with much of that time spent in healthcare-related organizations. In his role at EmblemHealth, Greg directs compliance communication, training, and other compliance governance functions. In this ‘meditative’ conversation Greg and I discuss 00:00 › Start 4:52 › Breathe In—How Greg found himself in a space where he can discuss and advocate for Dharma and “embracing the now” in a professional setting, and what these mean, specifically for him 12:09 › Hold—Greg discusses why it has been hugely important for him to be able to “show up” completely at work, and how he supports others in doing that 17:19 › Release—Greg talks about how he handles situations where, perhaps, it might not be the best idea to put all of oneself on the table… and why it's sometimes a good idea just to remain silent (but not withholding) 20:20 › Reassess—Greg provides his insights into overcoming the fear of being “canceled” by colleagues, friends and family, and how being authentic has had an overarching impact across Greg’s business and network 29:15 › Embrace—Greg talks about the challenges of embracing the now on a daily basis and the need to go easy on yourself. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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Why Can't We Play More At Work? With Alexandra Suchman

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for this episode is Alexandra Suchman. Alex is the cofounder and CEO of Barometer, a company that drives real behavior and culture change through games and play. After a decade of experience working in operations and organizational development, Alex realized that building stronger emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills are key to organizational success. She noticed a gap in the industry for solutions that bridge the knowledge-to-action gap, and discovered game-based experiential learning for teams as an effective tool. In this ‘game of a conversation’ Alex and I discuss 00:00 › Start 02:01 › Game On—How Alex stumbled into the world of games as a means for personal and professional development, why this is VERY different from gamification, and how she (and her teammates) get CEOs, CLOs and Directors to stop and listen to them 8:31 › Avatars—What the process looks like for bringing games into professional development, from the first icebreakers or proof-of-concept to massive complexity that really focus on achieving business or behavior change objectives 16:08 › Serious Fun—Alex describes how we can dispel the idea of games as just “silly fun,” to understand how there are opportunities everywhere for genuine reflection and learning, and how we play games differently, with different people 22:31 › Playtime—Alex tells us how she and her team help people to move past the potential cringe moments when playing games at work so that they really become something useful and powerful, and how this leads to tangible breakthroughs 28:13 › Game Over, Restart—Alex walks us through what it's like when a game doesn’t work as planned and you have to adapt on the fly; and why that’s often a magical moment 33:11 › Select, Start—Alex provides her advice on getting started with games for development in your organization or school. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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Equitable, Communal, Learner-Centered Ecosystems With Bobbi Macdonald

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for this episode is Bobbi Macdonald. Bobbi is an education innovator and pioneer. Her work focuses on catalyzing transformation and building capacity. She co-creates with high performing communities dedicated to equity, liberation, and love. In this ‘community-focused’ conversation, Bobbi and I discuss 00:00 › Start 4:50 › What Exactly Is A Global Perspective—and what does that look like right now, in terms of different cultures and countries Bobbi has been working and collaborating with? 6:22 › Bobbi Provides Her Vision for what an equitable community-based, learner-centered ecosystem makes available for childrens, families and communities; and some of the constraints for parents or teachers that struggle with letting go with the traditional structures we have in place 16:00 › Bobbi Talks The Tension between the need of resources, abundance and stability, and the need for adaptability, iteration and personalization, specifically in the context of her research 26:13 › We Discuss The Challenges other than financial resources that are typical, and barriers to getting community based learning going; and how rare it is for a community to take the time to reflect and share together 42:05 › Bobbi Discusses The Help she provides to communities to find shared value systems within larger contexts. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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How To Create A Career With Purpose, Passion And Cammy Bean

