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For Pemberley

Christie Capps

Trigger warning: Chapter One has a failed sexual assault with no description of the attack itself. However, the emotional impacts are felt throughout the story. Can love grow from adversity? An attempted assault leaves Miss Elizabeth Bennet seeking tender comfort from the man she had, at one time, abhorred. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy's gentle compassion fosters a budding affection as the couple grows to acknowledge each other's weaknesses and failings while recognizing their own. From Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, we know Mr. Darcy as a man willing to make phenomenal changes for the woman he loves. Once proud and arrogant, he transforms into the gentleman women have admired for centuries. Through Elizabeth's eyes, we come to know him and see beyond the surface to the inner man - a man willing to give all he has for the woman he admires. As our heroine struggles with the aftermath of that life-changing event, we discover a strength of character we can admire and emulate. Not even the vile Mr. Wickham can keep Elizabeth Bennet from her happily-ever-after with the man of her dreams - Mr. Darcy. Duration - 2h 19m. Author - Christie Capps. Narrator - Stevie Zimmerman. Published Date - Monday, 09 January 2023. Copyright - © 2017 Joy Dawn King ©.


United States


Trigger warning: Chapter One has a failed sexual assault with no description of the attack itself. However, the emotional impacts are felt throughout the story. Can love grow from adversity? An attempted assault leaves Miss Elizabeth Bennet seeking tender comfort from the man she had, at one time, abhorred. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy's gentle compassion fosters a budding affection as the couple grows to acknowledge each other's weaknesses and failings while recognizing their own. From Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, we know Mr. Darcy as a man willing to make phenomenal changes for the woman he loves. Once proud and arrogant, he transforms into the gentleman women have admired for centuries. Through Elizabeth's eyes, we come to know him and see beyond the surface to the inner man - a man willing to give all he has for the woman he admires. As our heroine struggles with the aftermath of that life-changing event, we discover a strength of character we can admire and emulate. Not even the vile Mr. Wickham can keep Elizabeth Bennet from her happily-ever-after with the man of her dreams - Mr. Darcy. Duration - 2h 19m. Author - Christie Capps. Narrator - Stevie Zimmerman. Published Date - Monday, 09 January 2023. Copyright - © 2017 Joy Dawn King ©.



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