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The Christian Entrepreneurs Podcast


Conversations with Christian Entrepreneurs to inspire and empower Christian Business Owners to walk strongly in their faith, WHILE build a thriving business that honours Him, in every way. This is another Podcast.


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Conversations with Christian Entrepreneurs to inspire and empower Christian Business Owners to walk strongly in their faith, WHILE build a thriving business that honours Him, in every way. This is another Podcast.



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16. How to Grow Your Business for Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs

In today's powerful session, we unpacked the art of niche mastery. We learned that homing in on your God-given talents can skyrocket your business to new heights. Remember, specificity is key – it's not just about serving everyone, but serving the right ones, confidently and aligning with your Christian values. We explored how personal branding rooted in authenticity transforms how you show up and connect with your clients. By living your core values, sharing your unique story, and embracing continuous learning, you can command higher rates and build lasting credibility. Whether you're starting to grow your kingdom-focused business or you're seeking divine guidance for the next steps, join us as we impart insights and practical advice to elevate your entrepreneurial journey. 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 1️⃣Niche Strategy: Conquer the art of appealing to the right people! We discuss the transformative power of tapping into a niche that resonates with your Christian values and allows you to serve with purpose and passion. 2️⃣ Personal Branding: Personal branding isn't just logos and color palettes; it’s manifesting your core values in every interaction. We dive into creating a brand presence that exquisitely mirrors your Christian principles and connects authentically with your audience. 3️⃣Consistent Representation: Gain trust and build credibility as you represent your values across various platforms consistently. Learn how to communicate who you are and what you stand for, making sure your message lands with those meant to receive it. ======================== Grace and peace to each of you, our cherished sisters-in-entrepreneurship. We’re overjoyed to deliver the latest news and soul-stirring insights directly to your inbox. In our latest episode, we delve deep into the roots of true business growth, anchored in faith and focus. We’ve packed this session with divine wisdom for defining your niche, living out Christian values authentically, and elevating your personal brand. We are thrilled to announce the birth of the KWE Sisterhood Alliance, a dynamic monthly group coaching and accountability initiative designed for you, the Christian woman entrepreneur on a mission for greatness. This Alliance promises to be a haven of support, empowerment, and shared wisdom. We’re passionately committed to nurturing this community, and your voices are the cornerstone. How are you growing your kingdom business? What insights have you gained from our episodes? Bi-weekly, we'll continue to share the inspiration, strategies, and fellowship that fuel our journeys. In times of harvest and times of sowing, remember, it's not about having a crowd; it's about cultivating quality, kingdom impact. PS: If you're keen on starting a kingdom-focused podcast of your own or looking to increase visibility and impact, check out for Annemarie's expert tips! Blessings on your businesses, Fideliz Cruz & Annemarie Cross Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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[Ep#407] Your Unique, Uncopyable and Unforgettable Brand leveraging Brand Archetypes

Hey it’s Annemarie. I recently shared this episode on one of my other podcasts – the Ambitious Entrepreneur Show, however because the topic is relevant for you as a Christian business owner, I thought I’d also share this episode with you too. I hope you enjoy the show and I look forward to meeting you if feel the Roundtable Intensive is just what you need. I share more in this episode. In this episode, I share my expertise on the power of brand archetypes and how they can help Christian business owners create a unique, unforgettable brand that resonates with their audience. I dive into the definition of brand archetypes, using her own personal blend of archetypes to illustrate how they can shape a brand's identity and messaging. I discuss how understanding and leveraging these archetypes can set entrepreneurs apart in the marketplace, positioning them as the choice versus just a choice for their ideal clients. Tune in to learn more about this transformative approach to brand development and how it can elevate your business. Now, onto the show. Here are 3 Key Takeaways from this episode: 🔑Understand the Power of Brand Archetypes: Learn how to leverage 12 brand archetypes to create a brand experience that sets you apart from the competition and makes a powerful emotional impact on your audience. 🔑 Position Yourself as the Choice: Discover how your unique blend of brand archetypes can differentiate your brand and influence how you show up, creating a truly transformative experience for both you and your ideal clients. 🔑Join the Round Table Intensive: Take the next step in defining your unique, uncopyable, and unforgettable brand by joining the upcoming Round Table Intensive. Learn how to create a signature program that practically enrolls clients for you. RESOURCES: Continue the conversation over on our Community! Book in for an Authority Audit 5 Pillars to Build Visibility, Generate Leads and Enrol Clients with Ease Quiz Are You Ready to Launch Your Coaching Business Podcast? Take the Quiz Enjoy This Podcast?If you enjoyed today's episode of the Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast, then hit subscribe now! Post a review and share it! If you learned something by tuning into this podcast, do not hesitate to write a review and share it with your friends, so they can find out more about how to generate returns from a Google Ads account. For more updates and episodes, visit the Ambitious Entrepreneur Show website. You can also subscribe through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Email, RSS, and more! You can also follow us through Facebook. Want to build a scalable business you are passionate about? Join The Influence Alliance – the Business Building Community for Change Makers. Want to launch your own Thought Leader Podcast? Access my ‘Are You Ready to Launch Your Podcast’ Quiz here and have a chat with me. Have any questions? You can contact me through these platforms: Company website Instagram Facebook Join our Community of Change Makers Twitter Linkedin To staying ambitious, The post [Ep#407] Your Unique, Uncopyable and Unforgettable Brand leveraging Brand Archetypes first appeared on The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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15. How to Launch Your Podcast

Welcome to a brand new episode of the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast! Today's episode is an empowering guide filled with divine wisdom for all you aspiring podcasters out there. We're going to explore how you can seamlessly integrate a podcast into your brand's communication arsenal and ensure your voice is heard. Annemarie will guide us through developing a successful launch strategy and crafting a unique listener experience while emphasizing the significance of a compelling call to action. She'll offer invaluable insights and a helpful quiz at that reveals the five foundational pillars crucial for a triumphant podcast debut. We're diving deep into the heart of podcasting—understanding "why" we're starting this journey and aligning our message with our audience to resonate and connect authentically. You'll hear firsthand about overcoming the common fears and resistance that many women entrepreneurs face, along with practical technical advice to get started without the overwhelm. Plus, Annemarie will share her revolutionary podcast profit formula, explaining how strategy, tactic, and uniqueness can amplify influence, impact, and income. She'll help us navigate the complete profit framework, from purposeful planning to powerful promotion, ensuring your podcast not only launches but thrives. So, whether you're here to find your podcasting feet or refine your existing platform, today's episode is your beacon. Get ready to transform your divine message into a kingdom-building powerhouse with the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast. Don't forget to stay tuned for more content, including a live session where Annemarie will turn the tables and interview Fideliz on launching a business. Now, let's usher in the wisdom and start crafting your podcast path. 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 1️⃣Understand Your "Why": Before you hit that record button, knowing the purpose behind your podcast is crucial. Connect deeply with your message – it's the heart and soul of your content! 2️⃣ Quality Matters: Invest in a good recording setup to ensure your content is heard loud and clear. But, don't let technical fears hold you back. The message is key, and sometimes, starting is the most important step. 3️⃣Monetization Strategy: Annemarie reveals her podcast profit formula – a blend of strategy, tactic, and uniqueness to achieve influence, impact, and income. Plan with profit in mind and use your podcast as a pipeline to generate not just listeners but clients. ======================== Are you ready to embark on a quest to launch your kingdom-focused podcast? Start by flying over to and dive into our free community for more Christian business coaching insights. And don't forget, in a couple of weeks, you'll hear from Fideliz again but this time in the hot seat. Get excited for an episode loaded with entrepreneurial grit and God's glory! Keep an ear out for more golden nuggets and soul-stirring stories by subscribing to our podcast. And hey, if you've got a moment, we would LOVE to hear your thoughts on our Apple podcast channel. Stay blessed, stay driven, and let's make a heavenly impact together! With love and light, Fideliz Cruz & Annemarie Cross Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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[Ep#406] A Journey of Faith, Resilience, Learning, and Purpose

In this poignant conversation, I’m thrilled to welcome Adam Hempler, a dynamic entrepreneur who opened a Snooze Mattress franchise in Bloomington, Minnesota, against all odds. Adam's story is a testament to the power of faith, as he shares the incredible challenges he faced – from financial struggles and a cancer diagnosis to the physical toll of working long hours – all while experiencing the demands of opening and growing his business. If you've ever faced seemingly insurmountable barriers in your entrepreneurial journey, you'll find solace and strength in Adam's story. prepare your hearts and minds for an enlightening episode that not only nurtures your entrepreneurial spirit but also fortifies your faith walk. 🌟 Here are 3 key takeaways from our latest episode: Faith as a Business Compass: Learn how Adam's belief in divine appointments guided him to find the right mentors and forge a successful path in his entrepreneurial journey. Resilience During Trials: Adam's story is a testament to pushing forward despite life's hurdles, including a cancer diagnosis, and how sheer determination and faith can lead to triumph. The Value of Humble Tasks: Get insights on the significance of daily routines, workplace humility, and the grounding effect of 'doing the simple work,' as part of long-term business growth and personal development. RESOURCES: Take the Quiz: Build Visibility, Generate Leads & Enrol Clients with Ease with your Robust Customer Relationship-Building Nurturing Funnel Subscribe to my weekly newsletter – The Influence Bulletin Book a time to chat with Annemarie to find out how Annemarie and her team of experts can set up your client relationship-building funnel for you Jump straight to these golden nuggets: 03:58 Vegas trip, sis in Vegas, lymphoma diagnosis. 09:24 Adversity shapes character, fostering resilience and growth. 11:32 Perspective, faith, and focus bring elevation. 14:42 Reflect on ego, surround yourself with experts. 19:10 Embracing love, faith, and purpose in life. 22:18 Prioritize simplicity, including quiet time with God. 25:29 Growing God's kingdom through business and character. 27:01 Jesus as a leader and authenticity. 32:06 Importance of good mattress for quality sleep. 33:24 Prayer for Adam's journey and business success. Contact Adam: eMail: Website: LinkedIn: in/adam-hempler About Annemarie Cross: Dubbed “The Podcasting Queen,” Annemarie is recognized as an industry pioneer, launching her first co-hosted podcast in 2008 to be the voice of inspiration and hope amongst the deluge of ‘doom and gloom’ after the GFC devastated families worldwide. Over a decade on, she’s the author of Industry Thought Leader: How To Go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast and continues to be the voice of inspiration to a global audience through her award-winning podcasts. Annemarie continues to live out her mission of ‘Changing the World – ONE Message at a Time’, with her own podcasts, as well as by supporting Professional Services Businesses (coaches and consultants) who are experts in their field (yet feel like they’re the world’s best-kept secret) go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with their own Thought Leader Podcast. Click here to access Annemarie's Industry Thought Leader Podcast Series to help you go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast. Contact Annemarie: Website: / Twitter: @TheAmbitiousPod Facebook: @TheAmbitiousEntrepreneurShow The post [Ep#406] A Journey of Faith, Resilience, Learning, and Purpose first appeared on The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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[Ep#405] Transforming Setbacks into Stepping Stones for Success

In this episode, we're joined by the remarkable Dena Patton – an acclaimed business and mindset coach, speaker, and the co-founder of Girls Rule Foundation. Dena brings to the table her profound insights on the symbiotic relationship between faith and entrepreneurship. She sheds light on how integrating your spiritual beliefs with your business operations can not only drive success but also create a deep sense of authenticity that resonates with clients and team members alike. We'll hear the inspiring tale of a financial planner whose journey to blend philanthropy and faith-based questions into his work exemplifies the power of faith in action. Dena emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and making decisions grounded in our core values, which she believes is the cornerstone of any thriving business. Together, we'll explore how failures are nothing but lessons in disguise, encouraging us to fail forward with grace. Plus, Dena shares her personal trials and triumphs, giving us a glimpse into her transformative process of renewing the mind and fostering a growth mindset. Tune in to discover how you can navigate challenges with grace and tap into the mindset for greatness. Remember, every setback is a setup for a comeback—God has a plan for your growth and success. 🌟 Here are 3 key takeaways from our latest episode: Integrate Your Faith with Business: Explore how integrating faith into your business isn’t just a feel-good factor. It's a strategic move that can actually lead to greater client trust and improved business outcomes. Value Authenticity: Authenticity is the golden key that opens doors to growth and attraction in business. Learn from Failure: View mistakes as learning opportunities remind us that growth lies in resilience and the mindset shift from "I am a failure" to "I had a setback." RESOURCES: Take the Quiz: Build Visibility, Generate Leads & Enrol Clients with Ease with your Robust Customer Relationship-Building Nurturing Funnel Subscribe to my weekly newsletter – The Influence Bulletin Book a time to chat with Annemarie to find out how Annemarie and her team of experts can set up your client relationship-building funnel for you Contact Dena: eMail: Instagram: @denamariepatton Website: LinkedIn: /denampatton About Annemarie Cross:Dubbed “The Podcasting Queen,” Annemarie is recognized as an industry pioneer, launching her first co-hosted podcast in 2008 to be the voice of inspiration and hope amongst the deluge of ‘doom and gloom’ after the GFC devastated families worldwide. Over a decade on, she’s the author of Industry Thought Leader: How To Go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast and continues to be the voice of inspiration to a global audience through her award-winning podcasts. Annemarie continues to live out her mission of ‘Changing the World – ONE Message at a Time’, with her own podcasts, as well as by supporting Professional Services Businesses (coaches and consultants) who are experts in their field (yet feel like they’re the world’s best-kept secret) go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with their own Thought Leader Podcast. Click here to access Annemarie's Industry Thought Leader Podcast Series to help you go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast. Contact Annemarie: Website: / Twitter: @TheAmbitiousPod Facebook: @TheAmbitiousEntrepreneurShow The post [Ep#405] Transforming Setbacks into Stepping Stones for Success first appeared on The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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[Ep#404] Faith at Work

Our guest is the exceptionally talented Helen Mitchell, a leadership and strategy professor at Biola University with a wealth of experience in business, church, and academia. She's here to talk about integrating faith into not only our personal lives but also into the very fabric of our work and businesses. In this episode, we'll dive into the revolutionary Church Integration Inventory, a tool that Helen and her team, including Dr. Jason Wilson, have developed to help pastors create sustainable and impactful change within their congregations. Four churches have already been part of a trial, reaping the benefits of a personalized assessment on their journey to aligning beliefs, behaviors, and operational strategies. Prepare to be inspired as we explore how our faith and work intertwine, and how, by staying true to our calling, we can make an influential impact in the marketplace and the kingdom of God. We'll also discuss the importance of equipping church members not just for traditional roles within the church but for their God-given potential in every sphere of influence. Whether you're a business owner, a church leader, or an individual seeking to bring Christ into your work, this episode is for you. Join us as we uncover the power of Faith at Work and pray for God's blessing on Helen's ongoing work. Remember, it's not just about growth; it's about transformation and acceleration through ethical alignment with God's plan. So, let's get ready to embrace the wisdom Helen Mitchell has to share, right here on The Christian Entrepreneurs Podcast. RESOURCES: Take the Quiz: Build Visibility, Generate Leads & Enrol Clients with Ease with your Robust Customer Relationship-Building Nurturing Funnel Subscribe to my weekly newsletter – The Influence Bulletin Book a time to chat with Annemarie to find out how Annemarie and her team of experts can set up your client relationship-building funnel for you Contact Helen: eMail: Twitter: @helenmitchell LinkedIn: /helenmitchell4 About Annemarie Cross: Dubbed “The Podcasting Queen,” Annemarie is recognized as an industry pioneer, launching her first co-hosted podcast in 2008 to be the voice of inspiration and hope amongst the deluge of ‘doom and gloom’ after the GFC devastated families worldwide. Over a decade on, she’s the author of Industry Thought Leader: How To Go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast and continues to be the voice of inspiration to a global audience through her award-winning podcasts. Annemarie continues to live out her mission of ‘Changing the World – ONE Message at a Time’, with her own podcasts, as well as by supporting Professional Services Businesses (coaches and consultants) who are experts in their field (yet feel like they’re the world’s best-kept secret) go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with their own Thought Leader Podcast. Click here to access Annemarie's Industry Thought Leader Podcast Series to help you go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast. Contact Annemarie: Website: / Twitter: @TheAmbitiousPod Facebook: @TheAmbitiousEntrepreneurShow The post [Ep#404] Faith at Work appeared first on The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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14. "What does it mean to be a Kingdom Women Entrepreneur?"

Welcome to the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast! Today, we dive into the heart of what it means to be a Kingdom Woman Entrepreneur with our inspiring guest, Paula Loranger! From the importance of intertwining faith with business to stewarding God's gifts and aligning with His vision, we uncover the transformative power of surrender to God’s will. Paula reminds us that self-care isn't a luxury—it's essential for setting a vision that radiates to those we serve. We discuss overcoming challenges with divine strength, celebrating Paula's journey from ego-driven to spirit-led, and the importance of investing in ourselves. For those ready to rise, remember, your compelling 'why' and identity in Christ are your guiding stars. Join the journey, align with purpose, and be part of the 'overflow' at our upcoming KWE conference! Stay blessed and driven! 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 1️⃣ Stewardship Over Self-Reliance: Embracing the shift from doing it all alone to stewarding the talents and resources God has entrusted to you can lead to profound transformation in both your personal life and business. 2️⃣ Aligning with Divine Purpose: Understanding and aligning your business with God’s vision is not just about achieving individual success; it’s about furthering His kingdom and finding true fulfillment in your entrepreneurial calling. 3️⃣ The Cycle of Self-Care and Impact: Investing in self-care is not only beneficial for you but sets a powerful example for others, underscoring the importance of nurturing oneself to sustainably lead and serve. ======================== Have you ever pondered on the essence of Kingdom entrepreneurship? Special guest Paula Loranger, celebrated as Kingdom Woman Entrepreneur of the Year and the founder of Paula's Secret, joins us, to dive deep into this introspective question. Paula's journey reminds us that oftentimes, the most significant change begins with a shift from ego and procrastination to divine surrender and setting intentions. How can you invest in your growth today? Be it through self-care or furthering your education, remember that you are worth the investment. Paula's resilience in the face of adversity is just one example of Kingdom strength. Embrace challenges with a prepared heart, and always remember: Your business is more than a means to an end—it's a ministry and a mission. Paula also shares her affinity for helpful apps and tools that can streamline your schedule, allowing you to prioritize your walk with God while effectively managing business tasks. Listen in as we discuss stewardship, alignment with God's vision, and the significance of surrender in your entrepreneurial journey, emphasizing the power of faith in business and life. We are immensely grateful for your listenership and invite you to share your feedback on our Apple Podcasts channel. Your insights inspire us to deliver content that resonates and uplifts. May your week be filled with Kingdom purpose and entrepreneurial success! Be Blessed, Fideliz Cruz & Annemarie Cross Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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13. New Year, New You!

