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The James Dunne Show - Running Podcast

Anchor FM

James Dunne is a runner, coach and sport rehabilitation therapist, best known for founding the popular online running resource Kinetic Revolution. Best described as not having been blessed with a typical runner's physique, James helps listeners navigate their running journey, while he explores his training and running performance.


United States


Anchor FM


James Dunne is a runner, coach and sport rehabilitation therapist, best known for founding the popular online running resource Kinetic Revolution. Best described as not having been blessed with a typical runner's physique, James helps listeners navigate their running journey, while he explores his training and running performance.







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Ep70: New Mum - Zero to Marathon in 16 Weeks?

In this episode of the podcast, I share some advice for Nicole, a new mother, who has the opportunity to run a marathon in 16 weeks time. The problem is: she's done zero running since childbirth nine months ago! I wanted to share my thoughts... Resources: Jeff Galloway's Run-Walk-Run Method: Ep70: Join our "Transform Your Running" Facebook Group:


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Ep69: Can You Run Through Shin Splints?

On this episode of my running podcast, I want to talk about shin splints! Such a painful and frustrating running injury. This is an audio version of a guest post on the Kinetic Revolution blog from running physio Brad Beer: Here's the episode I mention which talks about return to running plans: This is the FREE return to running programme...


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Ep68: 3 Marathon Training Mistakes to Avoid for Race Day Success

In this new episode of my running podcast, I want to elaborate on some of the marathon training tips I shared in a recent Facebook post, here: During this episode, I also mentioned a previous FB post about running at target marathon pace, and why it feels so hard sometimes. You can find this here: This VDOT calculator is one of my favourite online...


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Ep67: How often should us runners be doing our strength and mobility exercises?

How many times per week should us runners be doing our injury prevention workouts? That’s a question that comes my way from time to time, and the short version of the answer is “little and often” ⚡️ Let me elaborate… Here's the original post on Facebook: Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on: Instagram - Twitter -...


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Ep66: I'm Back! My Running Plans for 2019

It's been quite a while since I last uploaded a podcast episode, but I'M BACK! Just a really quick update today to let you know what to expect over coming weeks and months, as myself and Holly both prepare for marathons in early 2019 :) Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on: Instagram - Twitter -


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Ep65: My First Tough Mudder Experience

Yesterday, Holly and I took part in our first Tough Mudder event. We were invited to join Team TREK and run with some of their competition winners. Neither of us had ever done anything like this before, so it was ALL completely new! Take a listen and find out how we got on! Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on: Instagram - Twitter -


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Ep64: Why Does My Heart Rate Increase Throughout a Steady Run?

You may have seen this pattern too: Having finished a steady paced run you notice that your pace stayed reasonably constant, your perceived effort remained even throughout, but your heart rate data shows that your heart rate increased throughout the session. Sounds familiar? Let's discuss why that happens,,, Take a listen and let me know what you think! Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on: Instagram -...


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Ep63: Prepare Your Legs for Running Downhill

We've all been there... the day after a tough race or long hilly run, you wake up and your quads are wrecked! In this episode of my daily running podcast, I talk about the importance of conditioning your legs for an upcoming hilly run, particularly one with lots of downhill! Resources: Bulgarian Split Squat Variation [video]: Decline Squat [video]: Downhill Running Technique [video]:...


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Ep62: When Did You Last Check Your Blood Pressure?

I've been missing here on my "daily podcast" for the last few days... Let me explain what's been going on. Take a listen and let me know what you think! Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on: Instagram - Twitter -


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Ep61: Tina Muir on Learning to Run by Feel & Understanding the Effort Scale

Today we're doing something a little different... Elite GB Distance Runner Tina Muir is taking-over my podcast for today, and speaking about the benefits of learning to run by feel. Tina and I swapped podcasts for today, which means I presented an episode on her show, Tina4Real: Tina's Effort Scale Resource & PDF: Take a listen and let...


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Ep60: How to Estimate Your Sweat Rate. How Much Should You Be Drinking During & After Running?

In this episode of my daily running podcast, I want to share a practical tip with you, to help estimate how much you sweat when you run, and thus get a good indication of how much you need to be drinking during and after your workouts and races. Take a listen and let me know what you think! Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on: Instagram - Twitter -


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Ep59: Running Form - Simple Tips to Increase Your Cadence

Today’s episode is all about running form. Specifically your running cadence (a.k.a. leg speed, step rate, stride frequency, etc… ). I want to share some tips with you for how you can easily work on improving your cadence, and why some runners might want to do so. Take a listen and let me know what you think! Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on: Instagram - Twitter -...


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Ep58: My Pace or Yours? Training with Your Partner...

On this episode of my daily running podcast, I wanted to share some advice about how my partner Holly and I manage to train together effectively, despite being very different paced runners. Take a listen and let me know what you think! Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on: Instagram - Twitter -


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Ep57: Training Tips for Your First Half Marathon

In this episode of my daily running podcast, I want to answer a question that’s come-in via Facebook. Ylva is looking to run her first half marathon in a few months. She’s fairly new to running, currently able to run 6km, and asking for training tips… I thought I’d share the story of how Holly successfully trained for her first half marathon last year, from a very similar start-point. Here's the link to see Holly's simple "first time half marathon" plan:...


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Ep56: Build Running Strength with this Kenyan Hills Workout

As part of my own personal running challenge to run more than 1000m vertical gain each week this month, I'm going to be doing lots of different types of hill workout; Kenyan Hills is one such workout! In today's episode, I want to give you the details so that you can go and try these Kenyan Hills workouts for yourself... Take a listen and let me know what you think! Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on: Instagram -...


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Ep55: Three Lessons Learnt by Running Every Day in May

In this episode of my daily running podcast, I want to quickly reflect on some of the most important lessons I've learnt through running every day in the last month. It's been a lot of fun, and a challenge I'm very pleased to have set myself... I'd love to hear your thoughts on some of the lessons this little challenge has taught me. Take a listen and let me know what you think! Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on:...


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Ep54: Yoga for Runners - My Thoughts & Experiences

Let’s talk about Yoga and whether it's helpful for runners… Fairly frequently, I’m asked whether Yoga provides benefits to runners. In this episode of my daily running podcast, I wanted to share my thoughts and experiences around Yoga, and why I think it’s great for runners and athletes of all types. Take a listen and let me know what you think! Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on: Instagram -...


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Ep53: Running Parkrun as Part of Your Long Slow Run

Today I wanted to answer a question that has come-in from a listener via Twitter. Pyper wanted to know about using parkrun as part of her long slow run during marathon training. I know this is something I talk to many of my coaching clients about, as many of them are keen to keep going with the social side of parkrun, and still run with their friends each week. Take a listen and let me know what you think! Check out our FREE thirty day challenge:...


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Ep52: June Running Challenge - Looks Like I Need to Find More Hills

I've been thinking about what I can do next month to build upon my "Every day in May" challenge this month... Something I know I lack here in Norfolk is hilly running routes, so I'm going to set myself the challenge next month to try and achieve 1,000 meters vertical gain per week with my running. To some that won't seem like much... but to me it'll be a big step-up and will build some great leg strength! Are you going to join me? Here's the hill running research I was talking about:...


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Ep51: Road, Trail, Grass, Track... Where Should You Run?

Today I want to quickly answer a question that has been sent-in by a listener. The question is all about running surface; is it best to run on the road, on trails, on track, grass, or another type of ground? Check out Q The Nurse's podcast on Anchor: Take a listen and let me know what you think! Check out our FREE thirty day challenge: Follow me on: Instagram - Twitter -...