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for this episode is Cammy Bean. Cammy started as a Junior Instructional Designer in 1996 and has since collaborated with hundreds of organizations to design and deliver training. In 2009, she helped start up US operations for Kineo, a global provider of learning solutions. She currently leads the North American sales team, supports clients through the initial discovery process and manages a portfolio of custom client accounts to help organizations meet their strategic business objectives through better learning solutions. She’s also the author of The Accidental Instructional Designer: Learning Design for the Digital Age, now in its second edition. In this ‘accidental’ conversation, Cammy and I discuss 00:00 › Start 6:46 › Coming Of Age—Cammy describes how the role of the instructional designer has come of age, especially post pandemic; and why, after many years, she is still passionate about the profession 11:52 › Counseling Book—Cammy talks about how her book counsels people to follow their passion and start a career that honors those passions. We also discuss the pros and cons of specializing vs remaining a generalist 20:20 › Working Challenges—We discuss how Cammy works through challenges with projects and clients 28:29 › Early Starters—Cammy provides her perspective and advice for early career professionals and what she sees happening in the near future for the instructional design profession. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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Tie Executive Learning To Business Goals With Andy Morgan & Steve Van Der Westhuizen

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guests for this episode are Andy Morgan and Steve Van Der Westhuizen. Andy is EVP, Head of edX Enterprise and Corporate Development with an expertise in corporate finance and strategic business development, with a particular focus on EdTech and Media. Steve is Senior Vice President, Strategy & Product Marketing for Enterprise at 2U. In this ‘enterprise-level’ conversation, Andy, Steve and I discuss 00:00 › Start 5:13 › What Exactly Is edX Enterprise and its history and why is it important for executive education? 10:58 › What edX Has Learned about the different needs of different learners and how they are able to scale a bespoke solution like this 18:02 › Challenge and Pushback—Andy and Steve talk about the challenges and pushback they’ve received from the market, around things like privacy issues; and the conversations they’ve had with business leaders about building out these enterprise-level learning programs 31:00 › Money Minds—Steve and Andy revisit the fact that 60% of existing edX learners & leaders use their own money to buy these same types of courses, which allows them to understand how to tailor programs to what each set of learners need 36:32 › Growth—We end our conversation looking forward to what Andy & Steve are most excited about. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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How You Can Reach All Students Not A Few With Ginger Dewey

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for this episode is Ginger Dewey. Ginger taught for 38 years in K-12 and Higher Ed, with most of her experience in the latter. When she retired, she started working for ReadSpeaker doing what she loves: faculty training. In this ‘leave-no-one-out’ conversation, Ginger and I discuss 00:00 › Start 3:51 › The Real Problem—What the real problem was that Ginger identified during her career and why modifying your teaching to reach all students is so important? 14:07 › Tactics—Ginger discusses whether or not she recommends using the same tactics for adult learners in a college classroom or a corporate setting as she would for younger learners? 21:30 › Scalable, Individualized Attention—Ginger describes how her process for giving each individual attention is scalable. And, how much extra administration does this process present for someone who is designing, learning, and then delivering learning? 33:15 › Ginger’s Challenge Lasagna—We end with Ginger laying out her top three challenges for reaching every learner and immediate next steps for that instructors and designers. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at


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How To Move L&D Into The 21st Century With Clark Quinn

Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for this episode is Clark Quinn. Clark is the Executive Director of Quinnovation, an independent learning experience design strategy consultancy that assists organizations to “work smarter” by aligning how we think, work, and learn. He’s also the Chief Learning Strategist for Upside Learning Solutions. But for anyone who has been in the learning space for any amount of time, you’ll also know Clark is a celebrated expert that has been applying evidence-based practices from the cognitive and learning sciences about how people think, work, and learn for organizational performance improvement since the 80s. In this ‘quinnovative’ conversation, Clark and I discuss 00:00 › Start 9:40 › Clark's Gaps—What are the gaps that Clark sees, time and again, that individuals, schools and companies are not putting into their learning design? 13:51 › Quantified Heart-To-Heart—Why the most important thing, in Clark’s opinion, to improve learning is to start measuring in meaningful ways and why cognitive science and learning science are critical foundation knowledge for all instructional designers 21:45 › Dos And Don'ts—Clark discusses that we shouldn’t be designing a course - or any learning - unless we know what outcome it will be used to achieve in the business or organization… and why ROI should be treated carefully 27:35 › Effectivizing Tools—We end our conversation around a discussion of what tools and processes Clark recommends for designing learning… and how we can make learning most effective in any organization. Subscribe for the latest news, practice and thought leadership at
