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The Horn and the Halo

Hilbert Bernard Pompey

The Horn and the Halo is about an angelic demon who somehow ended up with a halo wedged over one of his horns. His childlike behavior and animated thoughts compel you to see him as a lovable character although he can be very devilish. As Lord D’evil begins to plot against Thath, the book transitions to earth, where the Defense Forces (good guys and gals) are protecting the people of earth and the planet itself. The various characters in the military all play a vital role as a team to maintain the balance of the forces, as well as themselves. Each one is a very strong leader to include one of the new recruits. Although this is a fictional book, you might see yourself or someone you know in one or more of the characters. The book starts off in a very melodic poetry format articulated in rhyme similar to that of Dr. Seuss, except Bernard’s style goes from an urban Ebonics flair and the new and old biblical testament to scientific language, scholarly thought, and of course, his own developed language and grammar. The transitions of word styles and the creativity of the book’s journey is reminiscent of how we thought when we used to just simply go outside and play. The book is truly a reflection of Bernard’s freedom to express himself and his mind. Author - Hilbert Bernard Pompey. Narrator - Larry Herron. Published Date - Monday, 15 January 2024.


United States


The Horn and the Halo is about an angelic demon who somehow ended up with a halo wedged over one of his horns. His childlike behavior and animated thoughts compel you to see him as a lovable character although he can be very devilish. As Lord D’evil begins to plot against Thath, the book transitions to earth, where the Defense Forces (good guys and gals) are protecting the people of earth and the planet itself. The various characters in the military all play a vital role as a team to maintain the balance of the forces, as well as themselves. Each one is a very strong leader to include one of the new recruits. Although this is a fictional book, you might see yourself or someone you know in one or more of the characters. The book starts off in a very melodic poetry format articulated in rhyme similar to that of Dr. Seuss, except Bernard’s style goes from an urban Ebonics flair and the new and old biblical testament to scientific language, scholarly thought, and of course, his own developed language and grammar. The transitions of word styles and the creativity of the book’s journey is reminiscent of how we thought when we used to just simply go outside and play. The book is truly a reflection of Bernard’s freedom to express himself and his mind. Author - Hilbert Bernard Pompey. Narrator - Larry Herron. Published Date - Monday, 15 January 2024.



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