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Eleanor Crawford Unplugged!

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WATCH THIS SPACE! After a long hiatus while I got some life shit done, I am coming back with a fresh name, a fresh look and a fresh format. I cannot wait to get back to recording for you. The last year has been full of incredible learnings about Self and the world. In the meantime, check out the previous episodes, there is some gold in there. See you soon Elle xx


United States


WATCH THIS SPACE! After a long hiatus while I got some life shit done, I am coming back with a fresh name, a fresh look and a fresh format. I cannot wait to get back to recording for you. The last year has been full of incredible learnings about Self and the world. In the meantime, check out the previous episodes, there is some gold in there. See you soon Elle xx



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Interview with Sophie Formica 4BC about Manifestation

Hi there.. This episode is a bit different. It's a recording of an interview that I did on 4BC where I talked with Sophie Formica about Manifestation. Here are my manifestation tips. There’s much debate around the merit of manifesting but there’s plenty of science that underpins its validity. So, how do we manifest effectively? 1. Fall in love with your end goal. Immerse yourself in the emotion that manifesting this result will make you feel. 2. Act and think as if it has already happened. Write or record your feelings in the present tense e.g., I am so grateful that… Imagine yourself in a movie scene with the manifestation complete, imagine it daily. 3. Be grateful for your life now. Gratitude is a strong manifestation magnet so the more gratitude you feel, the more you’ll attract. 4. Take aligned actions when they arise. Listen to your gut and heart and act on them, even if they seem obtuse or strange. They are life’s nudges. 5. Be patient. Life’s schedule isn’t your schedule, so let life unfold it when the time’s right. Cheers Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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New Month, Time for a Challenge??

Hey hey, welcome back. May is the final month of autumn. How quickly is this year going? There have been some things that have been bubbling around in my psyche, some changes I have been wanting to make but somehow I make some progress then get derailed. So I've decided that a new month is a good time to challenge myself to make some changes for my lifestyle. 31 days 3 intentions I decided to share for a few reasons which are in the episode so take a listen. And if you want to join me for a challenge then check these tips out. 1. Choose the change you want to make 2. Choose a timeframe 3. Decide on a strategy 4. Get thoughts aligned. I go into more detail during the episode so press play now. Imagine achieving what you want to achieve in May and how good that will feel? Let's do this together. Email me if you want an accountability buddy. Cheers Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Petit Wisdoms - What's Your Relationship MO?

Howdy 🥰 My track record in relationships has been a shitfight to be honest. I have been married 3 times, had numerous shorter and medium relationships and lots of non-starters. If I knew then what I know now, my history would look entirely different. I've been intentionally studying the qualities of masculine and feminine energies and how they present in me and my relationships. It's been fascinating to be honest. What I have realised is that my MO is to enter into a relationship based on physical attraction and hoping it would translate into emotional attraction. With challenging and unsuccessful results. But as always, now that I know better, I will do better. Take a listen to see if you resonate. I love you. Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Petite Wisdoms - How Having Birthday Twins Feels - All the Feels

Hello 💜💜💜 Yesterday, April 16th, was the birthday for two of my loves, Chloe and Declan. It's a time of big mixed emotions, of flooding memories, of wonderful celebration and deep missing. During this sharing I get very vulnerable on how it felt to lose Chloe, the confusion and the avoidance of emotions. And how it feels now to have Declan to celebrate. It's more story than wisdom except I really want to encourage you to honour, acknowledge and express your emotions so they don't get emboldened in your storage closet. They'll always appear so you may as well deal with them in the original state. I love you. Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Petit Wisdoms - Personal Development 101

Hey there gorgeous soul. 💜 Today's episode is an overview of what I consider the 101 of Personal Development- Living at Effect V Living at Cause. Learning the difference between living at Effect & living at Cause is a good place to start. Effect behaviours - lacks self worth - doesn't take responsibility - blames others - has a victim mentality - control is your favourite strategy - pretender Cause behaviours - high level of self responsibility - admits mistakes & learns from them - witness consciousness - responds rather than reacts - is honest with self & others - continual learning is important I also explain the benefits of living at Cause. So take a listen and if you want to something foundationally brilliant to improve your relationship with Self, start taking full responsibility and live at Cause. Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Petit Wisdoms - How to Create Momentum to Achieve Your Big Intentions & Goals

Momentum = Moment + Moment + Moment Micro actions to build momentum and forward motion. No pressure. No overwhelm. Reduces procrastination. 1. Set a sustainable timeframe 2. Brain dump all the actions and tasks that are required 3. Pop them into categories by urgency or priority 4. Commit to a chunk of time each week to complete an action 5. Celebrate your progress Reach out if you have questions or need some support. I'm always here for you. Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Petit Wisdoms - Build Your Team

And when I say team, I mean it in an unorthodox way. I mean a combo of your soul/spiritual energies, your here & now humans and your professional healing humans. A three fold team to help you navigate life, to heal, to grow, to guide, to smooth the way - all of the things to help you live a full and joyful life. My team members are - Chloe 💜, my Mum & Dad, a few dear girlfriends, my massage therapist, my acupuncturist, my mentor, my personal trainer, God and my barista (haha just jokes). Who would you elect to your team? Take a listen, let me know what you think & share your team if you feel called to. Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Why I Bang on About Inner Work

Hey Hey, happy podcast day. Why do I bang on about doing inner work? I thought it would be a good opportunity to share some reasons to encourage you to either start, deepen or continue your inner self work. There is a two fold process – mindset management and emotional embodiment. I had the mindset work down pat for a long time but was repressing and ignoring my emotional baggage, my sh*tbricks, with many distractions. Our unconscious mind is our body and it's where our emotions are stored. When we repress emotions over and over, the body becomes overwhelmed and communicates this by disfunction and disease. So it’s great to be mindset strong and be able to intellectualise an experience but you need the balancing side of emotional awareness. Reasons to commit to inner Self work. - Allows you to move forward out of stuckness - Helps you remove emotional and mental blocks connected to trauma - Allows you to feel lighter as you unpack your sh*tbrick backpack - Helps you clear your lens and experience life with higher energy - Fosters a more loving relationship Self Promotes - Self awareness - Calm and Peace - Macro/Universal perspective - Self understanding - Self acceptance - Empowerment In the episode I expand so much more on these so take a listen today. And if you’d like help dipping your toe and committing to work on your Self, let me help and guide you. Send me a text on 0488348830. Have a great week. Elle 💜 PS Remember, helping others helps you too so please consider donating a few bucks to Catherine House. There are many many women who are doing it tough. Lets band together and provide Catherine House with more funding so they can help and support more women. You can donate here (https://2023-catherine-house-community-ambassadors.raisely.com/elle-crawford). Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Petit Wisdoms - Making Healthy Decisions

Welcome to Petit Wisdoms. Quick episodes that you can listen to on the fly where I'll be sharing learnings and stories from my own experiences. Here's number 1. Making Healthy Decisions for Your Mental, Emotional & Physical Health. Enjoy Elle 💜


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Unpack Your Backpack Hypnotic Meditation - A Gift For You

Welcome back my friend. 💜 This week’s episode is a bit different. It follows up on the episode from 2 weeks ago called, ‘Why It’s Vital That You Start Unlocking The Padlocks On Your Sh*tbrick Backpack .’ If you haven’t listened to it yet, then I’d encourage you to do so before you immerse yourself into this one. Listen to this episode in a quiet, distraction free location, it’s definitely not suitable for when you are driving, walking or doing anything else active. I will guide you through a hypnotic journey to help you unpack and release the sh*tbricks that you have been lugging around in your backpack. It’s key that you allow your imagination to direct you and to follow the suggestions I make. This is not logical, it’s magical. If you want to repeat the meditation, here is a link with the meditation only. Hypnosis is a powerful tool to access your unconscious mind to help you release repressed emotions, memories or beliefs that are arising when you least expect it. If you have an emotional reaction to an experience, the trigger is current but the emotion likely originated from your early childhood. Consciously trying to eradicate the trigger won’t work, it’s like pushing down a middle domino in a domino run and expecting all the dominoes to fall. You need to push over domino #1. I hope you find the meditation helpful. Keep a journal handy so you can record any information or ideas after you have finished. And please reach out if you have any questions. Are you interested in diving into more of your unconscious mind? This time discovering your values? Your values are like your personal commandments, they inform how you live your life, make decisions, interact with others and feel about yourself. Know Your Values is a private coaching program. I will teach you about values, help you discover yours and then create a blueprint to help you live a life aligned with your values. It includes 4 x 1:1 sessions either in person or online. In between support via a chosen chat platform. AND a personalised hypnotic meditation to help you integrate and keep you in momentum. It’s valued at more than $1000! I have released 5 programs only for $333. If you are interested in enrolling, drop me an email elle@eleanorcrawford.com or send me a private message via Instagram or Facebook, the links are below. I’d love to help you life in alignment with your values. As always, I’d love you to consider donating a few dollars to Catherine House. CH support women to end homelessness in South Australia. The provide an incredible service to women who are doing it tough. To find out more about the Catherine House, check out their new website. And you can donate through this link. Thanks so much for listening. Please feel free to share it with a friend or family member who may benefit. Love Elle 💜💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Trauma Comparison, No Let’s Not Do That.

Hello there my love… I’ve got a question for you. Have you ever felt sad, fearful, angry, heartbroken or similar and you felt like you couldn’t share your state because others’ trauma is ‘comparatively’, well more traumatic? I hear you. To be honest, I’ve been on both sides of this situation. I have repressed emotions when I’ve been with people who have suffered great losses. And others have apologised for sharing emotions with me once they realise that I’ve lost my Chloe. It's kinda f*cked up to be blunt. I’m all for sharing vulnerability, in fact it's vital for emotional health. And losing a child is, I think, every parent’s worst nightmare. But there are others who have greater losses, multiple deaths and traumas. It’s not a competition. Every person’s story and emotional experience is valid. But Trauma Comparison is a thing and I witness it all the time, which is why I was compelled to record this episode about it. Take a listen and hear my take on the topic. And remember this, another person’s response is not your responsibility. And if their response is sh*tty, then that’s a reflection on them, not you. So please please please, share your stories, your emotions and your traumas with the people you want to. Be compassionate. Be kind. And live your life through the lens of love. Speaking of which. Could you dig into your beautiful heart and donate a few dollars to Catherine House please? They do amazing work helping end homelessness for women throughout South Australia. As a Community Ambassador, it’s my purpose to raise awareness and funds to support them. There was a 45% increase in enquiries for help over the last year given the rise in our cost of living and the current rental squeeze, so every dollar helps. If you can, please donate to help another woman in need. Here’s the link Have a great week honey. Be kind. Be vulnerable. Be compassionate. With love Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Why It’s Vital That You Start Unlocking The Padlocks On Your Sh*tbrick Backpack.

Hello there you incredible soul. Welcome back to episode 65 of Eleanor Crawford Unplugged! This week is all about unlocking the padlocks, unzipping the backpack and dealing with the sh*tbricks that we carry around with us. Which is vital to your emotional, mental and physical health. To refresh your memory, sh*tbricks are the very apt name I give to emotions that we swallow down and repress. They simmer and steam away while we’re distracted by the outside world, while we self soothe with behaviours that feel good in the moment but that in the long run only delay the inevitable. These behaviours include binge drinking and eating, drug use, shopping, sex/lust or bandaid boyfriends and many more. They give us the good feeling, the invincible feeling, in the moment but all they are really doing is eroding our sense of worthiness causing us to be prone to people pleasing, both a symptom and driver of unworthiness. Learning how to implement boundaries is a key solution to people pleasing but the unworthiness will still be lurking in your sh*tbrick backpacks, one of the stinkiest and steamiest sh*tbricks you will carry. So check out this episode to see how you can gently and kindly start unpacking and dealing with the weight that you carry around. I hope you will find this episode valuable. And while I have your attention, have you considered helping out another woman in need by donating to Catherine House? CH help end homelessness for women in South Australia, they are doing amazing work everyday. Of course money is always in need so if you have a few dollars spare, you can donate through this link. I’ll be back soon for the next episode. Stay kind and love yourself up. Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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How to Feel Safe When Making Big Life Decisions

Welcome back to Eleanor Crawford Unplugged. I’m so happy you are here. Before we get stuck into today's episode, I'd like to ask to you consider making a donation to Catherine House. CH is a South Australian organisation who's mission is to end homelessness for women. Its a cause close to my heart and hopefully yours. Every dollar helps a woman in need and is 100% tax deductible. So if you have a few dollars that you can spare, please donate through this link. Thank you. 🙌 I’m coming up to an anniversary of sorts. This time 2 years ago I was grappling with a big decision, the decision whether I leave or stay in my third marriage. It had been bubbling around for almost a year. Should I? Could I? How would I be perceived? How would it be received? Would I be a failure? Again? ALL THE THINGS. I didn’t know the answer to any of that. But what I did know was that I was feeling unhappy, unfulfilled and despite doing some deep work on myself, I couldn’t see how that was going to change. So I chose me. What I did do before I made this decision was to ensure that I felt safe when doing so. Here are the steps I took that I want to share with you here and in the episode. 1. Remember that you are the boss of you. 💜 2. Take your time, be patient with yourself and listen to your heart and gut. 3. Surround yourself with supportive, trustworthy and non-judgemental people, people who will be your soft place to fall. 4. If they are in short supply, lean on a confidante, therapist, mentor or coach. 5. Journal the crap out of your decision & tune into your feelings. 6. Ensure you are physically safe by getting legal advice or police support. 7. Use your imagination. Envisage your life post decision, how that would feel. 8. TRUST YOURSELF. You deserve true happiness, fulfillment, joy and to feel safe. You’ve got this honey. Until next week, Listen to your body, Elle 💜💜💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Surrendering to Life with Trust and Action

Hello and welcome back to Eleanor Crawford Unplugged for 2023. I was thinking about the content for my first episode back; should I talk about new years resolutions? Nah, statistics tell us that they have probably gone by the wayside already. What about your word for the year? That seems like it’s over done. What then? My podcasting style is to go with the flow, talk about issues or situations that are current for me. I don’t batch my recordings like many podcasters do, I record weekly and in the moment, so I trusted that the content would appear for me. And did it ever! This episode is about my vulnerability when it comes to feeling lonely. It raised it’s head like a train this time and I was overcome with emotion. It took me by surprise and I had to work hard to ‘Let it go.’ I had a conversation with God, asked for help and trusted that it would be there for me, which it was. This episode follows the process I took, the asking for help, the trusting it would happen, the surrendering to life and the taking an action. And God put a friend, 2 in fact, on my path. I had a choice. I could’ve taken the personal pity party route and stayed in my funky energy all day or I could take action to shift that energy. Thankfully I chose the latter. Take a listen to see what happened. In other news, I am super proud to share that I have been appointed as a Community Ambassador for Catherine House. Catherine House helps end homelessness for women in South Australia, in fact they are the only organisation that offer this support. I believe that all women deserve a safe and stable home in which to live and it breaks my heart to hear how many women are couch surfing or living in their cars, often with their children. So as an ambassador my role is to raise awareness and money to help this most important cause. Check out their website for more info. If this resonates with you, please consider donating a few dollars to help a fellow sister who is being challenged by homelessness. I can only imagine the stress! Can’t you? Here is the link to donate. And thank you for your kindness. See you next week. Elle 💜💜💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Our Christmas Experience is Unique to Us and How Forgiveness Can Set You Free

Hello my friend, Thanks for being here. 💜 This week’s episode has the rather long title of, ‘Our Christmas Experience is Unique to Us and How Forgiveness Can Set You Free.’ I am always amazed at how tangentially I tell stories, one morphing into another. 😂 So during the first half of the episode I share my Christmas experience and why grief is beautiful, sad, beautiful, sad, beautiful, sad. Every single human has a unique experience everyday and Christmas is no exception. Mine definitely brings up some very big feelings and memories. Beautiful, sad, beautiful, sad, beautiful, sad. And then my thoughts turned to being kind to self and others and then onto forgiveness. Sounds natural doesn’t it? 🤞🏻 I hope you enjoy the episode, it’s definitely raw and honest. And take care of your heart, mind and body over Christmas. Lots of love to you. Elle 🎅🏻💜 PS: Eleanor Crawford Unplugged is taking a short break while I go hang out with my family and self. See you in 2023. Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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It Took Me & Jane Fonda 50 Years to Return to Our Bodies

Trigger warning. Sexual assault & suicide are referenced in this episode. Here you are again my friend. 💜 I hope this finds you well. Last Friday a friend of mine recommended a podcast episode featuring Jane Fonda. She was a guest on the podcast, We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon, Abby & Amanda. I’ve now listened to that episode 3 times. It was so close to my heart and helped me understand my relationship with my body to a deeper level. Jane, who is turning 85 in a couple of weeks, was so honest and transparent as she talked about the suicide of her mother, experiencing sexual assault as a child and especially how it all affected her relationships. I felt like she had opened her mouth and told my story and it brought me so much peace. To better understand the relationship I have with my body feels good, it feels clearer and it feels more empowering. If you’re keen to hear the original episode with Glennon & Jane, check it out on Spotify here. Jane and I spent 50 years disconnected from our beautiful bodies, and it sucked. I am still working on being in my body and less in my mind, but its definitely a work in progress. I don’t want that for you. Start an embodiment practice for yourself. Your body has all the answers. Enjoy the episode. Love Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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When Your Mind Tries to F*ck You Over

Putting it right up front here, I swear A LOT during this episode, I mean it starts in the title. 😂 Hello hello 💜 New week, new episode. I am passionate about teaching and leading women to be autonomous in their mind, meaning that they only identify with thoughts and stories that are true, kind and of service to them and their life. The bullsh*t stories can f*ck right off. And that’s the theme of this week’s episode. It's definitely rated adult so make sure the kids are scarce before you hit play. I relate a BS story that came rushing up to ‘greet’ me when I was at a yoga class over the weekend and how I dealt with it by getting curious about its validity. The way we perceive ourselves and the stories we tell ourselves about how we look or seem are just mean and untrue. But it can take a lot of awareness to stop the perpetuation of the BS story cycle. Getting into your witness mode, like you’re wearing VR goggles, can allow you to be more objective and more sane. I’ve had years of practise and can now f*ck off a negative story in a short (ish) time but it depends on how sharp the barb is, some are sharper than others. So the next time your projection/reflection tells you a BS story about you, step out, pop your VR goggles on, get curious about the story origin, tell it the truth and then f*ck it off. Love ya & see you next week. Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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Living Life Through the Lens of Love

Hey there beautiful listener 💜 This week I was rocked and saddened to hear about a young woman who had taken her own life. I didn’t even know her, had not connection with her, except for finding her on You Tube. So this episode is dedicated to Lee, a glowing, fun and funny 27yo Canadian adventurer. Coming across her and seeing her in all her sparkliness before she died brought up so much sadness and to be honest, anger in me. Why don’t we teach our kids to love themselves so much that it drowns our the noisy internal and external demons who try to drag them down? I’m not going to write much more here because I want you to listen to the episode with an open heart and mind. And once you do, look at your own lens to see how you experience and interact with life. I love you. See you next time Elle 💜 #speakupforlee Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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The Most Important Relationship You’ll Ever Have, The One With Self.

Welcome back lovely 💜 This episode is an organic flow, from finding joy to fostering the deepest and most important relationship, the one with Self. All of your relationships are a reflection of your relationship with your Self. How you feel about you. How much you love and accept you. How kind and compassionate you are with you. All of those feelings about you are reflected in your feelings about others. You might think you can love others but not yourself? Not possible. You can only truly love others to the extent that you love yourself, if you feel differently, then get curious as to how you love others. Do you love and accept them totally? Or do you have a little judgey stuff going on too? So if all of your relationships are a reflection on your relationship with Self, then you’d better ensure that you’re working on it 24/7. In this episode I chat about this in the context of what I am offering. It’s not a shameless plug but it smells a bit like it. 🤣🤣🤣 But only because I am bursting with passion to help women create their lives in the way that makes them feel empowered, free, joyful and full of love. And when you think of manifestation, do you think about your emotions? Or do you think about something new and shiny? My approach to manifesting is to manifest GREAT feeling emotions, emotions that are high on the Hawkins Map of Consciousness. Now that’s not to say that you’ve got to be high vibe all the time, I mean we’re not designed that way, it’s about awareness. Be aware what you are feeling and if it’s not making you feel good, then know how to acknowledge, release and express those emotions so you can up your vibratory feeling. (Check out the Childhood Wounds episode) So in this episode I give you a virtual experience of how one of my Manifesting Circles looks. If you come along you will walk away feeling more empowered, confident and with a stronger sense of clarity around how you want to feel in your life. If you live in Adelaide, check out these info pages for the Manifesting Circle and Manifest on Fire. ❤️‍🔥 I’d love you to join me in love & creation. Catch you next week Elle 💜 Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com


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When Childhood Wounds Come Roaring Up, Try This...

Hello there, how are you? My goodness has there been some strong energy floating around the place. We’ve had the eclipse and blood moon then huge storms that have wreaked havoc over the last few days. These types of phenomena play around with our human energy too, did you feel that? I certainly did. Last week some childhood wounds came roaring up bringing with them feelings of insignificance, anxiety and vulnerability. Stuff that I didn’t know had been lurking in my unconscious mind for 40 years! So what did I do? I ranted. I released. I reframed. I re-expressed. A process that dropped in - The 4 Rs of Reformation. Reformation means the act of re-forming. Reforming in my evolution. This process organically happened which certainly helped me to feel better about myself. I still have work to do around these issues but now I know why I was feeling so anxious and knowledge is power right? And as I mentioned in the episode, there is a pdf available that outlines the whole process. If you’d like it, hit me up over email. The best thing you can do when your energy is in a hole? BE KIND TO YOURSELF. It’s not a race, feel the feelings, get curious about their source and allow that energy to move through on onwards. And remember, if you'd like to join my private FB group, Life Creation Co, where you will have access to loads of valuable information and bonuses, then hit my inbox via elle@eleanorcrawford.com and I'll flick you an invite. 🙌🏻 Have a great week. With love & grace, Elle 💜 If you are interested in attending the next Manifesting Circle, check out this link. Or deep dive into the art of manifestation with Manifest on Fire ❤️‍🔥. More information here. Remember to follow me on Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/life.creation.co/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EleanorCrawfordCoach Or for direct contact, drop me an email. elle@eleanorcrawford.com
