It’s Time Podcast-Startup Inspiration, Entrepreneur Hustling to Build a Dream Business-logo

It’s Time Podcast-Startup Inspiration, Entrepreneur Hustling to Build a Dream Business


Learn about the ups and downs and lessons learned while starting a business . . . Oh, and did we mention that Bethanie is doing all of this while juggling a demanding life as a wife, mom, caregiver, and full time employee? Join Bethanie as she builds her company, Memnto, from scratch. Bethanie’s mother's life inspired her to start her own business that will help us preserve our family histories, as she balances her already busy and full life. It’s real talk about the universal challenges that stop most people from living their dreams.


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Learn about the ups and downs and lessons learned while starting a business . . . Oh, and did we mention that Bethanie is doing all of this while juggling a demanding life as a wife, mom, caregiver, and full time employee? Join Bethanie as she builds her company, Memnto, from scratch. Bethanie’s mother's life inspired her to start her own business that will help us preserve our family histories, as she balances her already busy and full life. It’s real talk about the universal challenges that stop most people from living their dreams.



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When focusing on the wrong things is too costly (ep 023)

As Bethanie takes her clarity to the next level of FOCUS. As she closes the first season of the It’s Time Podcast, she gives you the behind the scenes look at her podcast planning and releasing process. Bethanie closes out this season with nuggets from Tony Robbins that helped her clear the fog and start to take massive action. Show notes & links can be found at: Please share your thoughts! Connect with Bethanie on Twitter @BethanieNonami. You can also text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive updates that won’t be shared on the podcast publicly.


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If you can't get traction, you need to improve your business

While Bethanie explores options with funding, angel investors and programs like accelerators for startups, she is constantly faced with traction. Before you can begin building your empire, traction is something that you must understand. Bethanie talks about revenue, growth, churn and how users impact others perception of your business. You can also text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at: Please share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118.


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Moving Beyond Fear After You Really Understand It (Replay) Ep 021

Fear is the biggest thing stopping me from starting my business. Using a technique I learned at Tony Robbins' Unleash the Power Within, I go through a process of determining what is the absolute worst thing that can happen if I do this. If you take the same technique and apply it to any aspect of your life, you too will see how to take fear's power away and move beyond fear. You have the ability to move beyond fear too! Share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118. Don’t forget to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at:


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How your fear is stopping you from reaching your goals

When Bethanie realizes that she has one daunting task that is stopping her business from moving forward in a major way. The reason it is not getting done might surprise you! What happens when you get to the root of what is feeding your fear. If you can have a breakthrough once, then you’re cured forever? Think again my friend You can also text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at: Please share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118.


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The truth about your plan was never THE plan

Working hard for something you believe in is all good until things don’t go your way. As Bethanie works hard to further her business, her application to an incubator is denied because she is a startup with one founder. Making the decision of what to focus on next, isn’t as easy as you would think. What do you do when you get feedback that goes against everything you had thought you should do? You can also textNOWto38470to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the...


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Surround yourself with the wrong people and fail

Sometimes when you dream big, even the closest people to you don’t get it. You need to be around people that get it and can help you grow and get there faster. If you aren’t around the right people, the wrong ones can certainly bring you down. As Bethanie realizes that maybe her circle is not helping her grow. She seeks out the people that can challenge her as she begins her entrepreneurial journey. You can also textNOWto38470to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out...
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When life gets in the way of you conquering your goals

Just a week after setting my 90 day goals and I feel like I am off track. Seriously? Life happened and things popup that suck up your time. After finding out about an incubator program application that is due next week, Bethanie scrambles to get that knocked out while her life continues to go non-stop. What’s most important is how you deal with what happens. Swindoll said, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” How you react to this week could keep you going or cause you to give up. Don’t give up. Accept things were meant to happen like they did this week and keep on keepin' on. Text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at: Please share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118.


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Quick and easy ways to create resolutions to succeed not fail

You may have heard so much about resolutions, it is hard not to be over it. Join Bethanie as she walks through her quick, painless goal setting process that doesn't set you up for failure and defeat. Making changes can be scary and attempting to change too much at once, can be a huge mistake. Listen to a somewhat different approach that you may even (dare I say it) enjoy. Text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at: Please share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118.


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You think you know it all? My growth is a lifetime journey (015)

As you recap your own 2015, I challenge you to not only celebrate your wins but absorb what you learned. Everything that happens to us, good or bad, happens for a reason. As I look at where I thought I should be vs where I am, it is easy to get bummed out with not meeting my goals. But the amount that I learned this year has only made me realize, I had to face challenges to identify what I needed to learn. Otherwise, I could’ve easily failed. You can also text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at: Please share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118.


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From epic exhaustion and overwhelm to inspiring action (014)

We are going to talk about how to move beyond burnout and exhaustion. Your body and your mind can only take so much before it shuts down. I truly believe that our bodies tell us when we need rest or just a mental break. But many times, we are too busy to notice the signs. As we near the end of the year, many of us will spend time reflecting on this year, which can be a scary and dangerous thing. You can also text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at: Please share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118.


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One of the best uses your website will ever have for your business (013)

You can create a website in minutes for under $20. A powerful way to use my site is to create landing pages to test my business idea, identify who is my target market, and test my value proposition. All it takes is time and a tiny, tiny ad budget (as little at $5)! Learn the steps Bethanie is taking to test out everything that she has learned about her product, her value proposition and narrowing in on her target market. With these 3 power moves, you can get a much clearer gauge of how hot your stuff really is! You can also text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at: Please share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118.


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Your awesome website may not be amazing and spectacular at all

Guess what? You need to have a kick@ss website that grabs peoples attention in less than 5 seconds, yup 5. The second step is to be super crystal clear about what you do, who you're helping, the benefit to them and what makes you different from everyone else. You may chuckle and think you get it but listen to a couple of the examples in the show and you may rethink that my friend. We get into the basics of websites and review some of the best companies value proposition. And get this, most of them are in one sentence. You can also text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at: Please share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118.


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Why social media is a risky move for your future

Social media channels have become a part of how business communicates but it shouldn't be your only plan. As Bethanie begins her social media outreach, she learns that social media is just the first step. How do you leverage social media to reach your people but take the relationship beyond your social media channels? If you don't understand why gathering email addresses are important, you will after this episode! Share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118. Text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at:


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BONUS: Why you need to grateful for what you have

Bethanie and Morganna were the best of friends.They were sent to each other to save their respective lives. And they did. Bethanie talks about letting her Mom go. Every day is a gift. You have a purpose. You matter and remember to cherish the people in your life because every single moment is important. Tell someone else they matter too. It's amazing how often we forget. Share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118. Text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at:


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You really think marketing is about you?

One would think to an effective marketer you only have to know what matters to you. Guess again. If you don’t know how to do it right, you can spend eons doing it wrong. Marketing can be a scary, scary place. Learn how Bethanie determines which market to focus on as she begins to market her company to while her head spins determining which social media platforms will help her reach the people that she can serve. Share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118. Text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at:


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Bonus: Interview with Monica Shah

Do you know that your beliefs about money are learned by the age of 7? You are conditioned to think about money a certain way due to what you observed as a child. Crazy, huh? Check out my interview with Monica Shah. My mentor, my business and money transformational coach. Share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118. Text NOW to 38470 to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at:


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Fear Disguised as Busy Work (009)

Bethanie follows advice of the top leaders in software that guided her down the path of narrowing down on her target market. But there is a problem. Her target market isn't her target market! Bethanie learns that identifying her target market is becoming one discovery after another that tends to lead her down a road just more busy work. However, Bethanie realizes she has to set, aim and fire. Otherwise, she may never launch this software company. What she uncovers is a big ball of fear that is blocking her from doing the really, really tough stuff. Busy work is easy. Busy work can be urgent. But in this case, busy work was not important at all. Share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118. Don’t forget to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at:


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How to research your business idea the right way...for me (008)

Learn with Bethanie as she follows the industry standard of lean startup methodology. Then, learns she wasted MONTHS talking to the wrong people. But's it's all good. She learned what not to do next time. Get tips and step by step instructions on how she did it and what resources she used to start to figure out her ideal customers. And guess what? Her ideal target market looked like was nothing like she thought it was going to be!! What??? Share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118. Don’t forget to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at:


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Why your business may not work (007)

Do you have a burning passion to bring your idea to the world? What if no one else thinks it’s a good idea. Do you keep going? Do you give up and just walk away? In this episode Bethanie has to make some serious decisions about whether or not to continue to pursue her dram business. Share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118. Don’t forget to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at:


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Moving Beyond Fear (006)

Fear is the biggest thing stopping me from starting Memnto. If I allow fear to take over, it certainly will. Using a technique I learned at Tony Robbins' Unleash the Power Within, I go through a process of determining what is the absolute worst thing that can happen if I do this. If you take the same technique and apply it to any aspect of your life, you too will see how to take fear's power away. You have the ability to move beyond fear too. Share your thoughts! Shoot us a line at Or give us a shout at (786) 548-1118. Don’t forget to sign up for our exclusive free email resources and check out the show notes & links can be found at:
