Serhant Soundtracks
Too busy to watch my Vlog? Listen to it instead! My team and I have ripped the audio from my Vlogs and made it easier to listen to them here.
United States
Too busy to watch my Vlog? Listen to it instead! My team and I have ripped the audio from my Vlogs and made it easier to listen to them here.
How to Set a Morning Routine for Success | Audio Vlog #31
Welcome back to another audio experience! How you start your day is incredibly important. I tackle the hardest part of my day in the beginning. It jumpstarts my day to be as efficient as possible. I'm able to do SO much more with that energy. I hope you learn something from my morning routine! Ready, set, GO!
How to Get People to Do What You Want | Audio Vlog #30
Have you ever thought about what an iPhone costs to make? Now, you're not going to negotiate the price of an iPhone cause there's too strong a demand. But let's say there wasn't. Then you can negotiate. I meet with my entire team every month and I help them with anything they need. Negotiating is always a trending topic. There's an art to it. So, how do you get people to do what you want? It all goes back to your confidence. Yes, your confidence.
Billionaire Broker's Guide to Structuring Your Day | Audio Vlog #29
Structuring my day is the key to how I do everything I do. Without it, I'd be all over the place with no momentum. This is how I manage my new brokerage company, education course, film studios, two BRAVO shows, family, working out. I owe it all to my calendar! Here is the behind the scenes look into my calendar structure. Tweet me your thoughts, DM me how it helps or email me your routine! Ready, Set, GO!!!
How I Use Competition as FUEL | Ryan Serhant Audio Vlog #28
There is ALWAYS going to be competition in life so it's important to react to it in a positive manner. Use it to help yourself grow, evolve, and better yourself. Are you going to allow your competition to knock you down? Or are you going to overcome it and make yourself THEIR competition? Tweet me, DM me, or email me! You know where to reach me. Ready, set, GO!!
Feeling Stuck? Here's How to Deal With It | Ryan Serhant Audio Vlog #27
How do you evolve everything in your life? Get out of your comfort zone, be a better version of yourself. Make that change in your life to make your life more successful. Enjoy this extended version of my conversation on YouTube video about EXPANDING!
Why Your Career is NOT Just a Job | Ryan Serhant Audio Vlog #26
A job is like a pond. Static. It doesn't move you anywhere. A career will take you where you want to go. Whether that's success, freedom, helping others, it'll get you closer to the main goal. So don't spend any more of your time in a pond. Let's move towards your career. Ready, set, GO!
How These Good Habits Will Make You RICH | Ryan Serhant Audio Vlog #25
In this episode, we take it back to one of the most important things I talk about in my vlogs. Your HABITS. Our habits define us and good habits can make us rich, happy, successful, and much more. Good habits can influence our life the most. I strongly believe in that. I hope you can apply some of these habits into your life! Let's make a change in our lives, for the better!
Why First Impressions are EVERYTHING. | Ryan Serhant Audio Vlog #24
In this episode, we talk about first impressions. Your first impression is your LAST impression if you're not smart about it. Whether it's your client, employee, date, or your dog! That moment is incredibly important. You only get it once with everyone you meet in life! So let's make an impression. Ready, set, GO!
The Biggest Mistake Made When Building A Team | Ryan Serhant Audio Vlog #23
A team is OBVIOUSLY is VERY important in my business. I talk about my dos and don'ts when it comes to forming a team.
WATCH THIS BEFORE YOU QUIT | Ryan Serhant Audio Vlog #22
Overwhelmed? Listen to this.
How to Find Your Passion | Audio Vlog #21
Ryan, what are you passionate about? How do you know what your passion is? I get these questions often. Whether you're fresh out of college, rethinking your career or looking for your next venture, everyone has a passion. Let's dive into it! Tweet me your thoughts!
How to Deal with OVERWHELMING Pressure | Audio Vlog #20
A lot of people in my vlogs ask me how I deal with overwhelming pressure from EVERYTHING going on in life. How do you juggle multiple projects, new business, family, friends and your health? Pressure comes from everyone who is dependent on you. My short answer: I keep my eye on the goal. I hope you enjoy this week's episode and can take something to help you deal with pressure. Tweet me your thoughts or watch the full vlog on my YouTube channel. Ready, Set, GO!!
The Shortest Life You're Ever Going to Live | Audio Vlog #19
In this episode, we talk about the power of mindset. Being comfortable with being uncomfortable. That's what it's all about. It's important to not be afraid of change and overcome obstacles to the best of your abilities. Life is short, so let's make the most of it. Ready, set, GO!!
An HONEST Conversation with My Wife | Audio Vlog #18
If you've seen my recent Work/Life Balance vlog, you know I had an open conversation with my super awesome wife, Emilia, on her thoughts. This is the un-edited, FULL conversation we had on how I may not have the best balance as I thought, where she sees my priorities lie and how we make it work as a couple with Zena. I hope this helps YOU with your work/life balance and provides an honest look into my life. Tweet me your thoughts and how you balance work and life!
Why NOW is the Best Time to START | Audio Vlog #17
Welcome back to another episode! This week, we take it back to when I first returned to NYC during the pandemic. The world felt like it was stuck in a scary spot. I think this message works for when you need some inspiration and motivation to get started. Ready, set, go.
How to OVERCOME Self-Doubt | Audio Vlog #16
In this episode, I explain the story of the FIRST building I ever sold, 99 John Street, when I was just 25 years old. I was in charge of selling 442 units and it scared me to DEATH. That building taught me three steps to overcome self-doubt. Let's get into it.
The Greatest Motivational Sales Keynote Ever | Audio Vlog #15
I spoke to 1000 cruise sales associates! By popular demand, we uploaded the whole keynote! Enjoy!
Stop Wasting Time On Things You Can't Control | Audio Vlog #14
In this episode I visit my friend Rachel Ray and Discuss some Real Estate Tips. I ultimately dive into my "stop worrying over dumb shit" mind set.
Why it’s Important to ALWAYS EXPAND | Audio Vlog #13
In this episode, I EXPAND on my motto. See what I did there? I hope you enjoy.
Why NOW is the BEST time to START | Audio Vlog #12
Ever wonder when the BEST time to start that new adventure? Here are my thoughts. Enjoy.