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The Interior Design Business CEO


The Interior Design Business CEO podcast helps designers stop feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed and empowers them with the tools and strategies they need to start feeling calm, confident, and in control of their business. Join Master Certified Life and Business Coach, and award-winning Interior Designer, Desi Creswell, as she pairs mindset with effective tips, tools, and processes to help you stop feeling pulled in a million different directions, and start building a profitable, fulfilling business that enriches and supports your life as a whole. This show is for you if you find yourself asking questions like: How do I build a profitable interior design business? How do I work fewer hours and make more money in my interior design business? How to improve work-life balance as an interior designer? For more support with creating a life and business you love, visit to learn more about my intimate group coaching program, Out of Overwhelm.


United States


The Interior Design Business CEO podcast helps designers stop feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed and empowers them with the tools and strategies they need to start feeling calm, confident, and in control of their business. Join Master Certified Life and Business Coach, and award-winning Interior Designer, Desi Creswell, as she pairs mindset with effective tips, tools, and processes to help you stop feeling pulled in a million different directions, and start building a profitable, fulfilling business that enriches and supports your life as a whole. This show is for you if you find yourself asking questions like: How do I build a profitable interior design business? How do I work fewer hours and make more money in my interior design business? How to improve work-life balance as an interior designer? For more support with creating a life and business you love, visit to learn more about my intimate group coaching program, Out of Overwhelm.



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84: Quality Questions for a Better Business

If you’ve ever wondered why the mindset aspect of my work is so critical in my sessions with clients, this topic exemplifies exactly why. Your brain is with you 24/7 and has the power to completely transform your life and business. When you start asking high-quality questions, you essentially train your brain to become solution-oriented, and I’m showing you how to start in this episode. Whether you want to make more money, up-level your clientele, overcome procrastination, or are unsure of what goal to pursue next, tune in this week to hear why asking high-quality questions is the solution to it all. Learn how all solutions originate from high-quality questions, what happens when you’re in the practice of asking open-ended, curious questions, and how to start training your brain to think in this way. Get full show notes and more information here:


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83: Calendar Stressing You Out? It’s Time to Uncommit

The lessons we’re taught around productivity often center around being more committed or disciplined to our goals and business vision. However, I’m taking a different approach this week and showing you how being less committed or uncommitting could be the solution to your productivity issues. Learn the power of uncommitting and when the practice of uncommitting might be called for in your business. I’m showing you how uncommitting can be helpful, the value of doing an audit of your current commitments, and how you’ll free up your time and mental bandwidth when you uncommit. Get full show notes and more information here:


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82. Pep Talk: Control Enthusiasts

A love of control is a tendency that is especially prevalent in the interior design industry. But the truth is, we can't control everything. So it's time for a pep talk about what you can and can't control in your interior design business, and every other area of your life. I share why it's important to have a clear idea of what you can actually control in your interior design business. Learn exactly what you can and can't control, so you can influence the things you can control, and start letting go of the things you can't. Get full show notes and more information here:


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81. Quantity Creates Quality

If you’re prone to overthinking, over-planning, over-perfecting, or over-tweaking aspects of your interior design business, this is a must-listen episode. You might be under the illusion that you’re ensuring the highest quality outcome by delaying taking action, but this is far from the truth. That’s why, this week, I’m flipping this common saying on its head and showing you how your business would benefit from putting in the reps, rather than waiting on perfection. Learn how quantity creates quality and examples of where the concept can be applied in your interior design business. I’m showing you why overthinking creates an illusion of productive action, how increasing the number of actions you take is what will increase your skill, and what to expect once you begin practicing the belief that quantity creates quality. Get full show notes and more information here:


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80. Create Your Summer Slow Down

Just like the seasons change around us, we experience different seasons of our lives and businesses. Those periods of change must be acknowledged because they will come whether you address them or not. So why not be super intentional about how you want to spend your summer and create a plan for true rest, no matter what that might look like for your unique business? Listen in this week as I show you how to create a summer slow down plan without worry or overwhelm. Hear the foundational tools that will support you in working less, some important considerations to keep top of mind as you make a plan, and my top tips for ensuring a successful summer slow down or rest period. Get full show notes and more information here:


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79. The Evolution of a Designer CEO with Client Heather Peterson

Heather Peterson runs a small boutique interior design firm based in Minneapolis, working with clients across the country. As a self-trained designer, she entered this field when she moved to Minneapolis from New York, decorating her own home and blogging her journey. Whether you’re in the early stages of your business or have been in the industry for decades, you’re going to gain so much from listening to her story. Listen in this week as Heather offers the transition points she’s faced as a designer CEO and the evolution of her self-concept. She’s sharing her thoughts on the value of having a coach by her side, the challenges she had to navigate as she grew her team, and what’s coming next for her as she continues to up-level her practice. Get full show notes and more information here:


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78. Competing Desires

This week’s topic of competing desires is one that applies to you, regardless of the stage of business you’re in. Each year and each season of life will look different, and the goals you have for yourself and your business will continue to evolve. If you’re committed to achieving your goals, you must release the resistance of two desires being at odds with each other, and I’m showing you how this week. Learn the two main ways I see competing desires showing up for my clients, and what’s required of you to bring your goals to fruition. Hear how to create space for all of your desires to coexist in harmony, and how to begin challenging your assumption that there can’t be room for everything you want to achieve. Get full show notes and more information here:


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77. PR for Interior Designers: The What, Why, and How with Molly Schoneveld

Molly Schoneveld is a brand strategist, publicist, and the founder of The Storied Group: a luxury PR firm that specializes in representing designers and creative entrepreneurs. She’s here to shed light on what PR can look like for interior designers, and how to include it as part of the long game of your business. Molly and I cover everything from what type of PR is best for your design business to the nuts and bolts of getting your work published. She offers how she supports designers and creative entrepreneurs, her insider tips for pitching your projects, and how PR can be used to level up your firm and get you the visibility you want. Get full show notes and more information here:


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76. Best Case Scenarios

Do you often find yourself spiraling in worst-case scenarios? The truth is we are wired to consider all the possible worst-case scenarios. This is how our brains attempt to keep us safe. However, you have a choice in how you respond to your thinking when it’s presented. So if considering worst-case scenarios not only feels terrible but can actually hinder your growth, why not assume the best until proven otherwise? Learn how making the simple swap from worst to best-case scenarios can completely transform your life and business. Hear why I urge you to imagine best-case scenarios, what happens when you stay stuck in worst-case-scenario thought loops, and powerful questions that will help you give best-case scenarios at least the same amount of airtime that you give worst-case scenarios. Get full show notes and more information here:


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75. Quarterly Review: 4 Questions for Maximum Impact

Every quarter is an opportunity to make new decisions based on what you’ve learned during the last quarter, and being strategic about your planning process is the secret to up-leveling your business. However, the reality is that most interior design business CEOs overlook an essential part of achieving bigger goals: regularly checking in by conducting a quarterly review. Whether you’re new to quarterly planning or have some experience and are ready to level up the process, tune in this week to hear how to use a quarterly review to move closer to your 2024 goals. Hear four essential questions you must ask yourself at the end of every quarter and how to use your answers to make strategic decisions about moving forward. Get full show notes and more information here:


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74. ROE (Return on Energy) is the New ROI (Return on Investment)

The acronym ROI (Return on Investment) is typically used in the business world, and the process of examining whether or not your investments are providing the return you hoped for is a wise business practice. We all want to aim to make investments that will compound in future returns, but I believe this concept extends beyond the financial realm. It’s about getting a return on your energy (ROE). And this week, I’m inviting you to consider how ROE is the new ROI and how maximizing your ROE has the potential to transform your interior design business. I show you why ROE is the new ROI and how examining your ROE could provide better returns and value for you, your business, and your clients. I’m sharing examples of how this practice applies to anything in your business, whether client-facing or on the back end, and how to become cognizant of where your energy is currently being spent so you can assess if it’s worth the return. Get full show notes and more information here:


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73. The Magic of a 90-Day Plan

If you don’t currently have a supportive plan that’s going to move you in the direction of your goals over the next quarter, there has never been a better time to start using the framework I’m offering you today. A 90-day plan is what I use to plan in my business and my recommendation to all my clients, and in this episode, I’m showing you how 90 days could change everything in your interior design business. Listen in this week to learn the magic of using a 90-day plan, and why creating a thriving interior design business you love becomes easier when you follow the 90-day planning process. I’m officially inviting you to schedule your 90 in 90 coaching intensive with me, and sharing what you can expect during our session together and the business growth you’ll see over the coming months. Get full show notes and more information here:


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72. Why You Should Set Low Expectations

What is it that you consistently say you want to do but aren’t taking action on? How might the expectations you’ve set for yourself and your business be hindering your progress? And, while it sounds counterintuitive, how could lowering your expectations be the solution to getting what you want? I invite you to re-evaluate your expectations and consider lowering them if they’re preventing you from taking the action you say you want to. Hear how high expectations hinder your growth, progress, and success, and a process you can follow to begin embracing the idea of lower expectations for both you and your business. Get full show notes and more information here:


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71. Transitions in Your Calendar: A Secret Time Thief

Whether you’re switching locations, activity types, or even the roles that you perform in your day-to-day life, these are transition points that you must be aware of. If you constantly feel behind and run into planning issues, identifying your transition points is the secret to setting yourself up for success, and I’m showing you how this week. Discover how transitions steal so much time in your day when you’re not aware of them, and my top tips for identifying and minimizing the transitions in your schedule. Hear why traditional time blocking doesn’t work effectively, what happens when you incorporate planning for transitions, and why practicing this will make planning more realistic and spacious. Get full show notes and more information here:


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70. Your Role as Designer CEO: Ready for Your Next Evolution?

I recently read Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul by Howard Schultz, which got me thinking deeply about the mindset required of any CEO. So much of stepping into the role of CEO is about continuously upgrading your level of thinking to support the next iteration of your business because the growth of the business hinges on your personal development. Hear why you are required to grow as business owner as your business expands. Whatever the next level looks like for you, I’m offering the three types of strategic thinking you must focus on to become a designer CEO, and how embracing these practices will get you where you want to go. Get full show notes and more information here:


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69. Pep Talk: True Measures of Productivity

What is the most valuable way to measure productivity? There are numerous apps or websites to learn how to be more productive, but in this episode, I discuss how to measure true productivity and explain my recommended approach. Discover how to measure true productivity in the most valuable way and how you can help your clients by working on your business. Learn about methods for measuring true productivity, the benefits of adopting a zoomed-out view of your business, and key strategies for increasing productivity effectively. Get full show notes and more information here:


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68. Establishing Builder Relationships with Mark Williams

As an interior designer, the relationships you cultivate with builders are crucial. How do you find a builder to work with? And when you find someone you want to collaborate with, how should you approach them? To address these questions and explore the connection between interior designers and builders, I’m excited to welcome Mark Williams to the show. Mark is the owner of the high-end boutique design firm Mark D. Williams Custom Homes here in the Twin Cities, building higher-end homes in the $1.5 to $6 million range. He is also the host of The Curious Builder Podcast. This week, we talk about how you, as a designer, can establish connections with the builders you want to work with. Get full show notes and more information here:


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67. When to Say No to Yourself

Saying no to our clients is a struggle most designers face. It comes up so often in my practice that I teach a whole module on this topic inside my program. While learning to say no to our clients is a vital skill, today we're flipping this concept on its head by delving into when you should consider saying no to yourself. Discover why you sometimes have to say no to yourself, and instances from my own life and from my clients’ lives of when it’s appropriate to say no. Learn what to expect when you begin to say no to yourself, how to begin incorporating this practice into your life, and the one time you should never say no to yourself. Get full show notes and more information here:


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66. Thought Errors

One of the biggest things that gets in the way of fostering a mindset that serves our lives and businesses is thought errors. These are beliefs that often generate uncomfortable emotions and lead to unwanted behaviors and undesirable results. To release them, you must first be able to identify them, and I’m showing you how on this episode. Learn what thought errors are and how they might be showing up in your interior design business. I’m sharing the pitfalls of not challenging your thought errors, how to begin seeing your thought errors clearly, and why learning to redirect your thinking will help you create more of what you want in your life and business. Get full show notes and more information here:


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65. Why You Should Plan to Fail

Planning to fail isn’t about pessimistic thinking or being overly critical about how you can’t hit your goals. It’s about using the potential of failure as part of your planning process. Whether you use it in the context of your big-picture goal-setting or in your daily or weekly planning, planning to fail not only radically increases your chances of achieving your goal, but also improves your experience of pursuing it. Hear why planning to fail is the secret to creating success faster with increased enjoyment along the way. I’m highlighting how we unwittingly make the pursuit of our goals more stressful than necessary, why we don’t want to dwell on the obstacles we might face, and how to incorporate failing into your success plan. Get full show notes and more information here:
