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Garbanzo Spanish Podcast

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Learn Spanish through stories! Garbanzo helps you to learn a language in the way your brain was designed. Powerful storytelling with comprehensible language makes Garbanzo the best way to learn Spanish!


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Learn Spanish through stories! Garbanzo helps you to learn a language in the way your brain was designed. Powerful storytelling with comprehensible language makes Garbanzo the best way to learn Spanish!



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Season 3: Episode 30: El Basilisco

We’ve got a rooster laying an egg and a snake incubating it… what could go wrong? Find out in this episode! Core Vocab: caballero (knight), secuestrar (kidnap), brujo (sorcerer), salió (left) For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit


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Season 3: Episode 29: El Caleuche

Hear about a Chilean ghost ship called “El Caleuche” which sometimes can be found, and sometimes can’t be found, in the waters of southern Chile. Core Vocab: buque (ship), tripulantes (crewmembers), nadie conoce (nobody knows), and agarran (grab) For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit


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Season 3: Episode 28: El Cuero

In this episode, you will hear about a whole species of terrifying creature from Chile! El Cuero lurks near the shore waiting to devour its next victim. Listen to learn its habits and how to defeat it! Core Vocab: cuero, pieles, manta, puede volar, ojos rojos, garras, ventosa, lagos, orilla, se acerca, agarra For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit


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Season 3: Episode 27: El Sombrerón

This episode is sure to have you running for the scissors! Listen to this legend from Guatemala about a peculiar man with an even more peculiar interest in long hair. Core Vocab: hombre, trenza el pelo, duerme, come, está triste For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit


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Season 3: Episode 26: La Cuyancúa

If you are visiting Sonsonate in El Salvador, beware La Cuyancúa! It may seem harmless enough at first, but you don’t want to run into it and find out what befalls its victims! Core Vocab: dice, tiene, quiere, puede, cerdo, serpiente, lluvia For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit


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Season 3: Episode 25: La leyenda del mate

Do you enjoy a steaming cup of mate every once in a while? Or maybe you’re having one right now! Whether you're a mate connoisseur or are hearing about this delicious drink for the first time, this episode is sure to be entertaining and informative! Find out the mystical origins of this famous South American beverage! This episode goes best with Somos 1 Unit 10. Core Vocab: luna, nube, tierra, tiene hambre. For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit


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Season 3: Episode 24: La leyenda de la araña

Is there any punishment when a leader neglects their duties? They may be the boss in their communities, but do they have to answer to anyone? Find out in this episode where we will hear the Quechua legend of a petulant princess and what befalls her. Core Vocab: tiene miedo, mira, hacia, dios, oro For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit


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Season 3: Episode 23: La leyenda del murciélago

This Mexican legend tells the tale of a bat who has his greatest wish granted. How will it turn out for him? Will it be everything he dreamed of or will he fly too close to the sun? Core Vocab: mira, hacia, vuela, triste, plumas For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, click here!


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Season 2: Episode 22: La leyenda de los hermanos Ayar

Have you ever wondered how Cusco was founded? In this episode, listen as Walter Rodriguez Martinez recounts the Incan legend of the Ayar Brothers whose journey led to the settlement of Cusco. Four brothers set out… how many will reach their destination? Core Vocab: tiene miedo, hacia, hermano, mira For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit


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Season 3: Episode 21: El Chupacabras

When farmers find their goats mysteriously drained of blood, will they believe the investigators’ claims that coyotes are to blame? Or, will they suspect something more sinister like… El Chupacabras? The Garbanzo Spanish Podcast is back for Season 3 with a fun theme - legends of the Spanish speaking world! Check out the first episode of the new season! Core Vocab: busca, encuentra, sabes, cabra, sangre, chupa, mata, muerta For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit !


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Season 2: Episode 20 BONUS: Paititi

Listen as the Garbanzo team imagine what the expedition to find the lost city of Paititi may have looked like! (Featuring the writing talents of Andrea Giganti Dima and performances from Andrea Giganti Dima, Borja Odriozola, Johanna Ruiz Fajardo, Paulino Brener, and Walter Rodriguez Martinez.) Core Vocab: selva, ciudad, donde, hay, caminar, ir, saber, volver For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit


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Season 2: Episode 20: En busca de Paititi

In the Amazon there is a lost city of gold! Or, is there? Listen to this episode about a group of explorers looking for the lost city of Paititi, or, in Spanish - El Dorado! Core Vocab: ciudad, leyenda, realidad, dónde está For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit


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Season 2: Episode 19: ¿Qué es el elote?

¿Qué es el elote? That’s exactly what you’ll be learning in this episode! Listen as Nelly tells us all about this delicious Mexican street food! This episode comes from the Somos 1 Unit 8 extension and uses core vocabulary comida callejera, es probable que conozcas, encontrar, and sabes. For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit


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Season 2: Episode 18: ¿Dónde está Tisha?

Have you ever had a pet go missing in your house? Perhaps a small one? Perhaps an eight-legged one? Check out this episode of the podcast to find out what happens when Leroy’s pet goes missing! It’s quite the arachnid adventure! This episode comes from Somos 1 Unit 8 and uses core vocabulary busca, encuentra, and sabes. For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit !


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Season 2: Episode 17: El león y el ratón

What happens when the powerful suddenly find themselves vulnerable? Will anyone be willing and able to step in and help them? Maybe! In this episode, El león y el ratón, based on the well-known Aesop’s Fable, find out what happens when a lion and a mouse cross paths! Core Vocab: tienes que, le ayuda, no puede (hacer), simpático For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit .


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Season 2: Episode 16: Sí, 3PO

Do you have one of those names that people are always mispronouncing? In this episode you will hear about a frustrated android who can’t make himself understood in his new Spanish class. This episode comes from Somos 1 Unit 6. Core Vocab: Idioma, se sienta, se levanta, le grita For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit!


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Season 2: Episode 15: Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl (Parte 2)

Popocatépetl is victorious, but another warrior is determined to marry Iztaccíhuatl and seize power for himself! Will the warrior’s evil plan pay off, or will love triumph? This episode is based on the simplest version of Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl available on Garbanzo and is told by Nelly Andrade Hughes. Core Vocab: quiere ser, está enojado, dice, gusta For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit !


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Season 2: Episode 14: Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl (Parte 1)

The leader of the Aztecs has a plan to find a husband for his daughter and a new leader to replace him, but not everyone agrees on who that should be! Listen to this story to find out if love can find a way! This episode is based on the simplest version of Popocatépetl e Iztaccíhuatl available on Garbanzo and is told by Nelly Andrade Hughes. Core Vocab: quiere ser, está enojado, dice, gusta. For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit !


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Season 2: Episode 13: El pingüino

Episode 13, “El pingüino,” is about someone with a brother, a girlfriend, and a problem. Camila Del Castillo tells this story using controlled language suitable for beginners, especially those who have listened to the first 12 episodes of the podcast! Core Vocab: quiere ser, está enojado, hermano, novia For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit !


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Season 2: Episode 12: Amigos internacionales en el zoológico

Episode 12, "Amigos internacionales en el zoológico," will bring you along on a trip to the zoo made by students from the Cusco International School. This is a script style episode with many voice artists contributing their talents. Estela Tuchez narrates and jumps in to make sure listeners are understanding everything! Core Vocab: ¿Cómo se dice?, se dice, and llama (llamar) For transcript, teaching ideas, and printables, visit .
