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Thriving through Menopause with Fitness, Fat Loss and a Focused Mind

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Ready to cancel your midlife hormones membership? Struggling to feel good in your own skin? Wish you had the energy to fix hormone imbalances? Tried every weight loss diet plan but nothing works? Ready to take your Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle to the next level? And the BIGGEST question of all - can I lose weight in menopause and keep it off while living my best life? Thriving through Menopause podcast gives you the tools and actionable steps you need to create change to experience weight loss in midlife. Join me each week on the "Honeycast" as I break down the exact steps you can take to create the life that you want to live. Get free from dieting, free from sabotaging thoughts, and free from counting calories. Menopause is not a time to experiment, get clear answers to weight loss, stabilized hormones, best exercises, and more. Grab your 5 secrets to overcome midlife weight gain HERE JOIN our lively Facebook community and get the knowledge you need to lose the weight you don't want HERE


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Ready to cancel your midlife hormones membership? Struggling to feel good in your own skin? Wish you had the energy to fix hormone imbalances? Tried every weight loss diet plan but nothing works? Ready to take your Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle to the next level? And the BIGGEST question of all - can I lose weight in menopause and keep it off while living my best life? Thriving through Menopause podcast gives you the tools and actionable steps you need to create change to experience weight loss in midlife. Join me each week on the "Honeycast" as I break down the exact steps you can take to create the life that you want to live. Get free from dieting, free from sabotaging thoughts, and free from counting calories. Menopause is not a time to experiment, get clear answers to weight loss, stabilized hormones, best exercises, and more. Grab your 5 secrets to overcome midlife weight gain HERE JOIN our lively Facebook community and get the knowledge you need to lose the weight you don't want HERE



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#64 The Surprising Reason Exercise is Making You Tired and How to Make it Better

Could tiredness after working out be more than the need for a cool down? Life after 40 continues to amaze and confuse but if you experience more exhaustion than you deem normal after your workout or intense activity, then you may experience something called “exercise intolerance.” There can be many reasons for exercise intolerance, but don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you're intolerant of exercising because you don't like it. That’s an excuse, but I'm talking about actual physical things that are going on in your body that are pulling down your energy levels. I’ve spent the past few months healing from my own “exercise intolerance,” and I’m sharing what worked for me on today’s Honeycast. SHOW NOTES → 🛑 STOP THE BELLY FAT AFTER 40 WITH MY FREE GUIDE → 🤪 GAINING WEIGHT, WONDERING IF HORMONES ARE TO BLAME? GET MY FREE GUIDE AND FIND OUT → 🫨 FREE VIBRATION PLATE WORKOUT FOR THE WOMAN OVER 40 → 🛒 MY AMAZON STORE → 🥰 WHAT I USE, MY FAVORITE BIO-HACK TOOLS → 🤩 JOIN MY TRIBE MEMBERSHIP - FAT LOSS MADE EASY FOR THE TRIM HEALTHY MAMA IN MIDLIFE → -------------- ⁣ 👋🏽 SAY HI ON SOCIAL: → Facebook: → Instagram: 🖥 VISIT MY WEBSITE: → 🙌🏽 START YOUR FEMININE FREEDOM PATH: → -------------- NOTE: Just a heads-up, this description has affiliate links that help you find the stuff I mentioned in the podcast and support the channel without costing you anything extra. If you decide to use them, I might earn a little bit, but there's absolutely no pressure to do so. Thanks a bunch for your support! LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS PODCAST: DEBRA ATKINSON: FLIPPING FIFTY>> VIBRATION PLATE I USE>> FREE VIBRATION PLATE WORKOUTS>> FINDING A FUNCTIONAL PRACTITIONER>> TRIM HEALTHY PROTEIN POWDERS Optimized Whey Protein powder: Optimized Plant Protein powder: Essential Amino Acids: MUSIC PROVIDED BY -


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#63 Is Your Thyroid To Blame? Solving The Weight Gain Puzzle

Ever wondered if your thyroid might be the culprit in your struggle to lose weight now that you're in midlife? Join me as we piece together the weight gain puzzle and uncover how a sluggish thyroid could be holding you back. I’ll share my own thyroid journey, common symptoms to watch out for, and why a simple TSH test isn’t enough. And if you're wondering how you can get the help you need, we'll chat about finding the right practitioner, getting a comprehensive thyroid panel, and practical tips to get your thyroid back on track. Whether you’re struggling with weight loss, low energy, or just not feeling your best, this episode is for you. Let’s give your thyroid the attention it deserves and solve this puzzle together! Tune in and take the first step towards feeling fabulous again. 📝 SHOW NOTES → 🛑 STOP THE BELLY FAT AFTER 40 WITH MY FREE GUIDE → 🤪 GAINING WEIGHT, WONDERING IF HORMONES ARE TO BLAME? GET MY FREE GUIDE AND FIND OUT → 🫨 FREE VIBRATION PLATE WORKOUT FOR THE WOMAN OVER 40 → 🛒 MY AMAZON STORE → 🥰 WHAT I USE, MY FAVORITE BIO-HACK TOOLS → 🤩 JOIN MY TRIBE MEMBERSHIP - FAT LOSS MADE EASY FOR THE TRIM HEALTHY MAMA IN MIDLIFE → -------------- ⁣ 👋🏽 SAY HI ON SOCIAL: → Facebook: → Instagram: 🖥 VISIT MY WEBSITE: → 🙌🏽 START YOUR FEMININE FREEDOM PATH: → -------------- NOTE: Hey there! Just a heads-up, this description has affiliate links that help you find the stuff I mentioned in the podcast and support the channel without costing you anything extra. If you decide to use them, I might earn a little bit, but there's absolutely no pressure to do so. Thanks a bunch for your support! I am not a medical professional. As a Trim Healthy Mama coach, I am not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you read on this website. Do not start or stop any medications without speaking to your medical or health provider. MUSIC PROVIDED BY -


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#62 How to Get a Good Mindset to Lose Weight in Midlife

Do you know the secrets to achieving a positive mindset for weight loss in midlife? Discover how Ruth, my coaching client, discovered the 6 keys to losing weight and getting healthy in her midlife. I know you’ll be inspired and ready to adapt these 6 keys to your own healthy and weight loss journey. Through personal & group coaching, Ruth was able to identify her challenges and create a path of practical steps to overcome and achieve lasting health. Tune in to hear practical tips, effective strategies, and motivational insights tailored for midlife women looking to transform their health and fitness journey. Learn how to get a good mindset to lose weight, stay motivated, and achieve your wellness goals! SHOW NOTES → 🛑 STOP THE BELLY FAT AFTER 40 WITH MY FREE GUIDE → 🤪 GAINING WEIGHT, WONDERING IF HORMONES ARE TO BLAME? GET MY FREE GUIDE AND FIND OUT → 🫨 FREE VIBRATION PLATE WORKOUT FOR THE WOMAN OVER 40 → 🛒 MY AMAZON STORE → 🥰 WHAT I USE, MY FAVORITE BIO-HACK TOOLS → 🤩 JOIN MY TRIBE MEMBERSHIP - FAT LOSS MADE EASY FOR THE TRIM HEALTHY MAMA IN MIDLIFE → -------------- ⁣ 👋🏽 SAY HI ON SOCIAL: → Facebook: → Instagram: 🖥 VISIT MY WEBSITE: → 🙌🏽 START YOUR FEMININE FREEDOM PATH: → -------------- NOTE: Hey there! Just a heads-up, this description has affiliate links that help you find the stuff I mentioned in the podcast and support the channel without costing you anything extra. If you decide to use them, I might earn a little bit, but there's absolutely no pressure to do so. Thanks a bunch for your support!


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#61 The Truth About Why It’s So Hard to Lose Weight in Menopause

Welcome to the Honey Cast! In this episode, we chat about the common struggle many women face: why is it so hard to lose weight in menopause? I'll talk practical tips and strategies to help you overcome the unique challenges of weight loss in your 40s and beyond. And I'll discuss the importance of managing expectations, making consistent healthy choices, and building self-trust. You'll learn how to incorporate protein into your diet effectively, avoid inflammatory foods, and find enjoyment in your exercise routine. Whether you’re just starting your journey or looking for ways to stay motivated, this episode is packed with valuable insights to support you every step of the way. Don’t miss it! SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: Wondering if you need the Trim Healthy ESSENTIALS? Download my FREE video teaching series and learn why they matter and how to use them. If you're looking for more comprehensive guidance on navigating weight loss in menopause, download my free eBook HOW TO SHED BELLY FAT AFTER 40. It's packed with valuable insights and practical tips to support your weight loss journey. Click the link below to get your copy. Download My Free HOW TO SHED BELLY FAT AFTER 40 eBook.


