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What If It Did Work?


Are you sitting on your dream instead of acting on it because the voice in your head is telling you, “no”? Are you afraid of failure? Maybe you think you’re just too old to begin a new adventure.What if, instead, you could squash these fears and silence the scared voice that prevents you from taking the leap and live your TRUE purpose?If you can learn to change just ONE thought, then I promise you will change your life.This podcast will show YOU how to STOP fear in its tracks so you can take action, which means you can follow God’s BIGGER plan for your life.When you listen to this podcast, you will...Believe in yourself again (no matter what your past looks like or what people say) so you can take the leap into your divine purposeNot only give yourself permission to create a life you only dream about (it all starts with one easy step) BUT the faith to take action and pursue itFace every day without fear of failure (even if you’ve stumbled before)Leave a legacy that you not only control but create (God gave you everything you need!)Reverse your thinking from “what if it goes wrong” to “what if it goes right” (this podcast will eliminate the worst-case scenario thinking that plagues so many people)Prepare yourself for dark times so that fear NEVER takes hold of you againAre you ready for it to work? About your Host:Omar Medrano wants to help you shake up your approach to launching your next business, keeping your happiness and life in mind, as well as your bottom line, which he enjoys doing through books like this, online coaching, and speaking regularly.And when he’s not teaching business owners how to find clarity, conviction, and faith in themselves, you can find him playing the stock market, working out, and indulging in the occasional smoothie while parenting his incredible daughters.


United States


Are you sitting on your dream instead of acting on it because the voice in your head is telling you, “no”? Are you afraid of failure? Maybe you think you’re just too old to begin a new adventure.What if, instead, you could squash these fears and silence the scared voice that prevents you from taking the leap and live your TRUE purpose?If you can learn to change just ONE thought, then I promise you will change your life.This podcast will show YOU how to STOP fear in its tracks so you can take action, which means you can follow God’s BIGGER plan for your life.When you listen to this podcast, you will...Believe in yourself again (no matter what your past looks like or what people say) so you can take the leap into your divine purposeNot only give yourself permission to create a life you only dream about (it all starts with one easy step) BUT the faith to take action and pursue itFace every day without fear of failure (even if you’ve stumbled before)Leave a legacy that you not only control but create (God gave you everything you need!)Reverse your thinking from “what if it goes wrong” to “what if it goes right” (this podcast will eliminate the worst-case scenario thinking that plagues so many people)Prepare yourself for dark times so that fear NEVER takes hold of you againAre you ready for it to work? About your Host:Omar Medrano wants to help you shake up your approach to launching your next business, keeping your happiness and life in mind, as well as your bottom line, which he enjoys doing through books like this, online coaching, and speaking regularly.And when he’s not teaching business owners how to find clarity, conviction, and faith in themselves, you can find him playing the stock market, working out, and indulging in the occasional smoothie while parenting his incredible daughters.



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Conversations That Empower with Ben Keech

Ever wondered how shifting gender dynamics are shaping our society? Join us as we sit down with Ben Keech, a former public school teacher and coach, to unravel the complexities of modern masculinity and the need for authentic connections. Ben brings to light the historical shifts that have blurred traditional gender lines and shares personal anecdotes that reveal the challenges and misconceptions surrounding masculinity. Discover how leading with love, care, and conviction can redefine what it means to be a man in today's world. Genuine conversations are at the heart of meaningful relationships, especially between adults and teenagers. Ben's experiences highlight the profound impact of adults who engage beyond surface-level questions, showing how such interactions can leave lasting positive effects. Reflecting on his teaching career, Ben emphasizes the gap between the idealized portrayals of educators and the real-world challenges they face, underscoring the importance of heartfelt communication in fostering strong, lasting bonds. Leaving a 14-year teaching career was no easy decision for Ben, but it paved the way for new ventures like his lawn business and the "More Than Athletes" initiative. Listen as he shares his journey, from the influence of family dynamics on his career choices to the importance of balancing youth sports with family values. Celebrate with us the one-year anniversary of his podcast, where he continues to promote positivity and meaningful change through genuine connections and understanding inherent gender differences. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Sarit Attwood: Journeys of Transformation in Health and the Fabric of America

When schedules clash and life throws a curveball, it's the little acts of kindness and dedication that can turn a simple hiccup into a moment worth celebrating. That's what happened when the delightful Sarit And Erin Strength and I finally got to sit down for a chat. We shared laughs over scheduling mix-ups and marveled at her thoughtfulness in client relationships. Our talk navigates the unique terrain of the fitness industry, spotlighting how niching down can not only carve out success but also cultivate profound connections. Sarit, together with her partner Erin, offers a refreshing take on empowering women through discipline and freedom in their fitness journeys, standing out in an arena that's too often marred by negativity and impersonal tactics. Sometimes the journey shapes the destination; for me, that journey was a 14-year path to U.S. citizenship, colored by childhood experiences and the kaleidoscope of American culture. Our conversation takes a turn down memory lane, exploring how early impressions of convenience stores and sprawling highways painted my dreams of opportunity. We delve into the shared struggles of transformation, whether it's the pursuit of health or the quest for the American dream, acknowledging the unwavering support of partners who walk beside us. It's a candid reflection on the effort behind successes and the mindset that fuels lasting change. Wrapping up, we uncover the undeniable force of community in driving transformative growth. A heart-pounding story of my dog's brush with danger serves as a potent reminder of the empathy and connection vital to the wellness industry. We dissect the challenges of complacency, the myths of water weight, and the critical role of encouragement in maintaining health strides. As we close, I extend an invitation to all listeners to embark on a health odyssey that's genuine and enduring, and to consider the impact of coaching in charting a course towards personal victories. Join us for an episode that's not just a conversation but a call to action, framed by the diverse tapestry of experiences that unites us all. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Unveiling Mysteries with CJ Toca: A Fusion of Brazilian Culture, Prophecy, and Literary Creation

Embark with us on a literary quest led by CJ Toca, a maestro of mystery fiction with a spiritual twist. In our latest podcast episode, we uncover the essence of his novels "The Secret Heir" and "The Vacancy," where Brazilian vibrancy meets the seductive dance of enigma and prophecy. CJ doesn't just craft stories; he paints experiences, drawing inspiration from his own vibrant encounters with Brazilian communities and his profound connection to the culture. We navigate the complexities of language and culture as CJ shares his forays into the Portuguese and Spanish worlds, enriching the tapestry of his character development. The allure of the Catholic Church’s mysteries serves as a backdrop to our riveting conversation about "The Vacant Seat," where historical prophecies interlace with modern-day intrigues. We listen to how CJ captures the shadowy corners of Catholicism, weaving the prophecies of St. Malachy and Nostradamus into a narrative that resonates with the intrigue surrounding Pope John Paul I’s death. As we anticipate the continuation of this saga, the discussion takes a contemporary turn, linking tales of the past with the pulse of current global events, and setting the stage for CJ's upcoming masterpieces. Writers, take note: the journey to authorship is fraught with self-doubt, but CJ Tolka stands as a beacon of self-motivation and creative resilience. He shares the secrets of crafting narratives that not only transcend the page but also echo the personal fulfillment that comes from silencing the inner critic. From leveraging travel as a source of inspiration and potential tax deductible research, to creating characters that breathe authenticity, this episode is a treasure chest of insights for anyone longing to carve their own path in the literary world. Join us as we celebrate CJ's journey and the transformative power of writing with purpose and passion. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Creating Legacies: Lee Benson on Value Creation, Financial Wisdom, and Raising Innovators

Join the celebration of value creation and financial wisdom as I sit down with the remarkable entrepreneur and author Lee Benson to mark three incredible years of podcasting. Discover the transformative journey from launching Abbey Aerospace to penning the "Value Creation Kid," and why financial education in childhood is the cornerstone for grooming future innovators. We unravel personal parenting tales, acknowledging that shielding our kids from struggle might just shield them from success, highlighting the necessity of challenges in shaping responsible, value-creating adults. Embark on a deep exploration of the nuanced art of value creation for entrepreneurs, where we dissect the common trap of underselling ourselves and the pursuit of genuine value over mere sales numbers. Lee and I draw lessons from Disneyland's unforgettable experiences, examining value creation across material, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. Furthermore, we discuss the impact of emotional energy in leadership and the arts, and how self-awareness and challenging the status quo can lead to internal fulfillment and positive change. Wrapping up with broader perspectives on value creation, success, and leadership, we challenge traditional educational paths and emphasize practical application and intrinsic motivation, inspired by wisdom from my late business partner, Jack Welch. We confront the resistance to change in established systems like education, and through stories of entrepreneurship and a Tanzanian student's outlook, we celebrate the power of perseverance and proactive living. This episode not only honors the entrepreneurial spirit but serves as a call to action for carving paths of value that contribute to a legacy of success and fulfillment for future generations. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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From Pokémon to Profits: The Jason Woho Success Story and the Realities of Entrepreneurship

Embark on a transformative journey with the dynamic Jason Woho, the young self-made multimillionaire who scaled a staggering 1,320 businesses by the age of 26. Through his inspiring ascent from the world of Pokémon cards and restaurant gigs to the heights of online marketing, Jason shares the raw truths about creating compelling offers, leveraging paid advertising, and the relentless tracking of KPIs. His story is a powerful narrative, not just of financial success, but of authentic personal growth, and the vital lessons learned from the earliest days of entrepreneurship. Peeling back the curtain, we explore the unglamorous side of being your own boss, where the title of 'entrepreneur' comes with a weighty cost. Jason and I discuss the often unseen emotional toil and the exhaustive nature of start-up life, from dealing with customer service nightmares to the minutiae of payroll. This episode is a must-listen for anyone captivated by the allure of entrepreneurship, offering a realistic glimpse into the stamina and mental fortitude required to truly thrive in this relentless pursuit. Finally, our conversation takes a deep dive into the societal obsession with work and play, examining why we idolize some professions while undervaluing others, such as the vital role of educators. We tackle tough questions on politics, personal responsibility, and financial literacy that underscore the importance of taking charge of one's destiny. Jason's insights provide an invaluable roadmap for navigating the complex landscape of business growth and personal success, making this an episode overflowing with actionable wisdom for the ambitious listener. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Ann Latham: Crafting a Culture of Clarity for Empowered Leadership

Unlock the transformative power of clarity with queen of clarity Ann Latham in our enlightening discussion where we dissect the impact of undefined processes and directionless meetings. We share our own battle scars from corporate inefficiencies and contrast them with the streamlined, clear-cut approaches that drive businesses toward success. Ann lays bare the staggering costs incurred by organizations muddled in confusion, driving home the vital need for crystal-clear communication and solid leadership in achieving optimal outcomes. Strap in as we navigate the art of running meetings that don't just occupy time but catalyze progress. You'll learn how to zero in on the six outcomes that should crown every meeting's agenda – decisions, plans, resolutions, lists, authorizations, and confirmations. Drawing from our collective experience, we furnish you with practical steps for crafting meetings that are not self-congratulatory but laser-focused on actionability, ensuring your team not only talks the talk but walks the walk towards collective milestones. We then pivot to dissecting workplace communication, revealing how the Disconnect Principle can reshape interactions into opportunities for growth rather than conflict. By redefining issues as misunderstandings rather than failures, we foster improved teamwork and understanding. The discussion also spans leadership communication, the transition from doer to delegator, and the art of providing feedback that aligns with company ethos. Dive in and harness these strategies to sidestep toxicity, and position yourself within a dynamic that champions growth, values alignment, and the pursuit of excellence. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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From $80,000 Debt to Real Estate Moguls: Glenn and Amber Schwarm's Journey to Success

Imagine waking up to an $80,000 credit card debt and a deep dive into financial despair. Now picture transforming that dread into a thriving real estate empire. That's exactly what Glenn and Amber Schwarm did, and in this episode, they peel back the curtain on their astounding rise from the depths of debt to the peaks of investment success. We don't just skim the surface; we get the full, gritty details of their story, which is as much about personal resilience as it is about savvy business acumen. You won't want to miss a minute as the Schwarm's lay bare their early trials, including foreclosures and bankruptcy, that led to their powerhouse partnership in flipping houses and teaching others their tried-and-true methods. They break down their strategies, from buying properties at the right price to developing spreadsheets that revolutionized their approach. And it's not all numbers and contracts – Glenn and Amber share how they've cultivated an abundance mindset and the joy of spreading wealth-building knowledge through their comprehensive workshops. Their passionate commitment to education might just be the spark you need to ignite your own real estate aspirations. To cap off our chat, we tackle the mental game of investing – the doubts, the negative thoughts, and the moments that test your resolve. Amber and Glenn get personal, sharing how they've pushed through their own challenges and the mindset shifts that have been game changers. They demonstrate how setting audacious goals can embolden your journey and how accountability can turn "Why me?" into "Why not me?" So, prepare to be inspired, to absorb actionable wisdom, and to envision a future where your financial narrative is one of abundance and achievement – all from a couple who has lived it, learned it, and loves to teach it. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Tabitha Scott: From Political Rifts to Corporate Shifts and Sustainable Innovation

Discover the transformative secrets of leadership that bridge the corporate and political realms with Tabitha Scott, a renowned thought leader on engagement and innovation. Our dialogue journeys through the complexities of thriving amid political divisiveness and pivots to the profound impact of leadership on environmental sustainability and employee productivity. We draw from the wisdom of historical figures and the dynamics of social media to offer listeners a rich tapestry of insights into nurturing growth, fostering innovation, and being the leader who moves beyond being just a boss. As we navigate the business world's cyclical nature, comparing it to the lifecycle of living organisms, we unearth strategies to sustain and propel companies forward. Tabitha and I examine the resistance to change, emphasizing the power of momentum to keep innovation from stalling. Our conversation holds up a mirror to Blockbuster's infamous fall as a stark reminder of the perils of complacency. We unfold the AAA framework – Assess, Align, Adapt – and discuss the detrimental effects of misalignment in roles that can lead to burnout, highlighting the undeniable necessity of purposeful work in maintaining a vibrant workforce. Wrapping up, the podcast peels back the layers of diversity and adaptability as the bedrock of a flourishing business culture, citing Richard Branson's unique hiring philosophy and the transforming potential of mergers. We dissect the parallels between the rise and fall of empires and corporations, illuminating the critical role of teamwork and diversity in long-term success. Lastly, I champion the art of risk-taking and the courage to reinvent oneself, inviting listeners to break free from self-imposed limitations and forge new paths toward a fulfilling and innovative future. Join us for this eye-opening episode that promises to reshape your understanding of leadership and personal growth. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Driving Success: From Passionate Gearhead to CEO Visionary - A Journey of Growth and Representation

When a reserved, car-loving teenager becomes a business powerhouse, you know there's a story worth listening to. Nestor Gutierrez, CEO of Rancho Express Lubric, sits down with us to trace his incredible evolution, revealing the role his father played in instilling robust values and how a fierce dedication to family set wheels in motion toward his ambitious goal: ensuring the safety of 200,000 drivers by 2030. Nestor's transformation is not just a success narrative; it's a masterclass on harnessing personal strengths to thrive in demanding professional realms. Our episode isn't just about the journeys of others; it's also deeply personal. I open up about my own trek from a Mexican immigrant grappling with racism and language barriers to a CEO in Southern California. The conversation honors the grind of chasing the American dream, and the profound impact that both acknowledging one's roots and transcending societal obstacles can have on achieving remarkable success. Through the narrative lens of our shared experiences, we illuminate the paths that led us to spearhead ventures like the Infinite Growth Expo and The Infinite Growth Playbook podcast. Wrapping up, we dissect the magnetic force of social media in elevating brands and amplifying business growth. We share stories of how authentic engagement revolutionized our growth trajectories in the auto service industry, and peer into Nestor's strategic vision for Rancho Express as it navigates the electric and hybrid vehicle horizon. This episode is punctuated with a call to action, urging listeners to seize life's fleeting opportunities and uplift the Hispanic and Latino communities in a powerful wave of representation and achievement. Join us for this episode that's both a celebration of where we've come from and a roadmap to where we're headed. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Navigating Success in Business and Real Estate: Communication, Resilience, and Financial Freedom with Aaron Chapman

Discover the underestimated power of communication and personal connections in the business world with Aaron Chapman, a finance industry expert with over two decades of experience. Aaron's journey from ranch hand to mortgage lending maverick underscores a crucial narrative: formal education doesn't always prepare you for real-world success. Throughout our conversation, we'll shed light on why some products dominate the market, not solely because of their quality, but due to their visibility and the stories they tell. We'll also share personal anecdotes that illustrate the unexpected paths life can take us on and the importance of resilience and branding in navigating the corporate climb. Venture into the niche world of real estate investing as Aaron Chapman dissects the transformation of the investment landscape following the 2008 financial crash. Learn the ins and outs of leveraging fixed mortgages against inflation and why specialization can catapult you to the top of the market. We also tackle the intricacies of interest rates and their real-time impact on real estate investment decisions. Aaron's candid discussion on the CEO responsibilities within property investment, focusing on the selection and effective management of properties, provides actionable insights for both seasoned and aspiring investors. Cap off your listening experience with a deep dive into the pursuit of financial freedom through real estate investing. Aaron and I unravel the reasons behind choosing real estate over traditional investment vehicles, advocating for a contrarian approach that often leads to substantial rewards. We'll also explore the vital importance of hard work, personal initiative, and the continuous quest for growth, echoing Aaron's mantra that staying static is not an option. This episode promises a trove of entrepreneurial spirit and real-world wisdom, sure to inspire your next big move in the world of business and investment. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Dario Herrera: Navigating Life's Crossroads with Purpose, Impact, and the Evolution of Influencer Marketing

When the path of life leads to crossroads of transformation and growth, it's stories like Dario Herrera's that light the way. As our esteemed guest, this social good entrepreneur embodies resilience, having navigated the peaks and valleys of a career that not only shaped influencer marketing but also connected deeply with humanitarian causes. Our conversation is a journey through the wisdom garnered from personal struggles, the pursuit of alignment with one's values, and the art of storytelling that resonates across businesses and non-profits alike. Daria's move from the East to the West Coast mirrors not just a change in location, but a profound shift towards new beginnings and potential. This episode isn't just about the glitz and glamor of celebrity partnerships; it's anchored in the rich soil of authenticity and social impact. Hear how our collaboration with Generation SOS has amplified our reach, tackling the pervasive issues of substance misuse and mental health. Our dialogue celebrates the pure fulfillment derived from contributing to the greater good and shedding light on the importance of intentional living, regardless of your industry or passions. Daria's insights into personal growth and the power of legacy are as refreshing as they are inspiring, offering a compass for navigating the complexities of life and career. As we chart the evolution of influencer marketing, the emergence of AI-driven platforms like Influence takes center stage, promising to reshape the industry. We dissect the potential and ramifications of integrating AI into content strategy and market optimization, all while fostering a conversation around the entrepreneurial spirit that drives change and creates lasting impact. Alongside this, we discuss how our unique approach to virtual CMO services at W4Agency is democratizing high-level marketing expertise. We wrap up with a reminder that every one of us holds the pen to script our life's narrative, underscoring the power of choices and the beauty of walking hand in hand with purpose, every step of the way. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Nick Mershon: Crafting a Legacy of Success in the Modern Business World

Embark on an insightful expedition through the realms of business culture and leadership with the guidance of Nick Mershon, a seasoned business coach whose military precision and dedication to solving complex challenges redefine excellence. Within the walls of this episode, Nick's rich background from the Navy to the boardroom unfolds a tapestry where the colors of steadfast leadership, employee satisfaction, and the power of a united front paint a vivid picture of organizational success. We navigate the turbulent seas of workplace culture and sales dynamics, considering the delicate balance between internal competition and a nurturing, abundance-minded environment. Imagine a world where your professional life is a harmonious extension of your personal values, where the dance between work ethic and life's precious moments is choreographed with grace and intention. This episode waltzes into the intricacies of consulting, the impact of legal pressures on employment status, and the quest for authenticity in an often inauthentic corporate landscape. Nick and I share our personal challenges in staying true to our convictions, the digital frontier's promise of financial freedom, and the transformative power of recognizing one's worth beyond office walls. As the curtain closes on our vibrant discussion, we reflect on the immeasurable value of carving out time for our children, the genuine connections that flourish in business when nurtured like family, and the vital importance of personal victories in shaping our professional paths. With Nick's entrepreneurial insights and strategies, we reveal a model that empowers small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs to scale new heights. And as we bid farewell, we champion the courage to take bold steps toward our goals, inviting you to harness the potential that lies within and leap beyond the mental barriers that may stand in your way. Join us for this thought-provoking journey that's bound to stir action and inspire change in your business and personal life. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Andy Audate: Crafting Business Triumphs Through Mentorship and Innovation

Ever wondered how a college dropout morphed into a marketing virtuoso with webinar wizardry at his fingertips? Andy Odette's tale is a testament to the fact that the road less traveled can indeed lead to remarkable destinations. Join us as we pick the brain of this marketing maven, whose groundbreaking strategies have given small businesses a new lease on life. Our conversation traverses Andy's audacious leap from academia to entrepreneurship, his hard-earned insights into the myth of overnight success, and the relentless hustle required to make a mark in the business landscape. The entrepreneurial odyssey doesn't stop there; we share the powerful narratives of individuals who've climbed out of the trenches to achieve their business dreams. Picture this: a young ambitious T-Mobile store manager evolving into a cell phone store magnate and motivational speaker, using setbacks as stepping stones. Then, we track the transformative arc of a speaker who leverages his spiritual renewal and storytelling to carve out a niche in the competitive world of sales. These stories aren't just chronicles of success; they're blueprints for resilience, mentorship, and the relentless pursuit of growth. Lastly, we peel back the curtain on the tactical plays that can catapult a business from obscurity to prominence. Discover how a strategic grasp of product-market fit and a niche-focused approach can fuel your business engine. We also unveil the game-changing potential of automated messaging systems, a tool that can revolutionize customer engagement and skyrocket your sales. And for those who are willing to face their fears head-on, we share wisdom on how massive action can not only transform your business but also create a ripple effect that uplifts those around you. So buckle up for an episode filled with entrepreneurial gold, and get ready to charge at your business dreams with renewed vigor! Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Kyle Crooke: Unlocking Exceptional Leadership: Human Connection, Overcoming Challenges, and the Path to Empowerment

Ever wonder what distinguishes a good boss from a great leader? This episode's rich discussion with Kyle Crooke, Chief Performance Officer at Raise Your Revenue by Sandler, promises to illuminate the ways in which leadership transcends mere management, fostering a culture of empowerment that can skyrocket business success. We dissect the hidden costs of high employee turnover, particularly within sales, and debate the effectiveness of AI against the undeniable power of human connection. Join me as I bare my soul about my own entrepreneurial journey, starting a business with my father and learning the ropes of leadership through the lens of personal development. My guest, Omar, and I share candid stories of overcoming challenges like social anxiety, and we explore how these experiences have sculpted our approaches to building networks and handling rejection. Our tales take you from the importance of consistent effort in professional growth to the transformative effects of coaching, mentorship, and the pivotal moments that one conversation can have. We wrap up with a practical toolkit for listeners: from the art of active listening to the strategy of niche targeting, these are the skills that forge stronger client relationships and drive sales forward. The episode also journeys through the evolution of sales practices, emphasizing the rise of a consultative approach grounded in trust and transparency. And for those looking to boost productivity, we offer a simple yet effective method: breaking down your day into bite-sized, focused efforts to propel you towards achieving your business dreams. Don't miss this insightful exploration into the heart of what makes a business—and its leaders—truly thrive. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Danny Seliger: From Serving Aces to Serving Insights in the Digital Arena

Ever considered dropping everything to chase a wild dream? Danny Seliger, also known as Coolness, did just that, and in our latest episode, he recounts his amazing transformation from accomplished collegiate volleyball player to the VP of a leading social media agency. This isn't your average success story; it's an exploration of bold decisions, the value of real-world experience over formal education, and the power of parental support when making life-altering choices. Danny's tale is one of breaking barriers and the societal expectations that so often bind us to traditional paths. Get ready to be inspired by a journey that touches on college athletics, the leap into the uncertainties of entrepreneurship, and the thrilling world of online branding. Danny's ascent to social media stardom—with over 1.5 million followers to his name—proves that when it comes to carving out your own niche, conventional wisdom doesn't always apply. As he shares his strategies for amassing an online presence and navigating the choppy waters of crypto investments, you'll see just how much tenacity and vision can achieve when combined. Wrapping up, Danny imparts wisdom on the evolution of digital marketing, the importance of authenticity, and the necessity of aligning with those who elevate you. It's a candid look at the highs and lows of following passion over expectation, underscored by the importance of self-belief in the face of criticism. This episode isn't just a motivational talk; it's a roadmap for anyone brave enough to chase their dreams with eyes wide open. Join us for a conversation that's as enlightening as it is entertaining, with laughs, lessons, and a whole lot of Coolness. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Turning Dreams to Reality: Embracing Manifestation and Inspired Action with Star Magee

Have you ever felt like you're standing at the edge of your dreams, unsure of how to take the leap? Join me as I welcome Star Magee, a powerhouse manifesting life coach and yoga therapist, whose journey is a testament to the transformative power of manifestation and inspired action. Through an honest and engaging dialogue, we peel back the layers of Star's "Glowing Well" podcast and personal growth app, diving into the heart of meaningful connections, the struggle against limiting beliefs, and the art of embracing our roles with unwavering confidence. Turning dreams into reality is more than a game of chance; it's a strategy of clarity and dedication. This episode is a treasure trove for those ready to debunk the myths of manifestation and to understand why vision boards alone won't suffice. We share stories of individuals who learned the hard way that lofty aspirations fall flat without aligned actions, illuminating the necessity of clear, actionable goals. Discover the subtle yet critical shift from passive wishing to active doing that can truly revolutionize your life's journey. If you're ready to sculpt your own success story, this conversation is your chisel. We delve into the synergy of positive self-talk, affirmations, and the often-overlooked power of a supportive community in fueling personal transformation. Join us as we celebrate the weight loss journeys intertwined with personal growth, and the empowering clarity that comes from self-awareness and gratitude. Together, we champion the role of inspiration and empowerment in not just finding your voice, but in resonating it out into the world to author your own narrative of success and fulfillment. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Embracing Authenticity and the Pursuit of Personal Clarity with Rocky Garza

Have you ever had a moment where clarity about your own identity hit you like a ton of bricks? That's what it felt like when Rocky Garza, a personal clarity guru, first addressed a room I was in, outshining A-listers with his profound insights on authenticity and self-discovery. In this episode, we journey with Rocky through the twists and turns of shedding societal masks and embracing our true selves. His compelling stories and the wisdom gained from a varied career, from youth camp director to mentor for high achievers, provide a roadmap for those seeking to live confidently and true to their core values. This conversation goes beyond surface-level aspirations; it's a deep exploration of how we construct our success and the impact of our actions. Rocky and I dissect the challenges of staying true to oneself in the face of external pressures and expectations. We celebrate the courage it takes to pursue our dreams and the hard work behind turning those dreams into reality. This isn't just about finding your passion—it's about the relentless dedication to personal growth, the significance of crafting genuine connections, and the power of sharing stories that resonate with purpose rather than chasing fleeting social media metrics. We wrap up with an empowering call to action, inviting you to step beyond your comfort zone and engage with life's challenges head-on. Reflecting on the measures of true success, we delve into how positive actions can profoundly influence not just our lives, but those of our community and beyond. Rocky's daily motivational texts and transformative speaking engagements are just a text away for those ready to make that leap. If today is the day you decide to take control of your narrative and start building the life you've envisioned, let this episode be the catalyst that sparks a change in your journey. for a FREE five day workshop https://rockygarza.com/get-what-you-want starts February 19th follow Rocky through the Insta @rockygarza also website www.rockygarza.com and free daily coaching text my name Omar Medrano at 469-649-8441 Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Transforming Setbacks into Comebacks: Unpacking Success, Authenticity, and Positive Impact with David Specht

Ever faced the sting of rejection or wrestled with the fear of it? David Specht is back at the mic with me, sharing transformative insights on turning setbacks into comebacks. Together, we unpack the misconceptions around the overnight success of influencers and why the road to triumph is more akin to a marathon rather than a sprint. David, the entrepreneur and author behind "Old Dogs, New Tricks," brings his authentic wisdom to the table, challenging the narratives that hold us back from achieving our full potential. What does it truly take to carve out a niche and foster authenticity in the cutthroat world of business and coaching? In this heart-to-heart, we dissect the pitfalls of trying to be everything to everyone and instead underscore the power of connection and impact. Drawing from lessons in David's book and our own entrepreneurial trenches, we're here to remind you that genuine success comes from aligning with your unique personal attributes and serving your audience with integrity and true value. Finally, we're thrilled to announce our exclusive online community, WhatIfItDidWork.com, where personalized coaching and mastermind series await to catapult your personal and professional life to unparalleled heights. This episode is not just a conversation; it's a call to action. Join us as we stand shoulder to shoulder with you, ready to tackle the challenges and champion your journey toward a life far removed from mediocrity. Embrace the learning, open doors to opportunity, and let's transform the power of positive thinking into a tangible reality. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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The Strength of Collaborative Packs for Success

Michael Devellano is a seasoned professional with a diverse background in business, entrepreneurship, and hockey scouting. As an author, podcast host, and startup community curator, he has shared his insights and expertise in his book "Automate and Grow." His perspective on business, entrepreneurship, and hockey scouting is multifaceted, shaped by his experiences as a startup founder, investor, CTO, author, and hockey scout. Devellano emphasizes the importance of hard work, calculated risk-taking, and a focus on innovation and disruption. He believes in seizing opportunities aggressively and criticizes the culture of envy, highlighting the rewards of being willing to take risks and go all-in on a vision. Join Omar Medrano and Michael Devellano on this episode of the What IF It Did Work? podcast to delve deeper into his insights and experiences https://a.co/d/5AY2ldn https://thefounderspack.beehiiv.com/ Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min


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Tailoring Education: Homeschooling for Individual Strengths and Interests

Miriam Castro, a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in psychology, sociology, and social work, and her homeschooled daughter, Lucy Colon, a young entrepreneur passionate about alternative education, bring a unique perspective to the table. Miriam believes in the power of homeschooling and alternative education, having seen her daughter thrive outside the traditional school system. She advocates for individuality and nurturing specific interests and talents, and sees homeschooling as a rewarding experience despite initial apprehensions. Lucy, on the other hand, shares her mother's perspective, expressing dissatisfaction with traditional schooling and appreciating the practical, real-world learning experience that homeschooling provides. She credits her entrepreneurial skills and knowledge to her unique educational background. Join Omar Medrano, Miriam Castro, and Lucy Colon on this episode of the What IF It Did Work? podcast as they delve deeper into their experiences and perspectives on entrepreneurship, homeschooling, and alternative education. Join the What if it Did Work movement on Facebook Get the Book! www.omarmedrano.com www.calendly.com/omarmedrano/15min
