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reThink Real Estate Podcast


Welcome to the reThink Real Estate Podcast: Your best source for practical and entertaining industry insights, conversations and interviews. Dedicated to provide you with actionable takeaways in each episode, to help you build and grow your real estate business. Your hosts are Christian Harris, leader of the Sea-Town Team in Seattle, WA and Kellen Hoskins in Prescott, AZ. The RTRE Podcast is a proud members of the Industry Syndicate Podcast Network.


United States


Welcome to the reThink Real Estate Podcast: Your best source for practical and entertaining industry insights, conversations and interviews. Dedicated to provide you with actionable takeaways in each episode, to help you build and grow your real estate business. Your hosts are Christian Harris, leader of the Sea-Town Team in Seattle, WA and Kellen Hoskins in Prescott, AZ. The RTRE Podcast is a proud members of the Industry Syndicate Podcast Network.



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145 - Takeaways And Highlights Over The Years From The Podcast

It’s the final episode! We think we said what we needed to say and provided a reliable archive of information for agents such as yourselves to prosper. We reminisce on the good times. We’ve had some fantastic guests and we had an opportunity to pick their brains about their insights on real estate. Now that the show is officially coming to an end, you might be thinking where can I find another real estate podcast? We have some recommendations from our personal listening habits. Rethink Real Estate had a good run but good things need to come to an end. Thank you for joining us on this unforgettable journey. See you on the field, agents! This episode is brought to you by Realvolve, the CRM solution that combines intuitive ease of use, with powerful automation for your listings, transactions and client follow up. Head over to to checkout our exclusive offer just for our listeners and start your free trial today! ~~~~~ This episode is brought to you by Realvolve, the CRM solution that combines intuitive ease of use, with powerful automation for your listings, transactions and client follow up. Head over to to checkout our exclusive offer just for our listeners and start your free trial today!


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144 - Social Media Marketing

Some agents make a living from selling themselves online, but what value does it offer? We think that social media should instead be a platform for building community. Small businesses are the lifeblood of the community. And, using social media to advertise yourself exclusively could do more harm to your practice than good. Building community can get your name places it wouldn’t get to otherwise. It could get you that organic interest from potential clients because people want to connect with agents with whom they can relate. We recommend Facebook if you’re going to market with social media. The userbase for the site comprises of older people. Also, look into Tiktok because it is insanely popular these days. It’s easy to fall in the trap of focusing on gaining followers, however. Focus on what your goal is as an agent. Show topics:


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143 - Building a Team - An Honest Conversation

We here at Rethink consider teams as a collective working towards a common goal. On this episode, we talk about structure, fine-tuning, and much more. A team can be a good way to have a steady flow of income through revenue sharing when your business is having a dry spell. Having a team can help in keeping work in perspective as well. In other words, reminding you why you’re working so hard in the first place. Team - collective Show topics


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142 - Real Estate Conferences

What’s a real estate conference and should you attend one? We answer those questions on this episode of the Rethink Real Estate podcast. There are different types of conferences you can attend as an agent. Which one you go to really depends on what value you want from it. In our opinion, the value lies in the networking opportunities. The lobby conferences is a meeting of the brains you can’t have anywhere else. That being said, if you are not implementing what you learn you’re not using your resources well. All sorts of conferences are available for you both online and in person. (We may be attending a few ourselves!) Find the right conference for you and see what you can learn and who you can meet. Show topics


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141 - Focus & intentionality - The power of saying NO

Today, we’re discussing the power of saying “NO”. Where we sometimes find ourselves getting caught up where we find ourselves doing something but that does not mean you have to think. While it is something that you can do when there is an opportunity to do so but in doing such tasks, which are actually minutia and sometimes even detrimental to your business. Find a way to outsource that and spending more money to get more stuff done instead of doing it yourself and taking time to do that. So you really have to take a step back and take a look at getting the big picture and see how it benefits you, your family and your business. We have a limited time within a day that run out in an instant, we tend to get caught up in that hamster wheel and we spend a lot of time chasing commission check and helping clients, which is great and all. But does that benefit you? How does that benefit you? Unless you develop a business that is self-sufficient and you can walk away and have a vacation and not be on the phone 24 hours a day then that would be great. If not, you have to find a way to make your money work for you! This episode is brought to you by Realvolve, the CRM solution that combines intuitive ease of use, with powerful automation for your listings, transactions and client follow-up. Head over to to checkout our exclusive offer just for our listeners and start your free trial today!


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140 - Content Marketing

140 ReThink Introduction: Content marketing should be your priority because it is the most forgiving way of getting your name out there. This is a great way to build your audience. As a product of content marketing, we learned photography and video as part of what customers we get. Those customers as well would not have discovered us if not for content marketing. We are shilling for content marketing but by no means should it only be your way of getting business. On the topic of content marketing, you need your content to be authentic. Otherwise, content marketing is going to do the worst for your business. Connect with the small business community. Develop rapport with business owners and create content of it. These people need your help the most. Creating content will connect you with more people who can give you business. Show topics:


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139 - Coaches, Mentors, and Gurus... Oh my!

In today’s show, we differentiate coaches, mentors, and gurus and share personal experiences with them. Listen on Apple Podcast Coaching services cost plenty of money so you have to be careful with whom you invest your time and money. Frauds tend to target wet behind-the-ear agents. It would be prudent as a new agent to find a mentor who can bring your business to a good place. Finding a coach that is right with you in terms of how he/she aligns with the type of business you want to build is paramount to business success. Granted this is a big challenge and honestly, there are many coaches, mentors, and gurus that are most likely not the coach you want. But then again, it is you, what it feels like for you with your chosen coach and we give a stern warning for you to be careful who you trust. Show topics: If you are in need of a great, easy to use yet powerful CRM (and every agent needs one in our opinion and experience), then try out Realvolve for free for 14 days at our discount link - So stay tuned, and I hope you learned something from this episode of Rethink Real Estate!


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138 How Much Does It Cost to Get Your Real Estate License

In today's episode, we’re evaluating the cost of getting your real estate license. The truth is that it adds up because you need to pay for pre licensing, joining your local association, etc. It is all worth it in the end. It’s cheaper than having a college education, at least. New real estate agents need to be responsible with where they invest. Selling to other agents, friends, and family are better, safer bets for earning a living. You can find your niche through these connections. Build a community. Most importantly, learn to know what a good opportunity is when it’s presented. Finally, reach out to small businesses, read books, and invest in a good CRM. These are some essential things you’ll need to develop your business. Get your name out there and heighten your game as an agent. Topics If you are in need of a great, easy to use yet powerful CRM (and every agent needs one in our opinion and experience), then try out Realvolve for free for 14 days at our discount link - So stay tuned, and I hope you learned something from this episode of Rethink Real Estate!


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137 - Can Real Estate Be Done Part-Time

In today’s show we are discussing whether real estate can be done part time as a hobby or as a profession! So the topic today where so many agents like to complain about, does being part-time necessarily mean that you being under-trained and being shitty at your job? Not necessarily, if you’re juggling too much then it is, but it should always be based on your client’s best interest! Sure there will be pros and cons in working part-time and full-time working as an agent. For example, Kellen who has worked in a large wireless telecommunications company has suddenly and unceremoniously laid off out of nowhere and where he wasn’t fully financially prepared! He and his wife wondered if they could survive on a single minimum wage, hourly pay. After realizing that they could not, they decided that they needed a change, so Kellen went to real estate college, when he found that his great, great, great grandfather’s real estate license from the city of Long Beach in 1939. Unfortunately, he still needed money to support his family and so what he did for the year in real estate was he worked full-time during the day and he worked a night job delivering pizzas. In working multiple jobs at the same time, there will be burnout! There are going to be moments where you question if what you’re doing is still the right thing, the right move, and it’s just a matter of persevering. Show Topics: Stay tuned for more episodes here: Visit our website!


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The Relaunch + A Big Announcement!

Today on the show, we are excited to announce some big, big changes and announcements! We’re switching things up so that it will open some great opportunities for the show. It’s been a few months since we’ve released the show and I know you’ve been wondering when we’re going to come back. Coming back from the COVID year, and co-hosts Nathan and Chris have gotten busy and outgrown the show. So we’re still going to continue on, without the guys on the show. But I’m excited to a announce a new co-host Kellen “The Beard” Hoskins, some of you may know him from a past episode. Kellen has a really long pedigree in the real estate business. His family has been doing business since the 1930s. You can trace back where he found that his great, great, great, great grandfather’s real estate license in Long Beach, California. Over 40 years and multiple family members who are in either the sales side, the investment side, or the development side of the business. He spent 15 years in the wireless business as a Regional Sales Director, he then decided to hop into the family business and do something for himself for a change. It has been five years since. We connected and we just became kindred spirits talking about podcasting and your beard! Besides that, I just loved your cheekiness and for you putting yourself out there and pushing back against the status quo. Hopefully co-hosting will open up an opportunity for us to put both of our knowledge and wisdom out there so that we can continue helping our audience to grow their business and take things to the next level. Both in our podcast and for each of our businesses. On this show: So stay tuned, and I hope you learned something from this episode of Rethink Real Estate!


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134 - Navigating Change in Your Business

We talk about change in this episode. There is no doubt that 2020 has been a year of changes, what with the pandemic and its challenges. Christian, Nate, and Chris share their insights on navigating change. The following are some advice from Valerie Garcia, VP of Learning and Development in Realvolve and Firepoint: Some have an easier time coping with the changes brought about by the pandemic, but we have to make some changes to stay afloat sometimes. An easy trap to fall into is self-pity. Instead of moping around, we need to roll with the punches and embrace change. Some good has come from the pandemic on the business side of things. Technological innovations make it easier to maintain a business during a time like this. We can have forms filled out remotely, for example. There is no changing the situation, but we can always shift our outlook. There may be more challenges in the future when this pandemic is over. It is survival of the fittest. Adapt to the changes or lag. Change is a massive part of the business. Nobody wants to be that person who is stuck in their ways, and the best way to learn how to change is through others. A person on our side who can spot flaws and ask questions, whether we agree with them or not, can give us a new perspective on how to go about making changes. We need to be proactive and be ready for whatever outcome, whether good or bad. Learn from mistakes and do better the next time around. Doing open houses and reaching out is going to be different as we advance. Peers, colleagues, and online groups are an invaluable resource for business strategies. There is no shame in taking and adapting someone's ideas for our purposes because everyone is learning to adjust. You have to expand your horizons and think outside the box as well. To bring it back to the episode's topic, try not to be bogged down with the usual thinking way. Be flexible, humble, and do what is necessary to make your business better. Do not be afraid to change if it means coming out the other side. Think of making significant changes as evolution instead of thinking of it as a failure. People who criticize you for changing do not understand what it takes to survive. Pay them no mind. Those who can adapt are more likely to survive the highly competitive real estate market. Walking the road less traveled and doing your own thing may be conflicting advice, but the herd is probably going in the wrong direction. There is no dancing around the fact that change is a tough thing. You, as a broker, do not have the time to deal with negativity from other people. Focus on what you need to do to keep up with all the changes happening around you. Evolve, roll with the punches, and embrace change. Block critics out and only listen to the people who want success for you. Be proactive and be ready for your plans to succeed or even fail. Take inspiration from what others are doing or do something different. Be flexible in your methods and humble yourself. Your perspective will determine your path. So stay tuned, and I hope you learned something from this episode of Rethink Real Estate!


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133 - Planning for a Better 2021

Today, we're talking about how to take your business to new levels by using a formal business plan. Valerie's tips: Learn more at We are talking about Business Planning in 2021. We had a heck of a year this year. and now we're focused on how we're going to improve our operations to make 2021 our best year yet. Planning is a huge part of what we do. If you're at a brokerage and they don't offer you some type of business planning or help for business planning for this coming year, leave because they're failing you. We all need goals, we all need some kind of light to guide us in our business. Whatever it is that you create, you have to reference it and it's got to be simple enough that it is actionable. The issue here is, most business plans go deep but they are hard to take action in the day-to-day. Some effective ways for planning business involves: So stay tuned! We are so excited to let you know how we plan our business for the next year!


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132 - How to Generate Leads

Listen now to learn how to bring leads into your business today. Lead generation is complex and multifaceted. In this episode, we discuss different sources of leads and how to bring them all into play to increase your bottom line.


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131 - Segment Smart

In today's episode, we discuss how marketing to your existing database can be far more effective than spending lots of money on lead generation. Effective database management involves sending messages that are applicable to their needs, so we dive into ways to segment your database. We also share ideas that have worked for us in our business to build relationships and keep our past clients engaged. Check our more great tips about segmenting your business at


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130 - James Dwiggins

James Dwiggins is the CEO and Founder of NextHome. In today's interview, James dives into the vision, mission, and success stories behind the fastest growing real estate franchise in the United States. Further, he shares how the marriage of technology, agents, and consumers can win when implemented properly. James discusses how going against the grain is attracting agents and driving performance. Technology plays a pivotal role in how NextHome works with their agents, so we dive into talking about tech and how tech can enable today's agents to win. To learn more about NextHome visit


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129 - Communicating via Email

We live by email, so we need to think about how our emails come across. Val @ Realvolve has some great tips for formatting an email to get action from someone. Nathan, Chris, and Christian discuss their preferences for communication.


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128 - How to Win a Bidding War

Listen to this episode and win contracts for your clients in multiple offer scenarios. After some quick tips from Val @ Realvolve we dive into practical strategies that we're using to win offers over and over for our clients. Multiple offers are here to stay until our supply catches up with demand. That's why we're taking this episode to talk about what's working from the purchasing and listing sides to win offers. We discuss strategies that will get you noticed, get your client the deal, and make you look like a rock star agent.


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127 - Peter Lorimer

From number one music producer to number one in real estate. Today we're joined by the co-host of Netflix's hit series Stay Here, Peter Lorimer. Peter is the founder of PLG estates, a real estate brokerage in Los Angeles, California. In today's episode we dive into the mind of Peter for his perspective on life, real estate, and television. He shares how his career flourished when he stopped listening to what everyone said he needed to become and started embracing who he was. Peter delivers sage advice through the entire show today, so make sure you're paying attention.


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126 - Michael Hellickson

This week we're joined by the founder of Club Wealth Coaching and Consulting, Michael Hellickson. Michael went from running a team of 16 that sold 120 homes per month to build the number one coaching company for teams and brokerages. By the end of this episode, Christian, Nate, and Chris all made the leap into coaching with Club Wealth, which was completely unplanned. Tune in for some really impactful information that may help you get unstuck in your business.


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125 - Make Your Back End Sexy

In this episode: Great Tips on Automation from Val @ Realvolve, Nate flexes his know-how, and Chris talks about Brokerage crap that agents ignore. Join us for an awesome discussion as we peek behind the curtains and discuss how our businesses are run. A successful business runs like an ecosystem. Every piece of the puzzle has an important role to play. We discuss some of the systems that we use to help run our businesses and keep the needle pointing forward. Follow the podcast on Facebook and check out Val's tips at
