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Thriving with Nature: Living a Regenerative Lifestyle

Education Podcasts

Welcome to the Thriving with Nature Podcast, where it’s all about building a self-sufficient life that is Thriving with Nature, (AKA a Regenerative Lifestyle)! In this day and age it's more important than ever to become more self-sufficient, get nutrients back into our food, provide for our family & community and live more attuned with the rhythms of nature. Whether you have been homesteading for a long time - or you are brand new on the self-sufficiency journey, you are in the right place! Join Hayley as she shares her own journey and interviews those who are already on the path!




Welcome to the Thriving with Nature Podcast, where it’s all about building a self-sufficient life that is Thriving with Nature, (AKA a Regenerative Lifestyle)! In this day and age it's more important than ever to become more self-sufficient, get nutrients back into our food, provide for our family & community and live more attuned with the rhythms of nature. Whether you have been homesteading for a long time - or you are brand new on the self-sufficiency journey, you are in the right place! Join Hayley as she shares her own journey and interviews those who are already on the path!





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Syntropic Agroforestry - Experiences in a Dry Climate

Want to learn more about how you can become part of the solution and help nature thrive just by adjusting your lifestyle? Grab the Thriving with Nature Checklist here: Website: Instagram: Facebook:


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Turning Plastic into Rice & Empowering the Locals

From that Plastic Exchange was born and it’s not only changing the environment, but the dignity of the humans getting involved as well as feeding them! It’s powerful! The stories he shares in the interview are inspiring! To learn more about Plastic Exchange and donate your $1 head to Want to learn more about how you can become part of the solution and help nature thrive just by adjusting your lifestyle? Grab the Thriving with Nature Checklist here: Website: Instagram: Facebook:


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The Reality of Doing this Far Away

Embarking on this journey it’s exactly that - a journey.. It has its ups and downs. And this past couple of days I have felt a little low because I am not close to my family. Normally if I was in Australia, I know my father would be able to come over and help me out, we could bounce back and forth ideas and do some work together. It’s hard to see him sometimes helping my step-sister who only lives down the street from him, and I am on the land here on my own. The truth of it is he would be here in a heartbeat if he was closer, and probably so much more than I would want him to! I have chosen Bali (or I sometimes think Bali chose me) and it’s just one of the sacrifices I have made. The truth is though, according to Demartini, or so my friend says, is that nothing is missing - these dynamics turn up in other ways. And that is true. I have what I call my “Mountain Family” - a community of like-minded souls that I get along with and we all help each other! I also have a Bali Family, the landowner, who is helping me so much. I am truly supported on this journey! The reality is, in some moments, I really miss my fam. But one day the borders will open and they will get to come to see what I am embarking on! So I just have to ride these low moments and get through them - because after a low, often there is a high!... so let’s see what is around the corner! Join me for this week's podcast ponderings... Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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Letting Go Of My Ego

I’ve always sat on the outskirts of village life in Bali. I’ve seen their amazing community and felt the warmth that they share when joining in on a ceremony, however, I’ve never been part of the village. I’ve also noticed how they really work together a lot. Whether preparing for a ceremony, harvesting, they are chattering away and connecting together. Now I’m part of a community I am starting to notice my old western ways of “wanting to do it on my own” and this is “my” land… etc. Balinese don’t think that way, they really do live a life of “Together we are Better”. So when they were naturally offering to help me, I could feel a resistance come up… but it’s an old way, a part of my ego I choose to let go of.. Join me for this week's episode as I ponder what came up for me during a moment of this... Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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Happy Anniversary! It’s been a YEAR!

One year ago this Podcast was born! I was determined to make it work and share information about how we can thrive with Nature. At the time I was living in town, no idea I would ever be getting land soon or oblivious to what was coming ahead! But we did it! We had interviews with amazing people like Dr. Elaine Ingham, Chef Cynthia Louise, Ron Smith, Finian Makepeace, James Levelle and so many more! I hope to have more interviews in the coming months and really want to make sure that you as a listener are being entertained and learning at the same time! So let’s see how we go! Together let’s do this….come join me to celebrate and reflect over the past year and what is to come for the next year! Learn more: Come Join me Monthly Live for Q&A’s in the Heal Thy Self TRiBE: Watch on YouTube: Join me on Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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Striving to Thrive

Ok, it’s time to get clear on what I want to achieve this year! I have some big but simple goals for 2021 and hopefully, all flows well! Todays’ episode is all about setting the intentions for 2021 so that I can come back and listen to it to see if I achieved what I set out to achieve! I share about personal goals and goals for Thriving with Nature.. So come join me! Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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Thrive and Flow

2021 and it’s a new year and a new world! I have some land that I am now the guardian of and many dreams to fulfill as I step through this threshold into a new space and time! In today’s episode, I share about my goal of slowing down to nature's pace - she doesn’t look like she’s doing much, yet she achieves so much. I also share about what 2021 is about for Thriving with Nature… the next adventures… so come join me! Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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Best Christmas Present Ever

Happy Christmas to Me!! I am now the proud guardian of some land up here in the jungles of Bali for the next 25 years! Woah!!! It’s exciting, it’s daunting but most of all it’s fully aligned with helping me connect in with Nature and share what I learn - so that I can help be a beacon of light and a messenger to show how we can Thrive with Nature! Join me as I share about the meeting with the head of the village and the experience of signing for the land! Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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Last Minute Freak Outs

In less than a week, I could be the owner of a 25-year contract on some beautiful land here in the mountains of Bali! And this morning I had a freakout! I was having second thoughts about the land I have chosen for my project…. Am I moving ahead with the right one? I also share the pros and cons that come up for me around rice field terraced land and the thoughts that help me work out which land to choose... Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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Night Time Jungle Updates

It’s the night before I head down for the first meeting to look at the contract for the land! You get to hear the night time jungle sounds as I share the experience with the surveyor and my latest observations of jungle disturbances. Strong winds are causing havoc in the food forests which I am predicting will cause an increase in growth. I learned a bit about this when learning about Syntropic Agroforestry. Join me as I share the downloads on this week's episode! Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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Choosing the layout of the land

Today is an exciting day as I head out to meet the surveyor and landowner to measure out the first part of the land I want to choose. There are many aspects I’ve been thinking of as I choose this particular piece of the land and I share with you the things I’ve been thinking about. I also recap how the conversation went last week with the landowner, which was a great experience and awesome to get to know each other more. Join me on this journey of striving to build a modern home living a regenerative lifestyle so that I am aligned with and thriving with Nature! Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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The Land, it’s beginning..

It's happening, it’s real, I'm actually meeting with the landowners today to go over the informal niceties and check we are all on the same page with the land It’s exciting and scary, this meeting is making it more real! This is all part of the process of slowly integrating with the community and village. Join me as I share about the process of slowly integrating with this Balinese village and ensure I am respecting the culture and the people as I begin my first informal meeting with the landowners... Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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How my life has changed living in the jungle

In some ways, life has changed a lot.. it’s much quieter here, there is a general serenity that flows as opposed to the constant hum and drum of renovations and tourist town life. I have heightened awareness in my survival instincts due to living in an ecosystem of nature with its animals and insects. I also feel the fresh air and clean rainforest filtered freshwater that helps to bring a foundational level of health which is wonderful.. On the other side, as I work online that part of my life hasn’t changed too much… although power going out and wifi stopping a couple of times a day can happen, but it forces me to stop and breath which is pleasant… I feel a lot more present in my life than I have in a while and that I put down to the removal of so many distractions… I explain it further in this week's podcast episode... Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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The Social Aspects of Regenerative Living

Living up here in the jungles of Bali, I am surrounded by beautiful villages filled with local Balinese people. It is another world to be up here and one thing I am really careful about is making sure I come into this place with an open mind and open heart. I believe a part of Regenerative Living is the social side of it - the humanity side of it. Understanding the traditional culture, learning about how they lived and live now; how they farmed and farm now. How do they understand and manage waste, how does the village run and make decisions. This is all very new to me, and before I work out how I can help contribute to this village, the first place is to understand the social aspect. And then only if and when it flows, how can I contribute to helping inspire others to live in harmony with Nature, where they may not be… for all I know there could be amazing aspects and traditions that help me learn how to Thrive with Nature.. So it’s a learning process… a journey. Regenerative Living is not a destination, it's a living story of humans and decisions and co-creation. In today’s episode, I share my current interactions and how I am endeavouring to be able to learn more…. Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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How We Can Be The Regenerative Change We Want To See In The World

As the US elections are battling it out, I try not to get too caught up in the politics of it all. The reason is I don’t believe that it can move fast enough to help change and turn the future of this planet around. What I do believe is if we, the everyday person, chooses to live a regenerative lifestyle then we can make the greatest change in the quickest time. I like to use the example of a Mango Tree compared to a Human. Mango Trees get their energy from renewable resources, the waste they produce helps the rest of the ecosystem and they produce no actual waste that can’t be used. So, as a human, how can we move our lives to be more like this? There are three areas we can focus on: ● Energy ● Waste ● Clean Up Listen to today's episode so you can learn how to be more and more part of a regenerative world, that is a world Thriving with Nature, than one that is destroying it. Let’s take this matter into our own hands and change the world! Links I discuss in the episode: Make Soil - - is a compost organisation to find where you can help build soil rather than methane waste Home Biogas - - check out how you can turn your waste into energy! Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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How I Align with Nature to Clean Mould

A thin layer of mould had started to grow across some of my wooden furniture here in the cabin and I was starting to feel the pressures of nature’s natural desire to take over… when I wiped the mould away with water it didn’t do anything. I didn’t want to use chemicals for health reasons (for both myself and nature) and so I needed to find a way to solve it… and I did! So much so the areas I used this solution are still mouldless and the one spot I miss has the thin layer of mould on it still… join me as I share my solution and other ponderings of a regenerative focused mind... Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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Tuning in from my Cabin in the Jungles of Bali

The birds are chirping, the cicadas are singing, the butterflies are fluttering… the jungle is humming here. It’s been just over a week here in the cabin and I’m really settling in. Learning where to put my plants, watching the “Steves and Bettys” be part of my home… and really what it means to be thriving here. Life is continually growing, including mould, so I’m observing and learning how to live in harmony with a jungle that grows continually around you and through your house if you let it! Join me for my latest ponderings and lessons I’m learning,,. Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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I've moved into the Jungle!

Helloo Thrivers! So awesome to be feeling settled again! I’m moved into my cabin home and have already had delightful encounters with Nature, such as the beautiful fireflies flying around in the top of my cabin last night. Today I share the jungle sounds, the plants, and nature I’m surrounded by, as well as the experience of helping my “city cat” get used to her new jungle home. Join me for a snippet into the wild for this week's episode... I am part of the Heal Thy Self TRiBE as an educator. Inside there are many educators talking on all things Health, Wealth, Relationships, Spirituality, and of course Regeneration… which is where I share. Come Join me in TRiBE for exclusive weekly classes in the garden. Use the code TRIBETWN for a discount and click HERE Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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Having a Plant Rant

It’s moving week and all things are happening. Everything is all over the place, all my plants are outside now and the house feels different. Nature makes a difference in our presence… it feels more alive and homely when there is life inside. I believe we thrive in nature because we are nature. And I don’t think people “don’t have green thumbs” it’s just an understanding… and the more we connect with nature we will start to understand more and our green thumbs will reveal themselves… I hope we connect more with nature to help our physical health and our planet's health. I am part of the Heal Thy Self TRiBE as an educator. Inside there are many educators talking on all things Health, Wealth, Relationships, Spirituality, and of course Regeneration… which is where I share. Come Join me in TRiBE for exclusive weekly classes in the garden. Use the code TRIBETWN for a discount and click HERE Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:


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Building a Modern Home with Permaculture Principles

Staying up at the Eco Lodge in Sarinbuana, I met many like-minded “Thriving with Nature” souls. Rob Dubois and his partner Cate were two of these beautiful people! Rob starting telling me about how he was building a modern luxury home but implementing permaculture principles! I just had to come and have a look! Rob and Cate’s house is still under construction but you can see every detail has been thought of. It’s an example of how we can still thrive in the modern world and align with Nature. Join me as we hear how Rob implemented the permaculture principles into his build... If you want to find out more you can contact Rob through his business “The Practice” by going to Learn more: Watch on YouTube: Join Instagram: Follow on Facebook:
