


Join us for a candid conversation about photography and business. We are women entrepreneurs who talk about business, networking, workflow, client relationships and more. We're not afraid to share our own ups and downs and we'll help you tackle yours. We'll have guest speakers & answer listener questions, all while giving you tips & tricks to help get you through the year! Hosted by Kate Mills (San Diego based portrait photographer) & Julie Ferneau (San Diego and destination wedding photographer)


United States


Join us for a candid conversation about photography and business. We are women entrepreneurs who talk about business, networking, workflow, client relationships and more. We're not afraid to share our own ups and downs and we'll help you tackle yours. We'll have guest speakers & answer listener questions, all while giving you tips & tricks to help get you through the year! Hosted by Kate Mills (San Diego based portrait photographer) & Julie Ferneau (San Diego and destination wedding photographer)



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Episode 122: Diversity, Inclusivity, & Allyship

As business owners, it can be scary to be vocal about "controversial" topics. However, it's important to note that issues like race, human rights, and social justice are NOT controversial. They are incredibly important to recognize, talk about, and continue to educate ourselves on. We've always spoken the importance of letting your values show in your business, and standing up for what you believe it. With the current climate, it's even MORE so. We looked around recently & realized our photography community here in San Diego is VERY predominantly white. We've joined the conversation on ways to fix that, but honestly, we didn't really know the right way to go about it. And, we figured, as 2 white people, we definitely are not qualified to lead this discussion. We brought in Renata Williams of Lebanon Valley College & Faith Tiemann of SUNY Oneonta to help us break down exactly HOW to have conversations about diversity, be more inclusive, & talk about race in general.


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Episode 121: PhotoSpark Updates & What's To Come!

Hello everyone! We missed you! Truth be told, we are both going through some crazy changes in our lives & schedules, and point blank, we've kinda ignored the podcast. We are SO sorry we've left you hanging, but we are back & we have some awesome episodes on the way! We just wanted to update you guys with what we've been up to & our stance on things like the EIDL loan, unemployment, and social distancing sessions/weddings. There is a LOT going on in the world today, and we are here for it and for YOU!


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Episode 120: Front Porch Sessions- Do or Don't?

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past couple weeks, you've likely seen Front Porch Sessions on Facebook. These are professional sessions of families at home on their porch. They've been highly controversial in the photography world; some people are loving them & finding ways to supplement their income or donate profits to causes, and other people are slamming them HARD, saying they are unprofessional and even illegal. So where do we lie on Front Porch Sessions? Are these a do or a don't?


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Coronavirus Series PART 2- Contracts, communication, & cash flow

In Part Two of our Coronavirus Series, we chat with Braden Drake all about contracts, client communication, & cash flow. He brought super valuable information to this show, and helped us with things we should add to our contracts for the future, ways to speak with your clients about your policies, and ways to help your cash flow during the Coronavirus crisis.


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Coronavirus Series PART 1- Survival Tips for Photographers

We don't even really know where to begin! We do know that COVID19 is a topic on everyone's mind, and we don't want to add to the panic or give anyone anxiety, but the truth of the matter is it's affecting small businesses on a level we've never seen before, and we know you're likely being affected. Wedding & portrait photographers alike are dealing with cancellations, reschedules, and a decline in inquiries. We wanted to reach out to you & provide some help and encouragement. Here are some survival tips for photographers dealing with COVID19.


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BONUS EPISODE: Website launch & rapid fire questions w/ Julie!

We are SO excited to launch our brand new website redesign today! We didn't have a regular episode scheduled but we decided to pop on really quick to chat about the rebrand & as a bonus, throw Julie Ferneau some random rapid fire questions!


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Episode 117: Surviving WPPI 2020

WPPI 2020 is here & bigger than ever! Whether you're a newbie or seasoned pro, we have some tips on surviving WPPI & getting the most out of your trip!


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Episode 116: Beach Photography with Amy Gray

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! We took a short hiatus to spend time with friends & family during the holidays. Well, and to edit millions of photos, but we are BACK! On the show today, we're chatting with Amy Gray, a San Diego based family portrait photographer who specializes in beach photography!


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Episode 115: Prepping for 2020

Julie & Kate discuss the new year & how to wrap up 2019 with a pretty bow. Tune in to hear how we're getting organized, prepping for taxes, thanking our clients, & starting 2020 with a clean slate!


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Episode 114: Website Copy for Photographers with Rachel Greiman

Rachel Greiman of Green Chair Stories helps you bring your personality into your photography brand & attract your ideal clients with your website copy!


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Episode 113: The Best Time to Rebrand (Featuring Launch Your Daydream!)

How do you know you are ready to rebrand your photography business? Britt & Kelsey of Launch Your Daydream are here to help! If you're feeling less than excited about your current brand, this is the episode for you!


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Episode 112: The Do's & Don'ts of Second Shooting

Second shooting is amazing for a myriad of reasons. Not only does it allow you to practice & hone your skills, but it allows you to network with other photographers & make some money without the pressure of booking your own weddings. In this episode, Julie chats about the do's & don'ts of second shooting.


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Episode 111: Growing Your Instagram Following

If you've been in business for awhile, you'll know how often marketing methods change. When I first started, search engines were really the only way people would find your business. If you weren't paying for advertising, chances are you were struggling a bit. Then Facebook added business pages and that became the new place to be to nab new clients. Now, Instagram seems to be the way to go! Is anyone else here having a hard time growing your Instagram following? Julie & I have been working on upping our Instagram game lately (have you noticed?? Be sure to follow us!) & couldn't help but notice friend of the show Melissa McClure's amazingly successful Instagram account. This girl has 11.2k followers and gets HUNDREDS of likes and comments on her posts. We invited her to join us for a chat about growing your Instagram following! Key Takeaways Follow & Observe. Quality over quantity. Get over your fear of stories & just do them already! Melissa has about 30 million more amazing tips during this episode regarding everything from hashtags to sketchy ways to grow your Instagram following, and more. Be sure to tune in to hear the rest! Also, be sure to check out Melissa at as well as And if you haven't heard her previous episodes, you can find them here:


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Episode 110: Legally Launched



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Episode 109: Creating More Revenue via Client Gifting & Upselling



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Episode 108: Julie's Destination Wedding Travel Nightmare



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Episode 107: Getting the most out of styled shoots

What's more fun than a styled shoot? You not only get to take pretty pictures, but you get to meet new vendors, and basically design your ideal shoot! We always preach showing off what you want to shoot more of, and this is a GREAT way to do it! Sarah Kay Love joins us on today's episode! Sarah is a Creative Consultant, specializing in content strategy and digital marketing, devoted to helping companies build brands that differentiate themselves and increase business. She chats with us today about ALL things styled shoots, especially how to set them up, WHY to set them up, and how to get the most out of them! Here are a few of our favorite takeaways from this episode. Styled shoots help build vendor relationships: Market towards your ideal client:Exposure!


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Episode 106: 5 ways to update your website TODAY



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Episode 105: It's not always sunshine & butterflies...

One of the hardest parts about running your own business and not having co-workers is the lack of water cooler conversation. We don't really have anyone we can vent to or ask advice from on a daily basis unless we connect with other photographers who understand! While we all LOVE our jobs, I'm sure, there are definitely times where it's not all rainbows & butterflies. In this episode, Julie & Kate commiserate a little about some of the less awesome parts of our jobs and common photographer pet peeves. We chat about frustrations & we help each other solve issues & work toward preventing them in the future! Here's just a quick sneak peek at some of the stuff we chat about on today's episode! "Reasonably priced" photo shoot seekers: I'm sure we've ALL received inquiries looking for a reasonably priced photographer. What does that even MEAN?! Do we cave in and give a discount if we're desperate enough?! The correct answer, of course, is NO... but when we receive these emails it can at times be tempting to negotiate with people. The solution to this is to make sure we know our value by figuring out our cost of doing business, goal-setting, and deciding how much our time is worth, and then stick to your guns!! Crickets upon file delivery: What's worse than delivering a gallery to a client and never hearing back?! NOTHING! It sucks! If you're anything like me, it makes you question whether or not they're happy with the photos, which in turn can make you question your talent & your work. Here's the thing... most people are really busy. They might not think that they need to reply. They know your work is good & they hired you because of it. They're going to assume that YOU know your work is good, and they don't need to tell you so. The solution? Reach out & follow up with past clients! Pop into their inbox & tell them you want to check in & make sure they received their gallery/prints/album and everything is good! This is a great way to tie your session up with a bow & ensure they have a good feeling about their shoot! Taking the blame for situations out of your control: Dad's late getting home from work, traffic on the way to the shoot is horrible, & baby spit up on their outfit, and by the time they arrive at their shoot, everyone is stressed beyond belief. And now it's up to you to take the reins and wrangle everyone into some awesome photos. There's only so much you can do. It's certainly frustrating when this happens, but you really want to do your best to manage expectations before the shoot even starts. Tell them about anything they need to know about the location (dog poop, flies, sand, etc). Try to emphasize the importance of picking outfits ahead of time & leaving work early... anything you can do to manage the stress of photo shoot day for your clients. "Can we just get like... ONE photo tomorrow for our Christmas cards/birthday invites/business card?" Nope. Hahaha, basically that's the gist of it. The best way to handle this situation is to have a rush policy/fee. Something like "gallery will be delivered within 48 hours for X amount of money," Make it high enough that most clients won't want to pay it (because it's definitely stressful), but high enough that if they DO pay it, it's worth it for you. We have a few more points in our vent sesh/brainstorming sesh, so be sure to tune into the episode. You can listen by clicking the link below. Be sure to subscribe to us on iTunes as well! Hugs, Julie & Kate


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Episode 104: Profit for Keeps with Amber Dugger

We are joined by Amber Dugger, founder of Profit For Keeps, a system developed for online entrepreneurs to end the stress and anxiety around numbers. It is a holistic system combining personal finance and business cash flow strategies using Profit First and YNAB (You Need a Budget). She has helped hundreds of coaches implement this system and has helped thousands more calculate revenue goals that actually make sense!
