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Too Cool For Midlife

Education Podcasts

WARNING: Content may not be suitable for people under 40! Inspirational, funny, educational and disarmingly-unfiltered interviews and conversations for all of us who woke up one day to find ourselves (by surprise) in our midlife. Topics run the gamut based on the ponderings of Darcie Purcell, host and fellow too cool for midlifer, and include health and wellness, relationships, sex, cellulite, wrinkles, finances, purpose, the dreaded midlife crisis and more.


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WARNING: Content may not be suitable for people under 40! Inspirational, funny, educational and disarmingly-unfiltered interviews and conversations for all of us who woke up one day to find ourselves (by surprise) in our midlife. Topics run the gamut based on the ponderings of Darcie Purcell, host and fellow too cool for midlifer, and include health and wellness, relationships, sex, cellulite, wrinkles, finances, purpose, the dreaded midlife crisis and more.



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The Mouth-Body Connection

Often considered an afterthought, mouth health is actually mission-critical to overall health, influencing everything from cardiovascular health to immune function. This goes way beyond the traditional brush-floss directive we have all been taught. In this episode of Too Cool for Midlife, oral hygiene meets holistic health. Barbara Tritz, biological dental hygenist, shares about the often-overlooked role the mouth plays in our overall health, diving into many important facets, from what bleeding gums say about you to steps to minimize your risk of neurotoxin exposure, the connection between airways and menopause, and so much more. Episode Highlights Include: - Why brushing is only HALF the battle (and why not all toothpaste is created equal) - To floss or not to floss - The benefits of ozone therapy - Importance of nose breathing at night and how to mouth tape - The menopause, sleep, and airway connection - The three things that contribute to dental disease About Barbara Tritz Barbara is a biological dental hygienist in the office of Green City Dental in Edmonds, WA. She is also an orofacial myofunctional therapist as well as a writer, international speaker, and key opinion leader in the field os dental health. Her blog, Queen of Dental offers non-traditional dental health information- going beyond the regular "brush-floss" information to give you unique dental health information. You can read Barbara's blog at


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Lunar Love: The Moon & Menopause

We all know about the connection between the Moon and the tides, influencing the ebb and flow of the ocean. Well, it turns out that this celestial body is also influencing our own biological rhythms. In this episode Masami Covey discusses how the lunar cycle impacts women from perimenopause to postmenopause, discussing everything from mood swings to sleep, dreaming, and more. Episode Highlights Include: - The Moon's influence on your biology - Lunar rhythms and women's health - Circadian vs. Circalunar rhythm - How the Moon can support fluctuations during perimenopause - Honoring the Dark Moon phase (especially during menopause and postmenopause) - Dreams and Moon cycle connections About Masami Covey Masami leads women in rediscovering the Wisdom of Lunar Cycles—through menopause and beyond—applying a blend of Japanese Moon Medicine, physiology, nutritional science, and 25+ years of clinical experience. Masami was born and raised in Japan in a bi-cultural family, and she draws from her East-West blend of culture, language, science, and energy medicine. Masami holds an M.S. in International Business, and her professional training includes Functional Nutritional Therapy (FNTP), Yoga Therapy (C-IAYT), Positive Neuroplasticity, Ayurveda, and Applied Linguistics. You can learn more about Masami at Bonus Webinar: Navigating The Year of the Dragon (call recording) Featuring: - Wisdom, insight and guidance for the Year of the Dragon. - Transitioning from Rabbit to Dragon mode - Dragon Year strengths and pitfalls to watch for - Outlook on 2024 with Health Support tips - Guided Somatic Meditation and Reset Use this link to listen to the full recording


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The Moldy Truth: The Unseen Strain on Relationships

In this episode Dr. Tessier shares the often overlooked and intriguing connection between mold exposure and its potential effects on sexual health. Mold isn't just a household nuisance; it could be the unseen third wheel in your bedroom, silently dampening the flames of desire. Episode Highlights Include: - What are mold and mycotoxins? - How (and why) does mold impact people living in the same environment differently? - How can mold and mycotoxins cause relationship and intimacy issues? - Mold and its connection to autoimmunity and hormones. - Menopause symptoms that could be a mold issue (think hot flashes and frequency of urination). About Dr. Tessier Dr. Lauren Tessier, of Life After Mold, is a mold illness expert who has been treating mold-related illnesses for over 10 years. She is also a writer, speaker, and international educator on the topic and is the current Vice President and former President of ISEAI. She currently helps those with mold illness and associated complex chronic illness conditions such as Lyme, EBV, MCAs, MCS and more. Check her out on social media using the handle Life After Mold, or check her website for the free e-book “Mold Prevention: 101."


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Defying The Odds In Midlife And Beyond

Midlife years are anything but "over the hill" and ought to be the prime time of life physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. In this episode, anti-aging expert Brian Vaszily uncovers the destructive triggers that speed up aging and shares ways to shield yourself against these offenders. Episode highlights include: - The art of making choices - Understanding how what is consumed in your head and heart directly affects aging - The #1 health and longevity habit - The importance of revisiting "the big questions" at different stages of life About Brian Vaszily Brian Vaszily (Vay-Zlee) is a popular and outspoken advocate, author, and researcher with over two decades of experience in natural health who opposes the widespread perception that likens getting older to getting a disease and who instead supports the truth that your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond can and should be the best years of your life. Brian is the founder and host at, where he’s already amassed a following of well over 500,000 supporters for his mission and where in his own words… “We’re changing the very definition of ‘anti-aging’ to mean you’re against all the lies commonly associated with getting older, such as that hitting your 40s and beyond means becoming increasingly undesirable, incapable, and doomed to suffering and disease.” Instead, so many people have embraced because Brian shares a very positive message – in terms of your physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being, your middle years and Golden years are truly meant to be your “best years.” And he and his team provide people a wide range of heavily research-based solutions, along with a healthy dose of inspiration, to help ensure your middle and Golden years ARE your best years.


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Caution When Considering Botox

Midlife is when most of us start to really focus and concern ourselves with the aging process and turn to cosmetic treatments such as Botox. An estimated 11 million people worldwide have used Botox, making it one of the most common nonsurgical cosmetic procedures. In this episode of Too Cool For Midlife, Dr. Summer Beattie shares a cautionary tale about what led her to discover that a commonly used aesthetic injection - botulinum toxin could cause a severe and debilitating condition that is rarely, if ever, discussed before offering this service - Iatrogenic Botulism Poisoning (or IBP). Episode highlights include: About Summer Beattie, ND Dr. Summer Beattie is a graduate of Bastyr University in Seattle and has been seeing patients for nearly 20 years. Her practice has a strong focus on regenerative medicine in the areas of orthopedics, aesthetics, sexual health, and optimal aging. In addition, she offers curated solutions and support for people facing chronic complex illness, neurodegenerative conditions, and oncology care. Get a discount for SNiP Nutrigenomics and learn more about Dr. Beattie's practice, visit Follow Dr. Beattie on Instagram @dr_summer_beattie