Hello, radiant listeners, and welcome to another inspiring episode of the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast! It's time to reflect on your achievements, embrace 'expansion,' and renew your spirit for the year ahead. We've shared our personal reflections and words for the new year to inspire you. Whether you're facing goal trauma or seeking financial breakthrough, remember, God's mercies are new every morning. Rise on wings like eagles and join us as we dream big, align our purposes, and conquer the year with Kingdom-focused impact. Don't miss this episode—tune in, be uplifted, and let's grow in God's kingdom together. Share your insights and Bible verses with us – because this year, it's all about the brand new you! 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 1️⃣Reflect and expand. It's a collective call for us to grow not just in our businesses but within our community and spiritual lives. 2️⃣ Overcome and dream. Learn how to overcome these setbacks, renew your mind, and dream big with actionable strategies backed by faith and fellowship. 3️⃣ Daily renewal and priority setting. Every day is a new opportunity to become who He has destined us to be. ======================== In this episode, we dive into the power of year-end reflections and the transformative energy that comes with the arrival of a new year. Join us as we unpack the significance of celebrating achievements and setting intention-filled goals that are aligned with God’s perfect timing. We'll chat about the challenges that come with setting and sometimes not meeting those ambitious goals, addressing the concept of goal trauma, and financial disappointments. But fear not, for we explore how forgiveness and a fresh outlook rooted in prayer and divine guidance can lead to powerful breakthroughs. You'll hear personal tales from your hosts, Fideliz shares how the word "grace" has guided her past year and the excitement behind her new word "expansion," while I, Annemarie, will reaffirm the collective importance of growth for our community. Together, we’ll discuss the spiritual significance of aligning our actions, thoughts, and even wardrobe, with where God is leading us. Additionally, we understand the crucial role visibility plays in your journey, which is why we'll also chat about the opportunities that come with starting a kingdom-focused podcast to amplify your impact. And because your voices and stories matter, we invite you to share your lessons, scriptures, and words that are steering you into the new year. So, let’s all renew our minds, take those powerful thoughts captive, and march forward, ready to embrace the abundant change that awaits us. Get ready for an episode that promises not only to inspire but also to equip you with the tools and mindset to step confidently into your God-given potential. 📣 If you're an entrepreneur seeking to navigate the year with purpose and kingdom-focus, tune into the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast for your dose of inspiration and practical wisdom. Swing by our Apple podcast channel to leave your feedback—it means the world to us. Let's embrace the 'New Year, New You' together and see how far we can go. Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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[Ep#403] Empowering Creatives: Starting Business Ventures Early & Valuing own Craft

In this episode, we delve into empowering creatives, nurturing entrepreneurial skills in children, and valuing our God-given talents. We have our special guest, Brett Harris, co-founder of the Author Conservatory. Brett Harris grew up in a book-loving family where television was absent and homeschooling was the norm. With bookshelves in every room, and a love for reading instilled from a young age, Brett quickly became an avid reader. By the age of 12 or 13, he found himself yearning for more books that were both inspiring and suitable for his parents' standards. This quest for meaningful literature would shape his future endeavors and pursuits. We explore the impact of entrepreneurship, the value of exchanging knowledge for money, and the opportunities for creativity in the modern world. Join our inspiring guests as they share their personal journeys and offer valuable insights into creating value and doing good through entrepreneurship. Tune in for actionable advice, real-life stories, and powerful encouragement. It's time to honor God through our businesses and empower others on their entrepreneurial path!" On today’s show Brett is going to share: How creatives (writers, artists, musicians, etc.) benefit from learning entrepreneurship and starting their own businesses The value of practicing entrepreneurship while young, and not waiting until you’re older or more experienced to get started How to value what you’ve created and not undervalue yourself or underprice the products/services you sell RESOURCES: Take the Quiz: Build Visibility, Generate Leads & Enrol Clients with Ease with your Robust Customer Relationship-Building Nurturing Funnel Subscribe to my weekly newsletter – The Influence Bulletin Book a time to chat with Annemarie to find out how Annemarie and her team of experts can set up your client relationship-building funnel for you Contact Brett: Website: About Annemarie Cross: Dubbed “The Podcasting Queen,” Annemarie is recognized as an industry pioneer, launching her first co-hosted podcast in 2008 to be the voice of inspiration and hope amongst the deluge of ‘doom and gloom’ after the GFC devastated families worldwide. Over a decade on, she’s the author of Industry Thought Leader: How To Go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast and continues to be the voice of inspiration to a global audience through her award-winning podcasts. Annemarie continues to live out her mission of ‘Changing the World – ONE Message at a Time’, with her own podcasts, as well as by supporting Professional Services Businesses (coaches and consultants) who are experts in their field (yet feel like they’re the world’s best-kept secret) go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with their own Thought Leader Podcast. Click here to access Annemarie's Industry Thought Leader Podcast Series to help you go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast. Contact Annemarie: Website: / Twitter: @TheAmbitiousPod Facebook: @TheAmbitiousEntrepreneurShow The post [Ep#403] Empowering Creatives: Starting Business Ventures Early & Valuing own Craft appeared first on The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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[Ep#402] 6 Mindset and Practical Shifts to Make This Year Your Best Yet

Are you ready to make 2024 your best year yet? In the latest episode of the Women in Leadership Podcast, Annemarie Cross and special guest Karen Crowell shared 6 mindset and practical shifts to help you level up this year. These strategies are designed to help you overcome challenges, set and achieve your goals, and elevate your success, no matter what industry you're in. Here are 3 Key Takeaways from this episode: 🔑 Audrey's Inner Circle Audit: Auditing the 5 closest people we surround ourselves with can have a significant impact on our focus and mindset. If we can't change the people we're around, we can change the conversations we have to ensure we're getting the positivity and support needed to thrive. 🔑 Crunch Time Question: Asking, "If I am to achieve a dream that had previously seemed impossible within the next 12 months, what would I have to let go of, and what would I have to embrace?" is a powerful way to gain clarity and focus on the steps necessary to achieve our goals. 🔑 Focus on the Fix, Not the Fault: Shifting our focus to finding solutions rather than dwelling on faults can be a game-changer. This mindset shift allows us to take responsibility, learn from setbacks, and move forward productively. RESOURCES: Continue the conversation over on our Community! Book in for an Authority Audit 5 Pillars to Build Visibility, Generate Leads and Enrol Clients with Ease Quiz Are You Ready to Launch Your Coaching Business Podcast? Take the Quiz A Personal Message from Annemarie Have you enjoyed listening to this podcast interview and want to know how you can create your very own podcast platform to so you become known as an influential voice in your industry? Access my free How to Create a Profitable Podcasting Masterclass, where I'll show you: Six Common Podcasting Myths that’ll keep you stuck from creating your profitable podcast; Why focusing on technology (i.e. which microphone you should be using) is unwise and what you MUST focus on first if you want to start a profitable podcast. Sadly, SO many Change Makers and aspiring Thought Leaders miss these key steps and fail to generate the ROI/income they hope their podcast will generate; Three Changes in Consumer Behaviour you need to be aware of BEFORE you launch your podcast to help keep you focused on what’s MOST important and/or no longer relevant; The NUMBER ONE reason why businesses fail to create a profitable podcast so you can avoid falling into the same trap; Three Podcast Profit Models that’ll help you nurture listeners into leads and into paying customers, step-by-step. Go to: YOUR SAY: What did you think about the message shared today? What action step will you take to turn this around? Go ahead and share. We’d love to hear from you! Please leave your comment in the box below, and remember to share and Like the show with your colleagues. Also, stop on by our Facebook page to say hello and to give us a shout out on Twitter – we promise to shout back! As always, we appreciate it. The post [Ep#402] 6 Mindset and Practical Shifts to Make This Year Your Best Yet appeared first on The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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[Ep#401] Bringing Order Out of Chaos

Joining me today's show is Gary Harpst. Gary is the founder of LeadFirst. With a passion for merging faith and work, Gary and his team are on a mission to help owners build kingdom-impact businesses that bring some order to our chaotic world. His extensive career spans successful business ventures, impactful book authorship, and educating on the intersection of business and faith. Rooted in family values, Gary finds joy with his wife, three children, and four grandchildren. On today’s show Gary is going to share: Built to Beat Chaos. Chaos is not our problem, it’s our purpose The Three Requirements of a Kingdom Impact Business The 3 Tools for Overcoming Chaos: Biblical Leadership Wisdom RESOURCES: Take the Quiz: Build Visibility, Generate Leads & Enrol Clients with Ease with your Robust Customer Relationship-Building Nurturing Funnel Subscribe to my weekly newsletter – The Influence Bulletin Book a time to chat with Annemarie to find out how Annemarie and her team of experts can set up your client relationship-building funnel for you Jump straight to these golden nuggets: 05:06 The Bible reveals how the world works. 08:40 Finding order in chaos brings a positive transformation. 10:36 Creating order out of chaos brings satisfaction. 14:44 Embracing individuality in diverse work environments. 19:09 Seek to create a caring, gospel-based environment. 23:04 Holy spirit sanctifies us, developing fruits of spirit. 24:12 Science and faith unite in spiritual understanding. 26:56 Leadership principles emphasize self-awareness, compassion, and connection. 31:59 Commit to an organization, organize resources, lead. 36:38 Prayer for technology, wisdom, and fearlessness. 37:49 Be an example of Jesus' love and grace. Contact Gary: Website: Email: LinkedIn: in/garyharpst About Annemarie Cross: Dubbed “The Podcasting Queen,” Annemarie is recognized as an industry pioneer, launching her first co-hosted podcast in 2008 to be the voice of inspiration and hope amongst the deluge of ‘doom and gloom’ after the GFC devastated families worldwide. Over a decade on, she’s the author of Industry Thought Leader: How To Go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast and continues to be the voice of inspiration to a global audience through her award-winning podcasts. Annemarie continues to live out her mission of ‘Changing the World – ONE Message at a Time’, with her own podcasts, as well as by supporting Professional Services Businesses (coaches and consultants) who are experts in their field (yet feel like they’re the world’s best-kept secret) go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with their own Thought Leader Podcast. Click here to access Annemarie's Industry Thought Leader Podcast Series to help you go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast. Contact Annemarie: Website: / Twitter: @TheAmbitiousPod Facebook: @TheAmbitiousEntrepreneurShow The post [Ep#401] Bringing Order Out of Chaos appeared first on The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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12. Miracles and Great Moves of God in Our Lives

Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast. Miracles are not a thing of the past! God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and whatever He has done in the past, He can do it again - even greater this time. In today's episode, we dive into the topic of miracles and the incredible ways that God works in our lives. We share stories of divine intervention, showcasing God's power and His ability to work miracles today. From unexpected financial blessings to divine connections. We talk about the importance of having faith, surrendering to God, and recognizing the miracles happening in our lives, both big and small. As entrepreneurs, we encourage you to believe in the miraculous, trust in God's provision, and embrace the supernatural in our businesses. Remember, with God, nothing is impossible. Join us as we marvel at the wonders of God and be inspired to believe in the power of miracles in your own lives. 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 1️⃣ God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His miracles have not ceased; they are still happening in our lives. 2️⃣ Miracles can come in different shapes and sizes. It can be as grand as witnessing a resurrection or as small as receiving a timely phone call when you needed it the most. We need to be open to recognizing God's hand in all miracles, regardless of their magnitude. 3️⃣ Surrendering to God and having unwavering faith are crucial for experiencing the miraculous. When we trust in Him, even in the direst situations, He opens doors, provides divine connections, and brings forth solutions that surpass human understanding. ======================== In our podcast episode today titled "Miracles and Great Moves of God in Our Lives," we dove deep into the topic of miracles. We discussed how God never changes and how He can continue to move mightily in our lives, just as He did in biblical times. We also addressed the misconception that miracles are no longer necessary, emphasizing that miracles still happen today and can truly transform lives. During the episode, we shared personal stories of miracles that we have witnessed or experienced. From divine financial provision to divine connections that led to life-changing opportunities, these stories remind us that God is actively working in our lives, even in the midst of challenges and trials. We also touched on how miracles can come in various forms, both big and small, and how it is essential to recognize and appreciate even the smallest acts of God's intervention. We want to encourage you to believe in the power of miracles and to have unwavering faith in our miracle-working God. As we navigate the uncertainties of this world, it is important to focus on God's promises and His faithfulness. Remember that nothing is impossible for Him, and He can turn any situation around for our good. We invite you to listen to our podcast episode on miracles and great moves of God in our lives. It is packed with inspiring stories, powerful testimonies, and practical insights that will strengthen your faith and encourage you to seek greater miracles in your own life. Let's continue to surrender to God and activate our faith. As Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs, we have a divine purpose, and with God's miraculous intervention, we can achieve extraordinary things. Stay tuned for more powerful episodes and inspiring content on the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast. Thank you for being a part of our community, and may God's miracles abound in your life. Blessings, Fideliz Cruz & Annemarie Cross Your Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast Hosts Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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11. The Gifts of the Spirit

Entrepreneurs, are you ready to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit and unleash the gifts within you? In our latest episode of the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast, we dive into the incredible world of spiritual gifts. We discuss the importance of discernment and how to activate your gifts for the benefit of your business and the kingdom. Discover the true meaning of prophecy and how it can uplift and encourage others. Hear powerful stories of personal growth and encounters with the Holy Spirit. Learn how to discern the voice of God and differentiate it from the enemy. But that's not all! We also explore the gift of speaking in tongues and its transformative impact on their lives. We share practical tips on how to receive this gift and unlock a prayer language with heavenly power. Plus, gain valuable insights into the gift of discernment and how it can guide you in making wise business decisions. Find out how to sharpen your discerning abilities and tap into the Holy Spirit's guidance. So, if you're an entrepreneur seeking to unleash your spiritual gifts, join us on the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast! Listen now and embrace the Holy Spirit's power in your business journey. 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 1️⃣ Discernment: Learn about the gift of discernment and how it can help us distinguish between the desires of God and the schemes of the enemy. Discover the dangers of claiming discernment as our own and the importance of testing and prayer. 2️⃣ Prophetic Gifts: Understand the weightiness and accountability of prophesying in alignment with God's message. Hear personal experiences of encountering the Holy Spirit and the impact it had on the hosts' faith and gifts. Learn how to use prophetic gifts to edify and encourage others. 3️⃣ Speaking in Tongues: Explore the gift of speaking in tongues, often misunderstood or overlooked. Listen to the hosts' personal journey and how prayer, support, and a desire to break free from misconceptions led to receiving this beautiful gift. Discover how speaking in tongues can be a powerful prayer language given by God. Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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10. Bringing God’s Truth into the 7 Spheres of Influence

Welcome to another episode. In this episode titled "The 7 Spheres of Influence," our hosts delve into thought-provoking topics that are sure to ignite your entrepreneurial spirit and stimulate your faith. Here are the key highlights you can expect: Advocating for Education: Our speaker raises concerns about what children are being taught in today's education system and the removal of God from prayer and teaching. They challenge us to be aware of who is shaping our children's minds and to stand against negative influences. The Lord's Way in Business: Discover the importance of seeking the Lord's guidance in your business decisions. The speaker shares personal stories and insights on how the Lord's instructions may not always make sense to us, but His ways are higher than ours. Leveraging Media for Kingdom Impact: Explore the role of media in our lives and how you can use it to positively influence others. Learn how to be an active participant in media, grow personally, and make a positive impact for the Kingdom. Learning from Different Perspectives: Hear an inspiring personal journey of how the speaker moved from religious practices to a deep relationship with God by questioning man-made rules and seeking personal revelation. The Breakdown of Family and God's Promises: Gain insights into the erosion of the traditional meaning of family and the importance of aligning our perspective with God's. Understand the significance of the tribe of Judah and the promises still in effect for Israel. Battling Spiritual Warfare: Dive into an intriguing discussion about spiritual warfare, the manipulation occurring in the world, and the importance of declaring protection over ourselves and our families. We hope these captivating topics will inspire you in your business endeavors while deepening your faith in God. Each episode of the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast is a cherished opportunity for personal growth and empowerment. If you haven't already subscribed to our podcast, be sure to do so and never miss an episode! You can listen to "The 7 Spheres of Influence" and explore other insightful content on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or our website. Stay tuned for future episodes where we will explore miracles, signs, and wonders, theological views, and much more. We are here to equip and encourage you on your journey as Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs. Remember, you are an influential force in the marketplace. Together, let's make a powerful impact for the Kingdom! Blessings! Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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9. 6 Best Strategies for Building a Kingdom-Focused Business

Are you an entrepreneur ready to make a positive impact? Welcome to another episode of Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast. We are excited to share some valuable insights with you today. In our latest episode, "6 Best Business Strategies," we discussed three strategies that have greatly contributed to the growth of our own businesses. Focusing on a specific target audience, such as Christian women in business, can have a significant impact on your marketing efforts. By honing in on a niche, you can attract like-minded individuals and build stronger connections with your audience. Don't be afraid to infuse your faith into your business. Authenticity is key, and serving Christian clients allows you to openly express your beliefs and establish deeper connections. By aligning your business with your spiritual calling, you will find greater joy in serving others. Trust that the way God has created you is perfect for your business. By honoring your true self, you will find fulfillment and success in your work. Remember, you are called and anointed to impact positive change for the Kingdom through your business. So, embrace your uniqueness and let your light shine! ✨💪 We invite you to listen to the full episode of the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast to gain more insights on these strategies and discover even more valuable tips for your business. We hope you enjoy the show. Here's a sneak peek at what they discussed: The benefits of niching down in business The value of seeking feedback from fellow believers regarding one's unique design Trusting God's Design 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 1️⃣ Niche Down: One of the strategies we discussed was the importance of finding your niche. By narrowing your focus and serving a specific target audience, you can better connect with your ideal clients and make your marketing efforts more effective. 2️⃣ Incorporate Your Faith: For Christian business owners, incorporating your faith into your business can be a powerful way to attract like-minded clients and build authentic connections. Don't shy away from sharing your beliefs and values - it can make your business more meaningful and impactful. 3️⃣ Trust Your Unique Abilities: Embrace how God has created you and trust in your unique abilities. Don't try to fit into someone else's mold of success. When you align your business with your natural strengths and passions, you will thrive and make a greater impact in the world. ======================== We encourage you to listen to the full episode on our podcast platform, Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast. As entrepreneurs, we can become overwhelmed with decision-making and the desire for growth. A powerful strategy is to seek divine guidance in every aspect of your business. Spend time in prayer, asking for direction and clarity. Trust that God knows how He has uniquely created you, and He can lead you to greatness. When you align your business with His purpose, you'll experience peace, fulfillment, and unlimited possibilities. 🙏 💫 Remember, success looks different for everyone. What works for one may not work for another. Embrace your journey, use these strategies as inspiration, and keep pursuing your dreams. YOU are called and anointed to make a positive impact for the Kingdom through your business. We believe in you and your God-given capabilities. Want to tap into your own genius zone and unleash your full potential as a kingdom woman entrepreneur? Connect with us to learn how you can identify your unique strengths and thrive in your business. Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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8. Experiencing God: A Spiritual Journey with Fideliz Cruz

Are you going through a challenging time or experiencing doubts in your faith? Fideliz's story will inspire you to hold on and trust God, as she shares her own journey of feeling empty and desperate, but ultimately finding hope and restoration in the Lord. She reminds us to be still, knowing that God is in control and will give double for our trouble. Fideliz's unwavering reliance on God is a testament to her belief in His faithfulness. She describes her relationship with God as a constant presence, like a friend or a father, and find joy in seeking His voice through worship songs, dreams, and visions. Join us in this captivating episode as Fideliz Cruz unveils her spiritual journey and shares practical insights on how to grow closer to God, even amidst the challenges of entrepreneurial life. We guarantee you will walk away with a renewed passion for your faith and a deeper understanding of the power of experiencing God. Here's a sneak peek at what they discussed: Personal journey of faith: diverse upbringing, loss, and seeking God. Experiencing God through faith, not just knowledge. Dealing with Challenges and Spiritual Attack 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 🌟 Faith is about experiencing God: It's not just about explaining or comprehending Him, but about having a personal encounter with Him. Letting the Holy Spirit direct us and fuel our experiences is crucial for our spiritual growth as entrepreneurs. 🌟 Vulnerability brings breakthrough: Sharing our stories and being vulnerable allows us to connect on a deeper level with others. It's important to lean on the Lord for guidance and support, especially when we may experience depression or spiritual attacks. Joining a community of believers for prayer and support can make a tremendous difference. 🌟 God speaks to us in various ways: Whether through the Bible, the Holy Spirit, worship music, dreams, or visions – God's voice is personal and intimate. Being open and attuned to His voice can lead us to incredible revelations and guidance on our entrepreneurial journey. Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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7. From Rebellion to Redemption: A Conversation with Annemarie Cross

Welcome to the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast, where we believe that empowered women can create kingdom impact in their businesses and beyond. In this captivating conversation, Fideliz Cruz sits down with Annemarie Cross, a woman who has navigated her entrepreneurial journey while staying grounded in her faith. As they explore various aspects of spirituality and their personal experiences, they shed light on the power of miracles, the importance of spiritual warfare, and the impact of a strong relationship with Jesus. With an air of anticipation, we discover that Annemarie recalls attending a previous business conference where a prophetic team was present. Despite initial hesitations and concerns about how the church might perceive it, she decided to participate and was intrigued by the profound insights provided by the prophetic team. Through this experience, she deepened her relationship with the Lord in ways she never anticipated. Fideliz and Annemarie explore the concept of spiritual warfare, aligning with the Lord's will, and walking in signs, wonders, miracles, healings, and deliverance. They discuss the need for courage, faith, and a deep understanding that the battle has already been won but still requires active participation. As the conversation unfolds, we gain insights into Annemarie's personal practices, such as using the Jesus Calling app, which has become instrumental in building her personal relationship with the Lord. She shares how the app provides Bible verses with personalized explanations that feel like direct messages from Jesus himself. Moreover, Annemarie's curious nature fuels her journey of seeking answers and understanding different practices and worship styles. Her rebellious nature in the past is seen as a driving force in her current seeking of the Lord's guidance and repentence. But what happens when passion and enthusiasm for Jesus wanes during challenging times? Fideliz and Annemarie dive into this topic, discussing the importance of personal connection with God, honest conversations with Him, and finding solace in His presence. Join us in this eye-opening episode as Fideliz and Annemarie navigate the depths of faith, miracles, and the pursuit of passion in the midst of trials. Get ready to be inspired and equipped as we uncover the secrets to walking in Kingdom power and creating impact as women entrepreneurs. Here's a sneak peek at what they discussed: The Importance of Personal Connection with God Equipping and Repenting for Past Actions Hosts' Journey with Faith and Relationship with God 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 1️⃣ Having a Personal Connection with God: We discussed the importance of developing a deep and personal relationship with God. Being open and honest with Him, even when we have doubts or questions, helps us grow spiritually and find guidance in difficult times. 2️⃣ Regaining Passion and Enthusiasm for Jesus: We shared practical advice on reigniting our passion and enthusiasm for Jesus when we're going through challenging seasons. One strategy that I found helpful is setting aside five minutes to speak out frustrations and emotions before reevaluating and finding solutions. 3️⃣⃣ Embracing Spiritual Warfare: We dove into the topic of spiritual warfare and the significance of breaking strongholds related to oppression in our lives. Engaging in declarations and speaking in tongues for a concentrated period can be a powerful practice to experience spiritual breakthroughs. Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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6. Overcoming Doubt

Welcome back to another empowering episode of the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast! We are thrilled to dive into a topic that resonates with all of us as entrepreneurs: overcoming doubt. Doubt can creep in at any stage of our entrepreneurial journey, leaving us feeling discouraged and questioning our abilities. But fear not, dear listeners! Today we dive deep into the power of overcoming doubt. It's time to renew our minds, embrace our identities as children of God, and rise above the challenges that come our way. Remember, the key to unlocking our destinies as successful kingdom women entrepreneurs lies in trusting in the Lord and walking hand-in-hand with Him. We explore personal stories, share powerful scriptures, and discuss how to navigate through disappointments and comparison. Remember, it's okay to feel down and discouraged sometimes. Be honest with yourself and with God. He meets us where we are and loves us unconditionally. You are never alone! Here's a sneak peek at what they discussed: Embracing disappointments and allowing God to shape your path How the worst business setbacks lead to the best transformations Finding strength, support, and faith amidst doubt and disappointment 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 1️⃣ Renew Your Mind Daily: Begin each morning by renewing your mind and setting yourself up for success. Anchor yourself in the Word of the Lord, allowing it to be a filter against doubt and external influences. Remember, God's truth is greater than any doubt! 2️⃣ Embrace Your Unique Calling: Trust in God's plan for your life, even when it feels uncertain or different from what you expected. Recognize that your past experiences, failures, and talents all have a purpose in shaping your character for the next season. Align your goals with God's calling, and He will guide your path! 3️⃣ Seek God's Guidance: Instead of relying solely on your own understanding, approach God and seek His guidance in every aspect of your entrepreneurial journey. Develop a relationship with the Lord and be open to His calling for your life. Remember, He equips and empowers you, regardless of your qualifications or background! ======================== In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of doubt and share valuable insights on how to overcome it. Each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Despite the challenges and feelings of rejection and not being good enough, we are blessed and honored to be alive and loved by God. Psalms 139:13-14, reminds us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Take a moment to let that sink in and embrace the fact that you are a masterpiece created by God! To explore this episode further and join the conversation, we invite you to listen to the full episode on your favorite podcast platform. Don't forget to leave a review and share your key takeaways! We also encourage you to join the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Facebook group and follow our Instagram page for more uplifting content and a supportive community of like-minded women. Finally, if you have any scriptures or encouraging words about overcoming doubt that you'd like to share, please reply to this email or post them in the Facebook group. We would love to hear your insights and provide a platform for your voice to be heard. I hope this episode has uplifted your spirits and given you food for thought! Remember, each day is a fresh start to renew your mind and trust in God's extraordinary plan for your life. Have faith in His timing and embrace the calling He has placed upon your life. You are fearfully and wonderfully made! Stay blessed and inspired! Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community 4*39 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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5. Finding Joy in Your Kingdom Identity: Strategies to Overcome Comparison in Business

👑 In this episode, we tackle the topic of "Avoiding the Comparison Trap" that many of us can relate to as entrepreneurs. Comparisonitis is something that we all go through at some point in our entrepreneurial journey. It can be easy to look at others and feel a sense of inadequacy or envy. But in this episode, our hosts dive deep into the importance of understanding our Kingdom identity and embracing who God has called us to be. They share personal experiences and practical tips to navigate through comparison and turn it into admiration and empowerment. They also talk about the importance of self-awareness and seeking God's guidance to overcome comparison and find joy and contentment in our own journey. Whether you're just starting your business or already well-established, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to avoid the comparison trap and stay focused on their unique calling. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy, but with the right mindset and God's guidance, we can overcome it and thrive in our businesses. Stay inspired and keep pursuing your purpose! Here's a sneak peek at what they discussed: Understanding the negative impact of comparison on self-worth and joy How comparison can lead to neglecting one's own calling and purpose Personal experiences and strategies for moving through comparison 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 1️⃣ Comparisonitis: We all go through this at some point in our entrepreneurial journey. It's important to recognize when we are comparing ourselves to others and how it can negatively impact our mindset. Remember that your identity is rooted in the Kingdom, and you are uniquely called and anointed to make a positive change through your business. 2️⃣ Admiration vs Envy: While it's natural to admire and look up to others in our industry, we must be aware when admiration turns into envy. Instead of feeling threatened or resentful, learn to celebrate the success of others and recognize the blessings in your own journey. Each one of us has unique gifts and talents that contribute to the wonderful diversity in the business world. 3️⃣ Healing and Renewal: When comparison triggers negative emotions, it's essential to take action. Consider muting or limiting exposure to triggers on social media and invite God into the process of healing and renewal. Ask Him to help you uncover the root causes of comparison and guide you towards a renewed perspective that aligns with His purpose for your life. Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit


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4. The Importance of Renewing Your Mind - Daily

Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast! As believers, we are called to align our thoughts with the truth of God's Word and reject any lies or innuendos that go against what He has said. In this episode, we dive deep into the power of renewing our minds and how it can positively impact every aspect of our lives. Renewing the mind is not just a one-time event, but a daily practice that helps us gain clarity, understanding, and certainty. It becomes the foundation for discovering and pursuing our purpose, which lies at the intersection of our passions and the things that burden our hearts. We discuss the concept of desensitization and remind us of the importance of being intentional about what we expose ourselves to. Use our unique gifts and talents to speak up and make a difference in the world around us. We also touch on current events and how renewing our minds helps us discern right from wrong. Get ready to be inspired, empowered, and encouraged to renew your mind daily on this enlightening episode of the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast! Here's a sneak peek at what they discussed: Why renewing your mind is important. What you can do to renew your mind daily? How has it helped you? 🎯 Key Takeaways for Entrepreneurs: 1️⃣ Desensitization and Speaking Up: We discuss how desensitization can occur when we are exposed to certain things regularly. However, as Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs, we have the ability to speak up against injustice and use our gifts and talents to make a difference. 2️⃣ The Power of Renewing the Mind: Renewing our minds helps us gain a clearer understanding and certainty of our purpose. By going back to scripture, listening to God's voice, and declaring His words as true and powerful, we can overcome fear, demolish arguments that go against His knowledge, and walk confidently in our calling. 3️⃣ Clarity and Confirmation: The episode includes personal testimonies that highlight the incredible impact of renewing our minds. By seeking clarity from God and renewing our minds daily, we open ourselves up to His will and receive confirmation in our actions. It's a reminder that even in times of doubt and frustration, with God, all things are possible! ======================== This episode is packed with powerful insights, practical tips, and a reminder that perfect love overcomes fear. We encourage you to tune in and let the words spoken ignite a renewed passion and boldness within you. Dive into the scriptures, seek wisdom from knowledgeable individuals, and stand firm in the authority and love of Christ as we navigate these challenging times. Don't be afraid to speak up, stand firm in the truth, and renew your mind daily. God is with you, and His word is powerful. Let's be a generation that truly makes a difference by aligning our thoughts with His truth! Remember, the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast is here to support and empower you on your entrepreneurial journey. Together, let's make a difference in our businesses, communities, and the world. Wishing you a renewed mind and abundant blessings, Connect with Fideliz Cruz and Annemarie Cross: Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Website Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Community Podcasting With Purpose Website Podcasting With Purpose Community Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
