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Dungeons & Dragons Actual Play Adventure Comedy Podcast


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Dungeons & Dragons Actual Play Adventure Comedy Podcast





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The Vassanoka Adventures, Episode 25: The Meeting of the Ankaa Crystals

Episode title note: "Ankaa" is pronounced "on-key" ("awn-kee") Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our four heroes- Sir Ben, Llew Westaryn, Krohl the Fallen, and Raven- as they continue their journey in The Vassanoka Adventures! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Map of Vassanoka Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Watch RJ's Baldur's Gate 3 Chaos Quest streams here on Twitch, Wednesdays 7pm-9pm eastern! Ben speaks plainly. Llew prepares for the meeting. Krohl details what he knows of the east. Raven informs the council of her clan's disappearance. Cast: Ash: Krohl the Fallen Bee: Dungeon Master, Sana, Tavern Patron, Rackle, City Guard Escort, King Ajax Highrock, King Robert Westaryn, Tilo, Durit Keet, Elyenza the White Harrison - Tavern Patron, Prince Llew Westaryn Ray: Raven RJ: Tavern Patron, Sir Ben The Vassanoka Adventures is an original campaign created by Bee Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore & Harrison Owens Original Realms & Nerds music & sound effects by RJ Moore Main theme composed by Kyle Rice & RJ Moore, arranged by Justin Mattioli Additional sound effects from FreeSound ( “01015coffeehouse” by sagetyrtle


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The Return of Ornon Halloween Special 2024: The Sugar Murder

Happy Halloween, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our four heroes- Joan Redsun, Seebo Turen Nim, Ryder, and Dracarys Shockwind- as they solve a murder mystery! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Joan does some detective work. Seebo makes several entrances. Ryder gets into a physical altercation. Dracarys dances. Cast: Bee - Seebo Turen Nim Bronson - Dracarys Shockwind Harrison - Dungeon Master, Mayor Dan, Sheriff Greg, Pete, Nettie, Ron, Mayor Dan's Butler, Autumn, Ash Ray - Ryder RJ - Podghost Host, Joan Redsun The Return of Ornon is an original campaign created by Harrison Owens "A Murder Mystery" is an original story created by Harrison Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore Original Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme & closing theme melody by Kyle Rice & RJ Moore Additional music by Kevin MacLeod ( "Trio for Piano, Violin, and Viola" Kevin MacLeod license info: Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 License Additional music by Jason Shaw ( "Hoedown" Original sound effects created by RJ Moore Additional sound effects used are courtesy of FreeSound ( "01015coffeehouse" by sagetyrtle "cauldron" by billyzenn


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Seafarers & Scallywags, Episode 3: Questions for the Chronoracle

Ahoy, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our five crewmates- Bartholomew Blackwell, Blood Evening, Tohatu, Ember Horizon, and Tevon "The Butcher"- as they continue their journey in Seafarers & Scallywags! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the tag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Watch RJ's Baldur's Gate III Chaos Quest live on Twitch (Wednesdays 7pm-9pm EST) Bartholomew looks for valuables. Blood takes the night patrol. Tohatu converses more with Dredge. Ember gets a list from Littlebeard. Tevon learns of an item of interest. Cast: Ash - Ember Horizon Bee - Blood Evening Cosmic Cave Bronson - Dungeon Master, Dredge, The Hunger, Captain Littlebeard, Cloaked Figure, Chronoracle Harrison - Tevon "The Butcher" Aldus Ray - Tohatu Kaiwhai Taniwha RJ - Bartholomew Blackwell Seafarers & Scallywags is an original campaign created by Bronson Proseus Episode edited by Harrison Owens & RJ Moore Original Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme melody by Kyle Rice Closing theme melody by Bee Owens Original sound effects created by RJ Moore Additional sound effect used courtesy of Pixabay Collection ( "Cannon Fire" by LordSonny Additional sound effects used courtesy of FreeSound (, Creative Commons 0. "Underwater Ambience" by Kinoton "LargeWoodenShip" by PimFeijen "2021-08-30-rowing-boat-005" by ilmari_freesound


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The Vassanoka Adventures, Episode 24: Downtime Upgrades

Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our four heroes- Sir Ben, Llew Westaryn, Krohl the Fallen, and Raven- as they continue their journey in The Vassanoka Adventures! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Map of Vassanoka Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Watch RJ's Baldur's Gate 3 Chaos Quest streams here on Twitch, Wednesdays 7pm-9pm eastern! Ben visits an aviary. Llew checks out some library books. Krohl is hired for an experiment. Raven strengthens her connection with nature. Cast: Ash: Krohl the Fallen Bee: Dungeon Master, Librarian, Sara/Sana, Game Master, Sylpher, Olivair Oxford Harrison - Prince Llew Westaryn Ray: Raven RJ: Sir Ben The Vassanoka Adventures is an original campaign created by Bee Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore & Harrison Owens Original Realms & Nerds music & sound effects by RJ Moore Main theme composed by Kyle Rice & RJ Moore, arranged by Justin Mattioli Additional music by Ivan Duch ( "Blood Magic" Additional sound effects from FreeSound ( "Switch.Big.Power" by jessepash; "machinery siren" by vestibule-door; "Tomb Door Open, Stone Scrape" by Kinoton; "01015coffeehouse" by sagetyrtle; "shop_door_bell+squeek" by 3bagbrew; "Crow Cry" by WanderingLeprechaun; "Raven, Crow, Ravens, Cry, Scream, Rabe, Kolkrabe, Kraehe" by Borgory; "Owls" by depwl9992; "Birdfeeder closeup" by toban; "Metal_Gate_01" by SilentStrikeZ; "Old Village" by Thursiandreams Additional sound effects from Pixabay ( "an eagle squawking overhead" by u_tmwllo5zur; "Birds Flapping Wings", "Birds in Cage Wings", "wing flaps layered" by Pixabay; "Eagle Scream" by iedurodrigues; "eagle squawking - type 1", "eagle squawking - type 2", "eagle squawking - type 3", "eagle squawking - type 4" by RibhavAgrawal; "Bird voices, Голоса птиц" by SSPsurvival


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Seafarers & Scallywags, Episode 2: Shopping for Supplies & Attaining the Anchor

Ahoy, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our five crewmates- Bartholomew Blackwell, Blood Evening, Tohatu, Ember Horizon, and Tevon "The Butcher"- as they continue their journey in Seafarers & Scallywags! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the tag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Watch RJ's Baldur's Gate III Chaos Quest live on Twitch (Wednesdays 7pm-9pm EST) Bartholomew drinks bad liquor. Blood bets on a thimblerig game. Tohatu retrieves the anchor. Ember meets with the captain. Tevon goes shopping. Cast: Ash - Ember Horizon Bee - Blood Evening Cosmic Cave Bronson - Dungeon Master, Captain Littlebeard, The Hunger, Thimblerig Operator, Dredge Harrison - Tevon "The Butcher" Aldus Ray - Tohatu Kaiwhai Taniwha RJ - Bartholomew Blackwell, Scared Seagull Seafarers & Scallywags is an original campaign created by Bronson Proseus Episode edited by Harrison Owens & RJ Moore Original Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme melody by Kyle Rice Closing theme melody by Bee Owens Original sound effects created by RJ Moore Additional sound effect used courtesy of Pixabay Collection ( "Cannon Fire" by LordSonny Additional sound effects used courtesy of FreeSound (, Creative Commons 0. "LargeWoodenShip" by PimFeijen "Afternoon on the Dock" by chris5s "Seagulls in a quiet street, 6AM, Harbour City" by etienne.leplumey "Bar Brawl - close" by JoeDinesSound "Fight_scene" by ProxValor "Foley Fight Moves Struggling" by leonelmail "fight straggling" by smartsanim "goblin fighting" by Fenodyrie "Underwater Ambience" by Kinoton


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The Vassanoka Adventures, Episode 23: River Route to New Hylyr

Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our four heroes- Sir Ben, Llew Westaryn, Krohl the Fallen, and Raven- as they continue their journey in The Vassanoka Adventures! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Map of Vassanoka Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Ben navigates the party down the river. Llew meets with his father. Krohl goes to McFinley's. Raven's gets seasick. Cast: Ash: Krohl the Fallen Bee: Dungeon Master, Sylpher, Rackle, Boat Rentel Employees, Sana, New Hylyr Guards, Representative Building Concierges, King Robert Westaryn, McFinley's Bartender, Sarah Harrison - Prince Llew Westaryn Ray: Rat-Raven, Raven RJ: Sir Ben, Gwendolyn, Gob-Ben The Vassanoka Adventures is an original campaign created by Bee Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore & Harrison Owens Original Realms & Nerds music & sound effects by RJ Moore Main theme composed by Kyle Rice & RJ Moore, arranged by Justin Mattioli Additional sound effects from FreeSound ( "Walk down High St no cars" by catfish_pete "0105coffeehouse" by sagetyrtle


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Seafarers & Scallywags, Episode 1: The Auction

Ahoy, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our five crewmates- Bartholomew Blackwell, Blood Evening, Tohatu, Ember Horizon, and Tevon "The Butcher"- as they begin their journey in Seafarers & Scallywags! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the tag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Watch RJ's Baldur's Gate III Chaos Quest live on Twitch (Wednesdays 7pm-9pm EST) The crew is assembled. Cast: Ash - Ember Horizon Bee - Blood Evening Cosmic Cave Bronson - Dungeon Master, Captain Littlebeard, Auctioneer, Payment Collector Harrison - Tevon "The Butcher" Aldus Ray - Tohatu Kaiwhai Taniwha RJ - Liam "Bartholomew Blackwell" Murphy Seafarers & Scallywags is an original campaign created by Bronson Proseus Episode edited by Harrison Owens & RJ Moore Original Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme melody by Kyle Rice Closing theme melody by Bee Owens Additional music by Kevin MacLeod ( "Not as It Seems", "Ave Marimba", "Ether Vox", "Come Play With Me", "Gloom Horizon", "Duet Musette" Kevin MacLeod license info: Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 License Original sound effects created by RJ Moore Additional sound effect used courtesy of Pixabay Collection ( "Cannon Fire" by LordSonny Additional sound effects used courtesy of FreeSound ( "Swedish Library" by JonnyThePonny "Ambience Port Pirates" by Elenalostale "Through a street market in São Paulo - Brazil (Feira)" by amoyssiadis "5 min of crowd chatter. 40 people" by Psykophobia "Male Crowd Talking" by Manim8 "Pirate Ship at Bay w.out Seagulls" by CGEffex (Attribution 4.0)


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ANNOUNCEMENT: RJ's (Redsun55) Baldur's Gate 3 CHAOS QUEST!

RJ (aka Redsun55) is starting a Twitch stream series of Baldur's Gate 3 on Wednesday evenings from 7pm-9pm EST, starting August 21, 2024! FOLLOW RJ ON TWITCH HERE AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS TO KNOW WHEN HE GOES LIVE! Correction: Baldur's Gate III actually takes place in the Forgotten Realms, of which Faerûn is a part of, and is the main location of the game. Announcement music by RJ Moore, main melody composed by Kyle Rice. "Baldur's Gate III" logo and key art by Larian Studios and Wizards of the Coast.


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The Vassanoka Adventures, Episode 22: Duergar Darren and Phil's Place

Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our four heroes- Sir Ben, Llew Westaryn, Krohl the Fallen, and Raven- as they continue their journey in The Vassanoka Adventures! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Map of Vassanoka Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Ben secures lodging for the party. Llew plays a card game. Krohl scouts the river. Raven's stomach churns. Cast: Ash: Krohl the Fallen Bee: Dungeon Master, Rumut, Darnak, Benny, Sana, Rackle, Chieftain Darren, Farmer, Sylpher, Phil, Sherrie Harrison - Prince Llew Westaryn Ray: Raven RJ: Sir Ben, Goblin-Ben, Horses The Vassanoka Adventures is an original campaign created by Bee Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore & Harrison Owens Original Realms & Nerds music & sound effects by RJ Moore "Yankee Doodle", traditional tune, recorded by RJ Moore Main theme composed by Kyle Rice & RJ Moore, arranged by Justin Mattioli Additional music by Ivan Duch ( "Peaceful Tavern" Additional music by Kevin MacLeod ( "Teller of the Tales", "Achaidh Cheide", "Cello Suite 1 in G - Prelude", "Errigal", "Celtic Impulse" Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License Additional sound effect from FreeSound ( "ice cracks medium1" by kyles. Creative Commons 0.


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The Return of Ornon, Side Quest 1: Treasure Hunters & Scallywags

Ahoy, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our five heroes- Joan Redsun, Seebo Turen Nim, Ryder, Rhomash Scarbearer, and Dracarys Shockwind- as they continue their journey in The Return of Ornon! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Joan carries a chest. Seebo is a special guest. Ryder gets wrapped up. Rhomash runs for his life. Dracarys climbs a tree. Cast: Ash - Rhomash Scarbearer Bee - Seebo Turen Nim Bronson - Dracarys Shockwind, Captain Littlebeard Harrison - Dungeon Master, Captain Arthur Lawrence, Lizardfolk Ray - Ryder RJ - Joan Redsun, Green Dragon The Return of Ornon is an original campaign created by Harrison Owens "Treasure Hunters & Scallywags" is an original story created by Harrison Owens "Treasure Hunters & Scallywags" is also Season 3, Episode 0 of Seafarers & Scallywags Seafarers & Scallywags is an original campaign created by Bronson Proseus Episode edited by Harrison Owens & RJ Moore Original Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme & closing theme melody by Kyle Rice Additional music by Ivan Duch ( "Plankers Cove" Additional music by Kevin MacLeod ( "Firebrand", "Sneak n Get Caught" Kevin MacLeod license info: Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 License Additional music by ZitronSound ( "Secret Tomb" ZitronSound license info: Additional music by Untold Journey ( "The Pirate King" Original sound effects created by RJ Moore Additional sound effects used are courtesy of FreeSound ( “Ambience Port Pirates” by Elenalostale “Pirate Ship at Bay” by CGEffex (Attribution 4.0) “Pirate Ship at Bay w.out Seagulls” by CGEffex (Attribution 4.0) “LargeWoodenShip” by PimFeijen “Kookaburra” by Rimmer “Amazon Jungle Birds” by trundlefly “Sea Cave” by Andy_Gardner “Cannon Shot” by qubodup “Paddles rowing on a calm water stream” by brunoboselli


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The Vassanoka Adventures, Episode 21: What Lies Beneath

Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our four heroes- Sir Ben, Llew Westaryn, Krohl the Fallen, and Raven- as they continue their journey in The Vassanoka Adventures! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Map of Vassanoka Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Ben utilizes a new form. Llew meets some duergar. Krohl fights goblins. Raven investigates the hole in the farm. Cast: Ash: Krohl the Fallen Bee: Dungeon Master, Rackle, Farmer, Sana, Rumut, Goblins, Bear-Sana Harrison - Prince Llew Westaryn Ray: Raven RJ: Sir Ben, Goblin-Ben The Vassanoka Adventures is an original campaign created by Bee Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore Original Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme composed by Kyle Rice & RJ Moore, arranged by Justin Mattioli Additional music by Kevin MacLeod ( "Clash Defiant", "Stringed Disco" Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License


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The Return of Ornon, Episode 45: Epilogue for "Revenge" Arc (Season One)

Thank you so much to everyone who's joined along for the ride through "Revenge", the first arc of The Return of Ornon! Enjoy the epilogue to our first ever campaign we started back in 2018. Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our five heroes- Joshamee Rockhammer, Seebo Turen Nim, Ryder, Rhomash Scarbearer, and Joan Redsun- as they continue their journey in The Return of Ornon! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Joshamee fulfills his promise. Seebo discusses how to get his soul back. Ryder wants to get paid. Rhomash inquires about getting back his memories. Joan finds a message. Cast: Ash - Rhomash Scarbearer Bee - Seebo Turen Nim Harrison - Dungeon Master, Michael, King Ezra, Seth (talking), Sage, Larsen, Roland Ray - Ryder RJ - Joshamee Rockhammer, Joan Redsun, Seth (animal noises) The Return of Ornon is an original campaign created by Harrison Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore Original Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme melody by Kyle Rice Opening theme recorded and performed by Kyle Rice, remixed by RJ Moore Additional music by Ivan Duch ( "Spirit's Refuge" Additional music by ZitronSound ( "Winter", "Those Days", "Redemption" ZitronSound license info:


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The Vassanoka Adventures, Episode 20: Time in Harmony

Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our four heroes- Sir Ben, Llew Westaryn, Krohl the Fallen, and Raven- as they continue their journey in The Vassanoka Adventures! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Map of Vassanoka Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Ben has a decent night's rest. Llew finds a hole. Krohl gets an apology. Raven improves her arsenal. Cast: Ash - Krohl the Fallen Bee - Dungeon Master, Halfling Drivers, Sana, Rackle, Harmony Local, Earl, Harmony Stableworker, Harmony Bartender, Goblin, Farmer's Son Harrison - Prince Llew Westaryn Ray - Raven RJ - Sir Ben, Bears The Vassanoka Adventures is an original campaign created by Bee Owens Episode edited by Harrison Owens Original Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme composed by Kyle Rice & RJ Moore, arranged by Justin Mattioli Additional music by Ivan Duch ( "The Innkeeper", "The Monk of the Hidden Crane", "The Sea Wolves" Additional music by ZitronSound ( "Showdown", "Farewell" License:


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The Return of Ornon, Episode 44 ("Revenge" Arc/Season One Finale): Fate Always Demands a Price

Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our five heroes- Joshamee Rockhammer, Seebo Turen Nim, Ryder, Rhomash Scarbearer, and Míchael- as they continue their journey in The Return of Ornon! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Joshamee makes amends. Seebo visits a friend. Ryder does some finger guns. Rhomash grows up. Míchael levels up. Cast: Ash - Rhomash Scarbearer Bee - Seebo Turen Nim Bronson - Míchael Harrison - Dungeon Master, Tom Latutu Sim, Syle, Moradin, Devin, Temple Guard, High Priest of Bahamut, Maleocholas, Jarrus, Bahamut Ray - Ryder, Brunhilde Hearthome RJ - Joshamee Rockhammer, Seth, Joan Redsun The Return of Ornon is an original campaign created by Harrison Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore Original Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme melody by Kyle Rice Additional music by Ivan Duch ( "The Innkeeper", "Forgotten Kings", "Sad Strings", "The Mountain", "Old Creek Grove", "Emond's Field", "The Forest", "The Herbalist", "A Storm is Coming", "Takatown by the Lake", "Tuatha'an", "Basilica of the Heavens", "Into the Heart", "The Void Dragon", "Wasted Blood", "The Sea Wolves", "The Open Steppe", "Escape from Shader Logoth", "Marching Forward", "Bolarius Theme (Reimagined)", "The Last Stand" 'The Plains of Doom' monologue audio (from episode 16) in the opening theme was partially cleaned up and enhanced with assistance from the Adobe Podcast AI tool.


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The Return of Ornon: The Story So Far (A Summary of Episodes 1-43 by the Dungeon Master)

Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! If you're new and are wanting to get caught up on The Return of Ornon campaign before the big season finale tomorrow, our DM Harrison has recorded a summarized retelling of the entire season for you! Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord The Return of Ornon is an original campaign by Harrison Owens Edited by RJ Moore Original music and arrangements by RJ Moore Main theme melody composed by Kyle Rice "Wedding March" composed by Felix Mendelssohn "Bridal Chorus" composed by Richard Wagner "Entrance of the Gladiators" composed by Julius Fučík


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SEASON RECAP for The Return of Ornon, Episode 44 (Season 1 Finale)

NOTE: This is the recap of Episodes 1-43 of The Return of Ornon, for the Episode 44 season 1 finale. Episode 44 will be released Saturday, July 6, 2024 (EST). Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord The Return of Ornon is an original campaign created by Harrison Owens Episode clips and recap edited by RJ Moore "The Big Recap" song by RJ Moore


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The Return of Ornon, Episode 43: Escaping the Mind Flayer Lair

Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our five heroes- Joshamee Rockhammer, Seebo Turen Nim, Ryder, Rhomash Scarbearer, and Míchael- as they continue their journey in The Return of Ornon! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Joshamee gets into a collision. Seebo discusses a deal. Ryder Eldritch Blasts. Rhomash is imprisoned. Míchael traverses a staircase. Cast: Ash - Rhomash Scarbearer Bee - Seebo Turen Nim Bronson - Míchael Harrison - Dungeon Master, Seth, Mind Flayer Ray - Ryder RJ - Joshamee Rockhammer The Return of Ornon is an original campaign created by Harrison Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme melody by Kyle Rice


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The Vassanoka Adventures, Episode 19: Back on The Builders' Road

Program note: There is some unfortunate static-type noise in about the first four minutes of the session recording in this episode that was unable to be mitigated. The rest of the recording is fine, with only very minor noise at most from time to time. Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our four heroes- Sir Ben, Llew Westaryn, Krohl the Fallen, and Raven- as they continue their journey in The Vassanoka Adventures! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Map of Vassanoka Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Ben is distrusting of the dirt path. Llew learns about The Builders. Krohl investigates the lights. Raven cooks breakfast. Cast: Ash - Krohl the Fallen Bee - Dungeon Master, Rackle, Sana, Ferbert, Drivers Harrison - Prince Llew Westaryn Ray - Raven RJ - Sir Ben The Vassanoka Adventures is an original campaign created by Bee Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme composed by Kyle Rice & RJ Moore, arranged by Justin Mattioli


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The Return of Ornon, Episode 42: Contesting Captivity in the Mind Flayer Lair

Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our five heroes- Joshamee Rockhammer, Seebo Turen Nim, Ryder, Rhomash Scarbearer, and Míchael- as they continue their journey in The Return of Ornon! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Joshamee runs from a mind flayer. Seebo plays pied piper. Ryder finds a map. Rhomash gets separated. Míchael discovers a trap door. Cast: Ash - Rhomash Scarbearer Bee - Seebo Turen Nim Bronson - Míchael Harrison - Dungeon Master, Mind Flayers, Roland Ray - Ryder RJ - Joshamee Rockhammer The Return of Ornon is an original campaign created by Harrison Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme melody by Kyle Rice


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The Vassanoka Adventures, Episode 18: The Hunt for the Stolen Grain

Dear listeners: Starting with this episode, The Vassanoka Adventures will no longer feature recaps at the beginning of each episode. The time spent finding the clips needed from past episodes was far greater than we felt was worth spending. We may implement an alternate means of relaying relevant campaign info at the start of episodes going forward, but aren't sure yet how we would like to do so. Greetings, adventurers! Welcome to the Realms & Nerds podcast! Join our four heroes- Sir Ben, Llew Westaryn, Krohl the Fallen, and Raven- as they continue their journey in The Vassanoka Adventures! Like this episode? Share with friends, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to use the hashtag #RealmsNerds when posting online about the show! Map of Vassanoka Interested in hiring us to advertise your product or service on the podcast? Please email inquiries to Share the show! Support on Patreon! Follow us on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Facebook TikTok Red Blade Productions Discord Ben is forced to drink alcohol. Llew shoots some hoops with skulls. Krohl cheers on Ferbert. Raven receives unrequited romance. Cast: Ash - Krohl the Fallen Bee - Dungeon Master, Rackle, Sana, Firbolg Farmer, Firbolg Child, Game Master Harrison - Prince Llew Westaryn Ray - Raven RJ - Sir Ben, Ben the Firbolg The Vassanoka Adventures is an original campaign created by Bee Owens Episode edited by RJ Moore Realms & Nerds music by RJ Moore Main theme composed by Kyle Rice & RJ Moore, arranged by Justin Mattioli