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The Land Down Under

So, you’ve heard about the pelvic floor before, you might have tried Kegels a few times but weren’t sure if you were doing them right … you heard how giving birth can damage your pelvic floor muscles, and afterward, you might pee a little bit when you laugh or sneeze. Friends might have even told you about their jade egg … But when you get down to it, what’s the deal with the pelvic floor? Well, this group of muscles may just be the unsung hero of your body, often under-appreciated and misunderstood. The pelvic floor plays a critical role in bladder control, bowel function, childbirth, orgasms, and more, so having a healthy pelvic floor is a pretty big deal for your health and your sex life, especially in midlife. In this episode, pelvic floor specialist Jana Danielson shares her immense knowledge and drops some pelvic floor bombs on us about how we can start to support our pelvic floor health (right now). Episode highlights include: - Peeing your pants, lackluster sex, and waking multiple times a night to go to the bathroom are NOT normal and can be improved in 30 days with the proper knowledge and action. - Symptoms of a hypertonic and hypotonic pelvic floor. - The framework of how body position (posture), breathing, and blood flow can transform the health of the pelvic floor from the inside out. - Why 90% of pelvic floor dysfunction is a movement/fitness issue and NOT a medical issue. - How our energy centers (root chakra) interact with this part of our body. - Going beyond the kegel. - Pelvic floor myths busted ... About Jana Danielson Jana is an award-winning wellness entrepreneur who, through her experience with physical pain, turned her mess into her message, which has now become her mission. She is a best-selling author and founder of Lead Pilates, Lead Integrated Health Therapies, and the Metta District online wellness community. Jana is also the creator of the Cooch Ball, the world’s first patented pelvic floor fitness tool for women. Jana has coached and consulted with tens of thousands of women from all over the world to help improve their quality of life, their confidence, and their impact in this world. Learn more about the Cooch Ball at Download Healthy Pelvic Floor eBook


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What the F*@# Is Going On With My Hormones?!?

If you are a midlife woman grappling with understanding what the f*@# is going on in your body in this new season of life, and/or you know of a woman who is, do not miss this episode. From hair thinning to brain fog, anxiety, depression, an overall lack of zest for life, or a non-existent sex drive, in this jam-packed episode, Dr. Sharon Stills shares critical information on what you need to be doing to support your hormone health for all stages of midlife ... from perimenopause through post-menopause. Episode highlights include: - What is actually going on with your hormones as you age. - How to choose a doctor to support your hormone health. - Checklist of questions you need to ask your doctor. - The difference between bioidentical hormones and synthetic hormones. - Understanding why bioidentical hormones are NOT all created equal. - The best hormone tests available. - Why it is never just about your hormones. - Answering the big hormone questions such as ... Should women take testosterone? Does estrogen cause cancer? Join Dr. Stills for the Mastering Meno(pause) Transition Summit live September 4th - 12th. Learn more and register at no charge at About Dr. Sharon Stills Dr. Sharon Stills is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor with over two decades of clinical practice. She is passionate about changing the conversation around meno(pause) and the aging process. Her RED Hot Sexy philosophy has helped thousands of women become educated, empowered, and naturally healthy. Follow Dr. Stills on Instagram @drsharonstills Check out her website at The contents of this podcast is for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This podcast does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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Fitness By Darwin

The theory of human evolution by natural selection influences all sorts of things in our lives, including how we practice medicine, eat, and even work. But unfortunately, evolution has not had the same effect on how we exercise. For some strange reason, evolution is mainly ignored or dismissed when it comes to exercise. In this episode, we talk with Collin Carroll about the overlooked connection between Evolution and Exercise avoiding injuries, getting stronger, and looking better … especially in midlife. Episode highlights include: - How humans evolved to move, and how that relates to fitness. - Why exercise choice in the gym is crucial. - The three main evolutionary movements we should all incorporate into our workouts. - The exercises we should avoid that cause the most injury - Why in midlife, we can feel prone to injuries such as shoulder pains, knee pain, and back pain. - How to get started with any new workout routine. Collin Carroll is a personal trainer, firefighter, Ironman triathlete, and author of Fitness by Darwin. You can learn more about the book at and check out his Instagram for easy-to-follow workouts at @fitnessbydarwin.


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Shift Your Energy, Shift Your Life

It can be overwhelming to figure out where to start when cultivating good feng shui in your home or office. What rooms should you begin with? How do you start fresh, or what do you do if a room is already decorated? What should you not do in feng shui? Thankfully, it doesn't need to be challenging. In this episode, guest expert, Marie Diamond shares basic feng shui steps to kickstart your journey to amplify the energy in the spaces in your life, from home to office. Feng shui is not design or decorating; its principles and ideals can inspire you to decorate your space in a feng shui way to bring more of what you want into your life. Episode highlights include: - How to use your home as a 3D vision board - 3 parts of Law of Attraction - How to stimulate your energy by activating your home - Why de-cluttering helps to inspire your soul - How to harness feng shui if you have trouble sleeping - Steps to use feng shui principles with your children's spaces About Marie Diamond Dame Marie Diamond is a Global Transformational Leader, motivational speaker, International Bestselling Author, and world-renowned Feng Shui and Energy Master. Marie was also featured in the global phenomenon, The Secret. Learn more about Marie at


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Breaking Up With Ben & Jerry

Over 90% of all diets fail because they don't address the crux of the problem, which is emotional eating. In this episode, we look at the close link between eating and emotions, getting to the heart of why we overeat and how to stop with guest expert Tricia Nelson. Episode highlights include: About Tricia Nelson: Tricia lost fifty pounds by identifying and healing the underlying causes of her emotional eating. Tricia is a TEDx speaker and Emotional Eating Expert, as well as the author of the #1 bestselling book, Heal Your Hunger, 7 Simple Steps to End Emotional Eating Now. Tricia hosts the popular podcast, The Heal Your Hunger Show, and has spent over thirty years researching the hidden causes of the addictive personality. Take Tricia's Quiz: Are You an Emotional Eater or a Food Addict? get your personalized score at


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Let's Get Cellular: Unwinding the Mystery of Fascia

Medical science is finally catching on that fascia is a major player in your health, vitality, and every movement you make. Supporting your fascia system is one of the most underutilized ways to ensure cell health, mobility, and a cascade of longevity benefits including hormone health, size, shape, posture, pain relief, mood regulation, and more. In this episode, Deanna Hansen, who is a pioneer in the field of fascia decompression shares everything you need to know about this secret organ that's the key to changing ... well, pretty much everything! Episode highlights include: - Our relationship with pain and when is pain "good" - How stress influences our fascia system - Understanding the signature posture we are born with - The importance of releasing stored emotions in our fascia - Why your longstanding exercise routine may not be working any longer - How you can change your shape at any age - Why you are probably not fat its actually misplaced fascia (think...knee fat or inner thigh fat) About Deanna Hansen Deanna is a pioneer in the field of fascia decompression for physical and emotional transformation. With more than 20 years of hands-on clinical experience, Deanna created Block Therapy™, a unique fascia-release protocol, to relieve chronic pain and disease, encourage healthy detoxification, and reverse cellular aging. Start working on your fascia today. Experience what it is like to decompress your fascia with only your bodyweight and towel. In this 9-part video series (each video is approx. 8 - 20 minutes) learn positions to open the flow to improve oxygenation to cells, as well as strengthening exercises to pull your body back into better alignment. 👉 Download your complimentary 9-Part Full Body Fascia Series: Learn more about Deanna and Block Therapy at


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Pragmatic Dreaming 101

Do you ever have that "nudgy" little feeling show up? That feeling that you could do better, that you could be trying harder, that you’re not living that "big life" of your dreams? Even though you dream about it, you just can’t seem to make it happen? In this episode, Hayley Hunter Hines shares her personal story of walking away from her uber successful 20 year corporate career and going after her dreams of travel, teaching, speaking, finding her true life partner, and owning a villa in the heart of Tuscany. She also shares practical steps for anyone to manifest the beautiful and extraordinary life of their dreams. Episode highlights include: - How to be in the liminal space between walking away and opening up to your dream - Steps to invite more midlife renaissance into an already full life - What to do when you get uncomfortable outside of your comfort zone - How and when to "adjust" your dream - Daily practices to supercharge your manifesting capabilities About Hayley Hunter Hines Hayley is the founder of the Soul Sparkle Society, a luxury travel membership for women, and the creator of the Shine Experience, a signature program known for its transformative impact on the body, mind, soul, and spirit. Most recently, Hayley has opened the Soul Sparkle Sanctuary, a healing and spiritual wellness center in the heart of Tuscany. To learn more about Hayley, her events, and offerings visit


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Bringing Sexy Back & Ending Low Libido

Not feeling in the mood lately? Or let's get real honest, have you not been "feeling it" for years?!? You're not alone, and though studies have shown that sexual desire in women drops off dramatically in midlife, there are a lot of solutions available to raise your libido. The truth is you can have a healthy sex drive in midlife and the years beyond. In this episode, Dr. Diane Mueller shares strategies for reclaiming your libido and overcoming chronic low desire. Episode highlights include: - The research on midlife changes in driving factors of desire - Studies on arousal non-concordance - A look at the role of erotic plasticity in different phases of life - Psychological versus physiological root causes of low libido - The role oxytocin, cortisol, DHEA, and hormones play in libido health - Which tests and labs to request from your doctor - Myths surrounding low libido About Diane Mueller, ND Dr. Diane is the creator of the Libido Doctor, a program dedicated to improving female libido. She has experienced imbalances in her own libido and has sought knowledge and understanding through relationships and sex coaches, medical literature, and sensual dance classes. Dr. Diane emphasizes the importance of personalized care in improving libido and focuses on understanding each woman's unique goals and removing physical, mental, and environmental blocks to achieve them. She believes that all women are beautiful, deserving, and worth taking care of their sexual health. Learn more about Dr. Diane and download 3 Little Ways to Make a Big Difference to Get Your Libido Back at Resource The contents of this podcast is for informational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This podcast does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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Your Midlife Supplement Survival Guide

Does your supplement assortment remind you of your spice cabinet? Just like that bottle of oregano that expired in 2017, do you have half-used bottles of supplements you can't seem to let go of? Let's get your Spring Cleaning started, dig into that supplement cabinet, and take a look at where you are in life and what supplements you should consider taking. In this episode, Too Cool For Midlife resident experts Dr. Kim Trager and Candace Lawrence strip it down to the basics and help us get supplement smart: - The "Fab Four" supplements each midlifer should add to their life immediately. - Important vitamin and mineral pairings and best times to take certain supplements. - What's going on in your body, and why these four supplements are critical specifically in midlife. - What you should be looking for when shopping supplement brands because not all brands are created equal. With supplements, it is always BUYER BEWARE. - What are their favorite brands and why. About Dr. Kim Trager and Candace Lawrence: Kim and Candace, vitality pioneers, specialize in helping women feel better faster. They offer real solutions for health-related issues that hold women back from reaching their full potential. These two brilliant women have spent the past 25 years changing women's lives. They are fun and approachable ... and they know their shit. Learn more about Dr. Trager and Candace at The Fab Four can be found on Fullscript. Disclaimer: Please check with your healthcare practitioner before starting any new supplement routine.


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Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want

Are you someone who has perfected the art of people pleasing and maneuvering personal and professional relationships by being polite and pleasant? In this episode, expert guest Lois Barth shares how we can move from people pleasing to becoming beautifully honest with ourselves, our partners, and those around us using a mind + body approach. We are talking about Honesty 2.0, and episode highlights include: How people pleasing affects our ability to be honest. Our early histrionics in people pleasing. How people pleasing is actually a form of manipulation. Begin to practice bringing more honesty into your life with the "ABCs of honesty." And why honesty becomes more important in midlife. About Lois Barth: Lois Barth, Human Development Expert, Speaker, Business & Relationship Coach, and author of the book, Courage to SPARKLE, works with heart-centered go-getters supporting them in mindfulness, powerful communication, and effective team and leadership work. Lois has supported over 800 clients, spoken to thousands of people, and has been the life coach for SELF Magazine. She has also been quoted and published in NYT, WSJ, and Fast Company and regularly presents to groups in corporate, non-profit, entrepreneurial, and professional associations. Email: Website: Bonus: Gain access to The Trifecta of People Pleasing Video + Guide


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Gut Feelings: How Emotions Affect Your Gut Health

Gut issues are rising at an alarming rate in both adults and children. Find out the emotional aspects of gut health and why you are less what you EAT and more what you THINK. Dr. Ameet Aggarwal uncovers gut health's often unaddressed spiritual and energetic aspects. Episode highlights include: - Emotional and energetic aspects of gut issues, including SIBO, leaky gut, Crohn's disease, IBS, and ulcerative colitis. - The often overlooked role your liver plays in gut health. - Homeopathic remedies for gut health. - Introduction to family constellation therapy, a holistic approach to therapy for trauma and conflict. - How childhood trauma can specifically affect your gut and liver health. - Emotional techniques to release childhood trauma, adrenal fatigue, and emotional blocks. About Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, ND: Dr. Ameet Aggarwal is one of the only naturopathic & functional medicine doctors who is also a psychotherapist, homeopath, EMDR, and family constellations therapist. His extensive knowledge has helped thousands of people worldwide overcome difficult-to-treat emotional and physical health conditions. Voted as one of the Top 43 therapists in the world, Dr. Ameet supports his patients and community in a wide variety of areas, including gut health, liver detox, adrenal fatigue, depression, anxiety, mood, skin, hormones, inflammation, health and sexual issues using supplements, nutrition, healthy foods, natural medicine, holistic therapies & emotional healing. Free videos on gut health, liver detox, mental health, releasing emotional blocks, adrenal fatigue, and trauma can be found on Dr. Ameet's website, His bestselling books and online course are even used by professional therapists, naturopaths, dietitians, and nutritionists for continuing education based on his in-depth mind-body approach to healing chronic health issues.


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Don't Skip The Foreplay! Embodying Erotic Intelligence

From foreplay to release, sex (like spirituality) is a metaphor for a radical life practice. In this episode of Too Cool For Midlife, Lorna Bennett, therapist, speaker, teacher and relationship and intimacy coach, walks us through the process of how to uncover and ignite your passion, rekindle your inner flame, and unpack why it is so important to prioritize firing yourself up to connect more deeply and authentically in relationship with self and others. Are you ready to turn yourself on to your biggest and boldest life path? About Lorna Bennett, MA, CYT, Coach Lorna is a therapist, teacher, speaker, coach, and mentor passionate about personal growth and transformation. An experienced relationship and intimacy guide, Lorna offers relational intelligence and embodied energetic tools - empowering her clients with everyday "life practices" to connect more deeply and authentically in relationship with self and others. She celebrates people turning themselves on - mentally, physically and spiritually - to live their passion and purpose through freedom and connection. With nearly 30 years of experience in consulting, teaching, business leadership, and organizational development, Lorna has served as a change catalyst under many umbrellas. She is a seasoned relationship and intimacy coach; mindfulness and meditation guide; Yoga, Barre, and alignment teacher; Reiki Master; organizational change facilitator; speaker; and published writer. Lorna has worked in Health Care Public Relations, Patient and Family Education, Cultural Competency, and Organizational Development. Additionally, she’s served as a wellness professional, studio owner and longtime practitioner of alignment and mindful movement. Propelled by the belief "always be a student," Lorna holds a Master's Degree in Education, undergraduate degrees in Journalism and English and is presently completing her MA and psychotherapy credentialing in Mental Health Counseling at Naropa University with a concentration in Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Psychology. Mother of three humans (as well as two cats, a dog, and many plants), Lorna resides near Boulder, Colorado. When not working, studying, or mothering, she can be found immersed in the realms of nature, love, spirituality, sacred sexuality - or a bath. Connect with Lorna: INSTAGRAM (@_bennett_coaching) FACEBOOK (Lorna Bennett Coaching) WEBSITE Email:


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Grieving The Loss Of A Child

Dana Haines got the phone call no parent ever wants to get, learning that her college-aged son had passed away. In this important conversation, Dana shares her journey with grief, what she has woken up to because of it, and how she is helping other moms learn how to move through the grief of losing a child. About Dana Haines Dana holds thousands of lifetimes of mystical magic in her soul. She came forth in this lifetime to awaken as many as she can to their truth and higher self. She is here to help you tap into the Divine and know that you have armies on your side behind the veil. She is a trained Shamanic Practioner and a 4th-level Paqo studying the spiritual teachings long-held secret by the Inka people who shared these with the Q’ero nation high in the Andean mountains. She has been working with master teachers Elizabeth B. Jenkins and Joan Parisi Wilcox, intensely studying re-connecting with nature and all of its wisdom healings. Learn more at Join Dana Haines' Virtual Grief Support Group


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Learning How To Tap Into Your Genius

Change your attitude, change your life. Dr. Gay Hendricks helps us uncover the steps to focusing on those single decisions in life which can powerfully change everything and the "Upper Limit" challenges every high performer deals with. Learn how to remove barriers to success take the big leap, and find your zone of genius. About Dr. Gay Hendricks: Gay Hendricks has served for more than forty years as one of the major contributors to the fields of relationship transformation and body-mind therapies. Throughout his career, Dr. Hendricks has coached more than eight hundred executives, including the top management at firms such as Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, and KLM. Along with his wife, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks, he has coauthored many books including The Big Leap, Conscious Loving, The Corporate Mystic, Five Wishes, and his latest The Genius Zone. Dr. Hendricks received his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford University. After a twenty-one-year career as a professor at the University of Colorado, he founded the Hendricks Institute, which offers seminars in North America, Asia, and Europe. He is also a founder of The Spiritual Cinema Circle. You can learn more about The Genius Zone and download a ton of extra bonus material at


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How to Move From Feeling Trapped & Unfulfilled To A Man On FIRE

Discover the hidden, sabotaging patterns that are robbing men of freedom and fulfillment in life and intimate relationships. Understand how to break free from the patterns that rob men of joy and stunt growth potential. Expert guest David Mehler, mentor and founder of Man on FIRE, shares how to end the crippling patterns that are keeping men feeling trapped and unfulfilled in life. About David Mehler: David has over 25 years of expertise in identifying the root cause issues underlying the heaviest problems in men's lives. In 2015 he created Man On FIRE🔥 to guide men who, from the outside, seem to have everything going for them – running at top speed in their career or business ownership – but from the inside, are drowning in the monsoon trenches of internal despair. His Passion, Power, and Purpose is to throw these men a life raft and support men into becoming the KING they were born to be. Man on FIRE 🔥 has an unparalleled reputation for guiding men to change their relationship with everyone in their lives, including -- and especially -- themselves. They specialize in helping a man have mastery over his mind. Their world-class Senior Coaches are here for men who are seeking significant changes in their life but have no clue how to make them or even where to begin. They have discovered that inside of every man is the real congruent, coherent, aligned version of himself just waiting to burst out, to reignite that flame inside and step into the potential of who he was born to be. About Man On FIRE: Man On FIRE🔥 is a company that specializes in helping a man up-level his masculine leadership in every domain of his life, from his marriage to his relationships, career, and finance, as well as his health and his mission and his purpose. Because a man doesn't feel he's on purpose, a man who doesn't truly know his mission is a man that's not feeling free and he's not feeling fulfilled. As Founder of Man On FIRE, David: ✔ Holds an unmatched drive & commitment to the Man On FIRE🔥 Mission ✔ Lead thousands of men to transform their bodies, save and reignite their marriages, and even double their income in their careers ✔ Handpick every Coach from our very best clients to lead the way for those men in the present and future that are ready to be held accountable to a better version of themselves ✔ Build an unparalleled level of support, challenge, and accountability for the Man On FIRE🔥 community ✔ Guide men to move from their heads to their heart ✔ Move men to face themselves and feel emotions they have run from their entire lives ✔ Deeply understand and resolve stuck patterns in the body that create stuck patterns in a man’s life ✔ See through men’s lies and calls them into higher truths ✔ Hold the client’s ultimate goal at the absolute center of all we do Learn more about Man On FIRE at Facebook Man On FIRE Podcast