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#60 Is This Stopping You From Losing Weight? Click PLAY to Find Out!

If you're spinning in a cycle of feeling you lack discipline and are tired of failing in your pursuit of weight loss in menopause. Let me assure you that you're wrong. Sure, habits help, and consistency matters but those aren't why you are failing. In fact, I would say that if you don't have this one key thing supporting your daily decisions, you are pretty much guaranteed to fail. What could hold that much weight and importance? Your level of commitment! I won't spill all the beans right here but if you aren't ALL-IN for yourself and what you need to do to lose weight, gain more energy, shrink those fat cells and get your body moving, then making any changes will be a struggle and will be likely to fail. Join me as I share how to achieve success in your health goals, no matter your age, by choosing to be committed. SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain:


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#59 Stop Weight Frustration In Midlife For Mind-blowing Breakthrough Results

I'm chatting with my good friend, Debbie, on the HoneyCast today and I can't wait for you to hear all the golden nuggets of wisdom that Debbie share with us. Debbie is a fellow Trim Healthy coach and shares her life-long struggle with excess weight and what FINALLY worked to help her release the pounds without sacrificing her principles. Coach Debbie outlines how she shifted her mindset and her eating plan to reduce her fasting blood sugar and insulin resistance. She didn't want to use GLP1 drugs to help her lose weight, so she had to dig in and learn what would work for her over-50 body to lose over 30 pounds in just a few months. You'll learn how to dial in your eating plan, add more veggies without eating more lettuce and why you should never give up on yourself. Find Coach Debbie Martin HERE: WEBSITE: 👉🏻12-WEEK COACHING PROGRAM: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: 🥕Grab Coach Debbie's Oh-Oh-Oh-O'Salad recipe HERE: SHOW LINKS: WEBSITE: GET COACHED WITH KRIS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: Learn how to uplevel your protein game with amino acids! Music provided by:


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#58 9 Eye-Opening Tips To Lose Weight After 40 Simplified

Why is losing weight after 40 so hard? Weight gain and loss are huge issues in midlife for most women and today on the HoneyCast we are talking about both. Why are you gaining weight and how do you lose it for good? I'm sharing 9 practical tips for you to start implementing to create the best path for stopping the extra weight gain and to position yourself to shed unwanted fat. So, even though this is a common struggle for women over 40, it doesn't have to be your struggle. SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain:


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#57 Reclaim Motivation in Menopause for Powerful Resilience

Today, we're getting real about motivation—yeah, that elusive thing we're all chasing. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of igniting your inner fire, even when motivation feels like it's playing hide and seek. I'll show you how to walk towards better motivation and more resilience and share some personal insights and strategies that have helped me kickstart my motivation engine. Spoiler alert: it's all about flipping the script and realizing that action doesn't wait for motivation—it's the other way around. We'll chat about bypassing those pesky internal debates about whether you feel like doing something or not. Plus, I'll let you in on a little secret: reframing tasks as non-negotiable commitments is a game-changer when it comes to beating procrastination and those negative thoughts. But wait, there's more! We'll also talk about finding joy and gratitude in the everyday stuff, because trust me, it's a total game-changer for keeping that motivation train chugging along. And get this—your thoughts? Yeah, they can make or break your success. By the end of this episode, you'll be armed with the awareness to recognize and redirect those sneaky thought patterns, unlocking a whole new level of motivation and fulfillment in your life. So, if you're ready to stop waiting around for inspiration to knock on your door and start making things happen, you're in the right place. Let's kick some motivation butt together! SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: #womenover40 #womenover50 #unmotivated #trimhealthycoach #trimhealthymama #midlifeblues


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#56 Had Enough Sleepless Nights? Get Sleep Secrets For Midlife

Sleep can be tricky… Especially after 40. I’m sharing what I know that might work to help you get better sleep in the middle of lots of hormonal changes. Get ready to learn how to reclaim your nights and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. Don't hit that snooze button on this episode—it's packed with all the secrets to thriving in midlife and beyond with better sleep habits. >>> You can find two of my favorite sleep helps in my Amazon store: Bamboo Sheets are so soft and help keep my body temperature cool all night. I use my Vibration Plate as part of my fitness and healing routine. You can check out the one I use in my Amazon store. SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: #womenover40 #womenover50 #womenover60 #menopausesleep #trimhealthy


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#55 5 Fat-Burning Foods Proven To Get You Results

Today, we're diving into the nitty-gritty of fat burning, especially that pesky midlife belly fat. As a fellow Trim Healthy Mama, I get the struggle, which is why I'm excited to share the top 5 foods that can totally rev up your metabolism and get you on track to feeling awesome. From busting myths about belly fat to uncovering the magic of simple dietary changes, we're gonna explore how to turn your body into a fat-burning machine. So grab a drink, get comfy, and let's tackle this fat-burning journey together! SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: #womenover50 #womenover40 #trimhealthymama #midlifeweightloss


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#54 Ultimate Guide to Muscle Building: Tips for Women Over 40

How important is building muscle for weight loss? Correct answer: it’s HUGE Weight training is your key needle-moving exercise after 40. Are you ready to suck out that excess glucose? Build muscle. Want to slim down that waistline? Build muscle. Want to rock your midlife and experience anti-aging? Then build some muscle. Listen in for strength training tips and wisdom. SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Trim Healthy Workouts: Lift with Cee: Heather Robertson: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: Download your FREE ebook all about getting adequate protein from Essential Amino Acids.


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#53 The Truth about Detox to Energize Your Midlife

In this episode of the Honey Cast, I open up about my personal journey of midlife detoxification and restoration. From overcoming health setbacks to prioritizing self-care, I share the practical steps I took to support my body during this trying time. Listen into my story as I discuss the challenges I faced and the strategies I implemented to reclaim my energy. Whether navigating midlife challenges or simply seeking ways to optimize your health, this episode offers valuable insights and actionable tips to support your journey towards greater well-being. Join me and discover how you can unlock better energy and start on your own midlife detox journey today! SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: 🎧Listen to Part 1 of my Restoration Journey HERE>> 🛒You can find the products I talk about in this episode by clicking HERE>> 🛒Visit my Amazon Store for more detox and self-care products like the ones I use: Are you stuck in your Trim Healthy weight loss journey now that you’ve hit menopause? JOIN TRIBE membership Today and Discover the keys to unlock your fat-burning potential - even in your midlife season. JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: I am not a medical professional. As a Trim Healthy Mama coach, I am not providing healthcare, medical, or nutritional therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue. The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. Always seek advice from your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before undertaking a new health regimen. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you read on this website. Do not start or stop any medications without speaking to your medical or health provider.


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#52 How to Stop Food Cravings During Menopause: Strategies to be Trim and Healthy

Welcome to the Honey Cast! In this episode, I’m talking about one of the most pressing issues for women over 40: how to stop sugar cravings during menopause. Coach Kris Honeycutt here; I’m a seasoned midlife weight loss and Trim Healthy coach with personal experience in overcoming sugar addiction; in this episode, I unpack powerful strategies to help you regain control over your eating habits and conquer those irresistible cravings. From understanding the root causes of cravings to implementing practical mindset shifts and actionable techniques, this episode equips you with the tools you need to navigate menopausal sugar and junk food cravings with confidence. Whether struggling to shed excess weight, frustrated with slow progress, or simply seeking a healthier lifestyle, tune in to discover how to take charge of your health journey starting today. SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain:


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#51 Energize your Weight loss journey with key Secrets to Midlife Health

Welcome to Thriving Through Menopause, where we walk together through the maze of midlife weight loss. Join me, Coach Kris Honeycutt, as I share heartfelt stories, expert insights, and strategic advice tailored for the resilient women navigating their unique midlife weight loss journey. On today’s episode of what I affectionately call the “honey cast,” you’ll discover the wisdom of daily recommitment, the beauty in slow progress, and the strength to overcome obstacles. This episode is about celebrating victories, visualizing your future self, and embracing a lifestyle change that aligns with your midlife health goals. Tune in, and let's make your midlife weight loss journey one of strength, patience, grace, and success. SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: Are you ready to imagine a slimmer, healthier you? Sign up to get your FREE guide - How to Shed Belly Fat after 40:


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#50 Unlock Your Power: Decision-Making Magic for Women Over 40!

Ready to unlock the magic of decision-making? Join me in today’s Honeycast episode, "Unlock Your Power: Decision-Making Magic for Women Over 40!" Discover the secrets to making quality decisions, overcoming confusion, and persistently thriving on your health journey. I’ll guide you through actionable strategies, share inspiring stories, and empower you to embrace your power at 40 and beyond. Tune in and let the magic begin! NEW FREEBIE just for you! "How to Shed Belly Fat After 40" - Download your copy HERE >> SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM:


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#49 Nourishing Wellness: Amy's Surprising Journey To A Healthier Life

I'm so excited to share my visit with Coach Amy Gaskin on the HoneyCast today! Amy is one of the fabulous coaches with Trim Healthy and is a powerhouse of energy, wisdom and truth-telling. She shares with us her surprising journey to wellness and weight loss—a journey filled with hope in the midst of pain, trauma and confusion. Listen as Amy shares her passion for helping women take hold of their power and care for themselves. Coach Amy brings so many great thoughts and tips to the table as we discuss her coaching methods and programs. You can find Amy here: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain:


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#48 What Happens When Hormones Go Crazy? Better Strategies For Women Part 2

We're diving deep into actionable strategies to support your hormones, fuel your fat-burning journey, and navigate the twists of menopause. This isn't just about weight loss; it's a Trim Healthy/Whole Food approach to living your best second half-life. If you've been wondering where to start or what works and what doesn't, then tune in and keep your notebook handy! I'll be covering SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: GRAB your free guide to Essential Amino Acids from Trim Healthy


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#47 What Happens When Hormones Go Crazy? Better Strategies For Women Part 1

Welcome to another episode of The Honey Cast! 🎙️ Join me as we dive deep into the world of midlife hormones, where we're not just surviving but thriving in the beautiful chaos of menopause. In this episode, I share my journey through the twists and turns of hormonal fluctuations. From the unexpected muffin top dilemma to the anxiety-inducing stress eating, I've been there, and I get it. But this isn't just a story of struggle; it's about resilience and empowerment. I open up about my ongoing battle with hormonal imbalances, the dental work detour that threw my body off course, and my relentless pursuit of balance. Hormones play a huge role in our bodies, influencing everything from metabolism to mood, and I'm here to break down the science and share practical tips to harmonize your hormonal chaos. I’ll explore the impact of declining estrogen, the crucial role of insulin, and the intricate dance with cortisol that can lead to unexpected weight gain. But it's not all about the struggle; it's about solutions, from the power of hormone replacement therapy to debunking myths and embracing the potential of building muscle in midlife. I spill the beans on my own fitness journey, the challenges, the breakthroughs, and the ongoing process of sculpting a body that feels like home. And because health is holistic, I’ll talk about daily habits that weave hormonal harmony into our lives. From deep-breathing rituals to the art of resetting, I share personal experiences and a checklist of habits that have become my daily allies. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's unravel the hormone puzzle together. SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain:


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#46 Balancing Act: Work, Life, and Menopause Survival Strategies

Let's talk about the nuances of menopause, family crises, and the balancing act between work and life. Coach Kris is getting personal today and sharing practical strategies for resilience, valuable self-care insights, and actionable tips to harmonize hormones while fostering overall well-being. If you're struggling with health issues layered on top of family crises or work stress, then take a listen to learn ways to support and care for yourself without guilt or overwhelm. "In this season of menopause, I will say what I've learned is that we become less resilient, and I didn't really like hearing that news." SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain: PRODUCTS MENTIONED IN TODAY'S EPISODE Desk Treadmill & Vibration Plate: Get Your Trim ON Amazon Store Infrared Sauna Detox Products: Get Your Trim ON Amazon Store Vibration Plate workouts How Tapping Calms Anxiety & Stress: Take a Deep Breath: Abide Meditaions:


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#45 How To Navigate Disappointment In Your Health Journey Setbacks

Life often brings disappointments, and today, I'm sharing my personal experience, particularly in the context of my health journey and recent experience. Disappointment is a common companion in our pursuits, whether it's achieving goals or navigating the challenges of a weight loss and health journey. Join me as I share the profound lessons from my recent setbacks and disappointments. We'll explore the power of shifting perspectives, identifying success amidst setbacks, and anchoring in commitment beyond immediate results. SHOW LINKS: SHOW NOTES: JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK: FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM: Get your FREE copy of 6 Signs of Hormonal Weight Gain:
