Battlefields: Culture war intel for men and boys
Charlie Delto
Men and boys face hitherto unknown conflicts in the decades to come. Battlefields provides vital intel on the battle ahead. It gives strategy to the combatent that takes the field. It is on your side when it seems no one else is.
The western male faces new conflicts that his father cannot have imaged would develop. But with this deep insight into the culture wars that Charlie Delto provides, the western male might be prepared for the beach heads that await.
Instictively, you know the battlefields. College is now a dangerous place for western males. The workplace has new rules that govern inter-gender relationships that are changing by the hour. Social media rewards the outragious and punishes the truthful. Worrying developments within politically motivated activist groups identify males as THE cause of all problems in the West, and these Groups grow strong.
Protect your son's future by gathering the necessary intel to understand these battlefields and how they may be survived. Buy Battlefields now and give yourself a fighting chance.
Author - Charlie Delto.
Narrator - Charlie Delto.
Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.
United States
Men and boys face hitherto unknown conflicts in the decades to come. Battlefields provides vital intel on the battle ahead. It gives strategy to the combatent that takes the field. It is on your side when it seems no one else is. The western male faces new conflicts that his father cannot have imaged would develop. But with this deep insight into the culture wars that Charlie Delto provides, the western male might be prepared for the beach heads that await. Instictively, you know the battlefields. College is now a dangerous place for western males. The workplace has new rules that govern inter-gender relationships that are changing by the hour. Social media rewards the outragious and punishes the truthful. Worrying developments within politically motivated activist groups identify males as THE cause of all problems in the West, and these Groups grow strong. Protect your son's future by gathering the necessary intel to understand these battlefields and how they may be survived. Buy Battlefields now and give yourself a fighting chance. Author - Charlie Delto. Narrator - Charlie Delto. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9