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A gaggle of young adults living in New York City, talking about film and gleefully wasting their lives on 16mm handouts


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A gaggle of young adults living in New York City, talking about film and gleefully wasting their lives on 16mm handouts



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Exile to the island of Elba sounds like a real treat. Vincent just got back and won't stop talking about the beautiful women and olive oil. Anyway, we don't think the French will love this hate film made by an English man, but that doesn't mean the ice battle didn't rule. You can't tell me the ice battle didn't rule.


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Killers of the Flower Moon

Vincent returns from his vast and ever-changing adventures to discuss Scorsese's latest flick with Andy and Danny. Hugo = best Scorsese, bite me.


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The Aviator's Wife

A continuation of our very Rohmerian summer, Eric has us nearly convinced that life is but a collection of ecstatic, unfortunate, and otherwise oddball afflictions of the heart. Check out our pod on Boyfriends and Girlfriends to see where we began in our Eric Rohmer retrospective. What could be better than walking, talking, brooding, cheating, and philosophizing in Paris?


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Boyfriends and Girlfriends / Asteroid City

Eric Rohmer's best film and Wes Anderson's worst. We spend the majority of our time exalting Rohmer 1987 summertime classic -- a charming escapist meditation on lovers, or as the New Yorker puts it, "matters of the heart". Vincent has temporarily returned to Taiwan, a thankful break for New York City women who spent the majority of June and July swooning after him. As Vincent puts it, "I was so disgusted by Anderson's latest excuse for a picture, it seemed the only logical course of action was to leave the country. Perhaps, by the time I return, he will have learned that films demand storytelling". Boyfriends and Girlfriends (0:00) Asteroid City (29:53)


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Episode 11 - Avatar: The Way of Water

Listen, we will defend Pandora and these blue people with the fullest might the podcast sphere has to offer. We also discuss why Dolby gets no respect, naturalism, familial drama, and Zoe Saldana’s underrated career.


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Episode 10 - Triangle of Sadness

Sadness is an apt term to describe Danny's reaction to this cynical (and thin) take on the socioeconomic state of the world. His Boston theater gave this a standing ovation and Cannes gave it the Palme d'Or. God damned moral relativists!


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Episode 9 - Late Spring

Who even gets married these days? Our pal Noriko certainly isn't biting in postwar Japan, but we figure our audience might have some sympathy for free spirits demanding freedom from the tyranny of this cruel, cruel world. Prepare yourself for looooong train scenes and the smiliest actress west of the Pacific.


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Episode 8 - Heat

Al Pacino vs. Robert De Niro - does the 90s crime thriller live up to its billing? Bill Simmons has done a podcast on Heat three times so we had to do it at least once. Morgan Carmen debuts, as Vincent is busy roaming the great plains of the United States preparing for Season 2.


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Episode 7 - Three Colors: Red

A short episode on Kieslowski's final piece in his meditative trilogy. One of only two films to receive exclusively perfect reviews. Danny launches a full scale investigation into the alleged classic which he claims is none other than "a slow burning disappointment." A shame to end the immaculate trilogy like this?? Andy thinks otherwise.


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Recapapalooza #1 (Episodes 1-6)

Holy cow! It's been quite a summer of romance and movies - we had to recap things for the memory banks. Vincent sat in a diner and ate 28 pancakes to deliberate for this pod, but he remains scarred from his travels.


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Episode 6 - Chinatown

Forget it, Vincent. It's Chinatown.


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Episode 5 - Seven Samurai

Vincent safely returned from Peru. Unfortunately he was quickly appointed as a shogun to protect hungry farmers, so we once again await his return. He writes, "my stay has been much less enjoyable than the film. I am served only millet, and there is no comic relief. Oh, how I wish you would send a Toshiro Mifune type rogue to pass the down time." Godspeed Vincent, we're looking for Toshiro.


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Episode 4 - Three Colors: Blue

A film that makes you despair and love in a more profound way. Even Andy's inability to see color could not stop this movie from carving a little place in his heart. Juliette Binoche and the apartment cat are big time 90s idols, and hey, if you're ever looking to diversify your palette with some European hues, this one's a stunner.


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Episode 3 - Aguirre, the Wrath of God

A slow burner indie kid classic. Director Werner Herzog and actor Klaus Kinski's tirades make for some wild stories, and their dizzying take on Disney's Jungle Cruise is one spooky trip down a river. When asked to reenact the perilous trip to Peru, Vincent accepted. We haven't seen him in 49 days but hope he returns soon.


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Episode 2 - Million Dollar Baby

We had an inkling that this was a forgotten classic of the 2000s, but watching it makes one understand why the sands of time have withered away at its reputation. Still, it's got quite a few charms and doesn't pull any punches! If you're looking to be quite sad for an afternoon, it has its use, there's no doubt.


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Episode 1 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

An exacting sentimental flick with a lot of modern adoration. We wanted to make sure this wasn't an overrated piece of 2000s canon overripe with manic pixie dream girl energy. Safe to say, it passed quality control - we really like this movie, especially Kirsten Dunst's antics and the way she says Nietzsche. Even that mid 2000s quirk lands most of the time! Vincent refused to dye his hair blue following the pod, but a petition to demand justice will circulate shortly.
