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Young, confused and well-read

Education Podcasts

Why did nobody actually write a manual on how you manage growing up? Ann is probably just as confused as you are while trying to maneuver her way into adulthood. But as a university student she is ready to figure it out and tell you all about it! You can find her either studying in library, climbing hills with friends or throwing theme parties in her flat. Since Uni-life does not only include studying 24/7 but is also about taking care of your mental health, perusing your hobbies and surviving on your own, Ann is ready to tackle all the important know-hows. So put your headphones on and get ready for a wild ride! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


United States


Why did nobody actually write a manual on how you manage growing up? Ann is probably just as confused as you are while trying to maneuver her way into adulthood. But as a university student she is ready to figure it out and tell you all about it! You can find her either studying in library, climbing hills with friends or throwing theme parties in her flat. Since Uni-life does not only include studying 24/7 but is also about taking care of your mental health, perusing your hobbies and surviving on your own, Ann is ready to tackle all the important know-hows. So put your headphones on and get ready for a wild ride! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.



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It's Travel Girl Season

It's Travel Girl Season! And that means it is the perfect time to share all my travel tips, tricks and essentials with you! As someone who is currently in her Travel Girl Era and has been traveling through Europe before I hope that I have some information up my sleeve that can help preparing you for your own travel adventures! So buckle your seatbelt and enjoy the ride ;) my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Becoming your own best friend

Being your own best friend WILL make your life better and this episode will tell you why. my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The Happiness Diaries: Escapism and Traveling

I am back with the happiness Diaries! My audio-diary series where I share my journey t regain happiness and self-growth and discovery! This episode I am chatting about taking care of your mental health during traveling, the importance of deep human connections and why self-development isn't comfortable all the time. my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Life Lessons I've learned recently

Just a little episode about all the life lessons I've learned recently. Hope you enjoy! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Everything I learned from Uni so far

Now that I am two years into my undergrad I thought it would be the perfect time to catch you up on all the things I have learned from my uni experience so far. Hope you enjoy! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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How to deal with bad days

We all hate them: Bad days. They always end up sneaking up on us, completly unannounced and make ourselves feel anxious, stressed, tired, depressed and overall just super grumpy. So how can we deal with such days in our lives better and maybe even make them more bearable? All of this and more in this weeks episode! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The Happiness Diaries: Entering a new Era

A new happiness diaries episode! I hope you love them as much as I do! This month was a whirlwind: I just finished my second year of University (so crazy!!), trying to spend as much time as I could with my friends before going home and starting summer break while also taking care of my mental health. How I managed, how I was overall doing and what else was going on is all discussed today! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The need to be perfect

From a very young age I was always thriving for perfection and unfortunately, I still hold myself to these high standards. This is why this week I am chatting abut perfectionism in school, sports and how it manifested into my private life. I hope this episode is insightful and you have a fun time listening! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Healing your inner child

Reconnecting with a younger version of ourselves can really help us in getting on the right path and in figuring out what we like our life to look like. Therefore in this week I am discussing the importance of healing your relationship with your inner child and learning to work through childhood trauma. Hope you enjoy! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Will I ever just want to be myself?

Can and will I ever be at peace with myself? What does a truly happy life look for me and how can I get there? All of this and more is discussed in this episode! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The Happiness Diaries: All the Up's and Down's

Welcome back to another Happiness Diaries Episode! I am so excited for this update because a lot has happened in february/march! I am sharing what I have been struggling with this month, some beautiful moments and give you an overall overview of the state in my journey I am currently in. Hope you enjoy! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The Power of Mindset

The role our mindset plays in our life and our overall experience is so powerful, yet, we often don't really consider how we already unconsciously determine our outlooks. my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The Beauty of Life

A very pretentious title to a not very pretentious episode. This is just a little pick me up for your day, when you feel down and need a little reminder of all the things that make your life beautiful. I am sharing some of my own "glimmers" to inspire you and hope that at the end of the episode you will feel at least a little bit better. my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The It Girl

Who doesn't want to be "That Girl", the woman everybody looks up to and gets inspired by? But is there really the ideal "It Girl" or is it just a goal we will always be unable to achieve? This episode is all about fitting in, finding your own true self and how society once again is shaping our entire belief system around ourselves. Hope you enjoy! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Love and Loneliness

Love and Loneliness in my opinion go hand and hand. At least in my life. Therefore I felt the need to talk about how my relationship with love has shifted over the years and how it is such an all-consuming part of my day to day experiences. A honest conversation about love, security, finding your person and learning to be on your own. my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The Happiness Diaries: Back to Uni and the Winter Blues

The second episode of the happiness diaries. For me it's already nearly been a month since recording the pilot episode so I wanted to give you an update of how my first month back to University looked like and how the journey to happiness is going for me. I am being honest about my emotions, my experiences and what life looks like for me in the current moment. Trigger warning: talking about mental illnesses and depressions my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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The Happiness Diaries: I want to change my Life

Welcome to the Happiness Diaries! A audio-diary where I take you along on my journey to find true happiness. This might sound like a self-help book you just picked up at the bookstore but I promise you, it is so much more than that. In the past year I came to the very difficult realization that I lost so much of my happiness. This really scared me and made me feel all kinds of ways so i decided to empower myself to start this series and take you along on a very personal and difficult journey: How I try to slowly regain happiness. If you want to tag along that would mean the world to me but i also understand if you would rather stick to the regular episodes of this podcast (which are still going live, don't worry!). Thank you so much for listening and sending you all my love! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Oldest daughter syndrome

Trigger Warning: Mentioning of mental illnesses A episode for the big girls! Literally, because we are talking the oldest daughter syndrome! Hope you enjoy! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Nostalgia is not only a beautiful word but a concept you can loose yourself in. So today I am having a deep conversation about the concept of Nostalgia and why it is important to us. Because haven't we felt it all? A longing for something we can't have or sometimes even haven't experienced yet? Nostalgia is super important to us a s human being, for our society and for a lot of cultures. So, let's take a close look at Nostalgia and all its different roles! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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Being a good person

In this episode I am discussing why we can never be a truly good person, why we need to have bad habits and how being good is always subjective. Hope you enjoy! my socials <3: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
