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Fail To Win: From Passion To Profit


Amy Vandeputte, also known as FastForwardAmy, went from being burnt-out and broke to building her own 7-figure business. As a business coach, she has coached over a thousand entrepreneurs to earn money fast from doing what they love so they can live a life on their own terms. In this podcast, Amy shares her advice, behind the scenes and most recent insights in bite-sized episodes so you can build build your own freedom-based life and business too based on simple strategies. Be it sales, (money) mindset, marketing, energy management or personal branding, no topic remains uncovered. Get ready to embrace your own version of Abundant Entrepreneurship and go all in on your dreams! This podcast is formerly known as the FastForwardAmy Show.


United States


Amy Vandeputte, also known as FastForwardAmy, went from being burnt-out and broke to building her own 7-figure business. As a business coach, she has coached over a thousand entrepreneurs to earn money fast from doing what they love so they can live a life on their own terms. In this podcast, Amy shares her advice, behind the scenes and most recent insights in bite-sized episodes so you can build build your own freedom-based life and business too based on simple strategies. Be it sales, (money) mindset, marketing, energy management or personal branding, no topic remains uncovered. Get ready to embrace your own version of Abundant Entrepreneurship and go all in on your dreams! This podcast is formerly known as the FastForwardAmy Show.



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Income Protection for Solopreneurs: 4 Simple Risk Reduction Strategies

"Being an entrepreneur is dangerous because what happens if you run into financial trouble" is often said as a way to hold people back from becoming an entrepreneur. Usually by their parents with a bad money mindset, who always loved 'being safe in a fulltime job'. Is that true, though? When you work for someone else, you are dependent on one income. As an entrepreneur however, there are tons of ways you can protect and diversify your income! In this episode I share 4 tips on how to protect your income and reduce your risk as a solopreneur. Download your guide to start your own online business here: PS The information provided in this episode is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. I am not a licensed financial advisor. You should consult with a professional financial advisor before making any financial decisions. If you want access to my 24 minute FastForward Million Method training, go to Instagram on @fastforwardamy and message me the word 'method'. I'll send over the video training so you can start scaling your 6 figure business to 7 figures, this year!


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Revive Your Sales in 2024: Adapting to the Post-2020 Market

Many online business owners have reported a huge drop in their sales in 2024. If you’ve noticed this too, I want to comfort you: you’re not alone, and it can be fixed! Last year I was in a bit of a rut myself. I didn't want to drown in the masses, so I started looking for ways to stand out in an authentic way online again. The result? Profit is up, and I’m working with my dream clients who give me energy. If you want to learn how I turned this around and how you can too… tune in to today's podcast episode! By the way, one of the best ways to stand out is to build trust with your clients. A podcast is a really cost-efficient way to do that, and you can start for only €12 a month! Download my free 'Start Your Podcast' guide here:


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Scaling: 3 Ways to Streamline Your Business Without Hiring

If you’re feeling overwhelmed in your business, and want to hire someone to come and fix the chaos… I gotta be honest with you: hiring a fulltimer isn’t gonna magically fix everything. On the contrary: if you make the wrong hire, this might cost you tons of time and money! I made this mistake multiple times, until I finally figured out how to streamline. Listen to this new episode to learn how you can streamline without hiring. Download your own organization guide to build the foundations of your 7-figure organisation here:


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LA Update Pt. II: Playing a Bigger Game: Top 3 Mindset Insights from LA

Join me in this episode as I spill the beans on the three major mindset shifts that hit me while I was in LA for business coaching. I'll share some details on how I went from feeling stuck to breaking through my self-doubt. If you're ready to unlock your own potential and play a bigger game, this episode is your must-listen of the day!


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LA Update Pt. I: How I'm prioritizing strategy work while managing my workload on workation

In this episode, I dive into how I’m making the most of my workation in Los Angeles, balancing strategic work on top of my usual workload. I'll share my approach to proactive work and avoiding reactive tasks that can derail my productivity. Tune in to discover how I use my Notion dashboard to keep a crystal-clear dashboard of all my to-dos, ensuring I stay on track while soaking up the LA vibes and inspiration. Join me as I explore the keys to maintaining focus and efficiency, even away from normal workdays at home! PS Grab my free workation workbook here:


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How I found my authentic online voice back and stopped making myself smaller

These past few years I got criticised so much by my direct environment, that all of the criticism I had received since 2017... just really took its toll on me. Without realizing it, I had started becoming more and more vanilla out of fear of getting hurt again. Because that's what fear of failure does to you. This past 1.5 year I got to work and started reconnecting with my inner voice. Maybe my journey can help you find your own voice again as well. Discover how I got my authentic confidence back.


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My 4 favorite money apps to plan, track, spend better

Last year I massively cut down on the costs in my business and I've now cut down costs to 35% less monthly and increased my profit margin drastically. I didn't just do this in my business, but I also became a lot more mindful of the spending in my private life: how much was I spending on clothes, beauty products and the likes? And did I like this, or did I want to change this? The first step of change is to become self-aware, so I got around to tracking and planning more and creating an overview of where I want to be 10 years from now. Tune in to this episode to discover my 4 favorite apps to track, plan and spend money! PS If you want to take the moneyquiz, dm me MONEYQUIZ on @fastforwardamy!


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How I'm Staying Abundant while Saving Money

Having an abundant money mindset is not the same as just spending a ton. For me, spending and saving money have to do with my money compass and the values I prioritize in my life and business. In this episode I'm explaining how I went from overspending in my business to cutting down costs and doing that while staying abundant! If you want access to my 24 minute FastForward Million Method training, go to Instagram on @fastforwardamy and message me the word 'method'. I'll send over the video training so you can start scaling your 6 figure business to 7 figures, this year!


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3 Top Habits that make the difference between building a 6 or a 7 figure business

After spending a weekend with my multi-6-figure business owner clients who are on their way to reaching their first 7 figure year this year, I felt inspired to record a podcast episode with some the teachings we talked about this weekend. Tune in to discover the top 3 habits that will help you become a 7-figure business owner this year! Resources:


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Behind the Scenes: The (Ugly) Truth About Online Entrepreneurship With Donata White

Ever caught yourself wondering if there’s more to running an online business than meets the eye? Donata White is a multi-six-figure business mentor - besides running a social media marketing agency - and joins me in this episode to crack open the glossy facade of online businesses and to reveal the genuine grind of entrepreneurship. You'll get a candid look at the good and the bad of the online coaching industry, and which skills are inevitable as an entrepreneur, like analysing your data and creating converting content. Alongside this, we delve into the balancing act of managing your public persona while facing personal challenges, striving to maintain professional reliability without shying away from authenticity. You can find Donata at Are you ready to scale your business to the next level? Fill out my application form to see how I can help you with that: If you want access to my 24 minute FastForward Million Method training, go to Instagram on @fastforwardamy and message me the word 'method'. I'll send over the video training so you can start scaling your 6 figure business to 7 figures, this year!


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Mindset: How to Go All In on Your Million Dollar Dream and Create €4.500 Days

If you knew your day is worth €4500, would you still be doing the same things? I'm a firm believer that scaling from a 6- to a 7-figure business is more of a mindset shift than anything else. I've had clients being afraid of working more to earn more (which is not even necessary in most cases), or not being able to believe they had what it takes to earn that amount of money. In this episode, let me walk you through some mindset exercises, perfect if you're at a tipping point with your business.


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227. My SPARC Framework: The 5 Mindset Mistakes Standing Between You and Your Dreams

I firmly believe we all have ambition, it just gets dimmed along the way. Partly because of the very narrow view society has on ‘being ambitious’, but also due to our own thoughts and limiting beliefs. Although we’re often convinced we simply can’t do or achieve something, it’s actually a mindset game. That’s why, in today’s episode, I want to talk to you about the 5 thoughts that keep us from reaching our goals and how to counter them. Do you want to find out how my SPARC framework can stop you from dimming your own light? Start listening now! PS Here's some additional help to truly get you going: ​​


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6 Tips on How to Sell When You Hate Selling

A lot of entrepreneurs want to start their business and love everything about it, except selling their offer. Maybe you're one of them, thinking "I love helping people, but I really don't like selling." It's understandable you might feel as if it's icky to sell. However, sales are the fuel of your business, without sales there's no business at all. So, how do you sell your offer in an authentic way when you hate selling? Today, I am sharing 6 tips on the subject. Are you tuning in? PS Here's some additional help to truly get you going: be your own to the top of your sales gameboost your sales


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12 Steps to Success and Freedom in Your Business

If you want to start your own business, you'll inevitably feel overwhelmed. You feel stuck, you don't know where to start or how to proceed. If you feel like this, like you don't know how to build a successful business, this episode is for you. After years of hard work, these are the 12 steps that helped me build a multi-million dollar business. And I wish someone would have told me these steps sooner. Start listening now! PS Do you want some extra help implementing all these steps? You can find them, together with some extra exercises, in my free Business Freedom Roadmap. Download yours through


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How Much Revenue Do I Need to Quit My Day Job?

"I'm sick of working for someone else." "My dream is to start my own business." You're ready to take back control over your life and happiness by starting your own business. But, there's one thing stopping you: the fear of not having a grip on your financials. Because how much money should your business be making to match your current salary on payroll? In this episode, I take you through 4 steps to calculate the revenue your business needs to make so you're bringing in the same amount of money that you're currently making. Start calculating and take the leap into happier circumstances! PS Once you know how much you need to make to quit your job and be your own boss, you can work out a plan to make it happen and hit that target. This will make it so much easier to take the leap! If you want to find out what your hourly rate should be in order to hit this target, simply use my free Hourly Worth Calculator. All you have to do is fill out your different costs and my calculator will do the maths for you. 👉 Do so through ​​


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4 Things to Do When Someone Thinks Your Prices Are Too High

"I'm sorry, you're too expensive" Hearing this is every entrepreneur's biggest nightmare, especially when you're just starting out. It's never fun and it makes you doubt yourself like never before. The question is: what do you do when someone tells you they think you're charging too much? In today's episode, I talk you through 4 things you could do when you're told you're too expensive. Tune in! PS Here are some things that could help you along the way:


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7 Ways to Make Money Online (That Aren't Courses)

Maybe you've been dreaming about starting your online business, but you don't know what you want to offer exactly. You're craving all the upsides of being your own boss, like location-independency, choosing who you want to work with, and you want to be able to turn your ideas into reality without having to run it by different people. In this episode, I want to inspire you by talking about different business models, none of them requiring you starting or creating a course yet giving you the freedom to build an online business. Listen and find out which income stream suits you best. PS Is setting up your own passive income streams something you’ve only dreamed about so far? Then I have the most amazing free guide for you, namely my ‘Start Your Passive Income’ guide. It’s available in both English and Dutch and you can download it for free through 🔗


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Navigating Overwhelm: A 5-Step Guide for Busy Business Owners

As a business owner, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and overworked. There are tons of things you need to do and all those extra ideas you get when brainstorming about the new year are not helping. So, if you're overwhelmed and you don't know what to do first, where do you start and how do you get out of this overwhelm? In 5 steps, I take you through my guide of navigating overwhelm as an entrepreneur instead of giving in to it. Start listening now! PS If you're struggling to start or grow your business and you don't know on what to focus first, my Growth Quiz will help you out. It's a quiz where you answer 5 questions and the result will tell you which next steps you could take to grow your business, and it will link some handy content for you to take those steps! Take yours through Be aware, it's only available in Dutch for now!


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Crush Your Goals: 4 Tips to Stay Motivated After January

In today's episode, I tackle the phenomenon that a lot of people lose their motivation for the new year by the end of January. You know the trend where gyms do great revenue in January because people have lots of New Year's resolutions? At first, they're really determined, but one by one they never return to that gym again... So, I hand you 4 tips I apply to my own life to keep that motivation going strong. If right now, you're feeling your motivation dwindling, start listening to this episode and get your mojo back! PS Do you need a little help setting and achieving your goals this year? Watch my Dutch Crush Your Goals masterclass! PPS Holding yourself accountable is not always easy. If you need someone to take you by the hand and help you build that business of your dreams, make sure to register for the waitlist of my BFE™ Fast Track (Dutch) so you're the first one to know when registrations open again. 👉


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5 Ways to Create a Scalable Offer

In today's episode, I dive deeper into the subject of scaling your business. There are a lot of entrepreneurs who work tirelessly to grow their business and there's always a moment when they plateau. So, how do you create growth in your business when working even harder is not an option? I talk about 5 ways of making that growth happen for your business. Are you ready for growth? Then listen to this episode! PS Is starting a passive income something you’ve only dreamed about? Then I have the most amazing free guide for you, namely my ‘Start Your Passive Income’ guide. It’s available in both English and Dutch and you can download it for free through 🔗
